Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 10 May 1962, p. 5

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Thursday. May 10. 1962 ttp THE McHENHY PLAINDEALEH Pag* Flv* McHENRY PLAINDEALER «81». W. Elm St. Est. 1875 Phone 385-0170 Published Every Thursday at McHenry, 111. by McHENRY PUBLISHING CO. national editorial 1AS^)C0TI^N IM2 y/ iuino/f s * -SgSSO•jra /!» PR, ESS r \ flSSOCIHTIOn / of Chicago, in a lively settto. John Karls has moved hit family back from Woodstock and will open a cafe in the Jolfn J. Buch building near the river bridge. " Mr. and Mrs. John Schuenemli'in ha\e moved their household ^11 oois out from Chicago and are now making their home' in the M. M. Niesen place at„the coiner of Riverside drive and Washington street which they have purchased. Tho xaMinV first landing of an -i: roplnne took place here sh.i.tiy alter three o'clock last S'u:u:;iy afternoon, when-a machine owne 1 l\v Kd Schillo of c'hio;i..;;i hmdcd'on ther"S. H. Kivuml farm. The trip from Chicvuit tn MoHomy was made in hirty-fivo minutes. '1 ho Cllaiiono, tho largest of ! he Huntoi 1 oat line passenger ^ her initial run of Monday when it rod by the United >t tho World rieieoonwned here that Hundreds Hear Program ini'u Subscription Kates In McHenry County 1 Year S4.0U 6 Mos. . $12,125 3 Mos $1.50 Outside McHenry C«unty 1 Year $4.50 6 Mos. $2 5t 3 Mos. $1. \v;: I To: Ik Mil E. Lund -- Bus. Mgr. Adele Froehlich, Editor * Second Class Postage Paid at McHenry. III. % Twice Told Tales FIFTY YEARS AGO Taken from the Files of May 3, 1912 Wilbur Basset t has sold his forty acre fann to Grant Ran-" v2yall, who with his family has returned from Nebraska. Mi. and Mrs. Wilbur Bassett are now making their home with their son, E. E. Basselt, and family on Main street. Miss Anna Miller and Mr. Casper Bickler were united in marriage at St. Mary's church Tuesday morning, and the wedding of Miss Elfreida Berner and Mr. Charles Buchert took eplace at the home of her parents # at high noon yesterday ||( Wednesday). Mrs. Fred Powers, who resides south of this village, passed away at St. Joseph's hospital, Elgin. Sunday, after a few months illness of heart trouble. The new garage just completed by John Srhaffer on Pearl street, just west of the blacksmith shop owned by Math Freund is now open and ready for business. The place h Ride Coolly Elegant y r: \ > will be open for business .ia\ and night. Ff-om the Boll Telephone j News, a publication issued n. | the interest of telephone wo; •- i ers. announcement, has been ! made of the engagement < i | Floyd Thompson, of this piac. io Ootavia Dalton of Lai Grange. Mr. Thompson is now j wire chief al Hinsdale. j Mrs. Almira Brown, who I makes her home wilh Mr. and | Mrs. R. Waite,' was surprised I by a group of friends Tuosd;<\. the occasion V?ing her oi^hiyrst birthday. Among her gilts i was a bouquet of eighty-on«' | white carnations from.her son.'" j Paul Brown, of Chicago. I' IT. E. Price, superintendent : of the Burden Mills plain lvio I the j>ast few years, ha> be,mi j 1 ransferred to C'ary. Ill H i . - | place has been filled by I. A. j Hungerford of M'irengo. Quite a nomiior of our < itij /ens are complaining aboti1 i their neighbors' chicken.-. Wo rro not the l.->w, the iuuge or ! the eourt house, and kn \\ : of only eno way to rid your- | self of the nuisance .and i'ia' is to use a shot-gun or . ifio ; By taking this means you ar" not only rid('ing yourself if Ihe mii-.mcr but eulting down the high cost of ii\ i:ig. Kv i \ - one. like- a nice fried ob-cken. FOliTY YKARS Af.O Taken from tho Files of May I, f'i'jy Clemens, only son of ! Georgia.nna and the laie H< m er Clemens, met 11>• • • '* n «vhen the tractor tipped running him underneath, at his farm home south of town. Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. F. < >. '. ••u: , announced the marriage o; 'their daughter. Myrile. to Kdv. ard S. Howling, of Chicago, whirTT^wk P.Uiee at Si AT •, of Ihe •••harch in that ! eitv. last) SatiP'drn mot ivr.g. A number of our- f i s t i c f a n - [journeyed to Kljm Thi'i'-d evenirv.:. uhnv they -an SmI- . d i e r M e v r r s o f ; l v - v i l ! a ' - e w i n the decision over Frank Riohev Doa illO St was char- Foiw tors :ates- w 'no d a \ . .'ohn Wontwort'h. brother of •am Wont worth, of Mo- ,>a-\-od away al tho i • ! his sister. Mrs. Hetty in C,:r:>cnters\ ille, April Pti'-'to sei\icos were held io Mii!s home Sunday with ,d m Wooilland cemetery Irtn > . Mi-- Frances Peterson was ;o:iderod a -urpiise Satuniay evening, in observance of her birMvlay (Hiosts were Marjorie and Norma Whiting. Greet a (.'ha;iih' rlin. Doris Bacon. Ber- I',:. Scbie-sle. Esther Fell/. Jo-o:>liine Ol-oii, Alice Milier. Pauline F.etind. Josse Whiting. Flo\d i- (i-.-. (ilenn Petersen. Kcnwih Poierson, Augustine Fve.ind, John Yycilal and Leo W'inkel. TWIATV-VIYK YKARS A<iO Tak"n from tho Files of M.n fi. n>:n Fa1 nvr. who.-.' fields have hem Untied into lakes and SAVINGS ASS'N. BOARD CHAIRMAN ISSUES STATEMENT This week a statement was issued by Charles G. Ashbrook concerning the Crystal Lake Savings and Loan association. Mr. Ashbrook is chairman of the Board of the Savings and Loan and has been a director of the Savings and Loan since its beginning. In the statement he gave assurance that no" director, officer or employee was in any way involved with the irregularities of their former attorney, V. J. Knox. This fact has l>eon substantiated bv the authorities and the state and federal examiners. He continued: "The board of directors and my^el! were kept informed of the entire situation during the examination. | which was carried on for nearly two months. The examina- ] tions by the different authori- : ties established that Mr. Knox [ neither had nor needed the asj sistance of anyone else to acl complish his end. I "At no time did the associai tion make a mortgage know- ! ing that the borrower was i Knox. In each case a fictitious [ name $r trust was used by | Knox to hide the true identity. SHOP AT HOME Rudi J. Studio Photo A crowd estimated at between 5(X) and 600 persons gathered in the McHenry high school audilorium last Saturday and Sunday evenings to hear the annual spring presentation of the McHenry Choral club, the sixty-five members of which are shown on stage. Below is the seventeen-picoo orchestra which accompanied them in a concertized version of the opera "Carmen" to conclude the program. marsh by heavy rains during the last lew1 days, are anxious io finish planting their grain which has been seriously relayed b> the wet weather, making them two or three weeks behind their regular schedule. On one farm a grain field is now a miniature lake filled with wild ducks. It is declared to be the most backward spring in twenty years. Thomas Vastly, about 60 years of age. residing on Ihe old Vasey homestead, w a s found (ioad under a farm pulverizer Wodnesdav afternoon. Tho body, which was found by his brothers. John and Jay Va-ey. showed indications it j had been dragged for several foot. It is supposed he suffered • a heart attack and fell under- [ nealh the machine. Fire destroyed the Woodman hall, an ( Id landmark at Ring- I wood, early this Thursday moining and threatened ihe ! town as the wind blew shingle- : and sparks a long distance. ' Ttio heavy rain of Fi idav | night and. early Saturday morning failed to dampen iho courageous spirit of Miss Maurie Taylor and her girls of the high school Athletic Association. on May day, when the first girls' Play Day in Mr- Henry took place and proved to be a big success. Alx-ut fifty j guests from other schools came j for the day with 1.10 girls and j theiv sponsors present for the , cafeteria luncheon served In lite high school. The mosi viluable piece of ; p'operty any person can own is a well-educated; alert mind. ' FARMERS! For CROP-HAIL INSURANCE CALL FRANK Ik. NOLAN 1105 Greenwood Waukegan, Illinois Phone CHerry 4-2626 FREUtyD'S DAIRY, Inc. Complete Line of Dairy Products -- FREE DELIVERY -- Locally Owned and Operated Phone EV. 5-0195 or EV. 5-0232 DUTCH