Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 10 May 1962, p. 19

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Thursday, May 10, 1962 THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Page Nineteen Eastwood Manor SEVERAL CHILDREN HONORED ON FIRST COMMUNION DAY Edie Iverson > 385-6938 On Sunday, April 29, Mike McCormack celebrated his natal day and the making of his first Communion. Thirty-five guests attended the party given in his honor at his home. He received many nice 'gifts. His parents presented hin>-<£ith a wrist watch. An uncle gave him a baseball mitt «which he wears all day long with the Marquette University sweatshirt his brother brought for him when he came home from Milwaukee to attend the paPly. Other Communion Parties Carey Fenner made his first Communion at the 8 a.m. mass in St. Patrick's church. Attending with him were his mother, his godmother. Mrs. Rita Loveless, and his grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Bruno Zgorski. After the ceremony the group breakfasted out. His partv was held in Chicago in the home of his grandparents. All his aunts and uncles attended. The twenty-five guests were served in buffet style wiih two cakes the center of attraction. He received a wrist watch from his godparents. He also went to the home of his ureat-grandmother in Chicago who was unable to attend the party and anxious to see him. Larry Mersch also made his first Communion Sunday. Attending the party were his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. N. Mersch and Mr. and Mrs. J. Tinimons, aunties, Mrs. Agnes and Mr.i. Gerry Fitzgerald and Mrs. Agnes Diggens, all from Chicago. They enjoyed the lif'.mtiful special cake and the bullet style dinner. - E M.P.O.A. The Eastwood Manor Property Owner's Association met in the barn.Friday night. Many problems and future projects were discussed. A street sign was purchased for Holly Court. After the meeting was adjourned we enjoyed the movie on safe-driving along with free coffee and doughnuts. Farewell Party Monday evening there was a fair-veil party for Edith Long given in her home. Erjka Haldeman baked a many-layered yellow and pink cake. A small gift of remembrance was presented. Wednesday Edith and little Janel lfft for Arkansas where they will make their new home. t > Brownie News Sunday afternoon our Brownie Troop 211 participated in the Scout fair at the junior high school. Leader Peggy Garrelts and co-leader Rosemary Newlon were unable to be there so Frieda Durkin and Edie Iverson represented them. Our display table contained many projects the Brownies had made this year along with their scrapbook. Cathy Durkin and Melody Iverson wore their Brownie uniforms and represented the troop. Linda Wiegman took part in the program. The Brownies opened their usual Wednesday meeting with their regular opening exercises. Melody "-and Cathy reported on the fair. The flv-up Girl Scouts worked with Mrs. Newlon on their laws. Rosemary Rogers brought the treat. They; made two lovely t hank you cards for the two mothers who helped out at the fair. Then, like good little Brownies, they cleaned up the meeting place putting things a w a y and sweeping the floor. Birthday Parties Sheri Land in enjoyed her sixth birthday with a party. The tabl? was set for twelve. Games were plaved and they were served cake and ice cream. Linda French had a nice little birthday party with eiuht children in Tor cake and ice cream. She is ncuv four youny. ^$ears Demonstration Party < j Kay Mitchell was hostess for a demembration party Thursday evening. T w q 1 v e women attended, Kay served a chocolate layer cake and a raspberry sundae ancel food cake with coffee. Guests from out of the subdivision were Mrs. Hill arid Charmaine from Fox Lake.' Judy Clark from Ingleside. and Barbara Schinler from Meadowdale. Hi Neighbor This week we will welcome the new young couple who just moved into the Anderson home on Manor La-no. Car! and