Page Ten THE McHENBY PLAINDEALEB Thurnd«y,M»y VI, 196^, Wonder Lake REPORTER FINDS MANY JOBS AND COLUMN DON'T MIX Gloria Cmiffhlln - W. I'm afraid this week's column is lacking something, like news. However I did find' out one thing. Spring housecleaning, preparing for a First Communion jiarty, five children, and a newspaper column just don't mix. P.T.A. Bike Check The PTA bicycle safety check under the direction of health and safety chairman, Mrs. Stanley Wilson, was held Saturday afternoon, May 12, at a local gas station in the Center. 150 bicycles were inspected. Mrsj< Wilson reports that 97 percent of the bikes had no warning devices. Thirty- five per cent were without rear deflectors. The majority needed oiling. Several had no lenders. Care and maintenance should be given a bicycle the same as a car. How abouf Mom and Dad giving some lime to keep the younger set "Safe on Wheels". Mrs. Wilson is grateful to those who gave their time and labor as quite a few bikes had on the spot repairs. • The helpers included Robert Bird, George Ussy, Mr. ;ind Mrs. Sam Lament and a great big bow to the owner of the station for the use of his facilities. Susan Rankin, Susan Remy, Jane Rice. Cynthia Ruggero, •Joanne Sperandio^Jitfary Elizabeth Stachling, and Nancy VanKanegan. The First Communion was very impressive. The girls tand boys looked like angels. The, crowning of the Blessed Mother also took place and Nancy Ruggero dressed 'as a bride proved, one thing, .if you ever decide to elope you can climb a ladder in a wedding gown and look lovely doing "it. Nativity Lutheran Church News W. L. Thummel, Pastor -- Telephone 653 3832. Worship Services: 8 and 11 a.m. Church School: 9:15 and 11 a.m. Holy Communion: First Sunday of each month. ' Choir Rehearsal: Senior Choir - Thursday evening 7:30. • Catechism Classes: Senior Catechism - Saturday morning - 9. Junior Catechism - Wednesday afternOon - 4:30. Christ The King Church News On Sunday, May 6, Elizabeth Frances Seeman, daughter of Jess J. Seeman and Geraldine Doran Seeman, was baptized by the Rev. James Vanderpool. Godparents were Louis and Ann LaVerato. On Sunday, May 13, at the 9 a.m. Mass, thirty-seven boys and girls received their First Holy Communion and they are: Daniel Brenner, Steven Burk, Ronald Buss, Richard Calkins, Mark Elgar, David Etten, John Hendricks, Patrick Higgins, Gerald Hummel, JLarry Lowry, Alan Mrowka, Mark Rehorst, John Schlottman, Steven Smola, George Smutney, James Ward, Peggy Coughlin, Mary Ann Embry, Carol Freund, Francirie Marke, Ruth Mathews, Pamela Miller, Mary O'Brien, Susan Chlrick, Debbie Parker,- Barbara Pitt, Highland Shores News The residents of Highland Shores are painting the community house on Saturday and the boat owners are meeting at the fire house Saturday,_ May 26, at 2 p.m. to put the pier up. 8th firaders Take Trip The Springfield trip taken by fifty eighth graders last week was a great success. The young people left Wednesday morning at seven. One of the mothers who was at the scene of departure said tfilat we could certainly be proud of the appearance of our eighth graders but the'" poor overworked mothers showed the effects of a wild night of packing. When the bus pulled out there was a united sigh of relief and if anyone ever deserved peace and quiet and a good cup of coffee, those gals did. The trip included stops at Bloomington where an amusement park opened up just for the group, a tour of a nuclear