Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 26 Apr 1962, p. 12

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r Pigt Twelve THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Thursday, April 26, 1962 C> Name Top Honor Roll Students Top students in McHenry high school were placed on the "A" honor roll this past week as follows: J Seniors Jackie Cannon and Peggy Marchi. Juniors John Bailey, Don Cameron, Marcy Christenson, R e b e cca Dal by, Susan Prawl, Sandy Spohr and Linda Wallar. Sophomores Genevieve Adams, Leslie Decker, Carla Dietz, Trudy Freund. Sharon Hoffman, Barbara Jandt, Jerry Koepke, Kathleen Leibach, Chrysande Levesque, Susan Marchi. Christine Oleszczuk, Valerie Peterson and Ricky Prlne. Freshmen James Anderson, Lynn Baker, Robert Beck, Diane Bjork, Susan Farr, Geraldine Fidler, Linda Gallas, Wayne Hiller, . Shery Hughes, Ronald Johnson, Gary Lockwood, Jim Meeker, S u s a ft Messamore, Judy Palmbach, Mary Lynn Reihansperger, Sherilyn \ Schultz, Richard Smith, Gary SSnell, Louise Sompel, Janice Sturm and Gaye Vinsik. On the "B" plus roll are the following: Seniors Dorothy Curran, Sue Dahlquist, Dennis Martell, Chuck Miller, Mary Jane Pitzen, Marc i a P r e t z m a n a n d B e r n i c e Stelljes. JCDOkM Janice Bush, Nancy Howe, Richard Johnson, Albert Kissling, Kathy Kozicki, Lorraine Lid, Susan Murray, Betty Nett, Sandy Rodenkirch, Carol Sompel, Michael Thoma, Roger Thompson and Cynthia Tomasello. Sophomores David Armit, Betty Becker, Sandra Berkley, Jim Fantus, Elayne Godina, Karen Haubold, Patricia H a y n e s, Bill Houser, Sandra Josserand, Rich Justen, Donald McCrary, Nancy Miller, Sue Nowak, Tom Palvic, Janice Potter, Bernadine Reid. Judith Reining, Pam Von Obstfelder, Ken Sternickle, Robert Swedo, Nancy Ziel and Michael Ziesk. Freshmen Linda Sue Amann, Bonnie Beato, Jeannie Jo Benoche, Thomas Carlson, Diane Chobot, Mike Copper, David Dimon, Judy Freund, Ronald Gelvin, Dean Glosson, Beth Glysing, Sharon Greenley, Margaret Karas, Linnea Larson, John Michels, Penelope Miller, Linda Moore, Michelle Moriarity, Roy Moss, Gail Parks, Richard Piatt, Connie Ritter, Carol Sojka, Raymond Spohr, Mary Sullivan, Kathy Thompson and Star West. Named to the "B" honor roll wer2 these students: Seniors Richard Beck, Kathy Callaghan, Janet Eckstein, Ray Franklin, Ron Freund, Bob Glover, Lynn Gustavson, Ruth Haasl, Robert Harris, Richard Himpelmann, Tiina Keerberg, Karen Lindwall, Gary Mackey, Harry May, Robert McDonald, Chris Michels, Pam Munroe, Steve Olsen, Emily Ortlieb, Virginia Peterson, Sharon Pike, Gerald Riordan, Barbara Sawdo, Janet Schimke. Ed. W. Schultz, Carol Szalowski, Peter Weber and Donald Wohlert. Juniors Don Antonson, Elizabeth Barbier, Debbie Block, Richard B u r n s , R i c h a r d F o r s b e r g , T h e r e s a H e t t e r m a n n , C a r o l H u g h e s , D e a n K e n n e b e c k , Kathryn Kostal, Lydia Kotiw, Camille Lopez, Judy Martin, Parks, Bill Petersen, John R o u r k e , J a y S a y l e r , J o h n Scheibe, Joyce Selzer, Shirley Spankuch, Tim Tonyan, Carola Viehweg and Diane Weingartner. Sophomores James Benson, Carol Booster, Anton Cajthamal, Bruce Christensen. Sylvia Christie, L y n n e Eichinger, Charlotte Gerke, Jacqueline Hansen, Patricia Harbecke, Steve Harris, Lynn Hartman, Victoria Jesskie, Lillian Kelso, Fred Kusch, Jeanne Liptrot, George Lissy, Don Mercure, James Morris, Chris Newkirk, Michael Noonan,? Katherine Smith, Mary Ann Stepanovic, Laura Wilson, Mary Ann Wright