Mary Lou Schaeffer originally hail from Rankin and Paxtnn. III. Carl is an electronic's technician in Lilymoor \\ith woodworking as his iiobby. Mary • Lou likes to sew. They ha\e two real cute lit'le fellows with big brown cyc>' Gro;., is four and Daniel is just two. Already Mary Lou is participating in one of. the Tripoly clubs out here and we hope to see them at our EMPOA meetings too. The boys love it here already making little friends among their new neighbors. May 11, to Elmer Urban. May J 2 Mike Kellogg and Neal Barn- will both ,be celebrating their fifth birthdays. May 13, Mover's Day, our newcomer Mary Lou Schaeffer will be celebrating her birthday and Michael Dalton will become one year old. May 16 belongs to Charlotte .Urban, 11 year old Jackie Radner, and Jackie Dalton will be seven. That's both the Urbans in one week and two of the tl,iree Dalton boys.- Have a good time, alKtjf you' Anniversaries Happy - anniversary to Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Hanson who celebrated on May 10 and to Mr. and Mrs. James Penick who will be celebrating on May 11. Best wishes to both couples and we wish you many more, vears of wedded bliss. Peggy Garrelts received a do/en gorg-vous roses from Walt on the .occasion of their wedding 'anniversary. Bill and Kessie Barnes accompanied them as they went out" for ii inner. Spring Grove POST OFFICE MOVES INTO NEW QUARTERS (' Eva Freund Birthday Wishes Happy birthday today. May 10, to Bob Kellogg, Tomorrow, Arouni| the Manor Kathleen Eternick came out first on her clarinet duct and second on her solo in the state compct it ion. Sunday afternoon the Flwyn Eternick family went "fo Elgin and attended^ the open house and lour of !$he Elgin Stale hospital. Walt and Eleanor Kuck attended a party in Fox Lake along with twelve other couples. They thought the buffalo meat truly delicious and al<o enjoyed all the other food and dancing. T h e r e s a Birmingham and Gail McCormack attended the American Leuion .junhy district convention in Joliey Saturday Tim a n d Lois McCormack and Tom and Helen Birmingham went to a housewarmiiiL, •oarty Saturday night for Mts. Michael Halvey. I.oi^ Ryan had guests for lunch Thursday. They were her aunt, Mrs. Ethel Selk from Morton Grove- and son, Pfc. William Selk, from Fort Benning. Ga. The Jim Wilson family went to Decatur, Iowa, over the weekend to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Wilson. Monday evening they went to Prospect Heights to help Geor- The Spring Grove post office is now located on the southeast corner of Main and Blevin Streets in the building known i as the "old bank building." The Spring Grove state bank occupied these quarters until 1930 when the bank closed in the depression during the bank moratorium. It might be interesting to note that Eva Freund. who is now postmaster at Spring Grove, worked i#^~lie bank as Assistant cashier from 1927 to 1930. The building was vacant for a few years when the post office department, with Mrs. gia's father. Frank Biedener. celebrate his birthday. •Wall and, Peguy Garrelts took part in a Sv'otch twosome bowling match in Woodslock Saturday ni^hi. Attending! bowling banquet from the Manor Saturday evening were Pat and John Cough- 1 in. Frieda and Harry Durkin and Georgia and Wally Sigman. Sick List Only reports of chicken pox reached me this week. It is still in the Ryan household and four of the little Coughlin children are bravely hearing up v ith i t too. Bertha Esh as postmaster, rented it through 1940. Following several business ventures the building lay idle until April, 1962, when work was begun to remodel the quari ters for a post office. Better lighting, gas heat, tile floor, aluminum lettering, flag staff -- ail these were added t modernize and improve. Th post office department furnished the screen line and remodelled equipment. The result -- a comfortable, pleasant piace to work. The postmaster day camp, please contact Mrs. Class for Spring Grove area gii'ls. * The Girl Scouts are in rehearsal for a play entitled "Hillbilly Hi Jinks" >yWch will be presented sometime m June. The girls are taking parts of all characters in the play, male an female. The date wjll be announced later. |\ !