Paps Eighteen THE McHEMBY PLADJDEALEH Thursday, Jane 9, 1962. «>: Lakeland Park TREAT FATHER TO SMORGASBORD DINNER JUNE 16 Gloria Flannlgan - 388-4710 Barbara Meurer - 885-4856 , Don't forget to include the smorgasbord supper, in your Father's Day plans. What better way is there to celebrate, than to take father out to dinner even if it is the day before. We are serving from 5 to 7 on Saturday. June 16. yjyrfpe to see you there. Woman's Club Tonight, Thursday, June 7, is our last Woman's club meeting before summer so be sure to be there. An open discussion regarding the Christmas party and the coming social in September is on the agenda. If anyone has any coffee strips oi; labels for Lyda bring them tonight. Ho|®e to see you all there. Funds to be Raised Do you people or Lakeland Park and Shores know that MeCullom Lake is in bad shape? Have you noticed how cloudy it is? Did you know that in a few years it will not be good for our children or grownups to swim in? Well, this is all true and if there isn't something done about it now this is what will hapten Gene Piotrowski of MeCullom Lake has found out that there is something in the water which has to be eliminated to make it crystal clear again as it was years ago. He went to the Conservation department and they told him it would cost about four to five hundred dollars to have it done. Gene opened a fund account at the local state bank which is called the MeCullom Lake restoration fund to which he hopes every family and home owner in Lakeland Park and Shores will donate something. Gene said if there is anything left it will be used to put more fish in the lake. So please try ar\fl. donate something for this worthy cause. Triple Header Sunday Don't forget the triple header coming up this Sunday, June 10. starting at 12:30 at the new ball field. Bill Herzog, the president of the LPPOA will throw out the first ball. The men have been working hard on the field, getting it in shape and putting up the outfield fence and the new scoreboard. The first game of the day is between the Pirates and the Orioles, the second is between the Cubs and Sox and the third is between the Tigers and the Braves. Let's all get out and cheer our teams on. The following is a list of the teams, players, and managers. Sox, manager, Jack Lavin: Coaches: Ray Rode and Glen Belohavy; -- Russ Rode, Ray Rode, Ron Kamp, Dan Kamp, Bruce Okal, Ray Bottari, Kevin Lavin, Doug Belohavy, Ken Carlson, Mike Carlson, Howard Wagner, Mike Hamer. Cubs, manager, John Spahr; Coaches: Ed Druml, and Les Eckert -- Frosty Vita, Phil Bucaro, Cammy Vita, Denny Druml, Kevin Druml, Tom Wagner, Bob Kroening, Bill Eckert, Greg Mayer, Mike Palvic, Jack Cuevas. Mike Ketchum, Gary Braun. Pirates, Manager, Paul Schwegel -- Del Gerstad. Jim Franklin, Paul Schwegel, Norm Woods. Bruce Florek, Warren Woods, Craig Newendorp, Bob Minor. Jock Worm, Tom Pretaznik, Bill Marwig, Tom Lagios, Steve Plucinski. Tigers, Manager: Joe Prazak, Coaches: Ron'Meurer. and Max Koch; Jim Laursen, Jack Laursen, Don Prazak, Brad Grote. Stan Pankiewicz, John Neyer, Joe Meyer, Bob Dietz, Mike Koch, Mel Morgenson, Ed Linane, Larry Lamberg. Braves. Manager, Irv Becker; Coach, Jim Daurio -- Charles Jumper, Ron Mathews, Gary Mathews, Mike Daurio, Mark Bartow, Greg Bartos, Tom Bockman, Gary Bockman, Dave Bockman, Ken Becker, Mike Krug, Al Kujak. O r i o l e s , M a n a g e r , M a r v George; Coaches: Bob Matthews. and Clar Haerle -- Bob Matthews, Kirk Links, Frank Vanek, Steve George, Dave George, Jim Hanson, D e n n y K a r a s k i e w i c z , K e v i n Schultz, Don Williams, Bill Krater, Al DeMeilier, Bill Bates, Harry Maier. was baby sitting at the time so she just stayed on to care for Barbara, age 3, Joannie, age 2, and Frankie wh<^ is 11 months, until Mommy and Tommy arrived home. Boy Scouts On Tuesday, June 12, the Boy Scouts are having a parent night. All boys who have awards coming to them will receive them at that time. Let's have a good turnout, yhis meeting starts right after the ball /game ends, between 8 and Get-well Wishes Go to Utile Johnny Johnson who went irito St. Frances hospital in Chicago for surgery on May 31{- The last reports were he is doing fine. Birthday Wishes A happy birthday goes to Kathie Flannigan who will be 14 on June 9 and to Shirley George on the same day. Also to David Schaan who will be one