Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 3 May 1962, p. 16

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Page Sixteen THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER JL Thursday, May 3, Eastwood Manor through the Manor and even hoofing it. There's a fine for CUB SCOUTS I loose-running dogs and a stiff VTQTT *7no ANn ! one for dogs without rabies V-"511 AXNi/ I shots. Watch that dog or pay FIRE ACADEMY I the consequences. This i!s that Iverson - 385-6338 j 1 ime of >'ear when ^ i worrying about their lawns The Cub Scouts really lived,anf* shrubbery once again and it up on their School vacation: toddlers are out. oiiting by visiting the Fire; academy in Chicago and also' Bridge-Club the Lincoln Park zoo all in one' Elpha Philippi was hostess Kreat bi« day. Adult supervisors for the Bridge club. Winning on the excursion were Lydia l'irst prize was Marilyn Salo, Fenner. Georgia Sigman, Mar- travelling prize was presented ge Brodin. Marilyn Fultz. Es- to Peggy Anderson, and booby ther Shelton. Kay and Mel prize went to Pat Coughlin. Stephenson.„ Manny Peck, and Roy Krueker. „ The boys saw A Fond Farewell the city kikefront, the lion We wish the Homer Anderhouse. reptile house, children's | son family very good luck and zoo. the nursery >vith lion and happiness in their new home, is tiger cubs. They saw the snor- They have lived with us for kel fire engine and the nei- several years and have left jumping demonstrated. They: many friends behind. At least all returned home very tired1 they haven't, moved so far but happy. away that we can't keep in touch. The children will fee,at-" New Baby tending the same schools and Ed and Bettv Radner be-; Peggy will continue as a rriemcame grandparents April 23! her in our bridge clubs. They and are they excited! The are parents of five fine chilbabv's name is Michelle Jean dren; Karen, John, Edward, Rigler, daughter of Sandy and Susan and Sam. They will all Draper. Babv weighed in at be missed but they will love 6 lbs. and 11 ounces. their bigger quarters on the riverfront. We will be envying them their cool dips this summer! ! day but not least are Emily | Spending the weekend in the jSmithson and Carl Hagerup.1 John "Coughlin home were his I Wednesday, May 9th, we all j mother, Mrs. Mary Coughlin, | wish a very happy birthday to i from Chicago and Pat's broth- Amolee Mclntyre. •• er, Ed Garaty. Visiting the Jack Dalton Around The Manor family during the week was Bill Kuck and Art came out jack's aunt, Alyce McNamara. for family supper with the Also out for a visit were Mr. Walter Kuck family on the oc-, and Mrs. Steve Stattman-and casion of Eleanor's birthday, j son. Marie's mother came out Another guest with them that I during school vacation and took evening was Julie Letzer from voung jacki home with her for Wisconsin. J a few days returning Saturday. Some of. Eleanor's neighbors! Jack and Marie got off by got together during the day for themselves too one day and a little party. Dottie Messer i went to the Stattman home in baked the cake which was Elmwood Park. served in the home of Larry j Pamela and Jackie Radner Moore. Also in on the goodies went to dinner and an were Lena Campbell and Marge j Easter party Saturday evening Bi*odin. j with Mr. and Mrs. Cheister An- The Ed Sobacki home was the place for an Easter ham dinner with guests Jim and Virge Gillette and son, Ed's mother from Chicago, Mrs. Mary Sobacki and brother, Tonv, also Mr. and Mrs. Gilderson. The Elwyn Eternick family went to Brookfield to visit Dorothy's sister, Mrs. Harold Palmer, and nephew, Garry. The Len Hansen family went into Chicago to spend Len's Brownies At Wednesday's meeting the Brownies who are to fly-up . 7~ , __ worked on their laws with co- Presbyterian Church News leader Mrs. Newlon while the Thursday, May 3, 8 p.m.^ other girls worked on projects ^ omen s Society final Bible for exhibit at the fa-ij\ The Study on Paul's Letter to the plans are made for the last Roman Church. four meetings which will be Sunday, May 6 - The serfollowed by a summer outing, mon topic will be "Front Page The Brownies also took advan- News! based on Acts chapter tage of Easter vacation and Verses 13-43. , went on an outing to a farm Tuesday, May 8. 3 p.m.-- and zoo in Libertyville. The Children's choir rehearsal. 