-- Club Meets The Lotus Country Women'% club met in Richmond, Wednesday, May 2, with Mrs. Otto and staff are very pleased with ; Buchert as hostess. Twenty the outcome and hope some members and three guests <^ere aay in the near future to have I present. Roll call was a favorite open house. j book. It was decided- at this New Schedule: Due to the j meeting that the LCWC would I floor to ceiling partitioning'jsponsor Girl Scout Troop 519 lobby service is offered from-of Spring Grove. Plans were 7:3D a.m. to 5:30 p.m. con-: made for the spring lungheon linuall.\ every day except Sun- which will be held in Wilmot, da>. Window service will be J Wis., on May 16 at 12:30 p.m. 7:30 a.m. to 12 noon - 1 p.m. Please call Mrs. Hazel Winn Dam will serve another term as president and secretary. The school picnic was discussed and a committee selected to make the necessary arrangements. At the May meeting new members will be installed with services •in church preceding the meeting. A pot-luck supper will be served at 7:30 p.m. Very satisfactory reports were given on the work shop and day of recollection held in April. After the meeting a lunch was served and cards were played. in foreign countries she has visited. Everybody welcome. WSCS Tea The Spring Grove Women's Society of- Christian Service will hold an afternoon tea at the church house on "Thursday, May 10. Miss Sah Hanssen will show slides of int< .'esting spots Entertains Club Mrs. Arthur Katther was hostess .to the members of her club in her home on Thursday evening. A dessert lunch was served and the evening was spent at cards. Prizes were won by Mrs. Paul Lewis, Mrs. Catherine Kagan and Mrs. Luolla Maw Released From Hospital Frank Tinney i.i back home after H week Jn Billings Memorial hospital. Chicago. tHe is feeling better. Most happy people recogniz^ limitations ofMheir ability and opportunity, and abide peacefully-, jibe re by. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Frida>. On Saturdays service for reservations. The program was presented by Mrs. Mary will be from 7:30 a.m. lo Harms who gave a book re- 12 noon and from 3 p.m. to j View on "Dear Glamourest 4 p.m. All About Girl Scouts [.Physicians" by Taylor Calwell. jThc meeting was" adjourned ! and a delicious lunch was Girl Scout Troop 519 en. i served by the hostess. The joyed a hike and cook-out ; public is invited to a card parsupper on Monday, "'May 7, at \ *y £iven by LCWC on May Waspi's woods. Mrs. Charles I ^ p.m. at the Town all, Clas&r leader, judged the girls I Spring Grove. i in outdoor athletics for badges, i j.Girl Scouts and Brownies of j Sodality Meets IKachina Neighborhood includ-' At a recent meeting of the^ ' ing Spring Grove. Wonder Christian Mothers sodality at Lake, and Richmond are havin^gjtf^Peier's hall an election of day camp this year at State1 officers was held. Mrs. Walter Park-Spring Grove starting Schultz is newly elected vice June 11 to June 15 from 9:301 president and Mrs. Jack a.m. to 3 p.m. Any rftother i Schmitt is treasurer. Mrs. Wilwishing more information on lard Bychowski and Mrs. Leo FREE' PUBLIC LECTURE "Christian Science: Its Reforming and Healing Mission" By NEIL H. BOWLES, C.S.B.. of Atlanta, Georgia IWembei of the Board of Lectureship of The Mother Church. The First Church of Christ. Scientist, in Boston. Massachusetts. Time Monday Evening, May 14, 1962 at 2:00 pim. (DI L. S. T.) ~ r v Place FIRST CHOllCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST Dean and South Sts., Woodstock Sponsored by FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST. SCIENTIST Woodstock, Illinois ^ Nursery available for Children ALL ARE WELCOME Quality Radiator Repair by Factory-Trained Radiator Specialists 10 Years Experience Every job FLO-TESTED i for your added protection. ALL WORK GUARANTEED -- PROMPT SERVICE ADAMS BIOS. >AIR SEIV. Phone 385-0783 3004 W. Route 120 McHenry. 