Thursday. May 24, 1962 THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Page Eleven Lakeland Park LLPOA HOLDS SPRING DANCE AT LEGION MAY 26 •>/ Gloria Flannigan - 885-4710 Barbara Meurer - 385-4356 Well here it is only two more days till the LPPOA's Spring Dance. It is to Jje^held May 26 at the American Legion hall in McHenry. The time is 9 p.m. Tickets may be purchased at the door if yoif don't hav« them as yet. So come on out and have yourselves a good time and meet your neighbors. Community House Schedule Friday, May 25, 1 to 6 -- Dancing classes. Monday, May 28 --(Evening) regular board meeting. Tuesday, May 29 (Evening) Boy Scouts. Thursday, May 31 --(Evening) News letter committee. Call Jo Rizzo for reservations 385-2728. Minstrel Show The Minstrel show which was put on last Sunday was a big success. Everyone who attended enjoyed it very much. The acts were/ new and the "community sing along" was great with Dr. Pawlikowski as leader of the sin g-a-long, pressed as Mitch Miller. • « Scout News ' The Boy Scouts attended the Spring Camporee on May 18, liL and 20. We didn't get a report on it as yet but we heard they had a grand time and many parents attended the picnic lunch they had on Sunday, May 20. There will be more about it in the next issue. i I Attention * Any committee or group wanting activity data in the L a k e l a n d P a r k N e w s l e t t e r should get their copy to Lyda Radisch by May 25. ward a buffet supper was served with coffee and cake. Baby Shower On Thursday, May 17, a baby shower was given for Diana Lauer by Dee Barwig and Marge Webber at the Webber home. Those attending were Diana's grandmother and her mother, Virginia Posuma, also Lee Nuss, Dolly Noelle, Wilma Hendrix, Roberts. Humphrey, Dottie Chismar, Bunny Jaenicke, Shirley George, Kitty Hendle, Flo Root and Pat Schooley. The table decorations were described as beautiful and she received many lovely gifts. After opening the gifts, the girls feasted on chicken-ala-king, hot rolls, jello mold and as-*!55 part of the decorations each girl had a pineapple shaped as a cradle and filled with a Hawaiian fruit salad. For A cooling drink a sherbert punch was served and finally^ cake and coffee. The girls are hoping Diana has twins, a girl for Marge and a boy for Dee. "Beatnik" Program Dinner The Gerstads, the Georges and the Meurers had a long dinner hour Saturday night as they followed through the different courses of the Homebuilders "Beatnik" progressive '^}-#inner along with eleven other couples. Starting in Holiday Hills with appetizers consisting of punch and a variety of crackers and cheese dips, we then \yent to Eastwood Manor Wr^our tossed salad and pretzel sticks. From there we went to the Methodist church where the dining room was decorated like a coffee shop and "our main course of spaghetti and meatballs was served. After eating and reading some beatnik poems we headed for McHenry Shores where our dessert was await ing us. A wonderful) time was had by all. I ) < 4 Baptism Irene and Henry Koehl had their son baptized last Sunday, May 20, at the Methodist church in McHenry. The chosen name for him is Henry Stephen Koehl the third. Henry was born at McHenry hospital on March 21 and weighed 5 lbs., 8 ozs. Happy over this precious bundle are sisters Hollis, 8, and Sheryl, 3, and grandparents, maternal Mrs. Mary Brochocki and paternal Henry Koehl, Sr. For his christening his guests were Mrs. Frances Sweeney and daughter, Carol, of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Otto of Park Ridge, Mrs. Rose Mielke, Mrs. Ernest Bteiker, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Koehl and daughters, Judy and Catherine, all of Chicago; Bill and Ann Herzog, the Bockman family and Lloyd and Ann Dawson of Lakeland Park. A buffet dinner was served to all Get Well Wishes To Ruth McMahon who is recovering from a recent operation. I I 1 • Birthday Wishes To Paul Stanek who was one year old on May 22 and to his brother Steve Stanek, who celebrated his seventh .birthday on May 23, to Len "'Bottari who chalks up another year on the twenty-fifth of May. To Debbie Leone who will turn six on May 25, to Ann Kosieracki on May 26 and to Johnny Hendle who will be five on May 27. Hope you all have a nice day. Belated Birthday Wishes To Put Faunt who turned ,18 on May 19 and to Sheryl