and Gail Young. Freshmen Betty Banach, Sara Borchardt, Thomas Brown, Robert Doran, Phillip Ferris, David Freund. William Gray, Evelyn Harrison, Nora Havftk, Linda Hayne^, Frances Holsinger, Kathleen Justen, Sally Justen, Judy Knackstedt, Paul L i e b m a n , C h r i s t i n e L i p t r o t , Linda Low, Terry Miller, Patricia Simonsen, Rose Sperandia, William Stamer, Charlene Thornton and Helen Vogt. o UNIT 491 by Peggy Garrelts News About Our Servicemen ^JTimothy M. Mieling, seaman apprentice, USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gregory W. Mieling of 3811 East Lake Shore drive, W o n d e r ^ a k e , i s s e r v i n g a b o a r d t h e a n t i - s u b m a r i n e warfare support aircraft carrier USS. Lake Champlain, observed by President John F. Kennedy during a two-day visit on April 13 and 14 to the Atlantic Fleet in Norfolk, Va. After a brief cruise in the fleet ballistic missile submarine USS Thomas A. Edison, the Presidential party boarded the tactical command ship USS Northampton to observe night air operations by the attack aircraft carrier USS Enterprize and USS Forrestal. The next morning, the President received full honors in a review of the Second Fleet, and, following an anti-submarine warfare/exercise .and an aerial firepower demonstration by the Enterprise and Forrestal, his party observed amphibious assault landings using both landing craft and helicopters at Onslow Beach, N. C. Army Pvt. Edward R. Anderson, 18, son of Gordon H. Anderson, 7812 Cypress drive, Wonder Lake, completed the airborne course at the infantry school, Fort Benning, Ga., April 6. Anderson received his paratrooper wings after completing four weeks of intensive ground and aerial training and instruction in the techniques of air transportation and delivery. He entered the Army last October and completed basic t r a i n i n g a t F o r t L e o n a r d Wood, Mo. Anderson is a 1961 graduate of Woodstock Community high school. SHOW FREE FILM A full color sound film, "Time and Eternity," produced by the Moody Institute of Science, will be presented by the Free Evangelical church at Grant Commujpiiy high school Sunday, April 29, at 4 p.m. The public is welcome. Faith and worry seldom mix -- where one starts, the other Everett May, Jack Meyer, Ed. stops. The regular monthly meeting of Unit 491 was held Monday night at the Legion home. Reports of the standing committee were given as follows: Americanism, Chairman Lauretta Homo announced that two books had been purchased and presented to the McHenry Library, one "The House at Old Vine" by Norah Lofts, in honor of the Past Post Commander A1 Pouse, and "The Fox In The Attic" by Richard Hughes, in honor of Marie Howe, the auxiliary past president; Junior Activities, Junior chairman Rita Zimny announced the 11th district junior convention April 28 in Joliet with eight junior girls and two chaperones to attend; Membership, Eleanore Reid stated that we have 368 members including 102 juniors, that gives the auxiliary fourteen members over quota to date; Past Presidents, Marie Howe announced that the county past presidents would have a dinner at the McHenry Legion home on April 26; Rehabilitation, Joy Landre gave the report of the unit's visit to the Elgin State hospital for this month. Those giving a helping hand were Tom and Joy Landre, Ruth Mrachek and Delia Freund, and Frank Sweeney entertained with selections on the accordion. Members in Liaison, Frances M a t c h e n i n t r o d u c e d