wTh ursday, May 3, 1962 THE McHENRT PLAINDEALER Page Fifteen Village of Sunnyside OLGA GARNER RECENT AUTO ACCIDENT VICTIM Eola Deppmeler - 385-6810 Mrs. Olga Garner is a patient in the McHenry hospital §£ a result of a two car collision which took place early last week. Her daughter, Lois, the driver of the car, was also injured, but has been released , from the hospital. The extent of Olga's injuries are at this time unknown. Various tests are being performed for the detection of internal injuries. This reporter spoke to her on the phone and Olga stated that was very much shaken-up and visibly bruised, but thankful that out of the other thirteen persons involved in the accident that none were injured seriously. While speaking with her, I took the opportunity to pass on the thoughts of concern that are being mingled here in our community for her well-being. . Don't forget the village meeting on May 8. Please do your best to attend. Condolences The friends and neighbors of ftl Fritz here in the village knd Terrace wish to express their deepest sympathy to A1 in the passing of his father, Alfred Fritz, Sr., of Evanston. Luncheon and Card Party On Tuesday, May 8, at 12:30 a luncheon and card party will be given by the St. John's Home and School association. The affair will take place at t h e J o h n s b u r g Community hall. Anyone interested in attending may get their tickets from Lou LaBay in the village wpr from Marilyn Wiggerman •in the Terrace. Dance Tickets Those of you in the village who are planning to attend the Pistakee Terrace dance on May 12 and want tickets ' please contact this reporter >. at 385-6310. New Arrival One more citizen has been marked up to the village by way of the McHenry hospital. Little 8 lb., 8 oz., Charmaine Lynn signed her name to the registrar at 9:59 am. on April 21. She has come to nest with mom and dad, Dolores and Ted Prell, and sis and brother, Laurie, 1 and Kurt, 2. Dad, sounding very winded, phoned in Charmaine's arrival and ^stated that mom Is doing fine. ^1 might add that he was busily putting more length on that clothes line that will supplement for the addgd white "flags" that soon wuTbe flying in the breeze! Birthdays Many happy returns of the day go to Luella Schultz on May 8 and to Kurt Prell who will be 3 on May 9. Happy birthday neighbors! Village Visitin' Two very exciting days were enjoyed by Cris Williams and her children last week. One of the days involved a tour of the aquarium in Chicago and the following day was spent sight seeing at the Natural History Museum after which ^ they took in the adventurous Lincoln Park zoo. A very thri1- ling day was topped when mom and the kids dropped in at daddy's place of business and were given the "red carpet" tour. Just writing this item with the thought of doing what this happy group did exhausts me --wonder how Cris manages to find all the stamina? Our new neighbors, the Ed 4 Lehman seniors, enjoyed their DEKALB -----p * Q PLANTED BY MORE FARMERS THAN ANY OTHER BRAND Easter with a visit by their daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Oehme, and children from Wisconsin Rapids who spent the weekend. On Sunday "other friends and relatives were entertained with Easter dinner by the Lehmans. Cass and Fran Kasperski motored tip to Michigan to be with relatives this Easter. Chester and Ruby Crowley recently returned from a short trip to Kentucky. Ruby's dad, Joe Wagner, has his home there. Elizabeth Metzger and Betty Lehman treated their children to an outing the past week. The outing took place in Algonquin at the Schuman farm (former residents of the village). An Easter Sunday dinner proved to be a family reunion at the home of the Norman Kunkel family in Addison this year. Among the twenty-eight relatives that attended were Art and Emma Kunkel and the Ray Nolans from the village. Easter dinner guests at the home of the Carl Martins were Mrs. Nick M. Justen and daughter and the Elmer Justens of McHenry, the Joseph Justens and children of Richmond and the Dennis May family from Wonder Lake. Cris Williams under went surgery last Monday at the McHenry hospital. She is said to be doing quite well at this time. Knowing Cris and being aware of her strong constitution I have a strong feeling she shall be home and fully recovered in no time at all. How about sending those "get well" greetings out real quick so we can let this nice gal know how much she is missed. The Johnsburg Rescue Squad was summoned to the Butler residence last week when Lawrence Butler suffered a heart attack. He was taken to the McHenry hospital for further treatment. After a few days of complete rest Larry was released and is again at home. Glad to hear your o.k. once again, Larry! him know how many you will need. Better not wait too long the date is almost here! Birthdays Sincere birthday greetings go to Wayne Walters on May 4 and his brother, Jim, who will celebrate on May 5. Happy birthday brothers o' mine! Belated birthday wishes go to Grace Vyduna who celebrated on April 30. PISTAKEE TERRACE Association Mt-ruiig Monday, May 7, is the date set for the next Pistakee Terrace Improvement Association meeting. Said meeting will again be held at the home of Cal and Grace Vyduna and will begin at 8. Please do your best to attend. Terrace Tid Bits Easter dinner guests at the home of Frank and Ann Moller this past week were Ann's sister