Page Six THE McHOENRY PLAINDEALER Thursday, May 10, 1962 ^ RATES First Insertion -- & (>c per word $1.20 minimum No ads "counted less than 2o wo4r3 d Repeal Insertions 5c per word SI.00 minimum 25c Service Charge On All Blind Ads. Situations Wanted. Wanted to Rent and Card of Thanks must be paid in advance. LAS SI FI ED COLUMNS OF OPPORTUNITIES FOR QUICK RESULTS -- PHONE 385-0170 TO PLACE A CLASSIFIED AD BATES Display Classified First Insertion -- $1.25 per Col. Inch 2 Inch Minimum Repeat Insertions -- $1.10 per Col. Inch 4 Lines 8 pt. Type Per In. with 18 pt. ^ Signature. COPY DEADLINE -- Wednesday, 10:00 a.m. OFFICE HOURS -- ^ Daily 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. Saturday 8:30 a.m. - Noon Automotive Automotive Best Bun 61 Valiant V100 sed. R-H-St. Tr. $1545 Look 57 Ford V8 hip. RH- AT-PS-PB $745 Attractive - 59 Ply. wgn. cus. 8 4dr. R-H-AT $1095 Kleen 57 Plymouth V8 , sed. R-H-OD .... $645 Excellent - 57 Dodge Royal 4-dr. htp. R-H-AT $695 Over 25 Others to chose from 1951 4 WHEEL drivg Jeep with cab and snow phfw. 385-1140. 5-3-10-62 1960 CHEVROLET - 4 door ! hardtop, $1,500. Call 3S5-5188. 5-3-10-62 ALUMINUM Arkansas Fisherman's boat. Johnson 3 h.p. motor. Canvas cover, $100 complete. Call Sam Nathanson 385-5900. 5-10-62 GET CASH for your car at Country Motors. Route 31 South of McHenry. Phone 385- 4116 ° 5-3-62-tf 1960 JEEP station Wagon, 4 wheel drive, k>w mileage, hydraulic snow plow. Phone >385- 2426. *5-10-62 Route 120 East McHenry 385-3102 Open 9-9 5-10-62 1952 DODGE pick-up truck. Rheem electric hot water heater. Call 385-4710. *5-10-62 , Complete "Mechanical Service Bear Wheel Alignment Automatic Transmission Service & Overhaul PHILLIPS AUTO REPAIR 4303 N. Wilmot Rd. Sunnvside. McHenry, 111. Phone 385-2030 12-7-61-tf 1956 FORD town sedan, 4 dr., radio, heater, auto-frans., power steering, brakes and seats. Very clean. Two new tires and muffler. Only $525. See car at 1204 N. Clover Lane, Eastwood Manor, McHenry, 111. Call 385-4979 after 4 p.m. *5-10-62 1960 CHEVROLET, 6 cylinder, stick shift, radio, heater & white walls. Low mileage, $1,- 300 or best offer. Call after 7 p.m. 385-5914. 5-10-62 1939 FORD transmission -- stick shift with throw-out bearing. In very good condition. Also Model A transmission. Cyll 385-3291. *5-10-62 1959 PONTIAC Bonneville hardtop. Front end wreck, no frame work. Call 385-4862, 5-10-62 1959 MAICO 4 Passenger, 2 cycle, 40 miles per gallon of gas. $325 1955 BUICK - 4 Dr. Htp. Good condition $495 1956 FORD V-8, 2 Dr. $445 1954 PACKARD Good rubber. Body in good shape. Needs motor work. $95 1954 FORD Convertible. Full Power $250 PHONE 385-5312 5-10-62 Replacement Parts For All Cars Accessories and Seat Covers COMMUNITY AUTO SUPPLY Route 120 1 Blk. East of the River Bridge Open weekdays: 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sundays: 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. 