Koehl who was three on May 6. Hope you two had a nice day, also. NOTICE Christian Science services are held every Sunday at 10:30 a.m. and the 3rd Wednesday ot each month at 8 p.m. ig the Masonic Building, 1309 N. Court St., McHenry. All interested are welcome to attend. just drafted so she was at loose ends. The girls spent the week* end sunning themselves $nd just plain relaxing. Louis and Barb Stoohl and son; Louie, of Richmond were Sunday guests of the Flannigans. Attends Surprise Party and Confirmation Party The Grizelys attended a surprise birthday party in Barrington Saturday evening in honor of their uncle. Charles Kee's fiftieth birthday. On Sutaday Sue attended the confirmation of her brother, Charles Mester, in Chicago. Afterwards they all had dinner at a well known restaurant. Needed - Strips and Labels The labels and strips from coffee cans are still needed to purchase that badly needed coffee urn for our community house. So let's get going' gals and start sending those labels and strips to Lyda Radisch or even better yet give! .Lyda a buzz at 385-2754 and she will be most happy to pick them up. Ringwood SERVE RO BEEFEpNl MEMO Lor IT R ON AL DAY rentian - W.L. 2045 Anniversary Wishes Happy anniversary to Ed and Mickey Gladman who will celebrate 10 years of wedded hliss on May 24. Congratulations! Bridal Shower A surprise bridal shower was given Sunday afternoon for Bonnie Bucaro by Mrs. Sam Parrsi and Mrs. Sam Bucaro at the American Legion hall" in McHenry. Attending were about ninety relatives and friends from Chicago and this surrounding area. She received many lovely and useful gifts from everyone. After- Prom Doings Don Noel was home this weekend to attend the McHenry high school prom. He was the guest of Pat Schmiti of McHenry. Don, a Student at Northern Illinois University, was a 1961 graduate of McHenry. Jackie Noel, a juniof at the local schdbl, had as her guest Dennis Baure of Woodstock. Pat Faunt attended the McHenry prom with April Smith of Johnsburg. All report a wonderful time and that the gym was decorated beautifully with the theme being "Moon River". Meet Your Neighbors Dorothy and Frank Murphy of 1317 N. Lawn Court who have been residents of our subdivision since March 1. They are newlyweds of three months. Frank is employed, by a local realty companyand Dorothy is a parttime secretary for a firm in Crystal Lake. They both enjoy playing > ards, movies and visiting friends. Welcome to you both. a. A Word from Your Reporters This coming week will be a busy one for most of us with Memorial Day being May 30. There will be picnics, cookouts, visiting and visitors, so we're hoping some of you will give us a call so we can put it in this columi>. We hope it will be a nice,^ay for everyone in Lakeland Park and Shores and that your plans can be carried through Attention Because of this holiday our news has to be in by noon tomorrow so please if you have any news call us Thursday evening or by 10 a.m. Friday. Thanks. Announce Exams For Several Academies Vacationing Linda Grizely spent a week's vacation with her aunt who lives in Chicago. Visiting Sunday afternoon the Don Gerstad family attended a reception in Evansville, Wis., for the minister who confirmed and married them, Rev. John L. Walker, who is retiring from the ministry in June. After the reception they were reunited with their son, Roger, who had spent the week visiting with his grandparents. Roger had a wonderful time playing with all his cousins. Visiting Jan Kozy for the weekend was a girl friend. Carol Hill, and her friend, Jan O'Neil. Carol's husband was Both Senator Everett M. Dirksen and Congressman Elmer J. Hoffman this week announced that the Civil Service Commission will conduct an examination on July 9 for candidates interested in entering the U.S. Military academy at West Point, the U.S. Naval academy at Annapolis, the U.S. Air Force academy at Denver, Colo., or the U.S. Merchant Marine academy at Kings Point, New York, for the year commencing July, 1963. Candidates must have reached their seventeenth birthday but not their twenty-second birthday on or before July 1, 1963. All young men who may be interested should write to Mr. Dirksen, Old Senate Office Building, Washington 25, D.C., or Mr. Hoffman, 443 House Office Building, Washington 25, D.C. On Memorial Day there