Page Two fffE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Thursday, May 10, 1962" Itipfi/c H'lltv Itfilix In Antioch hf new daughter of Mr. Mi\. Hubert Kelley of Ant lu'-h w :i.-~ christened Lirida Sur ;ii Si. !'i't e-r's • hurch, Anliirh. A i > i ; I Sponsors were t he- h;»hy'«. *.ro»«t aunt, Mrs. rhciv-a St 'i. ndolmeier of Chi- .iii'l .i.M'ph May acting |ii(i.w i... ;i ousin. James S:; •:i!! i• i i. <»i N. I'. A, u.i! I n'. iji'j w .is held a: the ]•:c 1 |c\ ! ,i lei I !'iv M r. i' Schandel- ! . .^1 is. I.ucy. i< i' .(.rutf • Mil-" of McCullom Lake: Joseph May an* i .V i -• li.t KM i ii t Sfhainli-.i ,i ilied Kclliy and Mr. and M: o| Mi-tiniiA. Wed May 5 Rudi J. Studio Photo THE Wm. FIKNBACHS Christ the King Catholic church was the setting for the wedding las! Saturday, May 5, oi Jo-Anne Miller, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Miller of Wonder Lake, and Mr. William F i r n b a c h o f C h i c a g o . T h e couple will make their home in Chicago. .11 DITII \V IE LOCK Announce Engagement Ol Judith Wielock Mr. and Mrs. Roman J. Wielock ol Wonder Lake announce t h e e n g a g e m e n t o f t h e i r daughter, Judith, to Mr. Ronald A Miller, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur F. Miller, also of Wonder Lake. Miss W'ielock is a gradualc of Harrison elementary school and McHenry high school and is graduating this June with a bachelor of science degiee in education from Eastern university. Charleston. She previously attended Carthage college. Her fiance is also a Harrison and M.C.H.S graduate $Cr\b\ received his bachelor of science degree last June from the University of Iowa at Ames. He attended Northwestern university and is currently stationed at Fort Leonard Wood. Mo., with the U.S. Army band. A June wedding is planned. Attend ('. O. F. Hi^h ( uurt Meeting' Fred J. Meyer, state trustee of the Catholic Order of Foreslers. accompanied by William H. Althoff. trustee of the high court, attended a state meeting held in Chicago Friday evening On Saturday and Sunday Mr. Althoff attended t h e I n t e r n a t i o n a l b o w l i n g lournament at Canton. Ohio, as a representative of the high court. KOSAXNE BKZEZINSKI Home-Garden Walk May 23 The thin' annual Home and Garden Walk presented by the W.S.C.S. of the Community Methodist church'will be held on Wednesday, May 2.'>, from 10 a.m. to 4:.'?() p.m. A delicious hot luncheon will be served in 'he church dining rooms from 11 a.m. to 1 :.">() p.m. Five gracious homes from 1 he McHenry a n d Johnsburg area will he open to the public at this time; the A1 Adams and Lerov Marshall homes from the Johnsburg area and the Dr. Lee Gladstone, Raymond Spohr and Eugene J. Miller homes from McHenry. Each of these ®lovely homes have many exciting and interesting features that will be detailed to the visitors by the guides who will be conducting 1 he tours on the day of the Garden Walk. Mrs. Peggy Kaspcr and Mrs*. Ann are co-chairmen for this springtime cultural event. Chairmen in charge of the various homes will be Mrs. Mae Stinespnng. Mrs. Carrie Lou Thomas. Mrs. Sandra Leonard. Mrs. Florence Svoboda and Mrs. Harriette Marshall. Mrs. Daisy Jones will -be in charge of the luncheon and Mrs. B. MacCallum, tickets. Tickets may be purchased from members of the W.S.C.S. or at the Candy Bex. Detailed maps may , also be obtained there or al the homes'on the day of the Garden Walk. ANTIQUE SHOW TO BE HELD ON FAIR GROUNDS i Tickets for the second antique which is sponsored i bv McHenry County Home- I makers Extension association, , are soon to be distributed to iall members in the county. At !a recent meeting Antique j Show Chairman Mrs. P. Rein- ! er. Tickets Chairman Mrs. J. Higgins, and County Publicity Chairman Mrs. E. Weskerna, all of Marefigo, set Friday. May II. for a joint meeting of publicity and unit chairmen to meet at the Farm Bureau building in Woodstock to receive the tickets and posters. The show is to be held at the fairgrounds on June 15, 16 and 17. DONNA WOHLERT Wohlert-Wolf Troth Announced Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Wohlert of 4411 W. Rt. 120. McHenry, announce the engagement of t h e i i' daughter. Donna Marie, to Mr. Mat hew J. Wolf, son of Mr. and Mrs. James M. Wolf of 2604 W. Lincoln road. No date has