Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 10 May 1962, p. 17

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^Thursday, May ID, 1962 ~\ cHENHTPLAINDEMXR Village of Sunnyside BROWNIE LEADERS COMPLETE COURSE ON CAMP TRIPS Eola Deppmeier- 385-6310 Alice Bieschke and Sylvia -^Obstfelder leaders of Brownie -^Troop No. 150 were among the many leaders who completed a troop camping over-nighter course under primitive camping conditions recently. The ladies are now licensed and ready to take the "Fly-ups" from their Brownie Troop on an over-night camping trip at Camp Chapman, Wis., along witf Girl Scout troop No. 408. , The site located on a 360 acre , farm is said to be ideal. The outingSvill take place in June, and you can bet -that for the Scouts that month can get here none too soon. Girl Scouts ; In the absence of Mrs. Mangold from Troop No. 408, Coni nie Thomas had as her guests ! Mrs. Alice Bieschke and j ^daughter, ifemmy. A discus- T sion, in detail of the troops' i camping trip which is scheduled for June 11 through 13 was held. Alice Bieschke wtyl be accompanying the girls on this outing along with other leaders and their troops. The officers at this meeting were, Girl Scout .reporter, Diane O e f f l i n g ; s e c r e t a r y , B a r b a r a Ogelsby, treasurer; Mary Lynn |i ^ Meyers, president; and Greta ' Martin, vice-president. 4" Birthdays Many happy returns of the day this week go to Christine Butler, May 10, Donna Kinder, May 11, and Fran Kasperski on May 12. Hope you all have a real great birthday * folks! ^ ' . Anniversaries Our' best for a very happy anniversary go to Mr. and Mrs. Richard Schneider who will celebrate on May 16. Best^pf everything. Rich and Esther! Aid Visitor The Johnsburg Rescue Squaa was called to administer to Rose Levy, mother of Mrs. - Eleanor Mangold. Mrs. Levy, ™ originally from Cicero, was visiting with ElearfOr when the attack came. The squad treated and then rushed her to the McHenry hospital where she remained for two weeks. She is expected to be released soon and will spend the rem&irKfer of her convalescence at Eleanor's home here in the village. made their First Holy Communion last Sunday were; Mark Fredrick, Jeff Lehman/ Judy Cios, "Butch" Kennebeck and ^Qick Jablonski. Village Visittn' Cris Williams, a patient at the McHenry hospital for the past week recovering from surgery,, tells me that she is doing nicely and that her doctor does at pretty neat jol> when it comes to stitchin' and patchin'. As I said before, knowing Cris, it won't be long before She is back home and taking the-'Wins again! I'mT siii'e all .of you will be happy to learn that Mrs. Garner, a patient too, at the McHenry hospit al^shoyld be home by the time jfou haw> read this column. Olga had bejen there for almost two weeks/as a result of an unfortunate auto accident. Will sure be nice to see her again with that there fishin' pole in her hand! (Quite the fisherman this gal!) PISTAKEE TERRACE Ladies Meeting May 10 is the date of the Pistakee Terrace Ladies auxiliary meeting, and you can bet we'll be looking for all you ladies. How about attending-- it's a good time to greet your neighbors, have some coffee, eat some cake and above all work together in the making •if a good and grand community to live in. How about it ladies, let's get together -- hmm? Whoops, almost forgot to«te!l you, the meeting will be at%he home of Grace Gavin. delay, get them thar tickets NOW!! If such a thing you decide to attend at the last minute, tickets will be available at the door. Which door? The J p h n s b u r g C o m m u n i t y H a l l door of course, 'cause that's where the dance will be held. I'd like to mention too, that there will be not^only a terrific band, but also, free food and also a certain beverage will be free, one of which will promise to quench your thirst! See you there I hope! > . Communions •J r Little gals and guys, who Birthdays Sorry, there isn't any, and if there are I'm sorry too 'cause they're not in my record book! Anniversary Our best wishes for a very happy anniversary are in store for Mr. and Mrs. Donald Kern. The fine couple will celebrate their twelve years of marriage on May 13. They have two lo\el.v daughters, Regina, 8, and Karen, 4, and it just could be that by the time you read this that expected bundle may have arrived from that long legged bird. Best wishes always, Loretta and Don. Terrace Dance Saturday I could have twisted - 'er danced all night and a