Pag* TMn THE McHENRT PLAINDEALEH ( Thursday, May 17. 1962 Holiday Hills PUPPET SHOW , PRESENTED FOR WQkAN^ CLUB ^ '|^ Inez Young The ladies of the Holiday Hills Woman's club had a full program at their meeting this month. The evening started out with a most delightful piippet show presented by Carol Schmidt, one of our local Girl Scouts. The business meeting followed. ' It was announced that swimming instruction will be presented for a six Week peridd with registration to be held if on Jun'e 11. . Further business included „ the start of a "Dinner Fund" with Kay Ryan in charg£. This is a plan whereby we should all be able to get flb next year's banquet. If you'd like more information, and you missed the meeting talk to Kay 01^ Mary Mahon or anyone who niade the meeting. It sounds like a very good plan:--u--^ A bake sale followed with a variety of baked goods sold and a German sweet chocolate cake, baked by Earline Mettelka, was enjoyed by Jimmie Justes. Hostesses for the evening were Shirley Haufe, Rene' Jende, Joan Schroeder and -Doris Filip. John Hale Takes First • John Hale is back -jn the news with another award received. This time he received a first division rating in the state band solo contest held at Lake Villa on April 27. As a result he was chosen to^play his solo for McHenry Junior high's 'spring contest on Friday, May 11. He was also one of a five piece, combo band that entertained for the Kiwanis merit award dinner on May 3. Johnnie is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Joan Hale of 1504 W. Elm street who are very proud of their son's accomplishments. We're all proud to say you're from Holiday Hills Johnnie, keep up the firie^work. Cub Scout Pack Meeting Pack 458 "held its meeting at the Connell 'home on Friday, May 4. The meeting started with the denners carrying in the flag and forming a circle and humming 'America' as den chief Ray Mettelka played a solo on his clarinet. The theme for the evening was 'the Cub Scout Troubadors*. Den' No. 1 presented a skit entitled "Spike Moans and His Country Slickers". Den No. 2 presented a barber shop quartette complete with barber pole and shaving cream. Den No. 3 put on a minstrel show. They blackened their faces and wore the -hats and used v the-, tamborines Which they made. Tom Ary did a soft shoe dance. Awards were presented the following boys. John Laskowski, denners stripe; "Billy Schmidt, gold arrow and assistant denners stripe; Wally Suman, gold and silver arrows; John Connell, gold arrow; Ray B a i r d , Danny B a x t e r1 and James DeMars received their bobcat pin and led the pack in the Cub Scout promise. Tom Ary received his wolf badge; Charles Birchfield, wolf badge, gold and silver arrows and assistant denners badge; Dean Heise, gold arrow and denners stripe. '• Two den mothers were awarded pins, they were Jean Baird and" Earline Mettelka. A contest was held, for the fathers. Each one created a hat for theii? wife and then modeled them. The boys^liried up with cards spelling out the word "Mother" and saluted their Moms by singing "Mother". Tables were set up to display what the boys have been doing at home. Packmaster Connell' reminds us that the family bowling date is May ,26 at 11 o'clock in Island Lake and the next pack meeting will be held on June 9 when the pack will salute our fiftieth state, Hawaii. Den No. 3 served the refreshments for the evening. Dance Tickets on Sale Tickets for the spring dance to be held irt June at the Wau- American Legion will be ioor to door on Sunday, y 20. If -the committee should miss you, be sure to call Jim Dowhin who will be happy to see that you get all the tickets youj need. First Communion • Raymond Baird, Jr,, made his" first communiori on Sunday, May 6, and celebrated with a turkey dinner for his G o d p a r e n t s , g r a n d p a r e n t , aunt, uncles, and cousins. Incidentally, the turkey was the one Jeannie won bowling a couple of weeks ago. Rita Ann Mettelka a l s o made her first communion on May 6. Her Godparents, Mr. and Mrs, Nol-bert Mettelka and family came up from Freeport for the weekend to join in the celebration along with Alice Kiefer and Mr. Wilmer. Other families with first communion, celebrations were the Kruegers. Kasprzyks, Lunas and Perkins: GENERAL C01ITRACT0R 3 Irs pretty . . . But Oh-Boy! Too often a coat of paint is used to hide cheap materials and careless workmanship. When you plan to build, repair or remodel . . . place your order with a contractor of proven