been set for the wedding. Debbie Shannon Honored On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Gail Shannon entertained at their home on North avenue in honor of their daughter, Debbie, who made her first Holy Communion at St. Mary's church, Sunday. May 6. A. dinner was served at 4 o'clock to her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John Trebatoski, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Trebatoski and daughter, Debbie, Rosholt, Wis.; Mrs. June Anderson, DesPlaines: her grandmother, Mrs. Marie Wentzel of Rogers Park: Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Shannon and family, Arlington Heights; Mr. and Mrs. James McAndrews and family and Mr. and Mrs. Earl McAndrews of McHenry; and Tom Olson. McCullom Lake. Miss Brzezinski To Wed In June Mr. and Mrs. Casimir Brzezinski of Lakemoor announce t h e e n g a g e m e n t o f t h e i r daughter. Rosanne. to Mr. John J. Spears, son of Mrs. Rita Spears of Glen Ellyn. The wedding will.take place at St. Mary's church. McHenry. at 10 o'clock Saturday. June 2.j. Miss Brzezinski is a member of the 1962 graduate class of McHenry high school. A shower in her honor was held Sunday. May 6, at the Lakemoor community building, with Marie Fabian of Chicago as hostess. Guests included triends and relatives from Glen Ellyn, Skokie and Chicago. A b u f f e t l u n c h e o n w a s served and the Joride-to-be pre- • sen ted many lovely gifts. j I CARD OF THANKS j ! Thank you for your thought- j ! fulness, for sending cards, gifts j 1 and flowers to me during my j i stay in the hospital. They were i | greatly appreciated, i Joan Young i i 5-10-62 ! May 10 Lakeland Park Chop Suey Luncheon - - Noon - - Community House. May 11-12 White Elephant Sale -- St. Patrick's Church Basement -- Sponsored by Mothers Club. May 12 McHenry Kiwanis Club Second Annual Box Supper Social - 7:;?0 p.m. -- Legion Home. • Pistakee Terrace Third Annual Spring Dance -- Johnsburg Community Hall 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. May 15 Public; Card Party -- K. of C. Hall Sponsored by Riverview Camp, R.N.A. ^ May 16 Salad Bar Luncheon and | Style Show Zion Lutheran Church Social Hall - Serving at Noon - Sponsored'by Zion • Ladies Aid. May 23 ; W.S.C.S. Garden Walk -- 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Luncheon Served" at Methodist Church 111 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. May 12 Rummage Sale -- St. Joseph's Church Hall, Richmond - 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. -- Sponsored by Home and School Club. May 14 Sloly Name Society of St. rv's Church Election of Officers - 8 p.m. BOX SI Pl'ER SOCIAL The public is invited to the second annual Kiwanis box supper social, to be held May 12 at the Legion home at 7:30 o'clock. Admission is a box supper for two, which will be auctioned off. There will be square dancing afterward. Proceeds will be used to benefit children of the area. Or Give A 0ift Certificate HOURS: Daily 9:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Incl. Wed. -- Fri. 9:30 a.m. - 9 p.m. OSRITAL .Memorial Hospital Patients admitted during the pas) week to Memorial hospital, Woodstock, included Gr>ace Paetow. Elmer Raske and Janet Johnson Wonder Lake; and Benjamin Francke and .lav Huemann of McHenry. Harvard Hospital Richard Shinskyand .Mrs. George Haaek of McHenry were patients during the past week at Harvard hospital. McHenry Hospital Admissions during the past week in McHenry hospital included Barbara Douglas^ Cafy; Robert Kach. Wauconda; Agnes Sedell and Richard E. An- Iracki, Chicago; Arklay Firth and Gail Shaler, Crystal Lake; Paul Bastie, Fox Lake; Helen Grochocki, Wonder Lake; Marion Bierr, Ingleside: Severin Martin, Antioch; George Schaefer, t Mary Hess, Clarence Co'berg, Ann Mary Kroening, Paul G. Asmus. William Nellis, Cheryl Hansen, Dorothy C o c h r a n . B e r n i c e R e e d , Blanche Herrmann, Patricia T o m a s e l l o . C a r o l W i l s o n , Rhonda Jean Lee. Rita Stella Zimnv, Marion McOmber, Edward Stach. Delores Crow, Pearl Leach. Wynona Toitz, Robert Leach and Carl Teitz, McHenry. Jean Marsh Listed Among "Who's Who" Dr. Wesley Simons, counselor for men. will preside Tuesday, May 15, at 3 o'clock in the Fine Arts theatre at Western Illinois university