8, outing consisted of fourteen p.m. -- Adult choir rehearsal Brownies, three mothers, and Tuesday - Wednesday, 8 and a few smaller children. They1 S> -- New church development all had a wonderful time a'nd 'n Springfield. wound up their day at ,an out- < ----. door hamburger stand enjoy- j Birthday WIAIIPB tag hamburgers and milk1 We hope Arthur Welrleh had shakes. ia happy birthday on Muy 4. 1 Saturday. May 5 in shared by Fire! Fire! i three children, Jolt' darner For those 'who 'wondered j wU1 become 7-1Su»le N^lon a what caused such commotion m'ss ^ on Tuesdav the fire truck ! and Margie Birmingham will be roared through the Manor "]ne- H°w these kids do grow! twice with siren sounding ex- ® »SJ J na citing all the children. Our, ^,c^rd Rad ^d seven-year old woods were on fire but, thank j Catherine Hawkins May 7 Dop goodness, no one was burned | Arendt will be celebrating his unless it was some small boys' I birthday and Bruce Eternick backsides when fathers return- ^ ® nine. May & is a very ed home for the evening. Viewing the fire and scorched earth probably set a very good example to us all on what could have happened. With adult supervision the woods would still make a marvelous place for camping out. busy day with six birthdays, Edward Sobacki, Marilyn Salo, young Alfred Ritter, . Jr. will be 10, Pamela Campbell will be just 6, and last on that lette. Sr., from Wonder Lake, mother's birthday with her The Robert Newlon family! Winnie's mother came out durspent a few days visiting in j ing Easter weekend. Also over the home of his sister, Mary | Easter were Len and Dolore^ Selgert. in Spring Lake, Mich, j Lawrence and Tommy and Lin-. The Ed Radner family had j da. Len and Winnie Hansen, Easter dinner at home com-1 Dick and Louise Wiegman, and plete with the lamb mold cake, j Ed and Betty Radner still en- Guests out for digger and the:joy their weekly get-togethers day were Betty's parents, Mr.; with Louise coming out top and Mrs. Lightholder, and sis-; winner in cards. ter, Sally, from Chicago. | Young Dennie Hansen took i Easter Sunday guest in the; both written and physical fx-! John Barry home was mother, j ams for officer's candidate 1 Mrs. Hazel Barry, from Mc- j school and passed with flying Henry. . ; colors. The Tom Birmingham family * George and Nancy Marcotte' went into Chicago over the I enjoyed viewing a stage play, Easter weekend. They enjoyed • in downtown Chicago. | brunch with Mr. and Mrs. Wil-1 Kay Stephenson and family liam Maroney and Easter sup-; spent the Easter weekend in per with Helen's mother, Mrs. I the city in the home of her: Margaret Deasy. ! mother, Mrs. Devaney. They; Ml*, -and Mrs. Roy Carlson just loved roller-skating on the and infant son went to Skokie public 'sidewalks. Brings back j to the home of Shirley's sis- many memories, doesn't it? . ter, Mrs. Strzelecki. [ Bert Stoll was taken out to j Bill and Bessie Barnes and j the movies in town and treated ! small son. Roger Dale, spent I to a pizza by friends Ann Rit-; the Easter holidays visiting <er, Marge (Mrs. Joe) Hal- | both parents in Metropolis. stead, and Marge (Mrs. Bill) | The Walter Kuck family Halstead on the occasion of! served turkey dinner Easter' her birthday. j Sunday to guests Grandpa j The Kenneth Massheimers | Kuck from Wonder Lake, Bob j enjoyed Easier dinner at the and Elizabeth Schwinn and home of the senior Ivtassheimers ' The Howard Useman family enjoyed Easter dinner with their parents, Mr.- and Mrs. Ernie Useman. They also had a night out with the four of them going to a downtown restaurant where they saw Nat King Cole in person. The George Landin family spent Palm Sunday in the home of his parents in Ingleside and Easter Sunday in the home of Lee's parents, Mr. i and Mrs. R. S. Cain, in Chicago. i Two of our young people will be entering the state cornpetit ion in music. John Anderson will be playing his trombone and Kathleen Eternick will be playing the clarinet. Visiting in the home of Jack ' Fultz this past week is Marilyn's mother, Mrs. Smith, from ! Fort Wayne, Ind. Attending the Lecture Luncheon Club from the Manor were Pat Kellog, Hannah Harrier, Rita Simpson, Elpha Philippi, Marily n Fultz, and her mother, Mrs. Smith. Ann Varese was the guest entertainer. The Jerry Ryans enjoyed their Easter dinner at his grandmother's home, Mrs. Martha Schmidt, in Arlington Heights. Spending a few days with Edwin and Erika Haldeman were the senior Haldemans from Streater. Tuesday, Bud's brother, Dale Haldeman, and family from Park Forest came for a visit. In observance of Fred Woodbury's birthday he, Pam, and Johnny went to a movie in Chicago's loop and had lunch out. From there they visited Pam's folks, the Arnold Eklunds, staying for supper and overnight. Sunday the Woodburys got together with Howard and Doris Eklund in Rogers Park. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Eklund came out here to spend a few days. children, Pam and Terry, from Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Bee and daughter, Linda. Satin Lakemoor. Easter in the Glen, Messer home found parents, Mr. and urday night the Kucks went j Mrs. Otto Messer, and guests, into Chicago to visit Aunt Mary and Uncle Walter Piske. The Don Cisewski family also liad a houseful Easter with guests, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Bisher, and four children frop- Racine, Wis. Mr. anjd Mrs. Behenna, and four little boys all enjoying the day. The Ray Salo family went into Chicago for the weekend visitihg in the home of Marilyn's parents Mr. and Mrs. James Jordan. Who Isn't Sick? The sick list is rapidly growing with daily calls coming in but at least they seem to be on it and by the time you read it they are back in school again. Billy Freekman and Chris Durkin have the mumpsfi I can't keep up with the measles I Larry Tucker is tklso home with the mumps. Janet Long broke out with the chick-, en Pox. \fre again can't keep up with this stuff. Chicken Pox have also broken out in i the Ryan home. Barbie Krebs and Bairbie Iverson should really have gotten together Lakemoor LOCAL DRILL TEAM PREPARES FOR BUSY SEASON David Heckmann - 385-0532 We are all quite proud of: our local Drill Team -- we ' heard they did a fine job of j presenting the colors at Lake Villa for the joint installation of the V.F.W. and auxiliary officers. The Scouts are now busy practicing for parades they are to participate in this spring and summer. The unit has now welcomed a new drillmaster, John Spears, who has volunteered his time to help in training the group. The Parent's Association for the Lakemoor Scout a is holding its annual spring dance on Saturday, May 19, at Club Lilymoor. Let's get out and support this fine group of youngsters. Tickets for the dance are available from any of the parents of the drill team or may be purchased at the door. The group is sponsored by V.F.W. Post 4600, Mc- Henry. Girl Scouts, both local and councilwise, both ladies are retiring. Any girls who want to continue on with Scouting will be transferred to a troop in Lilymoor under the leadership of Mrs. Leona Fantus and Mrs. Diqne Fuhler. Arrangements afe being made for the girls who want to continue on in the fall. Brownie Troop 299 The Brownie troop, under the leadership of Miss Judy Vacondio, is happily working along on Mother's Day gifts. The troop is still meeting with the Girl Scout Troop but in the fall,- will continue on in Lakemoor, by themselves. Any, girls who want to become | Brownies in the fall, please" j contact Judy Vacondio before ! the end of June. J , ^ ! Report on Egg Hunt I The children who came out fop the Easter egg hunt® en-^ joye* hunting and finding colored eggs on the big beach. The winner in the three age grqups were Cindy Nicholla, Janice Winters and Diane Taylor. A basket filled with candy was presented to each. The egg hunt was sponsored by the L.I.A. club. Girl Scout Troop 309 The Girl Scout troop had a very nice display at the Girl Scout Fail* held last Sunday at the McHenry junior high. The girls who worked to make the display of the "DABBLER" badge were: BorfrresT Bonder, Kathy Pierce, Dolly Patellaro, Sharon Myers, Lorry Beahler, Sue Bitterman, Micki Morrison, Diane Wolf and Linda Goss. The troop is now busy at work getting together a gift for Mother's? Day. Their final court of awards will be held the first Monday in June. Mrs. Pat Morrison and Mrs. Marge Beahler are sorry to announce this will be the final meeting of the troop under their leadership. After 8 years of continuous leadership with Easter week. Both girls are sporting beautiful black eyes. Hi Neighbor ! Mr. and Mrs. Richard Cor-' man just moved into the Manor on Country Lane. Richard is a carpenter and his hobby is HO gauge trains. Judy takes to art. painting pictures and making very interesting