year old on June 13. May you all have a good day. Bridal Sh«v<4r Beverly Wickenkamp gave a bridal shotoer last Sunday, June 3, for her sister. Miss Karep Hjertstedt. There were about sixty-five relatives attending. Karen received some very lovely gifts. Beverly had p r e p a r e d a b u f f e t s u p p e r which was very much enjoyed by all. Karen's wedding will be sometime in July and the lucky man is Earl Rokola of Minneapolis, Minn. Babv Shower Ginny O'Leary of Emerald Court, McHenry, was guest of honor on May 24 at a baby shower given by Betty Minor of Lakeland Shores. There were twenty-seven guests in all. Ginny received many lovely gifts. Punch, favors, several kinds of cakes and coffee were served. Ginny is the daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Gray of McHenry. Community House Schedule Thursday, tjdne 7 -- Women's club meeting. Friday, June 8, 1 to 6 p.m. - Dancing classes and registration for dancing classes. Saturday. June 9 -- Private party. Monday, June 11 -- (evening) Regular board meeting. Tuesday, June 12, 9 a.m. to 12 noon -- Dancing classes, (evening) Boy Scouts meeting. Wednesday, June 13 9 a.m. to 12 noon -- Dancing classes. Luncheon Guests Edna Hountras prepared a delicious luncheon this past Monday- for her guests, Mr. and Mrs. Lesmer of Sarasota, Fla., Mrs. Delia Julian and Mrs. Grace Manziara, both of Lakeland Park, and Grace's mother, Mrs. Ball, of Wisconsin Rapids, Wis. Bridge Club Meets Lucille Dietz was the hostess for bridge club last week. The players were Ann Herzog, Ivy Lezak, Ruth McMahon, Loiiise McEnery. Joyce Braun, Bernice Boyce and Dorothy Uttich who pinched hit for Ann Leigh. Many of those hicaloried desserts were served and enjoyed by all. First prize went to Dorothy Uttich and second was taken by Louise McEnery. Tripoli Surprise Thursday afternoon, May 31, just started out to be a normal day for Ann Herzog. She invited a few of the girls over for coffee and cake and it ended up by the gals playing that ever lovin' . game of theirs "tripoli." The gals were Edna Hountras. Delia Julian, Helen Kraskiewicz, Ruth McMahon and Ivy Lezak. Weekend Visitors Saturday morning Edna and Topi Hountras were visited by friends, Mrs. A. Anthony, Mrs. R. Piper and Mrs. T. Wabert all of Chicago. They stayed the night and the next day. Mrs. T. Younghans, Mr. and Mrs. O. Wald and Mr. and Mrs. A. Waldhart.J also of Chicago, came to--Spend the day. Edna reports they had a grand time, playing shuffle board, cards and picnicking (in the parlor as it was so cold outside). Visitors Mrs. Delia Julian has been entertaining her cousin and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Lesmer, from Sarasota, Fla., for the past week. Last week Tuesday, the Paul Brushabers were visited by the John Behrendts of Lilymoor. After a light lunch, they parted only to 'meet an hour or so later at Freida and Einar Ols sons in Edgebrook Heights to help Frieda celeb rate her birthday. On Thursday, Mr. and Mrs. H. Klier from Chicago stopped in to visit with the Brushabers. The Gerstads had a very p l e a s a n t s u r p r i s e Me m o r i a l day when her folks, the R. C. Birkenbines, dropped in unexpectedly from Wisconsin. Visiting Sunday. June 3, Jack Oakford went into Chicago to attend the 'first CommunioR e| his godchild. Susan Anderson. Breakfast was served afterward and latei; a delicious turkey pinner was enjoyed. Petey and t'he boys were unable to go because of colds so they missed out on all the goodies. On Sunday. June 'J, your reporter, Barbara Meurer, attended the graduation of her brother, James Miller, from North Central college in Naperville. Afterward the whole family went to her folk? in Lombard where they had a buffet supper. fcPI'OA Board Dinner Saturday, June 2, the LPPOA board dinner for the outgoing members was held at a well known restaurant in Algonquin. Attending this delicious dinner was Mr. and Mrs. Hafer, Mr. and Mrs. Glorch, "Mr. and Mrs. La?astro, Mr. and Mrs. Rogers, and Mr. and Mrs. Oakford. Meet Y'our Neighbor Leonard and Betty Minor of 1411 N. Beach Road, Lakeland Shores. The Minors moved here in January from the Logan Square district in Chicago. They have a nine year old son, Robert Lee. who attends Valley View fourth grade. "Bob" as they call him belongs to Cub Scouts and is a member of our Lit tie League team. Leonard attended