111. D0NT <t=*. & SEE TOUR F0SD DIALER Don't dump itl You can get the deal of your fife right now, not tomorrow, right now for^our old car on trade for>a 1962 Ford. Bring it in. Special savings on '57--'8--*9 or '60 models. See your neighborhood Ford dealer NOW! CRM BUSS FORD SALES 3936 W. Main Stf EV 5-2000 McHenry, III 51. PAUL'S SPIWTOPM- |1 mi. south an Green St) Sundays: 7:30 am Maai 8:45 a.m. Morning Prayer 9:00 a.m. Family Eucharist Tuesdays: 9:00 a.m. Mass First Thursday: 8:00 pjn. Women's Auxiliary Second Thursday! 8:00 p.m. Men's Club Friday: 7 a.m. Mass 2:00 p.m. Confessions and By Appointment ZION HVANGELICAL"' LUTHERAN CHURCH (Missouri Synod) 4206 W. Waukegan Road /Highway 120 West) Riv. 'Carl A. Lobitz, Pastor Sunday -- Services: 7:45 and 10:30 a.m. 9:00 a.m. Sunday School and Bible Class Ladies Aid -- 1st Tues. of the month Friendship Guild -- 2nd Tues. of the month Men's Club -- T,ast Tues. of the month Walther League -- Last Sunday of the month You axe cordially invited to attend our services. FAITH PRESBWTBMAN CHUBOH Lincoln Rd. West of Outdoor Theatre John O. Mclntyre, Minister Worship: 11:00 a.m. Church School: 9:30 am Session and Deacons: 2nd Monday at 7:30 p.m. Women's Society and Study Circle: 3rd Thursday at 8:00 p.m. BT. JOSEPH'S CATHOLIC CHURCH Richmond, Illinois Rev. Fr. Frank J. Miller Pastor Sunday Masses -- • 7:00, 8:30 and 10:00 am Daily Masses -- 8:00 am Holy Days -- , 7 and 9 am Friday -- 7:00 p.m. Pioneer Girls Landmark School , "Christ is the Answer" ST. MARY'S CATHOLIC CHUBCH Rev. Eugene' Baumhofer Rev.Harold NUges Rev. Albert Rienndl Assistant Pastes* Sunday Masses: 6:30, 8:00, 9:30. 10:45 and 12:00. Weekday Masses! 6:45 and 8:00 am Holy days: 6:00, 7:00, 8:00, 10:00 am and 7:30 p.m. First Fridays and First Saturdays: MagBes at 6:30 and 8:00 am Confessions: Saturdays, Thursdays before First Fridays, and clays before Holydays: 3-4 In afternoon and 7-8 in evening Baptisms: each Sunday 1:30 pm by afcpodntm«nt m. PATRICK'S CL&TMOLKD CHURCH Rev. SdSw. C. Ooakley Pastor Rev. Eugene D. Parker Assistant Pastor Sunday Masses -- 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 Daily Mass® -- 7 and 8 am Holy Days -- 6, 7, 8, 9 am and 8 pm First Fridays -- Communion distributed at' 6:30 and during 7 and 8 am masses Saturday -- 4-5, 7-8 pm Confessions Hiursday (Before First Fri.) -- 4-5, 7-8 pm Confessions COMMUNITY METHODIST CHURCH 3717 W. Main Street McHenry, Illinois George W. Martin, pastor EV. 5-1352 Sunday Worship Services-- 9:30 and 11 a.m. Church School -- 9:30 and 11 a.m. Every Sunday -- M.Y.F. at 7 p.m. Every Other Sunday -- I.Y.F. at 7 p.m. Thursdays -- Senior choir rehearsal at 8 p.m. Fridays -- Junior choir rehearsal at 3 p.m. Second Wednesday of the Month-- Official Board at 8 p.m. Third Wednesday of the Mcn:th-- Homebuilders at 8 p.m. Fourth Wednesday of the Month-- Men's Club Dinner Meeting at 7 p.m. Third Thursday of the Month-- Woman's Society of Christian Service luncheon meeting at 12 noon A friendly invitation is extended to you and your family to come for worship, fellowship and service with us. WONDER LAKE ptfRTJE CHURCH Box 2, Phone W.L. 7961 Rev. Richard N. Wright Pastor Sunday -- 9:30 am. Sunday School 11:00 am Morning Worship 5:30 pm Youth Meeting 7:00 pm. Bible Fellowship Hour Wednesday -- 7:30 p.m. Mid Week Prayer Hour Friday -- •74)0 p.m. Children's Bible Boys, ages 8-13, Pals' Club Girls, ages 8-13, Pioneers' •Club CHRIST Mil KINO OHUMMI Rt. 2, Wonder Lake, Illinois Rev. James Vanderpooi Pastor Masses-- Sunday (Oct. thru May) 7:30, 9 & 11 a.m. (June thru Sept.) 7:30, 9 10:30 & 12 Daily Masses-- 8 a.m. or 11:30 a.m. Holy Days-- 8 a.m. & 8 p.m. First Friday-- 8 a.m. Confessions- Saturday 7 to 8 p.m. Holy Days & First Friday one-half hour before Mass LUTHERAN CHURCH OF THE NATIVITY Wonder Lake, Illinois W. L. Thummel, Pastor Sunday -- 8-11:00 a.m. Worship 9:15-11:00 a.m. Church School Saturday -- 10:00 a.m. Junior Choir . 