E t h e l Brendle, a new member, and K a t h e r i n e F r a i z e r , a new transferred member. Those having birthdays were Marie Heinz, Helen Page, Mary KanK torski, Marie Howe, Katherine Fraizer and Maria Guettler. Two members received year > pins, Carrie Justen a fifteen year pin and Elaine Gray a ten year pin. Publicity, Chairman Peggy Garrelts is compiling a newspaper clipping press book which will be presented to £»lary Einspar, president of Unit 491, at the close of the year. She has requested all auxiliary members to clip and save newspaper "articles on auxiliary activity for use in the president's book. In order to enter the 11th district press book elimination contest, Mrs. Garrelts is attempting to get newspaper coverage on at least fifteen auxiliary programs promoted by th§ unit. First and second place unit winners in the district contest will be on display at the department convention to be held in Chicago Aug. 2, 3 and 4, 1962. Radio-Television Chair man Peggy Garrelts distributed "Golden Mike" ballots to unit members to help determine the best radio or television programs in adventure, comedy and music. The McHenry junior members also took part in a nation-wide poll to determine the program which holds most interest for the majority. Dorothy Weichmann reported to the unit on the Patriotic Conference held recently in Chicago. The cabaret dance which is to be held on May 19 at the Legion home was announced and anyone wishing to help in this evening of entertainment is asked to call Mary Einspar at 385-4144. The county meeting was held at the Algonquin Legion home. Those attending from Unit 491 were President Mary Einspar, Mnry Kantorski, Marie Howe and Ruth Mrachek. County Pre s i d e n t Winifred Hammond bestowed McHenry Unit 491 a citation for being Tweet! Tweet! j We are singing with the birds because of your terrific response to our recent ad plus the advent of balmy weather. Our range and miniature course will be open evenings commencing Friday, April 27th. You will find our grass velvety smooth for practice and the Pee Wee course tricky biit challenging. Watch for the opening of our FREE GOLF SCHOOL Instructions by appointment J. C. Smith 385-0260 HI-HO GOLF RANGE ROUTE 120 2 Miles East of McHenry 100 per cent in membership. County Membership Chairman Hazel Purvey presented President Mary Einspar with a yellow rose corsage as a membership award. McHenry county is thirty members over quota. Special guests were the 11th District Commander Ray Hudson, McHenvy County Commander Willard Carlson, County Adjutant R. T. Berg, Sr., County Chaplain Ray Bangert and Bob Broederdorf, commander of the Algonquin post. The next county meeting will be held in Harvard on May 4? Ruth Mrachek was elected from the McHenry Unit and will be presented as our candidate for the county seco n d v i c e - p r e s i d e n t a t t h a t meeting. There will be an executive board meeting on May 8 at the home of President Mary Einspar. Accident Victims Hold Two-Hour Cancer Blitz The 1962 Cancer Crusade at Wonder Lake will be a twohour (1 to 3 p.m.) blitz April 28. Headquarters for the campaign will be the Mathews building, where the workers will pick their supplies. Coffee nd enke will be served the workers. This was announced by Mrs. Forbes R. Kochler, chairman nf the local drive. Wonder Lakers were cited for their cnerosity last year when *>658.83 vv^s contributed to help fight cancer. Tesims of women volunteers will cover each subdivision