Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 10 May 1962, p. 18

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Pape Eighteen THE McHENBY PLAINDEALER Pistakee Highlands ^ KATHY WEBER RETURNS HOME FROM HOSPITAL Hazel Morley - HY 7-3320 I :im plo;iso<l 1o report that Kmthy- W'ohof hVs. returned home liufn !ho li*>s|>it;ii. Npws Bits Stove and (Icri1, Vrbik spent 1 hrce days in Si. Louis last work. [Kiri mi business, part ,vn pleasure. On May 10. t lie Pink Lady Spwinu iluilil will meet at ihe homo o! Mai it n Carlson "in McHenry. A pot-luck luncheon wilj l;e held lo celebrate the bnth(la\s of Marion Carlson. .Mildred" Kennedy. Marion Hitter and Lilah Jordon. AttendiiV from thq, Highlands will be \'i S'chuble. Maiye Moreth. C.crt Snell ainT Lorraine Linrleniiinn. Cons-'raiulation-- to Laura Farwel! who nimle her tirsl Holy Comhiun'icn on May 6 at Si. John's church. Relatives were .visiting Sunday to help selebrat e# Conyratul.iti«'.ns to Mr. and Mrs. Barley on the arrival ot their new ha by at St. Theresa hospital or. May 1. C'dnuratulatious; to Alan l.'llo \\'ho had a birthday parly on May ."i m lvi!ior i f- his eichth l)i r t hda >• and on Sunday lie made his first Holy Communion from Si. John's church- 'On May n i sprint: lunrheqn will be held at the country club. Many ladies from the Highlands are making plans-to attend. Di.n and Audrey Morin will spend Mother's Day in Chicago visit in1-' Don's folks. They will also celebrate the seventh anniversary nf Audrey's sifter and husband. Kd and Virginia Thoren will entertain quests on Mothers Day. I'.il's folks, his brother and famil\ v ill be out and mayWc a few more unexpected. Dickie. Mike and Gary Morley were all laid up a day last week wilii stomach aches and slight fevers. J':! rude - The Memorial Day parade is beiny planned. Any child who is^snot marching can join in the parade hy decoiating their bikes and riding along. There ^on't be any prizes, but there be refreshments at the d of ihe parade route. It Will starl at 10 a.m. from the church and travel only the main si reels. Hen- and There Congratulations to Lily Hcvseth who was elected secretary for the St. John's Home and School association. Best wishe9 for a successful year Lily. Mr. Cunningham enjoyed a two weeks vacation. He was quite upset over the weather because he wanted very much to get all his yard work done but he enjoyed working the days that were nice. The Joseph Ullos spent Easter Sunday in Ftockford visiting their daughter and they also spent May 6 visiting her. President of the Woman's Club. Jane Malek. held an executive meeting at her home May 7. The past officei^of the club were in. attendance. About fifty women showed up May 1 at St. John's church to clean it. The women from the Highlands who helped were Jane Malek. Beverly Lewandowski. Lorraine LM.I o, Rose Farwell, Rosemary Thelen, Doris Hansen. Lily Hovseth and Kay Sielisch. The girls enioyed the very delicious dinner served hy the sodality. Teena O'Malley. Janice Janquart and Sylvia Murrey, did the baby sitting for the mothers who wovked at church. Wallv and Kay Sielisch spent l a s t S a t u r d a y i n C h i c a g o . While there on business thev visited their old neighborhoods. Mary Hansen Was bitten by a dog while riding her bicycle ,on the Johnsburg road April 30. May 1, Doris took her daughter. Mary, for shots. We hope this will be the last such event we have to re|>ort on dogs running loose. - * , Mary Lou Sabielny was ad- [ - H o l i d a y 11 i 11 s Property Ownj mitled to ihe McHenry huspi- : Association will be held on Holida y Hills ASSOCIATION MEETS MAY 14 AT METTELKA HOME Inez Young . The next, meeting of the M% 16, at£ t he home'of Con Kasprzyk. •' . ' How's the fishing contest going, boys? Monday, Mai 14, at the home of Earlihe a rail Elmer Meltelka at Lr)14 \V„ Hickory at 8 o'clock. It's possible that at tlfis tal April 30, lor observation. I'd Like You to Meet Let's say hello to Robert and Kmilv Thode and family at 502 \V. Sunrise Drive. The i some «,!" the details of Thodes will be married 24 ! " sprint' da Dee will be disyears this coming November, j closed. 