ring-ading- ding will be one of the comments that will take place Sunday morning 'cause Saturday is May 12 and. that's the date of Pistakee Terrace's annual dance! Tickets for this gala affair can still be obtained through Len Toepper, so if your gonna go hurry up, don't Terrace Tid Bits Unexpected guests this weekend at the Donald Kern residence were friends Ray and Alice Carlson from Wonder Lake. Incidentally, Loretta is expecting that flight package from heaven to be delivered by the stork almost any day now! - . Neighbors around and about were sorry tcr learn tha£ Mrs. Fred Woerner "broke her arm in three places as a result of a fall. She had been a patient in the McHenry hospital for three days, but now is at home. I am told that this lovely lady isn't the kind to let an old broken arm get her down, so with this sort of info' I betcha it won't. be long before that cast comes off and her arm is in A-l condition once again'. George and Mary Mecko motored down to Joliet recently ,Xvhere they enjoyed visitation with their daughter, Carol, who is studying at the St. Francis convent. On August 12, mom and dad will journey down again where they will witness the ceremonial white veiling which will 'be bestowed on Carol making her a novice. Neighbors rrom both the Terrace and the village of Sunnyside remember Carol quite well, la real fine girl, one who made I friends very easily with young and old alike. Mary wishejs to inform these friends that Carol is extremely happy in her chosen vocation. Being a great admirer of dogs, I, along with other friends of Pat and Barb Flood were happy to hear that this couple were reunited with their little pooch, Boots, who had been missing for two weeks^ Having had to be parted with my own pet several months back, I am aware of the emptiness that Pat and Barb felt during those" days when Boots was gone. Sometimes we don't appreciate these four leggers until the day comes when we are without them. Feed 'em T-bones Pat, he won't stray again!!! Bernie Cisewski's mom, Mrs. Agnes Sedall, entered the McHenry hospital* last week for major surgery. After her release from the "well-maker" department Agnes will return to the home of 3ernie for the duration of her recuperation stage. Another hospital patient this week is Mrs. Mary Hess Who is also at the McHenry hospital where she is under observation. In skipping through this column, looks like homecoming a^ the hospital. Pretty close knit neighbors -- even get sick at the same time. Only thing is, we can really get along without this sort of news, so how about getting well real fast all of you fin# people. I'd much rather report that you were kicking-up your heels or taking off for a vacation in sunny Spain or sumpthin'. Lilymoor OFFER SYMPATHY TO FAMILY WHEN MEMBER IS KILLED Shirley Schuerr Our deepest sympathy goes to the Christensen family on the sudden death of Willard Christensen. Winner's Celebrate A pot-luck turkey dinner was given recently by -Grace and Cal Vyduna. The occasion was a celebration treat for the first place bowling team winners on which Cal was a member5! Other men who were on this lucky team who enjoyed the tasty dinner along with their wives were .the Harry Gavins, Roy Ericksons and the Ray Krugers of Johnsburg. A birthday dinner celebration was given by Grace Gavin in honor of her husband! Harry, early last week. Those present in making his day one to lx? remembered were the Harry Gavins, Sr. of Chicago and Mr. and Mn>. Bruno Perkowski, Grace's folks also from Chicago. Nancy and Michael. Harry's children chimed in too. even tho' they J had just recovered from a bout of illness. Lucky thing about kids -- in most cases -- those so called bugs whip in and whip out in a big hurry! Communion One finb lad who made his first Holy Communion last Sunday was young Scott Allan Wiggerman. Mom and dad, Ron and Marilyn, made his day a festive one when th'ey invited twenty-two friends and relatives to a dinner celebration at their home. Another young citizen, Scoit Stull. also made bis Holy Communion, and it too, was celebrated along with friends and relatives of the family. • Receives Communion A Sunday, April 29, was a big day in Sharon Neumann's life. Sharon received her first Holy Communion at St.