during the Kvo hour drive to reach their quota. Local businesses will not be solicited because the owners will be called on at their homes. No canisters will be used in the local stores. Persons who will be away from home during the campaign h^urs and who would want to donate to the cause, can do so at the Mathews building or they may contact any of the subdivision volunteers. Women who rx brining to make this year's drive a sue-, cess, and the subdivisions they represent include: Deep Spring Woods: Mrs. Leroy McCall, chairman; Mrs. Anna McCann. Hickory Falls: Mrs. James Bixbv and Mrs. Don Kuretskl. Highland Shores; Mrs. Arthur Elcrar, ch'-urman; Mrs. Don Zeek and Mrs. William Dicker. Indian Rid<re: Mrs. Dolores Orl, Mrs. S'into Ruegero,-Mrs. Edward Gallas, Sr., and Mrs. Clroy Johnson. Oskwood Shores: Mrs. John Cristy. Shore Hills: Mrs. Dan Potter, chairman: Mrs. Edward Gallas, Mrs. Robert Lunak, Mrs. Sam Wyatt, Mrs. Lehr and Mrs. Ries. Wonder Center: Mrs. Melville Sellek, chairman; and Mrs. George Foshinbaur. Wonder Woods: Mrs. Anthony Popeika. Some 15,000 Blue Whales are harvested each year, mostly from Antarctica waters. CORN YIELD s CLINTON MARTIN 2605 N. Martin Rd. McHenry Phone 385-0527 Game Warden Jim Vavra is shown with two fawn, born dead after the mother was killed by a car on Rt. 120, near the McHenry Sand and Gravel, Sunday afternoon! That evening, a Fox Lake Vista couple struck and killed a deer with their car on Highway 12, near Spring Grove. They told authorities that two men in another car stopped shortly afterward, picked up the dead animal and left. FAIR PREMIUM ROOKS WILL BE* AVAILABLE MAY 15 At a meeting of the County Fair board last week, it was announced that premium books for 1962 should be available by May 15. The board has also reported that the board of supervisors zoning committee approved the request whereby the proposed radio station could be constructed on the fair grounds. This leaves only approval by the Federal Communications commission before goifig ahead with the station. A tree planting project has been announced for the fair grounds, whereby twenty-nine trees will be planted on April 28 in a fair grounds beautification program. The board considered a request from 4-H leaders that all--4^H'ers use centralized sleeping facilities rather than sleep in the livestock tents due to dangers involved when storms come up. The board voted to continue for this year at least the same policy as in the past, whereby the 4-H'ers can sleep near their livestock. The 4-H Federation will be in charge of ground clean-up during fair week. A group of 4-H'ers each day will work with Ground Superintendent Russell Rudolph to keep the grounds in order. PRESENT AWARDS TO THREE JUNE NURSE GRADUATES Graduation awards will be presented by the McHenry County Forty et Eight to three nurse trainees who are completing their training this year. They are Judy Schuler of Woodstock, who will graduate from St. Therese nursing school in Waukegan; Connie Jaycko of McHenry who will also graduate from the St. Therese nursing school; and Barbara Grochocki of Wonder Lake, who will graduate from Little Company of Mary hospital in Chicago. All of these girls entered nursing training through the scholarship program of the McHenry County Forty et Eight. Adult whales average IV2 tons of weight per foot of length, usually. Old Fashioned Sausage Shop Thurs., Fri., Sat., Only! SAVSfi&E OTOfiri: Now, only at Your Jewel Sausage Shop is genuine