and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Bockhop of Milwaukee, and Ann's brother and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. P. O. Stednitz of Lyons. Everyone really enjoyed Ann's dinner and knowing this lady as 1 do I betcha her home-made pas-: tries made the biggest hit! * Westmont was the destination for the Tom Merhaut family this past Easter holiday. The couple and their daughter, Marcia, visited in celebration of both Easter and the fifth birthday -of Pat's niece, Diane Voightman. They also met with Pat's brother, George, who was vacationing from the Illinois State Normal college. Barb and Pat Flood are heart sick over the disappearance of their pet dog "Boots". He has been missing for over a week now. Boots is black in color with a patch of white on his chest and size of a cocker spaniel. I trust that by this time everyone has set their clocks ahead exactly one hour, if not I suppose I would be correct in guessing, that you have been late for work for one week now! Nice to have more daylight these days isn't it? Too bad something couldn't be done to keep the clocks the way they are all year around. Twice Told Tales Baseball The Johnsburg public softball team won its first victory when they went to bat early last week. Danny Turner and Bob Froehlig shared along with other star players in bringing in a victory score against Fremont 17-5. FIFTY YEARS AGO Taken from the Files of April 25, 191V A business change will go into effect in Centerville on May 1 that will take one of the oldest business men on the street away from active life and place him in the ranks of the retired. On that day John Heimer, veteran saloon keeper, will pass the business over to his oldest son, William, and son-in-law, Arthur Bickler. A number of our citizens are still waiting for their water pipes to thaw open. If certainly is tough to have your water pipes frozen at this time of the year. Emil Geier, who now conducts a billiard and pool hall and bowling alley in the G. E. Schoel building in Centerville, will open up a second pool hall on the second flow of the E. F. Matthews building on the West Side next Saturday night. Charles Reents was found dead in his room at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Ward last Friday morning. He was employed as a driver on one of the Standard Oil company's wagons, by the local agent E. S. Brink. The Boy Scouts of America have been founded in McHenry since the first of May, 1911 and from that time on have been improving rapidly both in number and actions. The Scouts wish to make a public statement of thanks to Mr. Everett Hunter for the beautiful row- boat that he so kindly donated to them. Members of the Just Us club are making extensive arrangements for their second leap year dance of the season to be held May 4. Farmers are mourning over the loss of their alfalfa and red clover. Not a field in this section but what is dead. It was all killed out by freezing so hard and having no snow for covering. There have been many thousands of acres devoted to the producing of clover and alfalfa hay and the loss Street Signs It sure is nice to drive down the road and know which one you are on now) The signs, clearly printed in black letters on white backgrounds will;now make it " possible for your friends to find your homes much easier. A few of the signs as yet have not been posted, but are expected to be very shortly. 1 m i Dance Tickets Dance tickets arc going very nicely this year, however, Len Toepper and various persons in the area still have tickets for those of you who wish to attend the May 12 dance but haven't gotten your tickets yet. Contact Len Toepper and let That's it with the news this week folks and I'm still searching for someone to take over the column. In the meantime call me if you have any news. It may not seem interesting to you, but why don't you let the readers be the judge -- call it in! See you next week??? Sf I Ah:: TO YOU SUNDAY, MAY 6 "THE SOURCE OF HEALTH" 'The Source of Health" will be discussed this week-end on "The Bible Speaks To You." Radio: WAIT (820 kc) Sun. 9.00 a.m. WCLM-FM (101.9 mc) 8:45- a.m. Call Us When You Want a Cab Fast As soon as you call us, our Radio Dispatched Cab will be on its way. It will pick you up in a jiffy! a. EVergreen 5-0723 CLINTON MARTIN 2505 N. Martin Rd. McHenry Phone 385-0527 free new Gold Star Award rang® mot",? gurad get a ;®S ©i? S®ra8si@ Ware worth *14.95. Roper With TEM-TROL Ends scorching, boil-overs .. . holds set temperatures. Other features include Giant-Size 23" oven, automatic lighting and smokeless broiler. Prices Start At *1*0*5 • # W/T CAREY 1241 N. Green St. be delighted with all the modern feayour new Gold Star" gas range offers to save you time and work. You know gas coolcs for less, now see how much better cooking is with a new Gold Star gas range! NO MONEY DOWN 36 Months to Pay Offer Expire ^ May IS f FOi ¥11 This handsome 3-piece set of Corning Ware is yours, free, when you purchase a new Gold Star gas range from us before May 15,1962. LIANCE, Inc. enormous to farmers. With alfalfa seed at $12 a bushel and red clover $15, farmers are discussing the advisability of replanting. FORTY YfARS AGO Taken from the Files of April 27, 1922 Mrs. Frances Ann Densmore, mother of Mrs. R. G. Chamberlin of this village, passed away at the Home of her daughter, Friday, following ten months illness. "Soldier" Meyers, McHenry's boxing ace, will