1 heie_>4*^ns lo be some They\Ayoro mairied in Kier, i mystery, suri'otj.nding^ the ar- C>erm;my. where four of their ' I'angemenis but tliis is what I five childrenwere born, 'ki^ir t;n'- n;inip oldest child is Carl. IX a lieu- I dance is. " Hie --S'.hotgun' wedtenant nTrvitiator in the Air f ding fiance - It will be Force stationed in Tennessee. 1 beid on June 16 i-.'t the Amer- Christa is 'married to Don ican Legion, hall it) Wauconda. Rockel and resides in Man- These dances always turn out land. ' The Rockels are «\vnit- <° he such fun. Don't miss it. in- the arrival of their first„ Mark i he dale on 1-he calendar DEKALB child this month. Jueiv^n. If!. a sophomore at McHeniy high and Ajitje. 15. who will matluate this June from Johnsburg grade sc^iiHil. The pride and joy of the Thode family is Heidi Marie who .wa- horn last Sepiembrr in The Thodes left .Ormacy in August. 1951. .and have lived in the Highlands since 195S. I ask'ed Kmily why they left Germany .and sfie Replied. "To make a beiler living., for' our children, this is the best country in the world." I can't help but agree with her. Robert is an auto mechanic and as a hobby he likes to build things, Kmily likes to relid and • ward Wojew oda as his Gojj is very happy to be here in j parent ris:ht now and st;irt calling your friends. Why nr<1 make up your own party and start off ihe summer with a. night of real fun and frolic. Twins .Make First Communion Baby Ba(>ti/c«i There were two ienportant reasons for the gathering at ihe Schmidt home on Sunday. May fi. The iwins. Perm and Steve. T'-j yars ohL made iheir first Holy Communion at St. Mary's church in McHenry. Micheal Gary, the newest member of the Schmidt family was baptized on the same day with Stella Lobjko and Edevening of good food without dishes. Speaking of husbands - husbands take note-- Chady Ary was sporting a lovely corsage of red roses from Mac. Most of us who attended the Bov Scouts Attend Pageant banquet had such a good time A „ro of our B Scouts we didnt get home until the travel!ed to <lowntown Chjcawee hours of the ann , ^ ()n Fl.jday evening, April 27, are a-1 ready looking forward to R) p , j.|e T0a]wjnu Dancers hext yeais 3.tnquet. [pageant. The boys are very in- Orchids to the gnls who ; lerested in Indian danbfng and jilanned the affair-- Gerry ; so- thoroughly enjoyed/ the Breede, Rene Jende and Joan pageant along with the stop Schroeder. . "°1- refreshments afterwards. : „ i o „ ^( , 1 Jimniie Justes drove them v-Our G i r 1 Scouts and , , . .. Iirownies, trvingr to maki e our 1 cOwntown. where they met evening out more enjoyable, worked fiard bn the lovely favors that decorated the tables. Bnb>- Girl There's a Ijranil new baby girl living at 2504 S. Lilac bringing joy to Bea and Ray Musolf and to big brother, Scott, who is almost .'•! years old. -Sandis the name of the little gal who is the center of attention: The only sad note is that Scott is so anxious to love and coddle her and just can't because of t hose old measles he's Lrot. Seoul master Victor Ja^tes. Scouts Victor^ Justes, Jr., Art bur Jung w i j-1 h, Steven Plein, Ray Mettelka and Matthew Justes 'Sang all the way into the loop and most (?) of the way back. , America. They attend the Luther in. Church of All Sainis in ,Fox Lake It was nice meeting them as our neighbors. Sympathy Our deepest sympathy to A1 and Evelyn Fa 1 k who mourn the passing of Al's mother on April 2S in Minnesota. Burial was held in Owen, Wis. That's It For anolher week. If the news seems re.ther short ..this week it's because your reporter isn't feeline her peppy ole self and Fm havine a heck of a time getting myself going. Happy