imported German Salami. Come in and try this--It's newl GENUINE IMPORTED KOENECKE Gersi Salaiil,/2lb 95 TEA CO AVAILABLE NOW AT.. Jewel In 3711 ry St Jewel Pastry Ship Special IBsurs., Fri., Sat., 0i%! "Sweet Chocolate CaheWeek" SWEET CHOCOLATE--REG. $1.89 00 ©r each SWEET CHOCOLATE--REG. 98a I each AVAILABLE NOW AT... Jewel In McHenry 3718 W. Elm St It A CO. Here Are Seme the Many Lucky $100 Winners IN JEWEL'S GAME • ([* • A • FLINTY MORI TO COMli Joseph Christl 4724 N. Newland, Chgo. Clara Collide Chicago Filer Kolinsky 4237 Ozark, NorridgO Norma Hill 51 15 Windsor, Chgo. Sadie Politky 4739 N. Drake, Chgo. Mrs. Arthur A. Hurler 1501 W. Olive, Chgo. V. R. Danner 6344 Talman, Chgo. Mrs. Antoinette Derail 1821 W. Melrose, Chgo. Mrs. Hattie Mares 4224 N. Hamlin, Chgo. Mrs. G. McCluro Chicago Mrs. Frances D. Witteried ' 179 E. Lake Shore Dr., Chgo. Mrs. Jean Bodenheim 5926Vi Paulina, Chgo. Mr*. Babetfe Hyman Chicago Margaret Glomske 4244 N. Ashland, Chgo. Mrs. Dorothy Odepka 667 Diversey, Chgo. Barbara Hoizm.istef Chicago 1 Florence Mattem 4621 W. Wolcott, Chgo. Marlaine 4038 N. Sawyer, Chgo. ' Emil Schmidt 3817' N. Richmond, chgo. Mrs. Frances S. Kraven 3145 W. Highland, Chgo., Mrs. Mary Lou Fink 627 Dundee, BarringtoB , Marion L. Wetzel 198 Beech St., Highland Pak Mrs. Maria Thomas Spring Grove, III. Charlene Sloan 650 Maple, lake Bluff Rosalyn L. Katzenberg 1323 Dartmouth, Deerfield Mrs. C. Rieke, Jr. 736 Highland Ave., Barringloa Mrs. Otto Bone 637 N. Milwaukee, Whe*linj| Mrs. Helen Matson 254 Bradwell Place, BarringlOII Mrs. Jo Ann Herbert 3911 Gull Court, Rolling MeadoWB William E. Parry 1434 Cindy Lane, D.s Plain** Earle S. Nichols 1225 West Chase, Chgo. B. R. Williams 516 Fifh Avenue, WilmeHt Mrs. Dorothy Abrahamson 9218 Marmora, Morton GroVS Mrs. Shirley A. Malby 706 Wisner, Park Ridgo Mrs. Edward Klupmeyer 509 Wego Trail, Mt. Prospact Mrs. Marion Lazar 7525 N. Kostner, Skokfe Mrs. Devy Auerbach 5049 W. Estos, Skokio Mrs. Mary G. Hrejsa 4406 N. Milwaukee, Ave., Chgfe Mrs. Amy Johnson 1117 Wellington, Chgo. Mrs. Bruce E. Brown 675 Locust St., Winnetka Mrs. Richard A. Wernocko 635 Chatham Road, Glonviev? Mrs. Rex Maupin 920 Forest Glen Dr. Winnelka Mrs. Reuben Stiglitz S45 Moseley, Highland Park Byril E. Swanson 2414 Highmoor Rd., Highland Park Mrs. Florence Weese 544 Marlon Ave., Highland Park Mrs. John Mason 303 Elm Court, Llbertyvlllo Mrs. Leon Smith Box 116, Twin Lakes, Wise. Mrs Ophelia Campbell 1516 N. Eve rgreen, Arlington Hghft. Mrs. Sylvia Aronson 1512 West Chase, Chgo. Mrs. Arini Malmi 1810 W. Farwell, Chgo. Mrs. Ethel Hanzen 2013 Maple, Evanstod Mrs. Tomi Endo 1950 McDoni.l, EvanstoS Wm. F. Barnick 7706 W. Hortense, Chgo. Mrs. Eunice Bailey 1832 Hartrey, Evanstoit Mrs. Marguerite Nownag 1020 Pontiac, Wilmetto William Schandling 7500 Keystone, Skokio Mrs. N. F. Janis 4581 N. Moody, Chgo. Raymond D. O'Bryan 4410 N. Greenview, Chgo. Mrs. L.Roy Peschmon 127 Brookhill Rd., Libertyvills Mrs. William Rows '227 N. Main St., Crystal lak* R. O. Welle 728 Firth, Mund.lela Louis A. Bi.l Antioch, III. Mrs. Elizabeth Zoph 417 Hull Court, Waukegall Mrs. Frerichs 174 Arizona Blvd., Hoffman Esfaltt Mrs. Harriet Potter 233 East Ave., Park Ridgo Jane Schwartz 1370 A Fargo, Des Plain A Mrs. Frances Koneski 1021 Dewey Ave., Evanstoit William Ni.lsen 2271 Famsworth Lane, Northbrook Mrs. Ray R. Rubel 730 Grove, Gl.nco., III. Gerald W. Davis 215 Brie* Ave., Mundeleia Mrs. Josephine L. Scott 511 Clearmont Dr. Elk Grove Villago ' Mrt. Eorl