power plant near Morris, a trip to Lincoln's home in Salem and a tour of the capitol building. Earl Hansen found the legs of his pajamas sewn up and had marbles in his socks and ended up with short legs and corns. Mr. Amundson proved to be a regular shark at teaching card gahies, the winning pots consisted of candy and more candy. The chaperones were Mr. . and Mrs. Getzloff, Mr. Thomas and Mr. Amundson. Small Talk Mr. and Mrs. Richard Pickrum and Mr. and Mrs. James Robison celebrated Mother's Day Saturday night by eating out. Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Caliban went to DeKalb this weekend to spend Mother's Day with Mrs. Caliban's daughter, Mrs. Willard Widerberg. Miss Patricia Grabovy had a big surprise in Chicago Saturdar night. Mrs. Carmen Peters gave a party in honor of her sixteenth, birthday. Forty teenagers were invited. A lovely buffet supper was served and Pat received lovely gifts. The Wonderview Women's Auxiliary enjoye* a huge success at their rummage and bake sale Saturday. Four of our "conservationconscious" young men speared 250 spawning carp out of the Lake yesterday. It's nice to know that these boys not only use the Lake for. their own enjoyment but also try to (lo what they can to improve it. Welcome home to my neighbors "Gert" Nielsen and Betty Bland who were hospitalized this week. The. cub scouts .missed Betty. After one afternoon with me. I kind of think they'll appreciate their leader. I probably set the scouting program back about fifty years. I think I missed Gert more than her family did since my son spends half of his life in her sand box. Awards Dinner Lasl week I told you about the awards dinner held by the Kiwanis to honor the eighth graders of three towns for out standing achievements.- How-, ever, I neglected to tell ypi that three of our eighth grade ers provided the music for the evening. The instrumental group called "The Wanderers" consisted of Pat Letizia at the drums,. Mike Lichty played the saxaphone and Chuck .Schlottman, the accordion. Everyone present said the boys did a great job. Did you hear about the eighth grader who'was a guest at the dinner and almost drowned in an em(pty butterdish? Shower for Bridc-To-Bn A wedding shower was given in honor of Jill Gustavson May 7 by Mrs. Robert Parker at a local restaurant. Jill was very surprised and cried from happiness seeing all her old friends. She received loads of beautiful gifts.. The cakes and fpod were enjoyed by all. That about does it for this week. Thank you- to the many people who have called to coin- Spring Grove INSTALL NEW OFFICERS AT SODALITY MEETING Eva« Freund On Thursday evening new officers installed irr the Christian Mothers sodality at a meeting in St. Peter's hall were Mrs. Walter Schultz, vice president: Mrs. Jack Schmiti, treasurer. Outgoing officers who served a two year term are Mrs. John Kabot as vice president and Mrs. Clarence Miller as treasurer. Services were held in church and a buffet supper was served in the hall preceding the meeting. pliment me on the column. Now how about calling with some news? . Holy Name Bowling Sunday night was the last night for the bowling season of the Holy Name teams. Next Sunday in St. Peter's hall a dinner will be served members and their wives. At this time awards will be given out for high scores. Club Meets Mrs. William Shotliff entertained members of her five hundred club one day la*st week. Prizes were Von by