Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 26 Apr 1962, p. 15

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' \.J Thursday, April 26, 1962 THE McHENRY PLAINDEALEB Page Fifteen HOSPITAL GROUP TO SPONSOR TALK BY JOHN STROHM Mrs. MfConnell said tickets will be available this month from several members of the auxiliary and from the four cooperating organizations. All The world struggle for food I proceeds will go to the Womand freedom -- and this na- an's auxiliary, another in a tion's response to that chal- series of projects sponsored by lentre - will headline an out-j the auxiliary to raise monov . standing program set for late | for the hospital. i May under sponsorship of the' Aomans auxiliary of Memorial | WARNING TO tlARDEXFRS [Hospital for McHenry County.1 | Inroads on the American! A warning-has been issued I way of life will be intertwined 11° gardeners, f.vrmers and I into the program, a talk il-! homeowners who are makine 1. lust rated with colored movies j plans for spring planting of I by John L. Strohm, an inter-1 nursery stock, trees, bushes t nationally famous reporter-1 an(i shrubs. The warning: "'Be I editor .who lives in Woodstock j il's nl»ve before you buy!" I with his family. ] William T. Larkin, supenn- I, The talk will be given at Indent of the Agriculture De- ^ 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, May |Partment s Division of Plant in the Woodstock Com- | munity high school, Mrs. A. B. |-MeConnell, auxiliary president, announced this week. Strohm is the only American- accredited newspaperman to get behind the Bamboo Curtiiin. For his trip in 1958, he won the Sigma Delta Chi aw,ud foi distinquished seivieejno^ dead. Try to break a small | m torcign correspondence. and|(wit, If it snaps readily this Oxerseas Press club award. js an indication of excessive i In I960 he was named Wood-j dryness^ If the twig bends [ stocks Citizen of the Year 'without breaking, the wood is ! by the Lions club. I still alive. Also try scratching Strohm will put the Red i the bark to see if it is still China threat in perspective in I green and moist underneath his talk before his McHenry (the outer layer of bark. A county audience, and he'll show dried out plant will not surhow this nation has appeared | vive regardless of how well it lackadaisical in assuming re-jjs cared for. sponsibilities and . confronting * -- challenges to our beliefs, eco- ' Each of Michigan's 83 coun- ®»omic system and form of gov- ties, except two. ha\e natural ernment. lakes. Legals NOTICE STATE OF ILLINOIS Industry, pointed out that in recent years the merchandising of nursery stock through various types of retail outlets has shown marked increases. The following tips on appraisal of nursery stock were given by G. L. Pierce, a department horticulturist- Be certain i the plant is just dormant - -- INVITATION TO BID GENERAL CONTRACT General Contractors are invited to bid for General Contract to build a Garage Building for the McHenry Township Road District. Plans and specifications are available at the office of the Architect, John Vincent Anderson, 138 Cass Street, Woodstock. 111. Each General Contractor may take out three sets of drawings. A | refundable deposit of ten dollars ($10.00) per set is re- ! quired. ! Sealed bids are due before 15:00 p.m. May 9th 1962 at the Architects office, or may be delivered at the public bid opening at Town Clerks office at 8:00 p.m. May 9th, 1962. The Owner, the Road pis* trict of McHenry Township re- i serves the right to reject any j or all bids. j H. WALTER ANDERSON! Town Clerk CHARLES J. MILLER Road Commissioner (Pub. April 19-26, 1962.) ••ri'BLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVIt's Time For Spring Flowers • • • And Two New Soups "While spring flowers are push-1 ing their way* through the soft brown earth, two new canned condensed soups are bursting forth T)n your grocer's shelf. Canned condensed