and beautiful ones from dry beans. They have three children, Frances, Ricky and Candette. They have spent the past five years living in the vicinity of Downer's Grove. We are very glad to have thorn live here and hope they will feel welcome and enjoy living in our j subdivision as much as we do. They are still very busy paint-' ing the interior of the house for us to get acquainted but soon the job will be done and then we can get together over a cup of coffee. y. Beware Dogs and Dog Owners! Dogs and dog owners best watch out! The dog-catcher has been seen driving slowly Maximum ProjitsFrom Minimum Tillage } Large numbers of corn growers 'throughout the Midwest are switching to minimum tiHage. Equipment and labor savings are great with this relatively new corn production method. This cultural practice is gaining in popularity largely because of the development of excellent new chemicals for weed control. Modern herbicides are applied lat planting time and control weeds land grasses all season. Atrazine, (one of the most popular herbi- Icides for weed control in corn, has been largely responsible for the .advancement of minimum tillage. • The benefits from minimum tillage and Atrazine application include effective weed control •coupled with the conservation of soil moisture and elimination of soil compaction. Since cultivations can be drastically reduced or even elimirnated, profits go up. Labor costs are lower, and with excellent chemical weed control yields are higher. Small wonder that more and more farmers are using minimum tillage to bring about maximum corn profits. Valuable information may be obtained by writing to Geigy Agricultural Chemicals, Department WNf Saw Mill River Road, Ardsley, New "Vork, for their free manual on weed control in corn. - RIGID-FRAME "RIGID-FRAME" Construction. It's new -- and so differeni -- and -- Will save time and money! You can build if ^6uritelf dxi a weekend -- or we have, reliable local builders ready to build YOUR GARAGE NOW! tg§p . i: - • A MIS FOR THE FAMOUS QHMITIIS Of THE |@@% Ia t e x w@umr W A i l M I N T UBS The Classifieds w Reasons Why To See UB If You Need A Water System or Weill 1. Only trained personnel in their respective field of Drilling -- Pump Installations Point Changing -- Service Calls 2. Largest pump inventory in the county. (Jets, Submersibles an4 Sump Pumps) . 3. Both Red Jacket and Dayton authorized agency. 4. We guarantee water in 24 hours on our system 5. A guarantee in writing. 6. We service all makes including Montgomery Wards and Sears pumps. 7. Our men and machines are completely insured. 8. Pump cutaways on hand for your inspection. 9. Parts available for all makes. 10. Besides pump installations we do both well drilling and drive well points. 11. EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS. ON DISPLAY SEE THEM WORK -- OVER 70 PUMPS IN STOCK McHenry County ill 1 EPutnp WELLS DRILLED OR DRIVEN We ^Repair and Service AlX MAKBS of PUMPS! Located in the Village of McCullom Lake 2% miles from McHenry on McCullom-Wonder Lake Rd. Phone McHenry EV 6-625i or RMtlAonee EV 6-071S u J J Two-Gar With Storage * Compare The F< i .. * Compare the ftadKl'y! * Compare The Price! No Money Down -- 5 Years to Pay Low Monthly Payments ^JgZF firtstotit • NEW LUXURIOUS MODERN LOW SHEEN • NEW EASIER C@Vg|lNS FOR HARDTO- PAWR SURFACES Of course you'll love SPRED SATIN with years ahead stay fresh colors that give your waifs new decorator soft beauty. You II love the greater durability and improved resistance to dirt and grime. Try it today and see for yourself I Paint anytime, no-fumes, no-odors. Dries in 20 min. f GROUND GRIP OPEN CENTER TRACTOR TIRE V See Walt before You BUY! ALEXANDER LUMBER CO THE BEST OF EVERYTHING FOR THE BUILDER Oft HifMray 31 South 61 Street -- Mclltiiry, I Fteae 3®l=1€24 Cortiplete FAftirt tl SERVIC NOW and SAVE! NO OTHER TRACTOR TIRES GIVE SO MUCH FOR SO LOW A PRICE TIRES - TUBES For Tractors, Trucks and All Passenger Cars All Sizes at Popular Prites NYLON 6,70x15 Tube Type 7.10x15- Tube Type 6.70x15 Tubeless 7.50x14 Tubeless 1 - ii<aekw@l SAVON 6.70x15 $ Tube Type 7.10x15 ¥ $ Tube Type 13« Add $3 for Wftitewdlls All Prices Plus Tax Get Ready for Yotir Summer Driving Today! McHENRY TIRE MART WALT FREUND. Prop. 3931 W. MAIN ST. McHENRY, ILLINOIS Pl©i@ 311^0294 0

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