McCortnack 3112 Elizabeth Street, Zioil Mrs. Lary Lou Fink 627 Dundee, BarringtoB Mrs. Mary Allans 1105 Greenleaf, WilmetlO Mrs. Florence Savas 6864 Lincoln, Llncolnwood Mrs. Anita Rode 4934 W. Coyle, Skokt* Mrs. Laura Kuhn „ 130 Fremont, Palatini Mrs. L. E. Morrison K. R. #1 Spring Grove, III. Mrs. Gilbert landt 45 Pomeroy, Crystal Lako R. I. Freeman 810 Dean, Highland Park Mrs. Richard F. Aull 438 S. Wolf Road, Wheeling A. E. Courvoisier 21 N. Dryden, Arlington Heights Mrs. Theresa Roman 121 N. Prindlc, Arlington Heights Mrs. Doloris Siedschlag 145 Laurel Ave., Lake Forest Mrs. Marilyn K. Aldan 7007 Fargo, Niles Mrs. Catherine Mcintosh 706 Elmgale Dr., GlenviaW Mrs. Lois Mostow 9131 Kenneth, Wilmetto Mrs. Lawrence Lang* 1370 Sanders Rd., Northbreefi MN. Morris R. Noethling St. #1 Box 309, libsitysifc Mrs. Ann F. Meston ITS Waltonian Terrace, Fox LdltS Mrs. Howard Eaton 45 Maple Ave., WaukegaS Mrs. George Howard 3 Walnut Lane, Rosells Julia Mikaelian 908 W. Euclid, Arlington Heights Mrs. Ruth E. Lundquist 2117 Illinois Rd., Northbrook Mrs. Dolores Kowalskl 7027 Jonquil Terrace, Niles Miss Evelyn M. Holtzer 6027 Kostner Ave., Skokio William C. Skibbe 113 N. Prospect Manor Mt. Prospect Mrs. Marylyn MacArthuf 140 Northwest Highway Des Plaines Mrs. Loretta Prestl 7519 Cleveland, Nils* 45 Mrs. Lillian Vamey 1350 Greenwood, Deerfield Mrs. H. A. Howell 15 Hill Drive, Crystal Lain Mrs. Alma Bailey R. R. 1, Box 513, Antioch Mrs. F. X. Cornell 912 Highland Ave., Waukegan Mrs. Jean M. Gardner 2802-15th St., Winthrop Hatbor Mrs. Lillian Shaffer 34 Keller Ava., Waukegan Mrs. Deloret Jeronlmus s 125 N. Washington, Des Plalms Mrs. Helen Llbman 2115 Bennett, EvanstMl Vita La Pore 1215 Argyle St., Bensanvtlfo Mrs. Frank Handzel 329 Slade Ave., Elgin Mrs. Catherine Cronwall 600 Taylor Rd., Bqrrington Larry Engmann 24 S. Williams, Crystal lakn Mrs. Lorraine Kearns 114 E. Colfax, Palatino Mrs. Patricia Erickson 408 S. Bristol Lane, Arlington Htt. Mrs. Mildred Hellig 730 S. Dunton St., Arlington Hit. Mrs. Margaret Monaghan 1847 Spruce St., Highland Paik V Mrs. Joseph D. Styx 21 Washington Park, Waukegan Robert J. De Prat 285 Washington Blvd. Hoffman Estates Evelyn L. Hendrick 226 S. Central Ave., Highwood Mrs. Gertrude Austin 1041 Hazel Ave., Deerfield Mrs. Beverly Nugent 603 Revere Rd., GlenviaW Mrs. Antoinette Dublckl 5046 Kostner Ave., Skokio Mrs. Lucille I. Billings 120 S. loha, Mt. Prospect Mrs. Susan Malone 747 Merrill Ave., Park Rldgo Mrs. Hattie M. Witt 376 Graceland Ave., Des Plaints Mrs. Frances F.inberg 7336 Lamon, Skokio Mrs. Richard C.Esp 1001 10th Street Sunset Park, Northfleld Miss Linda Yonko 2322 Elim, Zion Edward A. Palumbo 283 Crestwood, Northfleld Mrs. Jacqueline Campbell 8968 Linden Ave., Winnelka Mrs. Nick Gerald! 1129 Chestnut St., Waukegan Mrs. Roy Wildy 202 E. Cook St., Libertyvilln Mrs. Elmer Kiddelson 4205 Crystal Lake Rd., McHanry Edith Meyer 550 Central Ave., Highland Park Gertrud. H. Mitch.ll 431 E. Merle Lane, Wheeling Mrs. Jano Lowndes 1607 Forest Ave., Wilmattn G. R. Burkey 7850 Lamon, Skokio T Mrs. Ruth Schoeman 2015 McDaniel, Evanston Mrs. H.i.n R.inig 419 N.-Wsright, Park Ridg* Mrs. Louis. Ho.fl.r 7016 N- K..l.r, Lincolnwood Mrs. Marian C. Fairfi.ld 225 Lindbergh Drive, Barrington Only one week fo go! Don't miss your chance to win $100! Plenty of chances to play ... Lots more chance» to win ... Look for Winners Names posted in your Jewel Store. TEA CO.. 9

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