Cheddar cheese soup . . . while an exciting new taste sensation is old In tradition. For, the basis of this soup . , . Cheddar cheese .. . traces its beginning .to merry old England, where in the little village of Cheddar, this cheese- was first made. It was brought to America via the Pilgrims and has flourished into a large scale business. Today, f^5% of all the cheese produced in this country is Cheddar. But, down to the facts of this new soup itself. It's wonderful as a rich creamy full bodied soup being made from favorite aged golden Cheddar cheese, fresh country cream, and of course, is expertly seasoned. This same goodness makes it a necessary ingredient for most cheese cookery. For sauces galore, for fondues, rabbits, casserole and skillet dishes /Tk . . it's convenience personified. Make your first spring luncheon a delightfully different with_ a gourmet soup ... a combination of canned condensed Cheddar cheese and cream of chicken soups made bright with colorful aspara gus and pimiento. - Cheese And Chicken Soup Deluxe 1 can (11 ounces) condensed Cheddar cheese soup 1 can (10% ounces) condensed cream of chicken soup 1 soup can milk 1 soup can water 1 cup cut-up cooked asparapus 2 tablespoons chopped pimiento Combine soups; gradually blend in milk and water. Add asparagus and pimiento. Heat, stirring now and then. Makes 4 to 6 servings. Budding at the same time . . . as Cheddar cheese soup . . . is canned condensed split pea with ham soup. It's old fashioned goodness in one can for it combines a smooth puree of green peas with tender split peas, pieces of delicious smokehouse ham and delicate seasonings. Hearty homey and wholesome, it's a family soup . . . a soup with real character. Treat your family to this delicious soup tonight . . . serve it "party-style"1. Split Pea Soup Oriental 1 can (2 ounces) sliced mushrooms, drained J tablespoon butter or margarine 1 can (11 li ounces) condensed split pea with ham soup 1 soup can water J.i cup sliced water chestnuts • leiierous dash singer Lighily brown mushrooms in butter. Blend in soup and water. Add remaining ingredients. Heat, stirring now and then. Makes 2 to -3 servings. ) )SS COUNTY OF McHENRY) IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF McHENRY COUNTY IN CHANCERY McHENRY STATE BANK,) an Illinois Banking Corpora-) tion, and GERALD J. CAR-) EY, Trustee ) Plaintiffs) vs. ) RICHARD J. GLADU a/k/a> RICHARD JOSEPH GLA-) DU, a/k/a RICHARD GLA-) DU, ELIZABETH A. GLA- ) DU, a/k/a ELIZABETH) ANN GLADU, a/k/a ELIZA-) BETH GLADU, PERKINS) L U M B E R AND F U E L ) COMPANY, an Illinois Cor-) poration, and UNKNOWN) OWNERS ) Defendants) .. No. 39203 The requisite affidavit for publication having been filed, notice is hereby given you, Richard J. Gladu, a/k/a Rich- -- >. ard Joseph Gladu. a/k/a Rich- that the stockholders of Joseph Gladu, a/k/a Richard! McHENRY STATE BANK, lo- Gladu. and Unknown Owners, cate<^ at McHenry. Illinois, at defendants in the above entitled a regular meeting held Jansuit. that the said suit has «ar.v 9, 1962, approved a probeen commenced in the Circuit • P°sal to amend the charter of Court of McHenry County by the bank so as to increase the said plaintiffs against you, i caPit-al stock from $100,000.00, praying for the foreclosure of consisting of 1.000 shares of a a certain trust deed made by Par va'ue °f $100.00 per share, Richard J. Gladu, a/k/a Rich- to $200,000.00, to consist of ard Joseph Gladu, a/k/a Rich- 2,000 shares of a par value of ard Gladu, and Elizabeth A. $100 per share. Gladu. a/k/a Elizabeth; AH statutory requirements Ann Gladu, a/k/a Elizabeth ' having been complied with the Gladu to Gerald J. Carey, as j aforesaid amendment to the Trustee, conveying the prem-; charter of said bank became ises described as follows, to i effective on April 10, 1962. wit; J McHENRY STATE BANK TL o.t .t wen.t y two (22) and, B*v Gerald J.. , Carev Lot twenty three (23) in <• „ resu en