when over 100 top students are elated to be recognized for distinguished achievements on the Macomb campus. Among the young people to be recognized is Jean E. Marsh of McHenry, who is listed in the "Who's Who Among Siu- •dents". SET DEADLINE FOR ENTRIES IN SUMMER ART FAIR McHenry county artists who plan to be represented in thq Country Art Fair are asked to •notify a registrar by next Tuesday, May 15. This deadline allows time for printing the Guide to Exhibits. In McHenry the registrar is Mrs. Richard Wilhelm. II is only necessary that the artist phone in his name, and the medium used; watercolor, oij,, casein, or sculpture: The exhibits themselves are not required until the Sunday before the fair. Fair dates for this, the sixth annual show, are June 22, 23 and 24 at the McHenry Junior high. | Toastmasters1 Club i Started In- County May 9 marked the first of > i - m o n t h l y m e e t i n g s o f a Toaslmasters' club, sponsored ijy the McHenry County Ex- ; tension council. The group will be affiliated wiih Toastmas- | tcrs' International to take advantage of that organization's (experience and training ma- ! terials. I Meetings wiil be held the j second and fourth Wednesday ! of each month in the auditor- ; ium at Ihe Farm Bureau builrii ing in Woodstock from 8 to 9:30 o'clock. • ^Minima Mr. and Mrs. Harold E. Waller of Cooney Heights are parents of their second child, a son. David Paul, born May 4 at St. Therc-se hospital, Waukegan. The new baby has a sister, Linda, l'a years old. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Foley announce the birth of a daughter May 5 at Memorial hospital. Woodstock. A son was born Mr\ 5 at Memorial hospital. Woodstock, to Mr. and Mrs. John Baumstark. On May 2 a daughter was born to. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Skidmore at Memorial hospital. Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. David Ladd became parents of a son born May 2 at Memoi i;.l hospital, Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Roger Kinsey announce the birth of a son May 1 at McHenry hospital. A Crystal Lake coupie, Mr. and Mr;*. Harry Duncan, became parents of a girl May 1 at McHenry hospital. Mr. ar.d Mrs. Fred Liberucht. of Algonquin welcomed a son May 1 at McHenry hospital. On May 2 Mr. and Mrs. Luther Goddard of . Ingleside became parents of a daughter at McHenry hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Greer of'"Cary announce the birth of a son at McHenry hospital, May 4. Few gront men or nations have been dreamers or boasters- but realists who faced the situation at hand. IT FAYS TO ADVERTISE SHAR E-TII E-Fl' N The ten top acts from the Share-the-Fun elimination contests will lie competing on May 12 at the spring rally for the honor of representing McHenry county 4-H at the state fair. All 4-H members, leaders and parents are encouraged to attend the rally and get some ideas Tor next year's contests. BENEFIT MI'SICAL Mr. and Mrs. William Weber of McHenry are among members of the Frank G. Hough Co., vocalaires who will celebrate their twelfth anniversary May 11, 12 and 13 at 8 p.m. by presenting a benefit' musical entitled "Contrast" at Mundelein high school auditorium. As in the past, proceeds will go to organizations in that area that provide recreation and guidance for the youth on a non-profit hasis. 3717 W. Elm St. McHenry NOW we have room in our clothes closets. is storing our heavy winter wear. Relieve your closet congestion now while we still have room in our valults. Space is going fast so phone Today for Pickup. DIAL 385-0927 or SAVE Cash and Carry 1304 N. Front St. McHenry Always Plenty Free Parking at Rainbow's Drivein WE GIVE PLAID STAMPS PERSONALS Mrs. Frances Patzke has returned from a train trip to California where she spent , a .month1 in the home of her daughter, Mrs. Carl J. Miiinac, and famil> in Garden Grove. The Carl Schaeffer family has moved from W. J<j hn street to Eastwood Manor." Mr. and Mrs. Edward Motulewicz and son. Mark, of Wonder Lake, visited their daughter arid si.