Mrs. Minnie Pierc^, yMrs. Mary Nimsgrcn, Mrs. Ann& Sanders, Mrs. Shotliff and Mrs. Clara Deinlein. A lunch was served % the hostess. Card Party Success ^ "Approximately eighty people wer^ present at the card party held^ at the town hall on Thursday, night sponsored by the Lotu^ Country Women's club. Many prizes were given away and a lovely lunch was served. Mother's Day A-Happy Olte Noticed little gatherings all over town visiting Mom last Sunday. Just can't begirt to give all the names, they, would be so numerous. It gives one a good feeling to see that Mom is being rememberedMn a special way. IT PAYS *0 ADVERTISE DR. HENRY FREUND OPTOMETRIST At 1224 N. Green Street. McHenry (Closed Thursday Afternoons) EYES EXAMINED -- GLASSES FITTED VISUAL TRAINING -- VISUAL REHABILITATION OOMFLETE VISUAL ANALYSIS COITUS": DAILY 9 TO IS A.M. and 1 IX) 6 P.M. FRIDAY EVENINGS: 0:00 TO 8:80 PJkt EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT PHONE EVergreen 5-0452 AUCTIONEERS: W. H. Russel, Wm. Sullivan & Eugene Fredrick HAROLD LYLE AUCTION Having a surplus of heifers and not sufficient pasture, also a surplus of machinery, I will sell at public auction the following described jxyrsonal property located on the Karavidas Farm No. 3, fourtn farm on the left side of the road, one mile past the radio tower on Route 14r-Northwest of Harvard on SUNDAY. MAY 20,1962 COMMENCING AT 1:00 P.M, • 67 HOLSTEIN HEIFERS OF VARIOUS AGES - 15 Springing 8 Bred 27 are 8 to 12 mos. old 17 Heifers, weight 400 lbs. All TB Vaccinated MACHINERY AHis Chalmers Gr. Combine and Scour Clean; Allis Chalmers 7 ft. Power Hay Mower; Stalk Chopper in good shape; Universal Gr. Elevator w/unloading Jack; 4 Sec. Iron Drag and Draw Bar; RT Holland Wagon and Grain Box; Knight PTO Manure Spreader; John Deere 290 - 4 Row Corn Planter; Massey Harris Manure Spreader; Dempster Grain Drill; Grainbuster Ward Hammer Mill. Many articles too numerous to mention. > HAROLD LYLE, Owner TERlVgS: $25 or under CASH, OVER $25 USUAL BANK TERMS WITH 25% DOWN BALANCE SIX EQUAL PAYMENTS. NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENTS FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF WOODSTOCK Clerking Menifcgr_P>DXC»_ Federal Reserve System ARE YOU SAVING STAMPS BUT LOSING CASH? TRY A&P'S WINNING COMBINATION ^ |; ; 100 BONUS PLAID STAMPS • THIS COUPON GOOD FOR 100 EXTRA PLAID , J STAMPS REDEEMABLE AT ANY A&P STORE . . . I I WITH THE PURCHASE OF $5.00 OR MORE EXCLUD- | I ING TOBACCO AND^ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE PU* , , CHAS|S > 1 I (COUPON VOID AFTER MAY I9tfc! Chipped Beef " Smoked Picnics Rock Cornish Fresh take Perch Soper Right Saptr Right * To • Lb. Site Game Hm* ffc To 2 Lb. Six# PM Ready 4-m. 29' Gb. 29° Lb. 43c Lb. 35° BEEF RIB ROAST % Super Right Quality Beef. The King of Roasts Lb. 1st Tfera 4th Rib* 69« lift I 6th Ribs Lb. P Krey b on Sliced Beef Krey Sausage Grand Duchess Steaks Beef Stew Armour Chili 65c 49c 55' EXTRA Plaid Stamps BONUS NO COUPONS NECESSARY ON THE ITEMS BELOW -- NO LIMIT ON QUANTITIES. 50 EXTRA I Banana, Chocolate, Vanilla PLAID I UCTDEffcJli For height STAMPS I Bis V ilEUHL Watchers 6Jfi 69 50 EXTRA I ANN PAQE STRAWBERRY STAMPS 1 PRESERVES 2 169' PA EXTRA I ANN PAGE, BLACKBERRY A Lb. AAfi WW STAMPS | PRESERVES 2 i.r 69 fA EXTRA I AUNT JEMIMA, BUTTER m Lb. AFC 50 ££& | PANCAKE MIX 5 »«• 65 PA EXTRA I HENRI'S TASTEE 8 01. J| In AFfi 50 s p T£!!S I DRESSING 265 PA EXTRA SUPER-RIGHT, RING jfc Piece* *|f|f| 50 stamps I BOLOGNA 3 "/4 u. Sl°° 18-oz Can t6 oz. Tla Froten MPkt". 