integrity. Our completed jobs in and around the McHenry area are' our best advertisements Legion Lancers Take First Place It looks like we have quite a few good musicians in Holiday Hills. Matthew Justes and Joe Luna are members of the Legion Lancers of Wauconda who oh Sunday, May 6, took first place in competition with North Chicago and Mundelein. The Legion Lancers are a "B" corps qomposed of boys 7 to 12 years old. Matthew Justes plays the snare drum and Joe Luna the bass drum. Brad Schmitt is 3 Brad had a busy day. May 7, when he celebrated his third birthday. Shortly after noon his Godm o t h e r . M a t i l y n B l a c k b u r n , came by -- later in the afternoon Roger and Nancy Mroz came over and joined Brad and his cousin, Ricky Blackburn, tor birthday refreshments. More celebrating took place in the evening when granting and grandpa Schmitt of M<>* Henry stopped by. Birthday Greeting Happy birthday to Clifford Hawhee who will be 8 years We *e New 9*i ^oum! YOUR DEEP ROCK DEALER IS NOW IN McHENRY FREE-with 8 gal. Gasol ine Purchase-FREE Start Your Set Today 5 Sizes Cocktail Glasses 14 K. Gold Dinnerware Comet Cleanser # Tide Detergent # Kleenex Tissues Dial Soap # Ash Trays Plus FREE Bonus Stamps tTHy, KEAN BROS. DEEP ROCK SERVICE STATION Route 120 and River Road Johnsburg GIRL SCOUTS PREPARE FOR CAMPING TRIP Betty Hettermann At last week's meeting, the girls of troop 408 made dunk bags which they Will' use on their camping trip of three days scheduled for next month. They also worked on another p r o j e c t . B o n n i e O e f f l i n g brought Sandy Meyers as her guest. Mrs. Mangold was unable to attend this meeting. Mesdames Jorgenson and Bieschke were on hand to as-/ sist Mrs. Thomas. Two. other troops from this area will par/ ticipate in the overnight campj. Unintentional Oversight The entertainment committee for the ladies night banquet held on May 5 in the J o h n s b u r g c o m m u n i t y c l u b would like to give credit where credit is due. Through an unintentional error, Jim Adams was never credited for the presence of the beautiful roses that night. These roses were very lovely anrl the ladies were most appreciative of them. Sorry for the oversight. Wonderful Mother's Day „ Surprise Mrs. Bill Martinec was very happy last Sunday as a result of a long distance phone call. Her sOn, Bill, who is completing his four year hitch in the navy, called her from Norfolk, Va., to wish her a "Happy Mother's Day." Sewing Guild Members Have Fun At a gathering held in the McHenry home of Marion Carlson last week, the members of the Pink Ladies Sewing Guild laid aside all their work for a short time. The ladies had a most enjoyable afternoon of playing various games for which the winners were awarded prizes. Gert Snell was the official game hostess. The birthdays of Marion Carlson, Mildred Kennedy, Lilah Jordan and Marion Ritter were celebrated with the serving of a beautiful cake decorated special for the occasion. Besides the above mentioned members the following ladies were also present: Margaret Bolin, Ceila Blake, Helene Pepping, Tess Kelly, Agnes Koman. Marge Moreth,- Vi Schuble, Gert Snell, and Lorraine Lindemann. Guest of the afternoon was Connie Nelson. Honored on First Communion Young David Oeffling .was guest of honor in his home on May 6 honoring the celebration of his First Holy Communion. His parents, George and Sarah, hosted a gathering of about forty people for a buffet supper later in the day. Among those present were his godparents, Mrs. Marilyn Gaskin of Rockford and Richard Herdrich of McHenry, and his grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. George Oeffling, Sr., Lawrence Cook and Mrs. Helen Hettermann. sometime in August to reorganize for next season. Rescue Squad Calls Each week., as I write up these calls the thought crimes to mind of> what was done before this squad came into being. Each one of us hopes and prays we never call upon them for help but what a comforting thought to know they are around in case the need should arise. Our squad members were quite busy this past week answering calls. Last Wednesday evening a two car collision took place on Riverside Drive. One occupant was taken in the squad ambulance to the McHenry hospital for treatment and was later released. ' On Friday, the squad was summoned to Bayview Lane where a. boat passenger „had fallen into the lake. He was taken to the hospital in the squad ambulance. Friday evening another call came in that took