McHenry Country Club First Addition, a Subdivision of part of the Southwest Quarter < V* ) of Section thirty six (36), Township forty five (45) North, Range eight (8), East of the Third Principal Meridian, according to the plat thereof recorded March 17, 1922, as Document No. 54379, in Book 4 of Plats, Page 52, in McHenry County, Illinois, and for other relief; that summons was duly issued out of said court against you as pro-, vided by law and that the i sU T )^ ,' said suit is still pending. Now, therefore, unless you, Richard J. Gladu, a/k/a Richard Joseph Gladu, a/k/a Rich- Gladu, and Unknown Owners, the said, defendants, file' your answer to the complaint ! , in said suit or otherwise make | l your appearance therein, the i Charles Lasches Move said Circuit Court of McHenry I To City Permanently County, held in the courthouse j in the city of Woodstock, II-j Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lasch, linois, on or before the 3rd j who have been spending sum- Monday in the month of May, 1962, being the 21st day of May, 1962, default may be COURAGE TO ACHIEVE bud daley HAS BECOME a stag Pitch eg? fox? THE MEW VOGK YANKEES A LTHOUGH BOPK/ WITH A BAD- ^cqipplbd BIGHT AQM WH/CM HE STILL CAA/'T &A/SE ABOVE H/5AP/GHT FAB. GOODWILL WEEK IS MAY 6-12 ENCOURAGING GOOD WILLTOWAOD HANDICAPPED PEOPLE MEDICAL VICTORY POLIO CONTRACTED WHILE HE WAS A HEALTH OFF/CEP ADM/MISTEQING VA CC/AJE hasm'tstopped DD, MAQION 5/AfS OF TALLADEGA., ALA. FROM REBUI L D/NG H/S LIFE AND PRACTICE IHE PROGRAM OF GOODWILL INJDUSTPIES PROVIDES A CHANCE, MOT CHAPIT^ TO PEOPLE WITH ALL TYPES OP HANDICAPS WHO WANT TO LEAD NOfiPMAL LIVES GOODWILL GIVES OPPORTUNITY Thomas F. Bolger Cashier." (Pub. April 12-19-26, 1962) NOTICE FOR BIDS The Insurance Committee for the Board of Supervisors for McHenry Countv is interested j J 1 in securing Bids for the following insurance: $ Workman's Compensation I Public Liability j Automobile Liability i Specifications may be had ! from County Clerk, Vernon i Kays at Court House, Wood- Bids 1962. will be open May 9, ERNEST A. BOHN Chairman Insurance Committee for McHenry County (Pub. April 19-26. 1962) D@ci@r Quiddity A Public Service Health Meant* OUR ESOPHAGUS (OR gullet) 15 NOT JUST A DO-NOTHING PIPE CONNECTING THE MOUTH AND STOMACH ... IT'S A TUB? MADE OP MUSCLE*. FOOD ©OESMY SUST DROP INTO THff STOpMuAopCfH BVILLINOIS STATE MEDICAL SOCIETY TC4E P0@B> ts SQUEEZED ALONG 7HI SSOPHAGUd- TM/& m WHV WC CAN SWALLOW WHILe UPSIDE-DOWN.... FRIUND'S SMS1Y, Inc. Complete Line of Dairy Products I-- FREE DELIVERY -- Locally Owned and Operated Phone EV. 5-0195 or EV. 5-0232 mers and weekends in McHenry for many, many years, moved here permanently from entered against you at any i Chicago this past week. time after that day and a de- j The Lasches live in a comcree entered in accordance fortable, 120-ycar-old home at with the prayer of said com-1500 Riverside Drive, which plaint. 'formerly was the residence of Dated April 12, 1962. ! his father, Emil Lasch. The [latter came to McHenrv sixty- LESTER EDINGER, four years ;,^o and later pur- Clerk j chased property along the riv- (Court Seal) j or from the late Stephen H. Covvlin & Cowlin I Freund. 88 North Williams St. Crystal Lake, Illinois IN TOWN SPECIAL Attorney for Plaintiff About one-fourth of our nation's workers are employed in (Pub. April 19-26, May 3, 1962) some phase of manufacturin PUBLIC AUCTION His lease being expired the owner Gene Kolarik will sell the following listed articles at public auction at the following location. AUTO ST0 SAT 1330 N. BIVERSIDE DR. 3eHENRYrillUyM@0S DAY, APRIL 28,1962 9:30 A. M. SHARP Smiths Augment Service ELMER SMITH, Owner "Across from Ball Park in West McHenry" 1318 No. North Drive McHenry, IIL WHEEL ALIGNMENT WHEEL BALANCING WHEEL BEARINGS BRAKES AND SHOCK ABSORBERS MINOR AUTOMOTIVE REPAIRS Phone EV 5-0724 or EV 5-4268 AUTO PARTS: Carb, brake shoes, water & fuel pumps, mufflei's, tail & exhaust pipes, hose, headlamps, battery accessories, fan & V belts, head gaskets, etc. AUTO ACCESSORIES: Fender skirts, wheel covers, white portawalls, truck mud flaps, seat coverfc, etc., Paint, chemicals. & cleansers. TOOLS: Screwdrivers, hacksaws, pipe wrenches, wrenches open box & comb., sockets, hammers, drill sets (wood, metal & masonaryt and many more small tools too numerous to mention. GARDEN TOOLS & SUPPLIES: Sprinklers, hoses, large & hand tools, hand lawn mower, etc. BOATING SUPPLIES: Boat Hardware, fire extinguisher, boat cushions. SPORTS EQUIPMENT: Baseball bats, gloves, golf balls, table tennis sets, fishing rods (casting & spinning) reels, and asst. hooks, lines, etc., minnow nets, bike parts & accessories. FARM TOYS, trucks & equip., dolls, doll house, science toys, games, bowling & shuffleboard, train access. STORE FIXTURES: One Electric National Cash Register, One Table Counter 2' by 5Vz', Seven 4' by 7' Four shelve display racks & pegboard, Eight 4' by 7' eight shelve display racks, Five 5' by 7' Four shelve display racks. AND MANY OTHER ARTICLES TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION. To the First 125 People attending the Sale a FREE Plastic Soap Tray. TERMS: CASH NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENTS AUCTIONEER: MICHAEL J. WIESER Lovely 3 bedroom ranch that's really a dream home -- rustic wood panelled kitchen and dining area -- extra large living room with picture windows and door to concrete patio -- 1 and Vz baths -- colored fixtures -- drapes and wall to wall carpeting included -- city sewer. Must see to appreciate -- Total Price Only $23,000. IAYSH0KE INC. Route No. 120 (Elm) at Green McHenry, 111. Phones: 385-3620 -- 385-3710 metisW ORD + By A. C. Gordon} ' ACROSS 1 - P.ffects 11 • Tells all 12 - In reference 14 - Man of the hour 16 - Pronoun 17 - Architectural moldings 18 - Affirmative 14 - O.K. in Spain 20 - Fastener 2 1 - Repast 23 - lixist 24 - Refrigerate 26 - Swiss river 27 - Animate 28 - Either 21 - Beginning of splendor .30 - Oldtime bird J1 - Caesar's "and' 32 • Burdens 33 - Entreat 3* - Nation (abb.) 35 - Mystic word 30- - Transmuting 38 r. Tiny particle 39 - Type of electricity 40 - Hawaiian necklace 42 - Metal castii.g 43 - Aerial train 44 - kalian resort 45 - Uranium(chem.) 46 - Big hit in baseball 48 - Pertaining tj breathing DOWN 2 • The spirits 3 - All for it! 4 - Sun god 5 - Principled 6 - Understand 7 - Maritime vessel (abb.) S - Inherent i - Want 10 • Pertaining t the body 13 * Big show 16 • College degree 17 • Of the study of mountains W - Fast phot* 20 • Exist 22 - Time segment (abb.) 23 - bisects 25 • Overcrowd 29 • Areas 30 - Decorations 33 - Military group (abb.) 34 • More revolting 37 • Part of 'to be" 38 - Paroxysm 41 - Boy's ntckname 43 - To miscue 44 • Legal Legislative Orders (abb.) 46 - Music note 47 - Platinum (chem.) (Answers on Page 7) Precision Patent drugs usually are prescribed in minute proportion^ the measuring of which requires professional ski!! - and painstaking eere« The slightest deviation could moke the medicine, ineffective or harmful. Our pharmacists give every prescription the fullest measure of professional skill. ^ BOLGE!0S Drug Store Registered Pharmacists Donald P. Doherty -- Arttrar McKent) John A. Stewart take your pick... muted or bright colors from the pleasurewear collection by VA.IM HBUSE0M* Made of iridcsceas Vantage, this wash *n wear sport shirt appeals e© both the bold and the quiet--because oI the distinctive tailoring Hilton collar and carefully color-matched buttons including the small pair oa the short sleeves. Two pocket* of course. 4.00 Other Van Heus®si Shirts $5-$5.95 5TORE for MEN 1245 N. Green St. McHenry Phone S85-0M7 Open Dally 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Friday 8 aun. to 9 pan. Sunday 9 a.m. til 13 aooa USB THE FBEEJMigpLSTREOT IP ASKING AREA

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