Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 3 May 1962, p. 18

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Pipe Eighteen THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Thursday, May 3, 1962 Lilymoor URGE RESIDENTS TO PARTICIPATE IN CLEAN UP WEEKEND Shirley Schuerr Don't forget this coming Saturday and Sunday, May 5 and 6, is the clean up weekend in Lilymoor. All trash such as bottles, cans, etc., that Cannot be burnt should be placed in boxes or garbage cans so it can be hauled away. With the grass fairly low it is a good time to clear all the rubbish up. Everyone in Lilymoor is invited to come out and help clean up. Let's show others how proud we are of our subdivision. A ^ pot-luck dinner will follow the^finish of the cleaning up. Pot-Luck Dinner will be held Sunday, May 6, at 6 p.m. at Club Lilymoor after the clean up is finished. You are asked to help out not only in the clean up by your friends and neighbors, you are also asked to bring a dish of food for other workers to share. If you have not been contacted about the dinner please call Lil Neumann at T-85-4249 or Diane Fuhler at 385-5271 and let them know what you are bringing and how many are coming. This way they will have an idea of how many to count on. Tickets will be given ONLY at the door for the dinner, and ONLY to those who helped in the clean-up. Let's make it a hundred per cent on the clean-up and the dinner. It can be a lot of fun when there is a large group working together and eating together. per hour limit. Yes the speed limit on the roads of our subdivision is 20 miles per hour. With the nice weather here the children will be out playing a lot more than this winter. Drivers please, the speed limit is 20 miles per hour, not as fast as you want to go. Parents please tell your children to watch out for the cars when playing. A lot of us parents want our children to grow up to be men and women. Pisiakee Highlands RUMMAGE SALE BENEFITS MOUNT HOPE CHURCH Hazel Morley - HY 7-3320 Auxiliary News The next monthly meeting of the Woman's auxiliary will be held this coming Monday, May 7, at the community house at 8 p.m. Hostesses for the May meeting are Diane and Kathy Fuhler and Val Fradinardo. Get-Well Wishes go to Teddy Winkel. Teddy has been confined to the McHenry hospital. Get-well wishes also go to Maurice Haines who has been ill. Here's hoping I can report that both are fine next week. I am happy to report that Val Fradinardo and Pearle Stineman are feeling much better now. Association News The next monthly meeting of the Lilymoor association will be held Tuesday, May 8, at the community house at 8 p.m. This will be an important meeting so please try to make it a point to attend. Proceeds of the forthcoming luau will be discussed and voted on. It will be voted on whether the proceeds of the luau will go toward the beach or the roads. Another important matter that will be discussed and voted on will be where the next annual dance will be held. Remember the meeting is this coming Tuesday, May 8, at the community house at 8 p.m. Mail Boxes It has been brought to my attention that the mail boxes in Lilymoor have been tampered with again. It is a federal offence to tamper with any mail box. If you have any trouble with someone going into your mail box, write to your postmaster, LeRoy Smith, in McHenry. The proper authorities will take it from there. Parents please warn your children about this. Tell them they are NOT to go into other mail boxes. If they are caught they will be in serious trouble with the government. Birthday Greetings go to Pearle Stineman who celebrated her big day Monday, April 30. Greetings also go to Lil Neumann who celebrated her big day Wednesday, May 2. Master Richard Schuerr was a great big one year old Wednesday, May 2. Wedding Congratulations go to Diane Zundel and Ed O'Rourke who were married Saturday, April 21. Congratulations and best wishes go to you both, Diane and Ed. Congratulations Goes to Florence Svoboda on becoming president of the Woman's auxiliary of the McHenry V.F.W. Post 4600. Sewing Circle The sewing circle of the Woman's auxiliary met at Eunice Tobey's home Tuesday, April 24. A lot of work was accomplished by Leona Fantus, Connie Johnson, Marion Leske, Alma Hueck s t a e d t, Marge Polinski and Pearle Stineman.'Pie and coffee were served to the girls. Traffic and Speed • Since the weather has become nice there has been a lot more traffic on our roads here in the subdivision. Lot of the cars are travelling a lot faster than the 20 miles Bern Mm, ATractor Piston GVARANT Soloist Eunice Tobey was,, very honored and proud to be organ soloist at the installation of officers at the McHenry Moose lodge Tuesday evening, April 24. It was also an interesting sight to see the women in their formals and making the arch of flowers for the men to pass through. Don't fox-get the rummage sale this Saturday, May 5, at the barn. It will begin at 9:30 