the squad to Chaprel Hill where an apparent heart attack- occurred. The victim was removed to the hospital by ambulance. Late Sunday evening the squad members were called to a home on Route 31 south of McHenry where a man suffered a fatal heart attack. Memorable Trip Mr. and Mrs. Waltefr Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Freund spent last weekend in Menominee where they visited Father Raymond Hettermann. They also visited in East Dubuque, saw some historical sights in Galena and were in Dickyville where they visited a religious shring. It was a most enjoyable weekend for the three couples. Happy Birthday To little Douglas Oeffling who will light two big candles on his cakeBon May 23. Bowling League Elects Officers Thursday night, May 10, the T.N.T. league held its banquet in Lake Zurich to wind up this seasons bowling. After an enjoyable dinner, at which about sixty ladies were present, a short business meeting was held. Trophies were awarded to the first place team which consisted of Nancy Piatt, Eleanor Mangold, Mig Joyce, Ethel Rad and Dirothy Hayner. Also receiving trophies weri Joan May for her 247 game and Mary Hettermann for her 568 series. Officers elected to lead the league for the 1962-63 season are: Connie Thomas, president; Nancy Piatt, vice-president; Lu Ann Smith, secretary; Isabell Stilling, treasurer, and Fran Counley, sergeant-atarms. A meeting will be held old on May 20 and to Roy Dundelius, Sr., on May 21. More Girl Scout News Kathy Barth reports to me that at last week's meeting of troop 195, the girls further discussed what was needed for their overnight, camping. Most of the girls had never seen a sleeping bag so Melinda Long brought one to. the meeting for them to see. On Tuesday, May 15, this troop put on a skit for the enjoyment of the Johnsburg P.T.A. members. This is to show their appreciation for the P.T.A.'s sponsorship. Candy Kobus was cookie hostess. Eleven girls were in attendance at this meeting along with Mesdames Dehn, Palmer, Patterson and Barth. Remember the tulips that this troop planted and how beautifully they were growing --well things are beginning to change. It seems like the Girl Scouts are not the only ones who were admiring them. A little gray rabbit has a "sweet tooth" and he has been snipping the flowers off from time to time. How about that! .' Out-of-Town Visitors The following persons attend the wake and funeral last week of Father Nicholas Schmitt: Mr. and Mrs. Nick Bertrang, Catherine Schmitt, Mr. and Mi's. Leo Poss, Mrs. Regina Steil and daughter, Helen, Nick Steil, John and Tony Heinz and Mrs. Elizabeth Suscanic, all of Aurora; Mr. and Mrs. William J. Schmitt, Rosemary and Henry Schmitt and Mrs. Cecila Kessler, all ot Chicago; Mrs. Frank Loss and Larry of Woodstock, Mrs. John Fuchs of Humphrey, Neb., Mr. and Mrs. Louis Young of Waukegan, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Reinert and William L. Smith of Elgin, Fred Smith of Des- Plaines &hd Herman Schmitt of St. Anne's, Mo. UNIT by Peggy Garrelta Mary Einspar, president of Unit 491, announced that the unit has made its annual contributions to the state funds of the Auxiliary Student Loan, and Americanism-National Security. By contributing to the Student Loan Fund, the chairman, Lenore Cooley, stated that if the need arises the unit may sponsor an applicant for a student loan to a veteran or his child. Interest obtained from accumulated contributions from 903 Units in Illinois annually, makie * possible two opportunity scholarships of $600 and $350 awarded to the daughters of deceased veterans. * . • Mrs. Dorothy Weichmann, national security chairman, outlined the state national security program which extensively supports the R. O. T. C. with awards fcr meritorious service and also assists Illinois U/S. O. centers. It was also announced that along with the state opportunity scholarships, two other types of scholarships are offered to local students by the American Legion auxiliary, chairman, Mrs. Pearl Cooper. Three scholarships are offered in the amounts of $300, $200 and $100. Several nurse scholarships in the amount of $375 each are offered to senior high school girls. Information may be obtained from Past Presidents' Parley chairman, Mrs. Marie Howe. Poppy Day The annual Poppy day for McHenry will be the twentyfifth and the twenty-sixth of May. The p&ppy chairmen are Mr. and Mrs. John Phalin, 4307 South street, McHeniy, for the post and the auxiliary. Those volunteers who will