will be a family style roast beef dinner with all the trimmings served in the church basement from 12 noon to 2 p.m. Come and bring your family. All are invited. Church Calendar Ringwood Methodist church services with Rev. Bruce Brenneman, pastor, are held every Sunday at 9:30 a.m. for morning worship service and 10:45 a.m. church school for all. Fire Strikes Again Last Friday morning in the early hours we again were awakened by sirens. They are an awful thing to hear at any time, because fire is so disastrous. The old Carr farm, last occupied by the William Ashbaugh family, was damaged/ quite badly by fire.'" It was ui)^ occupied at the time. Mike Hogan was working in the field at the time and went home to get help. It is believed to have been arson. The fire was; bad enough, but thank goodness there were ^o people living there to get hurt. card club at her home on Wednesday. Mrs. Mabel Hawley had high and" Mrs. Flora Carr was low. Style Show Many from Ringwood attended the style show at McHenry last Wednesday. We hacla very nice salad luncheon and lovely style show. Those from here who attended were, Lor Brennan, Mary Ann Wegener and Freddy, Helen Winn, Mrs. Flora Carr and Miss Mae Wiedrich, Hazel Bowman and Joseph Fliege. Mrs. Ehlert and Mabel and Dolly Malsch. Old Fashion Community Picnic • We're wishing everybody in the community^could come to the community club picnic on Sunday, May 27, at noon. AH Destroying Property It has been brought to my attention that there is a lot of destruction being done to old and empty buildings, especially the school house. I will appeal to you parents to please ask your children to stay away from the school house and 01 tier buildings. Why is it that as sooi^ as a building of any kind, private or public, is empty, there are those who must be destructive? Somewhere are we, as parents, failing to teach our children right from wrong? Lei's all have a talk with our children and tell them the penalties of law for destroying property. I'm sure we wouldn't want our own windows broken or houses broken into. Please folks, tell your children not to break windows and enter empty buildings "just for the fun of it." {Too much can happen. I'm sure it's better to talk now than be sorry later. It may involve an accident injuring someone, either themselves or others. Please! Let's bring this to a halt! in the Ringwood Community, young and old alike, are invited to the picnic. Just bring your family, service for yourselves plus a dish to pass. There will be games for the children, and a wonderful time for jrafo Please, let's make this o^lA big-good old-fashioned ionic. \Don't forget, that's Sunday, Nw-ay 27, at noon at the old school house grounds. In case of rain, it will be held in the new school. Hope to see you all there! Memorial Day Coming Lot's keep in mind that on holidays more people are injured by1 car accidents than other times If you are plannine; a trip, long or short, please be careful, "Remember, the life you save, may be your own." tended the wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Bark. Guests in the Wiedrich- Wegener home on Thursday were, Mrs. Betty Leonard and children, Mary Kay and Peter. Mr. and Mrs. George Schultz, Hattie Schultz and Lee of Chicago were callers in the Fred Bowman home Sunday. s&t Visitors in the John Ehlert home on Sunday, were Mf. and Mrs. Dean Ehlert and family of Kenosha. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Ehlert called in the John Ehlert home on Friday night. They are from Richmond. Ice cream and cake in honor of Freddy Bowman's birthday were served on Sunday night to Mr. and Mrs. Russell Ehlert, Mr. and Mrs. John Ehlert and Mabel, Mrs. Millie Rush of Richmond, Mr. and Mrs. John Skidmore, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Malsch and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Skidmore and family, Mrs. Fliege and son, Joseph. Mr. and . Mrs. Earl Kunz were visitors in Rolling Meadows oitf Friday. MENTAL HEALTH CENTER SEEKS CONTRIBUTIONS A "contribution of $18.75 will provide treatment for n disturbed child at the Mental Health, Center for McHenry County. 