Mother's Day. to all mothers everywhere. Bye now. see you next week. The Merchandise Marl, in Chicago, covers 2 cily blocks, has 92 acres of floor space, normally maintains 1.209.000 items on display and for sale by 3,200 manufacturers. Grandparenls. aunts, uncles and cousins all gathered together to. make it a memora-* hie occasion. Annual Woman's Club Banquet The annual Woman's club banquet was held at a local restaurant in McHenry on Wednesday, May, 2. Outgoing officers who were honored at the dinner were Chady Ary, Loretta PIxline, Con'hie Catanparo, Jo Jani'k, Joan Laskowski. Jo Van Duvn. Inez Young, Jean Baird and Pat Roth. The new officers are Mary Mahon. .Kay Ryan. Connie Catanxaro. Jo Janik, Ellen Erickson. Virginia Lundelius, Bernice Malstom and Vi „Abbink. This is the club's big social eveni of the year. Eveiyone dresses up in their finest outfit, leaves hubby behind to babysit and steps out for an Easter Egg Hunt I know this news is a little late but it's too nice to pass by. Chuck and Alice Foreman had an Easter egg hunt for the little tmes in their neighborhood. They colored eight dozen eggs, hid them and gave prizes for the specially marked ones. Thi.; afforded much o pleasure They'll be gone soon Scott j for ihe little ones and I'm sure and mom and daddy are. going ' f°r the Easter Bunny to®, to keep Canrlis so you'll have j . lols of time lo Jove her, too. ! Cub Seout Bowling Party Cangratulalions to the- whole • -p)n0 (-u(j Scouts have a Fafamily. ^ ! ther-Son bowling party planned 1 ! for Sunday, May 20, at 11 a.m. St. Johns ( oiiples Club, | [JU| they've invited the moth- Fourteen members of St. jers to* come along and bowl John's Lutheran church's Cou- j w ith ihem if they'd like to. pies club met" at the home of More information will be avail- Wayne and Alice Malzahn for able next week. an Easter-nog party. Those r/esent were the Ber- . Hap,>'V ends. Heises. Kammerlanders. to V\ Malzahns, Mondavs. Nietings ?nd Bll) Abbinkfcelebratmg 14 and Tegbers. happy years together on May IS to Kay and Bob MeWil- .... .. 1 Hams chalking up 11 years on Athletic Club Meeting j M;iy 12 and (() Marcy'and Ray The next meeting of the Strossner who are celebratingand Lai#fy Jende who celebrated, on April 28. Happy Birthday A very happy birthday to my oldest daughter, Gail, who is sixteen years old today. Skating Clowns Eddie Hawhee and Bob, Bradford are ice skating at Rainbow arena as clowns in the Ice Frolic for a well known skating school. ThetsHawhee family will take in the show to,celebrate Connie's birthday. Get Well Wishes Get-well wishes to Kenny Boettcher and Scott Lundelius both recovering from the measles along with Scott Musolf. Best wishes to John Hale who is eppffined to McHenry hospital following-surgery. ry and Hal Breede 'attended the wedding of Gerry's niece. Judy Peavey was united in Holy0 matrimony to James B a n k it s at Transfiguration Catholic church in Wauconda. Her sister, Alice Edwards, was her matron of honor with her two younger sisters attending her as flower girls. The reception followed in Barrington. Remiction of noise in a large office recently produced these results: mistakes by machine operators dropped 52 per cent; absenteeism dropped 37 per cent; labor turnover dropped 48 per cent. Thursday, May 10, 1962 AVAILABLE RECORDS County clerks must' follow the letter of the law in making vital records available until the attorney general gives a decision on the legal interpretation of the new Vital Statistics Act's accessibility clause, Dr. Franklin D. Yoder, director of the Illinois Department of Public Health, said last \yeek. Anyone with a legitimate interest in an individual record can obtain a qopy upon request and payment of the required fee.'Tliis has been the practice for a nun^ber of years, and the new law embodies the same concept. Griswold Lake Athletic club will be held on ' Wednesday, their