a.m and end at 2 p.m. It is sponsored by the W.S.C.S. of the Mount Hope Methodist church. Call Jocelyn Staudenmaier of you want any rummage or white elephants picked up arid Barb Sisk abput the baked goods. ^ Parade Planned Looking ahead into the month of May, the Cub Scouts are planning a Memorial Day parade. All other organizations in the Highlands are asked to join in and make this the biggest parade the Highlands has seen yet. Welcome This week we are welcoming two new families to the Highlands and they moved in as next door neighbors. Welcome to Mr. and Mrs. Allison and family who moved into their home on Woodland Drive which was formerly owned by the Jack Zetterburg family. Then right next door moving into the Peterson home are Mr. and Mrs. Charrey and family. Our best to you all and we hope you like beirig residents of our community. Library News Helpers are still needed to work each morning at the barn sorting and shellacking books. Jocelyn Staud e n m a i e r and Joyce Malek are there each day and they would appreciate any help they can get even if it's just an hour of your time. Dogs If you are having dog problems don't forget those two phone numbers of Ed Jelinek. Around the Highlands Rose Farwell, Pat Jackson, Emma Eide and Hazel Rogrle were unexpected guests at the home of Audrey Morin last Wednesday. It seems each lady decided to pay Audrey a call and before sfou knew it, there was a house full. Bill Lord, a former Sea of Lakemoor and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Schuerr of Chicago. Scout, is home on leave from the Navy. He is visiting his family and when his leave is up he will go to Florida. Harriette Wilson enjoyed a day golfing with the companionship of her three daughters, Barbara, Janet and Alice, last Monday. Congratulations to Jeff Novotny who celebrated liis eighth birthday on April 25. Bob, Tom and Jim Hurckes, Jeff Jensen, Reed Bales and Jeff Weick all joined in the party and they enjoyed the afternoon bowling. Martin and Hazel Rogde were in DeKalb over Easter and while there they helped c e l e b r a t e H a z e l ' s m o t h e r ' s eighty-fifth birthday. Tommy Moriri was a lucky little fella when he stayed for three days with his Grandparents Morin in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Healy were very pleased to have their son, Bud, and faniily here for a visit. ^ The Hanson family spent the weekend in Chicago. Peter Cunningham "returned from the McHenry hospital on Holy Saturday. Peter is suffering from arthritis of the spine which is most painful but with the aid of his son he is doing fine. Bruce and Carol Petherick and their children, Scott and Leslie, were Easter Sunday guests of Carol's sister, Mary Johnson, and famity in Waukegan. The Milton Sandelins had a house full for Easter. All of Betty's family were on hand to watch and enjoy Bobby's first Easter. Frank Krumwiede of Park Ridge spent Holy Saturday visiting his son, Phil, and family. The Weaver family have sold their home and wDl move into their new homejin Wheaton. They will be missed by many. Marcia was veary^active in community affairs and was past v i c e-president of the Woman's Club. Richie Orlowski flev/ by Jet to Washington, D. C., April 24, on company business and returned April 28. The John Megleys spent the Easter weekend in Fort Wayne, Ind., with Joan's parents. While there they visited Joan's grandmother who is confined to the hospital after suffering injuries from an accident. Easter Sunday was a sad day for the Sielisches. In the morning they received word that Wally's first cousin, Frank Kelly of Antioch, died of a heart attack. He was only 49 years old. A week ago Frank's sister died of a heart attack and Frank had just returned from her funeral in New York. He was buried April 25 at Mount Carmel cemetery in Antioch. In the afternoon the Sielisches were happy to have long distance phone calls from Kay's mother, brother Ray, sister Mary Ann and her uncle Bill. Cathy Weber returned from the hospital jj^pril 25. Happy birthday on May 5 to Nancy Leuth who will be two years old. Harriette Wilson, Vi Johnson, Geri Vrbik, Lois Leuth and Janice Janquart attended the bowling banquet of the T h u r s d a y N i g h t W o m e n ' s League on May 3. On April 28, Bobby Hurckes celebrated his eleventh birthday i'oy ta^i^iiSome friends to see Pinocchio. After the movie Jesse Stammer, Jimmy Mc- Inerney, Ronnie K o 1 b, Butch Neilsen, Jeff Jensen, Teddy Jost, Teddy Bierchen, Mike Skosburg and brother, Tommy, came home for all the refreshments. While on their trip to New Orleans over the Easter holiday Trudy Rogde and Jill Reilly were thrilled with the beautiful sights. Jill attended mass at the beautiful St. James Cathedral. On May 5, Steve and Geri Vrbik, Vi and Floyd Johnson, Jack and Mary Seldon, Ted and Elinor Wroblewski and Skip and Harriette Wilson will spend the evening enjoying themselves at the Moose Lodge in Woodstock. I'd Like You