9-1-60-tf 14 FT. FIBERGLASS bottom Pabst Boat. 40 h.p. Mercury, trailer, skiis, etc., $475. Call Wonder Lake 7313. *5-10-62 24 FT. PONTOON boat. 10 ft. house and 4 ft. cyclone fence. Very cheap. Also 12 ft. runabout. Call 385-5211 after 6 p.m. 5-10-62 SJIIPE SAILBOAT -- 16 ft. complete with rigging and sails, $175. With 2 wheel trailer, $250. Inquire weekends 5005 Lake Shore Drive, Wonder Lake, next Joor to Hoffman's Beauty Parlor. *5-10-17-62 Business Opportunities LAUNDERETTE--Coin, Crystal Lake area. 20 Wash, 8 drty. Full price $10,500, terms. Hollycourt 5-3508, Philip Magee, 4710 N. Lincoln, Chicago. *5-10-17-24-62 Exceptional Opportunity Refilling and collecting money from New Type high quality coin operated dispensers in this area. We establish original accounts for you. Car and references desirable. $600 to $1900 cash required. Good potential earnings part time, more full time. For personal interview write P.O. BOX 4185, Pittsburgh 2, Pa. Include phone number. *5-10-62 SPECIAL 1958 CHRYSLER 4 Dr. Wagon. $1245 Value $1045 Our Price 1961 RAMBLER 4 Dr. Stand. Trans. R. & H 1960 FORD R. & H. Stick 1960 RAMBLER R. & H., Overdrive I960 RAMBLER Heater 1959 AMBASSADOR PS, PB, R & H, WW 1959 LARK Radio & Heater 1958 RENAULT Dauphine, Radio & Heater 15' CORRECT Craft utility inboard, 45 h.p. Gray engine. 1'railer, tarp, skis, $750.00. 2,500 lb. cap. boat lift, $200.00. OLiver 8-5428. 5-3-10-62 14 FT. GLASSPAR sports Lido, 40 h.p. Mercury motor, all electric, fully equipped, S625. Call after 5 p.m. 385- 5484. 5-3-10-62 Buy With Confidence! 100 Boats - Motors BOAT CO. "Complete Marine Center" Select from our fine stock of famous brands of new fiberglass, lapstrakes, aluminum outboards - Johnson Motors. Jet Turbo Craft, Chris-Craft, Cavalier, Speed boats and Cruisers. Choice selection used boats - motors. f BUY NOW - IT PAYS! Expert Boat & Motor Repair On Highway 12, Richmond, 111. 3 blks. North of Stop-light. Open Daily & Evenings 9-9 Sundays 10-6 3-15-62- tf CHAMPION HOT Rod class B racing motor and class B utility racing hull, crash helmet, props, life jacket. Com plete racing outfit. $475. Call 385-0449. 5-10-62 15 FT. CHRIS-CRAFT, 30 h.p electric Evinrude. Fully equipped. Excellent condition. 385- 3449. 5-10-62 1958 RAMBLER Wagon, PB, Auto, R & H Wholesale Specials 1955 FORD 1955 BUICK 1953 PONTIAC SEIBEL MOTOR SALES 4611 W. Routg,-l2$$\ McHenry,' Illinois Phone 385-5361 or 4387 See Norm or Bill 5-10-62 14 FT. STAINLESS Steel Boat 7'- h.p. motor. Life jackets and oars. $250. Call Chicago LU 5-8073. 5-10-62 15' OUTBOARD RUN ABOUT WINNER Plasti Craft Boat and 35 h.p Johnson Javelin Mo\or with electric start. A Tee Nee model boat trailer and new canvas. 1 new 12 volt battery. This boat fully equipped &>ith many ex tras; 2 pr. White Water skiis 3 Coast Guard approved boat cushions, 1 waist type life belt & all other skiing equipment included. Everything used 1 season. Excellent condition. 385-4171 Attention Investers: $2750 DOWN gets you a brand new custom coin-operated laundry and DRY CLEANING store. 20 washers, 8 dryers, 4 dry-cleaners, etc. Why settle for a second-rate store when you cart have a showcase operation for so little? For further details, Write K. O. Nigh, Representative, HOLIDAY DISTRIBUTING CORP. 521 Buchanan, Belvidere, 111., or call LI (4-3981. *5-10-62 Rug - Carpet and Upholstery Cleaning BUCKLEY'S "FIRST IN QUALITY" Phone Collect 338-4477 for estimates' or appointments. 