11:00 a.m. Cherub Choir Thursday -- 7:30 p.m. Senior choir A nursery is provided during the Sunday morning worship services. FOX LAKE BAPTIST CHURCH 1111 South Route 12 Ingleside, Illinois Rev. Roger D. Bergeson Pastor Sunday -v . 9:45 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 Morning Worship 7:30 Evening Service Wednesday -- 7:30'p.m. Bible Study , and Prayer RINGWOOD METHODIST CHURCH Ringwood, Illinois Rev. Bruce Brenemann Minister Sunday -- 9:30 a.m. Worship Service 10:45 a.m. Church School 3.30 p.m. Jr. Hi. M.Y.F. 7:00 p.m. Sr. Hi. JVI.Y.F. Thursday -- 7:30 p.m. Adult Choir Rehearsal Second Wednesday -- 8:00 p.m. W.S.C.S. Last Tuesday -- 8:00 p.m. Methodist Men FIRST dMUESOIS ov CHRIST, SCM&NUST 37 McHenry Avenue Crystal Lake, DL Sunday -- 11 Churcfe SSRffeD n a m. Sunday Sd&osS tea the Central Grade iHt&SQi. Multipurpose room, entrance on Franklin Ave. Wednesday -- 8 p.m. Evening Services, including testimonies of Christian Science healss. The reading room, tosatetl at'25 N. Williams stress to open daily from U a.JSL to 5:00 pm (except ScmSa^a and holidays). Fridays from 11 to 9 pm AT.T. ARE WELCOME ST. FETEE'S CATHOLIC CHE7RCH Spring Grove, 03. Rev. E. J. Lehman, Pastoc Sunday Masses -- 6:30, 8, 9, 10 and 11:11 Weekday Masses -- 7:00 and 8:00 am First Fridays --1 6:30 & 8:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. Saturday -- 3:15,7:15 p.m. Canfessla* METHODIST CMU3CH Spring Grove, Tninots Philip Bergstrom, pastor 9:30 Church School Rtissel Gardiner, supf. 10p5 Organ Meditation feditb Blaine 11:00) Morning WorsMp ST. JOHN'S CMflffiOLIO CIMJESCH Johnsburg, Illinois, Rev. Joseph M. Blitscb Pastor Sunday Masses •* > 7, 8:30, 10 and 11:30 am Holy Days -- 7:00 a.m. and 7:30 pm Thursday (Before First FriO -- &t00 p.m. and 7:30 pm Confessions COMMUNITY CHURCH Richmond, ITHnoia 9:45 am Sunday School 11:00 am Worship ^srrioe ©EACH EVANGEMOA1? MJTHERAN CHtUIMM Richmond, Illinois Harold L. Carlson, pastoc Church School-- 9:45 a.m. The Service-- 11:00 a.m. May thnr September 8:30 and 11:00 a.m. FOX LAKE LUTHERAN CHURCH Mission Sunday Worship 10 a.m. Fox Lake American Legion Post Pastor D. W. Karnuth Nursery During the Service ALLIANCE BIBUi CHURCH McHenry, 111. William N. Harper Sunday -- 9:45 am Sunday SchoC' 11:00 am Worship Service I 6 p.m. Youtn Fellowship 7:00 pm Gospel Hour Wednesday -- 8:00 pm Prayer Meeting MOUNT HOPtf METHODIST CHURCH 1015 Broadway Pistakee Highlands Stewart B. Smith, Pastor Res. & Office HYatt 7-3601 710 Pheasant Trail Pistakee Highlands McHenry, Illinois 9:45 Church School 11:00 Morning Worship 6:30 Youth Fellowship Sunday School Supt. Mrs. Gladys Jones, HYatt 7-3370 FIRST BAPTIST CHITRCH 3929 West Main Street 385-0081 Virgle L. Chappell Sunday Services -- 8:30 a.m. Worship Service 9:45 a.m. SundSy School 11:00 a.m. Worship Service 7:00 p.m. Training Union 8:00 p.m. Evening Worship Wednesday -- 3:00 p.m. Primary Sunbeams 3:00 p.m. Junior Girl's Auxiliary 6:30 p.m. Teachers & Officers Meeting 7:30 p.m. Prayer fleeting Thursday: -- 7:00 p.m. Beginner Sunbeams Friday -- 3:30 p.m. Intermediate G. A. SPONSORED BT THE FOLLOWING BUSINESS FIRMS A PUBLIC SERVICE McHenry Sand ft ©& 920 N. Front St. McHenry, nHMh (grQe^g© B. JtnQfea, 8c S®a < FUEQSIEI Horn* McHewyp UllnolB Masiicke &' Kftosa, Inc. SS14 W. Elm St. McHcary* HBnots Tonyan Construction Co. 1309 N. Borden St. McHenry, nttaels Scfaroed©? Sroa Works H?7y. 01 =• Sooth McHsnry State Baak (Sarvfng Since 1M3 HcHeary, mtati McHsory Lsasfear Cow 40SO W. Main St. EicaoDry* mmidis Ho E. Bnch ft Sons iPlffimlMag A 3012 W. Route 120 Althoffs Gas Serrlc* 908 N. Front St. -- IV • The <S@sp. 1811 N. rniveraMe Orlve UnWeeiy, McHenry Savings ft Loan Ass'n* ill W. Elm St. /-x

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