to Meet This week we are meeting Gene and Joyce Heir and family who make their home at 5407 Lucina avenue. They have lived here for six years and moved from Chicago. Gene was born in South Dakota and they will celebrate their anniversary on June 14. Gene is a service repair man and his hobbies are fishing, baseball and right now he is very active in the American Legion Post 703 in Fox Lake. He is "Sergeant- At-Arms. He was a trustee for the association. Joyce likes to read, is active in the Woman's auxiliary of the American Legion and both have been active in the Cub Scout unit. The youngsters include Sandra, 14, Wayne, 13, Warren, 11, and David, 5. Next year Sandra will be a freshman at McHenry and the boys will attend St. John's in Johnsburg. The boys belong to the Sons of The American Legion. You can see the Gene Heir family is an "American Legion" family. Pistakee Highlands Woman's Club April 25 the annual dinner and election was held in Fox Lake. It was a lovely affair. Talutha Tesmer coached the following dancers in very lovely dances, Peggy Gunderson, Pam Walsh, Susan Tesmer and Bill Barrett. After the dinner and entertainment the meeting was held and the new officers elected are President, Mrs. Jane Malek, vice-president, Mrs. Mary Lou Sabielny, secretary; Mrs. Beverly Lewandowski. treasurer; Mrs. Barbara Sisk. The tables were beautifully decorated by Teena O'Malley, Joan Zilligen and Kay Sislsch. A vote was taken to' donate a panel to the community center. Past secretary pre s e n t e d Past president Catherine Sielisch with a past president's pin. The next meeting of the Woman's Club will be held May 30, with the new officers presiding. This will end. the meetings for the summer season. Meetings will resume in September. At the May meeting the dues for the year will be payable so try to get your dues paid in May. President Jane Malek will be holding an executive meeting very soon to get started on a busy year. Zeveren or Mrs. Joseph Murray. That's It I set aside my trusty typewriter for another week and tuck away my specially marked phone book where I can find it and wish you all a pleasant spring week. Bye now. See you next week. Tickets Available Anyone wishing to obtain tickets for the St. John's Home and School association luncheon and card party, May 8, may contact Mrs. Robert Van- SYCAMOKE ENEMY Sycamore . anthracnose, an old enemy of sycamore trees in Illinois, may cause trouble to homeowners again this year, according to a report from the Illinois Natural History Survey. Sycamore anthra c n o s e, the most common and destructive disease of American sycamore, occurs throughout Illinois. It affects the leaves, twigs, and branches of trees. Two applications of organic mercury sprays are recommended. The first should be applied at the time the buds are swelling and the bud caps are breaking. The second spray should be applied 14 days alter the first. -• IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE -"-s - ' \ GENERAL CONTRACTOR EVERGREEN 5- Use Our Free Planning Service! Considering a room addition-- a major repair job--or remodeling? Let us help, you on proper ||| materials, and other important points you'll need to know! Plus an estimate on the job. This exact information can guide you to a safe and worry free decision IF * ' I wiiiiiiii It's A Boy For yours truly and husband, Lawrence. Thomas Alan made his big entrance Wednesday, April 18, weighing in at 8 lbs., 7 ozs. and 21 inches long. He was greeted at home by his sister, Mary, and brothers, Skipper, Bill, Kenneth and Richard. The proud grandparents are Mrs. Bertha Burger R e g u l a r c h e c k - u p s a n d maintenance by our experts, means lower car costs for you. Call us today and find out for yourself. Brake Service All Mechanical Repairs Complete Motor Overhauling BUTCH'S Aufe Serwice "84-HOUR TOWING SERVICE 1002 N. Front St. EV 5-0811 McHenry, DL We're delighted! Your cooperation and understanding made the changeover to seven-figure dialing in McHenry a smooth one. Seven-figure dialing is being introduced in McHenry and throughout the U.S., because population growth and new telephone services demand more usable number combinations than the present system allows. Our job is to provide McHenry with the best possible telephone service. It's being made easier because of your help. Thanks again. NK YOU! ILLINOIS TELEPHONE 1311 N. Court Street Phone: 885-9981 it 1 0 CERTIFIED POWER MORE W1 o f '/;• SEE YOiR FORD DEALER Doot smash it-cash ft ml Yoor present car is worth more right NOW- right this second--than ifH ever be worth again on trade' c for a 1SS2 Ford. Special dbals for ®57-*8--*9 or '60 trade-ins. See your neighborhood Ford dealer NOW :!« §1 1200 Make Your Next Tractor Overhaul SV1&W Certified Power 4005 W. Waukegan Rd. (Rt. 120 at the Railroad Tracks) Ph. 885-0033 IM.II.niv BUSS FORD SALES 3936 W. Main St. McHenry. 111. 0 i

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