4-19-62-tf FLOOR SANDING and finishing. Free estimates. Old or new floors. Years of experience. Distance no object, Hartwig Fioor Sanding, Barrington. DUnkirk 1-2638. 9-1-60-tf MIMEOGRAPHING ADDRESSING Elliott System McHenry County Area Mailing List Available PHOTOCOPY Complete' Letter Service McHENRY COUNTY LETTER SERVICE 1212-A N. Green St. McHenry, Illinois PHONE 385-5064 5-18-61-tf CARPENTRY New Homes Remodeling Repairs Concrete Work Garages Sidewalks -- Patios No Job Too Big Or Small Free Estimates -- Financing CALL McGRATH CONSTRUCTION 365-4170 5-3-62-tf ,AL OTTO Formerly Peter A. Freund SEPTIC TANK and CESSPOOL PUMPING Prompt -- Reasonable Service Ph. 385-1819 Residence. Ring wood Rd. & Rt. 120 12-28-61-tf McHenry Disposal Service Phone 385-2221 for DEPENDABLE GARBAGE DISPOSAL SERVICE WM. DE VRIES 3402 W. Third Ave. 9-1-60-tf ELECTRIC MOTORS and automotive generators and starters, all types repaired, rebuilt and rewound. Phone 385-0183 Seaqo Sales & Service, Lilymoor. 5-3-62-tf Piers - Seawalls Boat Hoisfs^ New and Repairing Work Guaranteed Free Estimates Phone: 385-4929 McHENRY WELDING SERVICE "5-10-17-24-31-62 I PUMP CESSPOOLS And SEPTIC TANKS G. A. Douglas Lakeland Park Subdivision Phones: - 385-1480 or 385-2711 Station Box 38 * 12-28-61-tf Spring Cleaning Time! Have that FREE Check-up on your cleaner today -- CALL JAMES VAN FLEET 385-6027 4-12 thru 5-31-62-tf SPRING SPECIAL • Oil Burner Service & Vacuum Cleaning • Hot Water Boiler & Smoke Pipe Cleaned • Stack Switch Cleaned -- Nozzle Replaced • Electrodes Cleaned And Adjusted • COMPLETE PRICE $9.50 • A-l Furnace Cleaning & Repairing ^ "cHenry, Illinois Phone 385-3122 3-22-4-12-5-10-24-62 e.o.w. McHenry Window & Awning Co. ALUMINUM & FIBERGLASS AWNINGS ROLL UPS & STATIONARY WIDE RANGE OF STYLES AND COLORS Septic Systems Sewer Rodding Root Cutting Equipment Sewers Installed PHONE: 385-1950 Elmer Glosson 3809 W. John St. McHenry, Illinois 3-1-6^2-tf Periiianent's MON., TUES. & WED. $5.00 Complete with cut, shampoo and set. BETTER PERMANENTS $6.50 to $10.00 Work Done Exclusively By Students McHENRY SCHOOL of BEAUTY CULTURE 385-9850 3-29-62-tf RUSSELL RHOTON Septic Tanks and Cesspools Cleaned and Pumped Septic Systems & Sewers Installed 24 Hour Service 385-6445 Residence - Johnsburg 3-29-62-tf .C^K Services ' 15? MAGIKIST "Kiss of Beauty" cleaning for wall to wall carpet. Spring special includes soil - retardant, mothproofing, deodorizing, sanitizing, for regular price of cleaning. Loose rugs cleaned in our plant in Woodstock. Phone 338-1000. Tidy Magikist. 4-5 thru 6-28-tf 3 BEDROOM homes. Rent from $95 to $120 per month. 385-4253. 5-10-62 For Sale Sale BLACK DIRT, gravel and fillf Call 385-1786. 4-26 thru 7-26-62-tf 12 H.P. SEA KINO motor, good condition, reasonable. Call 385-4644. 5-10-62 Renovate Your Lawn ROTO-TILL SOD LAWN'S SEEDED McMAHON LANDSCAPER 385-6254 or 385-1579 ' 4-26-5-3-10-17-62 GARDEN PLOWING -- Lawn discing and light roto-tilling. Call LeRoy Harms, }>385-3074. • 5-10-17-24-62 REGISTERED A.K.C. poodles Chocolate, male & female. 6 Apricot, 3 males, 3 females 385-2521. 4-12-61-tf FENCING WE SPECIALIZE IN Fence Building Of All Types Enclose Your Yard, Patio, Or What Have You CALL * Joe Flicek Carl Behl 385-1469 385-5675 McHenry, Illinois *5-10-17-24-31-62 WEIMARANERS -- 2 months old. Fine pedigree. Call Richmond 4681. 