-.fei, Joyce, at Northern Illim is university in DeKaib, Sunday, where Ihev attended a special program in honor of Mother's Day. FIFTY-SEVEN HONOR STUDENTS AT JUNIOR HIGH Plan Benefit Program The honor roll at the McHenry Junior high school has been released this week, listing seventeen , eighth graders, fifteen seventh graders and twenty-five sixth graders. Eighth grade pupils receiving honors were Carolyn Anderson, Kathleen Beck, Rosemary Chappel, Marilyn Cima, Linda Davis, Sally Dresdow, Sherry Gehrke, Ginny Grek. Geoffrey Houck, Lynn Krebs. Linda Larson, Petei N e w e n d'o r p, Alan Olsen, Glenn Olsen, Joanne Reed. Tom Tomlinson and Robert Townsend. From seventh grade the members are Jean Anderson, Karen Anderson, Diane Cook, Lynn Farm, Richard Hansen, Richard Heckman. Carl Johnson, Karen Johnson, Donna Lamberg, Ruth Leightner, Louise Matthesius, Kathleen Moriarity, Jeff Nellis. Janice Palmbach and Bill Voeltz. Sixth graders -\\ hose names appeared on the tup list'm;: yvere Lynn \ndi" -on. Ann Marie Alexeyiik, Vinton Aiderson, David Backhau.-. K.athy Bulger, Jim Chobot. Jim Davis. Diane Dimon. Jean Dixon. Lynne Dixon, Kathleen Etcrnick, Rosalyn TIammershoy, Steven Kulnick. Jackie Prib.vl. Susan Pries. Barbara R e (I e t / k y, Karen Smedberg, William Smith, Leota Stinespring. Lee Varese, Ardelle Voeltz, Tony Wagner, Barbara Wertke, Nicki Wirtz and Dan Wolf. The "B" list will be printed next week. CARD Ol THANKS I wish to thank my friends and neighbors for the many cards, flowers and visits received following my accident. I am especially grateful to Dr. Alvary, Dr. Massouda and the nurses who took such good caie -if me during my stay in the McHenry hospital. Mrs. Oiga Garner 5-10-fi2 m f.19i If » « Peasle\ Phot Challenging talk on "Freedom -- Lost by Default'.'" willi^je the topic of the May 24 Memorial hospital woman's auxiliary presentation, and planning thte program are Mrs. Alice McConnell, auxiliary president, and John L. Strohm. Strohm, Woodstock, resident who will give the talk based on his innumerable trips around the world and into Red China and Russia, is giving his services with all proceeds going to Memorial hospital. The talk will be given at the Woodstock Community high school auditorium. McHENRY WOMEN AT CONFERENCE OF REPUBLICAN WOMEN The spring conference of the Illinois Federation of Republican Women was held Friday, ! May 4, in Peoria. Represent- | ing the McHen&y club were I Mrs. Chuck Miller, president, | and Mrs. Thomas Davis, first ! vice-president. i Mrs. Miller was one of fourteen delegates elected to attend the national federation convention, to be held later this year in Phoenix, Ariz. Dr. Nicholas Nyaraoi, director of the School of International StudiesKat Bradley university, gave a most interesting and informative talk at j the kincheon. He warned of the. dangers of appeasement ancj the grave problem of equipping young people to withstand the insidious technique> of the Communists. Members of the conference approved his talk with a standing (ration. Congressman Robert H. Michel gave a "Report from Washington" and urged vigorous support of ihe complete ticket. Rep. John C. Parkhurst was the final speaker of the day, his topic being "Eco- | nomv in State Government", i The Illinois Federation voii ed unanimously to adopt three ! resolutions which will be rej ported to the Illinois congrcss- ! men and senators in Washington. They pertain to communist propoganda in the mails, the "liberal papers" and disarmament. A complete report of proceedings will be presented to members of the Township GOP Women's club at its meeting May 15 at the V.F.W. clubhouse. At the May meeting, Mrs. "Miller and Mrs! Clara Nell will report to riiejr.bers on their trip td Washington. D. C., to attend the national convention held from April 15' through IS. While there, all Illinois delegates were entertainer! at"~Ti luncheon hosted by Senator Everett Dirksen. MARRIAGE LICENSES Gene L. Fj-eund and Mary E. Carr, McHenry. Ronald C. Howell, Union, and Rita Olcott, Woodstock. Edward E. Sherwood. McHenry. and Beatrice Johnson, OiU< Park. Edward Lutz and Kay Rasmussen, McHenry. John Balumbo and Linda Sherman, McHenry. People who claim religion means nothing, mean to say that they have thai kino. Be Wise Use The Classifieds P.U W. JU. & Son OXYGEN EQUIPPED AMBULANCE SERVICE Jerqm 963 - - The only place to Bank Rate Mo' R is at the Bank. 'Always 31/2^0 Pass Book Savings ©/q Savings Certificates * ' f i ' i i ? 1^ i" t i r r t V Call 385-1 Ask for a Loan Officer