3514 W. Waukegan road, McHenry, it was announced this week by Stanley M. Blumberg, administrative director, of the center. This amount represents the difference between actual cost per patient treatment and the amount paid by patient. Few patients pay more than $5 and many pay nothing. The center receives funds from the State of 'Illinois for treatment of patients conditionally discharged from state institutions, but the major responsibility for the financial support of the center rests with the community it serves. In emphasizing » treatment tor children Mr. Blumberg noted that as things stand it is estimated that one out of every twelve American children bom'today will spend part of bis life in a mental institution. Much of this needless tragedy and waste could be avoided with early diagnosis and treatment. In our own community patients between 6 and 16. referred by ddctors, comprise a major part of the case load. Women's clubs, parent-teacher groups, veterans' organizations, sei-vice clubs, business men. corporations and individuals who wish to provide treatment for one or more children at the center are urged to contact Mr. Blumberg. or the Rev. George W. Martin, chairman ot the fund raising committee tor the center. The center is represented by Board Members of the community who will he glad to artswer inquiries. In McHenry they are Dr. Lee Gladstone, Mrs. • Hapy* Stinespring, Dr. Urban "Tomes. Mrs. Vaughn Jones. Mrs. Charles Liebman, Mrs. Herbert Mass r.nd Charles Weineart. 4 Early Deadline With the holiday coming up, I must have all news in by Friday at noon. Please call in before then so all items can be in. That's all for this week. See you next week via the paper. A happy and safe holiday to you all. Sick List Mrsr- Hogan is in the McHenry hospital for observation for a short time. We all wish her wellVgnd hope she's home soon. We're '611 thinking of you Ila. School Program Tonight is the graduation school party. We only have two graduates this year, Donna Holcomb and Cristy Fossom. They will graduate from McHenry Junior High later on. but we will have a program put oh by the school children under the direction of Mrs. Ritt, the music teacher and our three school teachers. Please come tonight, Thursday, May 24, at 8 p.m., in the school house. Birthday Parly Several children were entertained at a birthday party in honor of Cindy Bruce on Saturday at her home. Games wore played and cake atid ice cream served. She received many nice gifts. A good time was had by all. Personals Mr. and Mrs. Earl Kunz enjoyed Sunday dinner in the home of their son and wife, Carol and Roger Kunz, at Algonquin. Guests in the Alvin Benoy home at Cooney Heights on Sunday were Mr and Mrs. B. T. Butler. On Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Kunz, called on Earl's mother in a Chicago hospital. Later, in the evening, they at- The regular meeting of Job's Daughters, Bethel 98. was held recently, with Advance Night f o r S a n d i F a i r c h i l d , s e n i o r princess. Sandi presided as honored queen for the evening, and had princesses from the various bethels present to fill her stations. Karen Lindwall and Mrs. Roy Kissling were guests of honor and Becky Kissling was soloist. Sue Prawl, regular honored queen, presided during the business convocations. Any girl, 12 to 20, interested in membership is asked to contact Sue Prawl at 385-1612. Marlenc Viita Does it Matter where a Prescription is Filled ? 0 It Does - Try NYE DRUGS Your Friendly "Walgreen Agency" and See! Boston is the port of U. S. busiest fish- NOW PLAID GIVING STAMPS Card Club Mrs. Ruby Shepard had the ADVERTISMENT THIS SIZE Would Cost $153 for Postage Alone . . . i f y o u p u t i t o n a p o s t c a r d a n d m a i l e d i t t o t h e 5 * 1 0 0 f a m i l i e s now receiving The McHenry Plaindealer. . . . i t w o u l d c o s t y o u o n l y $ 9 . 0 0 . i f r u n i n t h e P l a i n d e a l e r . . . . And it wouldn't be tossed in the wastebasket e^lher! People PAY to get the newspaper. And one of the main things they pay for is the advertisements which guide them in all tneir buying habits. ' ( The McHenry Plaindealer We 4e New 9*t ^oum! YOUR DEEP ROCK DEALER IS NOW IN McHENRY FREE-with 8 gal. Gasoline Purchase-FREE Start Your Set Today 5 Sizes Cocktail Glasses 14 K. Gold Dinnerware Comet Cleanser # Tide Detergent # Kleenex Tissues Dial Soap 9 Ash Trays Plus mus Stamps KEAN iTHyi DEEP ROCK SERVICE STATION Route 120 agd River Road Just East of New Bridge We Honor All Oil Company Credit Cards \