5-3-10-62 FOR SALE Baled alfalfa, timothy mixed hay, 1st and 2nd cutting; also barn dry straw. Write or call evenings ORiole 5-2591 Blazel & Stahl, Inc. Nevvburg, Wisconsin 1-11-62 to 5-1-62 ALMOST^NEW G.E. Dishwasher sink. Original cost $365, for fast sale $75. Call evenings or Saturdays 385-1629. 5-10-62 12.8 CU. FT. PHILCO refrig^ erator, 2 door. 21" Motorola T.V. Console. Both only 4 years old. 385-4824. 5-10-62 For Rent MODERN 7 room, 3 b'edroom home, hot water heat, full basement, natural fireplace, screened porches, 2 car garage. References required. $100. 385- 5845. 5-3-62-tf LARGE WELL furnished room Hot water heat. Gentleman only. Phone 385-2521 5-3-62-tf MODERN 3 room heated apartment, second floor, refrigerator, gas stove included. Lease inquired. Phone 385-0742. 2-22-62-tf FREE ESTIMATES ON . . . Aluminum Combination ^JWindows and Doors Railings -- Gutters Roofing -- Siding Wall and Floor Tile Call FRANK GANS Representative 1502 N. Riverside Drive 385-18T8 -- McHenry EASY PAYMENT PLAN 4-5-62-tf SMALL STORE -- Excellent location. Near bank and postoffice. Write Box No. 800, c/o McHenry Plaindealer. 4-26-62-tf 5-10-62 ALUMINUM COMB. WINDOWS & DOORS • JALOUSIES -- WINDOWS -- DOORS • MALCO ALUM. AWNING TYPE WINDOWS I-XL Kitchen Cabinets ALSCO Aluminum Siding and Gutters PHONE 385-1180 NO CARRYING CHARGE -- CONVENIENT TERMS 3318 W. Waukegan Road McHenry, Til 4-19-62-tf Septic Systems and Sewers Installed Trenching Water Lines Drain Fields Septic Tanks and Cesspools Pumped P.O. Box 331 - McHenry, 111. Walter M. Garrelts Phone 385-2101 9-1-60-tf C. S. G. Lawn & Mower Service Lawn Cutting Landscaping -- Yard Cleaning Sand, Gravol & Black Dirt Estate Care Complete Lawn Mower Repair Sharperiing, Power .... $6.00 Sharpening, Hand $3.00 Pick-up and Delivery Service CALL FRED YUNGNICKEL 385-1606 2504 W. Hueman Ave. McHenry. Illinois 4-12-62-tf LAWN ROLLING with 800 pound roller, fertilizing and lawn mowing. By job, hour or season. Call Wonder Lake 555& *3-29 thru 5-31-62 ELECTRIC MOTORS repaired Industrial, commercial and domestic. Rickert Electric. 480 Center St., Gtayslake, 111. Ph. BAldwin 3-8491. 9-1-60-tf 5 ROOM modern house. Oakhurst subdivision. No sma'l childien. Call after 5 p.m. 385- l'i(9. 5-10-^2 4 ROOM furnished or unfurnished apartment. Available immediately. Newly decorated. Utilities included. Call 385-4037 or 385-3786. 5-3-10-62 COMFORTABLE sleeping room for gentleman. Phone 385-6535. *5-10-62 DIAMOND Engagement and wedding ring set -- half carat stone. Ultra modern setting. Value appraised locally. Will sacrifice for quick sale. 385- 3962. 5-10-62 4 H.P. LAWN MOWER, 30" rider, like new; also weed cutter for high weeds. All reasonable. Call 385-1067. 5-10-62 " BICYCLES ~ NEW RANGERS Reasonably Priced Repair Work Parts & Accessories Trade-ins Accepted Open week days 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. Friday 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sunday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Lots of Parking Space D and H Bicycles ° Hobbies 147 East Grand Ave. Fox Lake, Illinois JUstice 7-5732 5-10-17-24-31-62 5 PC. DINETTE Set, wrought iron. Call 385-3517. 