- Patrick's church in McHenry. A party was held in her honor. There were fifteen children and about twenty adults present to help her .celebrate her big day. Congratulations go* to you, Sharon. Closing Note - In closing this week, I would like to add that I wish every mother who has managed to struggle through this column to this point a very Happy Mother's Day! Hope your day will be a pleasant one and don't forget to give old dad a big kiss, 'cause if it. hadn't been for him. there just would- FLAMELESS ELECTRIC DISHWASHING @ Commonwealth Edison Company tWilt to give her an electric dishwasher Can you relax with the paper at dish" washing time--with a clear conscience? You can if you get your wife an automatic electric dishwasher. She'll just flick a switch, and the dishes, glasses, silver will be washed, rinsed and dried automatically. No KP for you, less work for your wife. And everything bomes out sparkling, spotless, streakless. You'H be surprised at how little it costs to have an electric dishwasher in your kitchen. See the built-in and portable models at your dealer's today. (J Public Service Company • SEE YOUR ELECTRIC APPLIANCE DEALER TODAY Baby Baptized Little Thomas Schuerr was baptized Sunday, April 29, at St. Mary's church in McHenry. His Godparents were his uncle and aunt, Jack and Esther Schuerr, of Fox Lake. wish a happy Mother's day to you. Anniversaries •' Qreetings are going out to four couples here in Lilymoor. Earel and Laura Belford cele- •tiSf. Page Seventeen brated their eleventh anniversary Monday, May 7; Charlie 'and Sally Rogers celebrated theirs Tuesday, May 8; Fred and Isabelle Karmel will celebrate their twenty-first anniversary Saturday, May 12; and John and Marie Behrendt will celebrate their anniversary Tuesday, May 15. To each of you we say congratulations and hope you celebrate many more anniversaries. More News Mr. and Mrs. Walter Schuerr and Mrs. Kate Caswick spent the weekend here in Lilymoor. Also spending the weekend was Mr. and Mrs. Schuerr's g r e a t - g r a n d c h i l d r e n , D o n a l d and Donna Jean Moore of Chicago. In Closing This coming Sunday, May 13, is Mother's Day. To all of you mothers I would like to n't be any Mother's Day!! (You can do the reverse on Father's Day dad)! Oh, incidentally, how about making this ole mom happy Somebody -- how about one of you gals taking over the column. It will prove to be very interesting ^ncT"ymi would be surprised at the tine people you meet. Frankly, I'm quite sorry that I won't be available to keep the column up myself. If someone doesn't come forward soon. I'm afraid there won't be any column at all. How about it hmm? AN ADVERT!SMENT THIS SIZE See you next week?? Would Cost $153 for Postage Alone . . . i f y o u p u t i t o n a p o s t c a r d a n d m a i l e d i t t o t h e 5 . 1 0 0 f a m i l i e s now receiving The McHenry Plaindealer. . . . i t w o u l d c o s t y o u o n l y $ 9 . 0 0 , i f r u n i n t h e P l a i n d e a l e r . . . . And it wouldn't be tossed in the wqptebasket either! People PAY to get the newspaper. And one of the main things they pay for is the advertisements which guide them in all their buying habils. v The McHenry Plaindealer > S; • mr itmmu, "~~m laiiii ^ ^ S. S\> ^ | , Aceiet/ Take it from us, you'd better not try to exchange Confidences in a new 1962 Cadillac. For the car is so silent in operation--even at the legal limit of the road--that even a whisper can be heard. But while that wondrous quiet might make it difficult to trade secrets--it speaks volumes about motor car quality and goodness. For the silence of the Cadillac car is as unique as the circumstances fctifit^produce it. Cadillac cars, for instance, are built in only one place--and they are built by men who build nothing else. They are crafted _ to unbelievably fine tolerances. Some engine parts must be machined to an accuracy of one ten-thousandth of an inch. They are styled so scientifically that wind noise is reduced to a lullaby--and they are constructed so well and insulated so thoroughly that outside sounds are virtually eliminated. They undergo more than 1400 inspections in the course of their manufacture and assembly --and are then subjected to the most authoritative final inspection m the industry. You ought to visit your Cadillac dealer soon and sample the results for yourself. And while yocKre at the wheel--listen to the eloquent quiet. - It's one more example of why only a car that's designed like a Cadillac and built like a Cadillac can ride like a Cadillac. VISIT YOUR LOCAL AUTHORIZED CADILLAC OF.ALER OVERTON CADILLAC--PONTIAC COMPANY 112 N. FRONT STREET • PHONE 385-6000 I

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