be able to tag on either of the aforenamed dates may call 385-0435 to offer their services. The American Legion auxiliary supplies the veterans, free, with the materials for making Poppies. This enables the veterans to earn money by paying them for every poppy they make. This arranges for volunteers to present Poppies so that all funds collected may be used for rehabilitation and child welfai'e. The official American Legion auxiliary poppy is a small red paper Poppy on a greenstem bearing a white labeled "Handmade by Veterans" tag and imprinted on the other side with the Legion and auxiliary name. , Gold Star Delia Freund, Gold Star chairman, announced the potluck dinner which is to be held at; the Legion home on May 21 at 6:30 will honor Gold Stat, members. Everyone is asked t</ bring a dish to pass. This is the same date as the regular monthly meeting of Unit 491 and that will be at, 8 sharp^ Chaplain Dorothy Weichmann will conduct memorial services ' during the regular meeting. The deceased members this year for whom services will be held are Rose Lee and Meta Schroeder. The kitchen chair? man for this month is Rita* Zimny and those to serve on the Committee are Jennie Mae Richardson, Lillian Cpnway, Lola Mears, Jean DeCarlo, Beatrice Petersen, Helen Knight, Sylvia Cooper, Catherine DeVries, Ella Benson, Joy Landre, Vera Kane, Othelle Brady, Lois Crouch and Made Diedrich. Cabarets Show . May 19 is the date! The aux» iliary's eighth annual cabaret , dance and floor show will be held at the Legion home. It promises to be a night of fun and lots of entertainment. Tickets may be obtained from Lorraine Smith, Mary Einspar or at th0 door. Executive Board Meets The executive board held a meeting last Thursday at th%, home of President Mary Ein" spar. Sixteen officers and chairman attended the meeting. The annual reports were completed at that time. Marge Mikota was chosen by President Mary Einspar to head the nominating committee for the coming year. The executive board elected Janice Bauspies and Loretta Meyer for the committee, with "the balanc<N to be selected at the regular^ monthly meeting the twentyfirst. Members Liaison As the close of this administrative year draws near, now is a good time to "take stock" of ourselves as American Legion auxiliary members. BOONE COUNTY PREFERENCE ^ The Boone County Republic a n C e n t r a l c o m m i t t e e , through its chairman, Robert Hake, indicated this past week that committeemen . in that county will not agree on one GOP candidate for state senator. Blake said they will be against any candidate from Lake county, but would agree to one candidate if it is Rep.* A. B. McConnell of McHenrJp* county. Get Well Wishes Get well wishes to John Hale recuperating from surgery in Waukegan, not in McHenry where I had him last week. Ricky Ary has been under the weather with the measles the past week. His mom tells me he's really been sick. Hope you're much better by now Ricky and that all the spots are gone. I hope by this time Lorraine Bemis is back to walking normally" again after hobbling around with a bad foot for awhile. CUSTODIAL EXAMS' The Chicago Post Office Board of U. S. Civil Service Examiners has announced that applications are being accepted for the custodial-laborer examination for duty at the McHenry post office. Competition in (he examination is restricted by law to persons entitled to veterans preference. A copy of the announcement, which gives full particulars, may be secured' at the post office. Old Fashioned Sausage Shop Thurs., Fri., Sat., Only! W-tbH-thrrr. zA Try savory, mildly spiced Polish Sausage prepared from an original "old world" recipe. Serve for a hot -lunch or for cold buffet. Pick up some at your Jewel today--Smoked or Fresh, you'll enjoy it! AVAILABLE NOW AT.. SMORGASBORD DINNER A spring smorgasbord dinner will be served Sunday, May 20, from noon to 6 p.m. for the school fund at St. John's Catholic church in Twin Lakes, according to word from Harold Phannenstill, a former McHenry resident who now makes his home in Twin Lakes. We Honor All Oil Company Credit Cards Just East lof New Bridge Peter W- Juiten & Son OXYGEN EQUIPPED AMBULANCE SERVICE Phone EVergreen 5-0063 FRESH lb. SMOKED lb. ISA CO. Jewel In McHenry 3718 W. Elm St Jewel Pastry Shop Spei Thurs., Fri., Sat., Only ! Try Our Tasty Coffee Cakes BUTTER FILLED STRIP / f" A Coffee Cake mc •°ch j/c ROUND ALMOND BRAID m Coffee Cake r* OT I1 tea CO. AVAILABLE NOW AT... Jewel In McHenry 3718 W. Elm Sl