5-10-62 \ HOUSEHOLD furnishings, including stove, refrigerator, washer, dryer, bedroom sets, keyhole desk, living room, kitchen, dinette furniture, rugs, highboy, folding beds, garden tools, 30" deep freeze. 385- 2566. 5-10-62 GREEN STUDIO couch, 2 bolsters, clean, good condition, f Makes 2 beds. Price $25. Call 385-2628. . 5-10-62 LAYING HENS -- Live 75c, dressed $1.00. . Call 385-3074. 5-10-62 AKC THOROUGHBRED Boxers. Reasonable. 1 male, 2 years old; 1 female, 1 year old. Love children. Call 385-1560. 5-10-62 DOUBLE BED* -- spring & mattress. Elxcellent condition. 385-1328. 5-10-17-62 BLONDE OVAL shaped cocktail table and assorted draperies, rose color. 385-0433. Call during day. 5-10-62 FRIGIDAIRE refrigerator in very good running condition, $25. 385-1180. 5-10-62 For Sale or Rent Let's go camping where ever you wish in comfort and economy with a Nimrod Camper. Off the ground living and sleeping. CALL FREUND'S DREAMER COACH SALES 3705 W. St. Paul's Ave. *, McHenry, Illinois Phone: 385-6333 5-10-24-62 e.o.w. RUMMAGE SALE MAY 12th 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. St. Joseph's Church Richmond, Illinois Sponsored by HOME and SCHOOL CLUB 5-10-62 19'x65' STORE on Riverside Drive. Strictly modern. Gas heat and water furnished. Tiled floors. For information call 385-0773. 5-10-62 3 BEDROOM apartment located 3322 W. Elm St. Call 385-0269 or 385-3800. 5-l()-b2-lf 3 ROOM apartment unfurnished. Newly decorated. In Johnsburg. 385-6368.' 5-10-62 FURNISHED HOUSE - 1 bedroom ideal for couple. Country Club Subdivision. Available in June. 385-1328. 5-i0-G2-tf 8 ROOM farm^ house, with garden area & garage. Gas heat. 2'a miles from McHenry. Immediate availability to clean, dependable family. References required: Phone 385-6086. 5-10-62 $85.00 2 BEDROOM, year around house. One block from lake. Electric stove included. Located on East Wonder Lake blacktop road. By Appt. after 7 p.m., Wonder Lake 5605. 5-10-62-tf BEAUTY SALON Fully Equipped Will Rent or Share -CALL 385-0430 5-10-62 We give PLAID or KING CORN STAMPS j, on lawn seed and fertilizer BULK GRASS SEEDS '• mixed to your specifications Perennial Rye $ .25 per lb. Kentucky Blue .70 per lb. Red Top 60 per lb. White Dutch Clover 1.00 per lb. Special Hardy Lawn Mix .55 per lb. Shady Lawn Mix .85 per lb.' Superior Blend Mix 85 per lb. Sweeten your lawn with Lime - 80 lbs. . $ 60 FERTILIZERS For Lawns, Garden and Evergreens MilorganHe -- 40 lbs $2.25 Milorganite -- 80 lbs 3.95 Vertagreen -- 50 lbs $2 80 10-10-10 -- 50 lbs . 2 50 10-10-10 -- 80 lbs 3.50 , Weed and Feed -- 25 lbs $5.85 Vitagro -- 30 lbs 4.75 Golden Vitagro -- 33 lbs 3.95 Let us help you with your lawn problems. We will deliver all orders of $5.00 or over. McHenry County Farmers Co-Op 4004 Waukegan Road McHenry, 111. 5-10-62 RECOMMENDED CERTIFIED SEED GRAIN ** For Northern Illinois OATS Beede Newton Shield Goodfield Clintland 60 SPRING WHEAT Selkirk Henry BARLEY Kindred Oderbrucker Traill SOYBEANS Chippewa Lindarin Harosoy Hawkeye HUEBSCH SEED FARMS GROWERS OF HIGH QUALITY FIELD SEEDS 135 Midlothian Road Mundelein, Illinois Phone LO 6-7521 4-12-26-5-10-62 •.o.w.