95e Dinty Moore 24 M. Brand TMI WHh 151/2 oz. Be*o» Tta 49e 39' Af EXTRA I JANE PARKER, AU BUTTER 25 s^J?s | COFFEE CAKE Ea. 69' Corned Beef Hash"t " 39' Spray Starch 15 oz. Tin 69' Instant Milk 8 Qt. Pkg. 75' Swift'ning Shortening 3 Lb. Tin 79' 25 EXTRA PLAID STAMPS Gives Full Flavor to Every Meal 4-0Z. ACCENT JsL bh. 99 25 EXTRA PLAID STAMP! MEL-0-BIT BRAND I2-0Z. CHEESE SLICES 49 25 EXTRA PLAID STAMPS ANN PAGE 100% CORN OIL f lb. MARGARINE 35 25 EXTRA I RED, RIPE, WHOLE STAMPS WATERMELONS Ea. 99' AP EXTRA I Pop-Out Plastic I0"il4' Folded (2 AAe 25 STAMPS I UTILITY BAGS Bags 33 IH EXTRA I I0NA, SELECT QUALITY J) 17-01. A^C .10 STAMPS I GOLDEN CORN 2 Tins 27C W EXTRA | A&P BRAND, OUR FINEST A I6-0Z. AAft stamps I APPLE SAUCE 2 T.« 29' 10 STAMPS EACH TIN Equal to the Best, But Cost Lest dexola Salad Oil dexo Shortening Vegetable 3 Butter Cookies 2 Nabisco Fit Newtons Qt. Btl. Lb. Tin 59' 75' Pkgs. 49° I Lb. AfC Pkg. 03 Mushrooms Brandywine Pieces S Stems 4 oz. AAc Tin Ov Sliced Apples Comstwck for Pies 2 ~ 45c Milnot for Baking A 141/2 ox.' AA( 0 Tins DeLuu Layer Cake Mix Duncan Hines 18»/2 oz. AAc Pkg. 09 Apple Pie Fillings Thanl You Brand N.,2 20c Chicken Noodle Soup Wyler's Brand "e I Ac Of 2 IJf. - V Mazola 100% Corn Oil Margarine • li. a Ac Carton Maxwell House Coffee iLk. $|29 Tin | Instant Coffee Maxwell 25c Off $|40 Puff's Facial Tissue Colored or White B" AAc of 400 £9 Bathroom Tissue Charmin Brand 1000 Shoot 00C Aluminum Foil Kaiser Household l2"Wido «}C 25 ft. long J JC MRS. STEWART BURTON 502 W. Judd Street Woodttock. Ill|p6is HOUSEHOLD AUCTION Having sold my home at 502 W. Judd St., Woodstock, Illinois, I will sell my household furniture at Public Auction on SUNDAY, MAY 20th, 1962 Starting at 1:00 p.m. Crown Gas Stove; G.E. Refrigerator, Deep Freeze; Breakfast "Set; Dining Room Set (9 pc.); Dining Room Set (10 pc.); 4 Poster Bedroom Set; Hollywood Bed; Mason & Hamlin Black Ebony Baby Grand Piano; Miscellaneous Summer Cottage Furniture; Wringer Type Washer; Lamps; Occasional Tables; 2 Antique Tea Carts; Trunks, Luggage; Vacuum Cleaner; Secretarial Desk; Business Machines. Some antique and other articles too numerous to mention. AUCTIONEERS: Ed Vogel & Wm. Russell TERMS: Cash Angel Food Cake Stripe Toothpaste Woodbury Soap Lifebuoy Soa Lifebuoy Soap Jane Parker Reg.49c Gently Mild Faciei Quality Be Really Cleaa 39' 69' 31' 3r*. mc Ha Q § 2 si 35° IT ox. * Ei. Qlant Silt Faeial Sizs Kola, Ginger Ale, Yukon Club Enjoy COFFEE MILL FLAVOR lypyt frali-mound flavor IjPijlpk you caw get in a can! Mild and Mellow EIGHT O'CLOCK 3 BAO $L59 55< Realemon Juice Root Beer Praise Beauty Bar Praise Beauty Bar Lux Toilet Soap Lux Bath Soap Quick Elastic Bab-0 Cleanser Reconstituted Lemon Juice Qt. Btl. Facial Quality lelui Levely Liquid Starch 2 2 3 2 49c 3 «r35c e posit) 31' 41' 31' 31' 29' 35' For Cleaner Clothes (Plus Deposit) Rag. Size Bath Size Rag. Siza Bath Siza Qt. Btl. All Purpose Fab Detergent Ajax Cleanser Chiffon Detergent • I Hew Decorator Design I lOriCllt All Fragrance. O'Cedar Dust Mops 2 La. CQc nn. 09 2 Handy Liquid 21 oz. Cans 22 oz. Tin Largo Siza Aarosol 49' 49' 79' $149 I 14 oz. Cans AMERICA'S FOREMOST FOOO RETAIllR . . . SINCE A9S9 tHE CREAt ATLANTIC A PACIFIC TtA COMPANY ALL PRICES EFFECTIVE THRU SATn MAY l?TH fine ANN PAGE STRAWBERRY PRESERVES 10 FRKI EXTRA PLAID STAMPS YOU PAY ONLY 2 Sk 69c