iwenty-sixth anniversary, and belated greetings to Rene' R e g u l a r c h e c k - u p s and maintenance by our experts, means lower car costs for you. Call us today and find out for yourself. Brake Service All Mechanical Repairs Complete Motor Overhauling TCH'S Auto Service "24-HOUR TOWING SERVICE 1002 N. Front St. EV 5-0811 McHenry, m. -FRAME "RIGID-FRAME" Construction. It's new -- and so different -- and --- will save time and money! You can build it yourself on a weekend -- or we have reliable local builders ready to build YOUR GARAGE NOW! GARAGES WC3 * 10 •IBmNr P03 ES23S S°o outsidi wHin DmKCf WITH GUDDEN FiMOOS LIDDEN ENDURANCE HOUSE PAINT • EASIER BRUSHINGI • GIVES TOP PROTECTION AGAINST WEATHER • SELF-CLEANING--STAYS BRIGHTER! • READY NOW IN 38 BEAUTIFUL COLORS I Here's the best paint value you can get! Exclusive Glidden formula makes Endurance a tough, elastic paint that resists checking and cracking, keeps moisture away from the/wood to prevent rotting and deterioration. Chalking is actually regulated for even wear and better self-cleaning. You'll be able to paint a lot more, a lot easier for a lot less with Glidden Endurance. See us now for the best in lasting home^otection and beauty. Two-Car With Storage * Compare The * Compare The Cpmlity! * Compare The Price! No Money Down -- 5 Years to Pay t Low Monthly Payments CLINTON MARTIN 2505 N. Martin Rd. McHenry Phone 385-0527 ALEXANDER LUMBER (0. THE BEST OF EVERYTHING FOR THE BUILDER On Heglhway 31 South of MdSoji Sir@<9t -- McHenry, Illinois Pfc©Ei@ 3II=M24 Mary and Martha Guild (A A group 0£ women from St. John's Lutheran church met on Tuesday, May-1, to form a circle of the guiJd in Holiday Hills. The purpose of the circle will be christian service and fellowship. The ladies in the circle are G£rry Breede, Rene Jende, Eleanor Berends, Alice N o r t h m a n , A l i c e M a l z a h n , Midge Teuber. Eunice Heise and Bea Musolf. Attend Niece's Wedding On Saturday, April 28, Ger- NOTICE Christian Science services are held ~^ery Sunday at 10:30 a.m. and the 3rd Wednesday ol each month at 8 p.m. in the Masonic Building, 1309 N. Court St., McHenry. All interested are welcome to attend. COME AND SEE A REVOLUTIONARY CONCEPT IN POOL CONSTRUCTION! o AQUA SPRAY js new! Here, at last, is the perfect pool for your family. AQUA SPRAY swimming pools are constructed witli Osmonized panels, according to government specifications. Costs less ... yet guaranteed for ten full years! With its smooth vinyl liner AQUA* SPRAY is superior to every other below-groun<| p o o l . S i z e s from 1 2 ' x 27' to l a r g e AQUAOLYMPIA >20^x 40' and 8' deep! TOR FURTHER' INFORMATION: Call for an appointment to see the complete pool installed. BEN AE LOW 1520 W. Lakewood Rd. Phone: 385-1205 & S©NS, Inc. McHenry, Illinois YOUR H WITH COLORFUL PHONES Spring's a-ringin9 with new phones in colorful tones, to add bright accents to your spring redecorating... and give you new convenience for springtime living. EXTENSION PHONES...liK. the lovely PRINCESS (left) put spring time calls at your elbow in bedroom, kitchen, den or playroom. Choose the phones you need in flower-fresh colors. The choice is wide, the cost is low, and they'll save you time and steps throughout the year. HOME INTERPHONE.;; (right) lets you talk room-to-room or answer the door over the same phones you use for regular calls. And how secure you feel! No need to open the door until visitor has identified over the HOME INTERPHONE. . • *4* Iff • XOC-*. * |^imself THE BELL CHIME.. .announces your calls with melodic notes, like daffodils set to music. Comes in soft gold or ivory finish. To order helpful services like these, or for more information, call or visit your Illinois Bell Business Office. Or, ask your telephone man. 1% ILLINOIS BELL (®) TELEPHONE 1311 N. Court St. Phone 385-9981 \

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