Mill CANDY SHOP NEW LOCATION* 1260 N. GREEN ST l>etween Ben Franklin & Certified Be Sure Sweeten her day with a candy gift... she'll love it... and yaifc 2 LB. MOTHER'S DAY. SPECIAL $ ONLY When your prescription filled at BOLGER'S you can be sure of fresh drugs, professional skill and prompt service. Let us compound your «next prescription. HDuMM GER'S Drug Store Gibson Mother's Day Cards Gift Wrapping, E+c. Registered Pharmacists Donald P. Doherty -- Arthar McKentJ John A. Stewart SPECIAL SALE ON CHAHN SAWS WRIGHT 1 New 1962 (C70t 21" Chain Saw $209.30 $157.25 1 Demo 1962 (C70> 21" 1 RIGHT ( li.un Saw $209;,n $145.50pQWER BLADE SAW 1 New 1962 (5020A i 20" Power Blade. S179.50 S1 HI.7 1 New 1962 <2016) 16" Power Blade $139..i0 SI 10.oil 1 Demo 1962 i2016i 16" • Power Blade $139.50 $95.00 BOLENS .'5 New 1962 (Swifly) 20" Chain Saw ?IK6.25 $139.75 2 New 1962 (ThriHy) 16" Chain Saws S1.S6.IMI $102.50 1 New 1961 (Thrifty1) 16" Chain Saw $K>2.23 $ 92..V) McCULLOCH .1 Demo 1962 (1-72 > 24" Speed Tip Chain Saw Res. $282.35 $226.25 1 Demo 1962 11-52) 24" Speed Tip Chain Saw Re«. S238.95 $189.50 SPECIAL SALE ENDS SAT., MAI is FLEMING EQUIPMENT 4005 YV. Waukegan Rd. McHenry (Route 120 at the Railroad Tracks) Phone 385-0033 ^ "H , V "-vN^r r:;:-j P Q U A L I T Y F O O D S A T L O W E S T P R I C E S D A I L Y W0 U.S. CHOICE LEAN 0T ROAST •\i.i, ( i:nti:k cits MONITOR, BY MARK IV The ultimate in auto air conditioning. • Ride serene, unruffled -- car windows closed against wind, dust, noise. • Arrive unwilted, unwrinkled -- Monitor dehumidifies, as well as cools, the air in your car. • Enjoy the new slimline case--designed to harmonize with your car interior. Nationwide service and a 12- month or 12,000-mile warranty, with Monitor by Mark IV . . . AMERICA'S TOP SELLING CUSTOM INSTALLED AUTO AIR CONDITIONER. "For Information Call" A-OK Instrument Repair Sales-Insta lla tion-Service 913 North Front St, Mcllenr>. III. 385-4004 MARK IV AUTO AIR CONDITIONING CUT Boneless Sirloin Rotisseri ROAST COUPON This C'ou|M»n <iond For 50* OFF Toward the I'urehase of 3 lbs. of our FRESHLY GROUND BEEF COUPON O O av o 2 (MR OWN* HOMEMADE PORK SAUSASE ROLLS 2 For 98 VETS DOG & CAT R LEAN FRESH @4. BEEF STEW Asparagus 2 t.m49c j Apple Sauce 3SI'29C C : L Z 1 A E L L C U T M 3 0 3 ^ Q c ! v : ' R [ 3 L A S L L L N ? £ l L E D _ _ c Green Beans • • • • J T,ns V Apricots Ar.c ^ 300 OCc ! n A ' AI1M - o 2'/2 Sa00 Kidney Beans • • • • i- Tins ZO Bar+lett rears • . • j Tins | -AGG^Y ANN O 300 0 Cc I7 ANN CR^SiuD 3Q3 Lima Beans • • • • • JL ^,ns jO ; Pineapple • • • • • • JL O / FARS STEMS--PIECES _ , • r 3GEDY A.NM Mushrooms • • • •. • O C'FMA'i HO'JSS -- Slaw Dressing . KRAFT ; Tomato Juice. • • 00 MACARONI DINNER 6 WILSON - ARMOI R - PLANKIN<iTON WHOLE or 25-lb. NUGGETS 35c off $1.99 7r OFF 5-lb. NUGGETS 49c 'h• OFF LABEL -- VETS CAT FOOD 7c ECONOMY SIZE BTL. BO BEEP AMMOUSA 29c 8-oz. Pkgs. •8-Or. Bt!. MANOR IIOI SF. CHASE & SANIiORN COFFEE 49- 31° Tea B a a s . . . . 46 Counf 49' IF COCA COLA •Kraft , Spaghetti Dinner Kraft i Chi«'ken Dinner . 8-o/„ PkK- 4 lor 81.«0 8-oz.. Pkff. 3 for $1.00 RA(r(iEI)Y ANN TOMATO CATSUP' ' 2i4-°z ->e;C Btls. VV "SPECIAL OF THE WEEK" RA(.(.K1)Y ANN POffi & BEANS . . ]'»c OFF LABEL WISSOli Oil.. ... . DRIP or KK(i. HILLS BIOS. COFFEE. FRESH FROM (iEORC.I^ ,-PECAMS. . . . 39^ 5*i-<»/. Tin . . . • • 29' 4«-o/.. Btl. . . . 79' •2-lh. Tin . . $1.15 VOI R CHOICE OF FIVE FLAVORS DRY BEVERAGES. 10 for 87' VOI R ( HOI( E OF 1 OR ALL A W ITH **.00 OR MORE PURCHASE FOUiEKS DOMINO Pt'RK (.RANI LATED (.OLDEN RIPE YeSIow 2 u>s. 21c RE<i 6 PACK 6-oz. Btl. Bag 39' 18 Plus Deposit Fresh Nutritious SPINACH Cello It Bag 19 Snow White Fresh MUSHROOMS New Firm Solid CABBAGE 5-oz. Pkq. 19' 8 Tb Corner of Green & Elm Streets In The Heart Of Downtown McHenrv \VK RKSERVK THK RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES SALE DAYS MAY 10 - II - 12 soman ~ \ ^ ) v .. mimmmm > mmmsm •P[j?U ACITY FOO DS AT LO WEST PR ICE S D A I L Y

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