meet Frankie Ritchie of the Bell Plaines Athletic club of Chicago at a show to be staged at the Rex pavilion, Elgin, this (Thursday) evening. Since the storm of last week Wednesday Simon Stoffel, local insurance agent, has been one of the busiest men in these parts. Tip until Wednesday, morning of this week, a total of 137 tornado losses have been reported and the next two weeks or more will keep him comfortably busy adjusting those cases. The season's first work-out by local baseball enthusiasts took place at the baseball park Sunday afternoon. It looks to us as if McHenry should be able to produce timber for a good home club this season. Misses Anna Frisby and Kathryn Burks acted as hostesses to the members of the Just Us club at the home of Mrs. Gertrude Miller, on Main street, Saturday evening. An enjoyable evening was spent with .games, contests and music after which refreshments were served. Miss Elizabeth K. Miller, assistant postmistress at the McHenry office, has received a cablegram from O. B. Oberstadt, who with his family has been spending the winter in Europe. The cablegram, besides a greeting, states they are on their way back to America. The Altar and Rosary society met at K of C hall Tuesday afternoon, April 25. The ladies. busied themselves tying a pretty comforter which' imd been donated by Mesdamfes John Carey, William BonslelC and C. W. Stenger. Refreshments were served by. Miss Eleanor McGee, Mesdames Peter Doherty, P. J. Cleary, J. R. Knox and H. J. Schaffer. Rag rugs and aprons will be made at their next meeting at the home of Mrs. H. J. Schaffer. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO Taken from the Files of April 29, 19S7 George Kleinhans, formerly of Chicago, has purchased a lot from H. A. Asmalsky on Route 20, east of the river where he is building a lumber shed and store where he plans to carry a supply of building material including lumber, builders hardware and paint. He expects to be open for business the last of the week. The sixth semi-annual show of the Lake County Art League was held at the Karpher hotel, Waukegan, last week and is of interest to McHenry people for at least two reasons, first, Mrs. Richard Stenger of Waukegan, formerly Berteel Spencer, of McHenry exhibited several of her paintings and second, Mrs. Pauline Palmer internationally known for her portrait painting and a member of the Old Timers' Club of McHenry was the guest speaker at the dinner Monday evening, April 19. J. Albin Anderson, of Lynn, Mass., is listed among the 160 applicants who took the Massachusetts bar exam i n a t i o n last summer and has been notified that he will be recommended 4br admission \o the bar on April 28. Albin, a native of this vicinity, and graduate of the local high school, worked his way through Harvard college and Harvard law school with the aid of scholarships amounting to $2,250. Mathias Steffes, 63, died at St. Anthony's hospital, Chicago, Friday, a f t e r several months of failing health. Barbian Brothers specials for Friday and Saturday include: eggs per doz., 22 cents; apple sauce, No. 2 can, 10 cents; green beans, two quarts, 19 cents; radishes, two bunches, 5 cents; strawberries, per pint, 12 cents; Kerber's lard, 2 lbs. for -29 cents; pot roast, choice per lb., 23 cents. BURGERS-SHAKES-FRIES| # ea. Open 7 Days per week-6 a.m.-11p.m. 2V2 Miles East of McHenry on Route 120 Ph. 385-5500 ManWhmi Now... beautiful buying days during Chevy's GOLDEN SALES JUBILE iiH Spring's a-wasting! So why wait m that new-car urge of yours? Beautiful bnya te tasted out all over the place at your Chevrolet dealerb---la the best selection of sizes and sizzle you'll CDywhere. Like in fourteen Jet-smooth Chevrolets. Or eEevea size Chevy II models./Or a whole crew of Cssrois*, So now*s flse time to come on in and "" D your heart's (and budgets) @gntnt c3 par Chevrolet dealer's One-Stop Shopping Ceaieb Wf IMPALA SPORT COUPE It etmkbil look wort Wee a convertible unlets ii wen one! • • • A steel top molded into the crisp contours of • convertible. Chalk it up to Body by Fisher finesse. Then chalk up this Impala's room, richness and ride, and see if they don't add up to everything you expect in an expensive car--except the expense. YS 3 NEW CHEVY n NOVA STATION WAGON Space and f NEW OORVAIR MONZA CLUB COUPE The trim, spice in a new kind of saver. Just one of three new j sweet-handling, personal kind of car that started the Chevy II wagons. Very parkable. Very packable, too. \ bucket seat brigade. Here's rear engine scamper Has a load floor over 9 ft. long with second seat and I wedded to the road with tenacious traction and quicktailgate down. Lots of wagon at a low, low ptioew : silver reflexes. And it's as easy to own as it is to drivew NEW BEL AIR 4-DOOR SEDAN This popular priced j NEW IMPALA 6-PASSENGER STATION WAGON Jet-smoothie rides like a family .room on wheels. Got j Chevrolet wagoning at its most elegant. With up to a a mammoth cave of a trunk, too. All these fanuly-style : whopping 97.5 eu. ft. of cargo space--including a eonvirtues and a choice of six or V8 skedaddle! Any j cealed compartment in the floor where you can stow wonder Chevrolet is America's favorite buy? 5 your golf clubs and other valuables out of sight. See the item Chevrolet, Chevy 11 and Corvair at your local authorized Chevrolet dealer's . . CLARK CHEVROLET SALE 3609 W. Elm Street WW * *> » McHenry, 111. Phone 385-0277 / i