high school in Alabama and his occupation is welding. He enjoys hunting, fishing and boating and belongs to a gun club in Chicago. Eetty graduated from Austin high school in Chicago and enjoys raising her birds which consist of one canary, one parakeet and two cock-a-toos and she also is a great loved of house plants. Both Leonard and Betty are avid camera bugs. A Word from lour Reporters We would appreciate it very muph if the girls and boys who have graduated this past week would give us a call so we could list their names and give a report on their graduation parties as not to . leave any ones name out. Our deadline is Monday, June 11. by noon. Please give us a call. Only two known waterfalls in the world produce 'moonbeams'. They are Cumberland Falls. Kentucky, and Victoria Falls, Africa. Use The Classifieds Memorial Parade We were well represented in the Memorial Day parade last week, as between fifty and fifty-five of our Cub and Boy Scouts turned out. They were assisted by \four den mothers and two assistant Scout masters plus .thej Scout leader. Everyone marched quite well considering they had had only one practice. A job well done, boys and ladies. Blue Bundle Joyce and Frank Dort had to rush away from their bowling dinner Saturday night when little Thomas Dort decided it was time to arrive. He was born Sunday morning at Harvard hospital weighing l in at 6 lbs., 9 ozs. Frank's [mother, Mrs. Dort from Cary, Juxjpjstip afo/vk iM the. -f-f&MZ Remember Dad with a Gift from 5TTORE for MEN Lilymoor SET JUNE 28 AS DATE OF RUMMAGE SALE BY AUXILIARY Shirley Schuerr The Woman's auxiliary is holding a rummage sale Thurs* day, June 28, from 9 a.m. till 5 p.m. at the community house (schoolhouse). This is only three weeks from today. If you have any articles for the sale please contact Connie Johnson at 385-3908 or this reporter at 385-2645 and arrangements will be made to pick up the articles. You may also drop the articles off at Connie's at 710 Fair or my home at 412 N. Eastview. Birthday and Reunion Sunday, May 27, was a big day for Mrs. Margaret Reining. Her son, Jack, of Chicago .had a birthday and family reunion party for her. Her five sons and two -daughters and their families were there . to help celebrate her big day. Mrs. Reining was s e v e n t y-tlnee years young. Congratulations and best wishes go to you. Reminder The next monthly meeting of the Lilymoor association will be held this coming Tuesday^ June 12, at the community house at 8 p.m. Please try to attend. Birthday Greetings go to Sam Sances. Mr. Sanccs will celebrate his big day Friday, June 8. Greetings also go to Bobby Ehredt who will celebrate his eleventh birthday Tuesday, June 12. Greetings go to Butch Mercure. Butch will celebrate his birthday Monday, June 11. And still more greetings go to Donna Schiavone who will celeb r a t e h e r e i g h t h b i r t h d a y Tuesday, June 12. To each of you, many happy returns. <!> t Brownies The young ladies of the Brownie troop were busy making sit-upons at their last meeting. The sit-upons can be used in many ways, one is to sit outside on the ground on them. Although the troop does not meet in the summer a lot of activities have been plannedfor the girls, such as a trip and a week at day camp. Welcome To Lilyrri[oor, Mrs. Reining. This comes somewhat late, but we would like to welcome you now. Mrs. Reining has been a, resident since January. She is living with her daughter and son-in-law, Ruth and Elmer Kroncke. JUNE 17 GRANDPA'S* TOO Congra t ula tions Go to Roberta Counley and PROFE^IOnRL DIRECTQRV EARL INS rNvalsh IJRANCE Fire, Auto, Farm A Life Iu Representing (RELIABLE COMPANIES When You Need Insurance ol Any Kind Phone EVergreea 6-0043 or 5-0958 429 W. Elm St., McHenry, 111 DR. JOHN T. GRAY Optometrist 1236 N. Green Street Office Phone: EV 6-0186 Res. Phone: EV 5-6191 Hours: Daily 9:80 - 5:00 Tues. St Fri. Evenings 6:80 to 9 «p. Closed All Day Wednesdays Eyes Examined - Glasses Fitted Contact Lenses Fitted Repair Service 8-62 8CHROEDER IRON WORKS Structural Steel and Ornamental Visit Our 8howrooms Fireplace Equipment 2 Miles South on Rt. 31 Ph. EVergreen 5-0950 8-62 GORDON E. SERGANT Registered Professional Engineer Percolation Tests Sanitation Layouts Water Supply Programs Richmond 4193 Vz Mile South of Rt. 12 on Johnsburg - Wllmot Road 5-62 DR. LEONARD L. BOTTARI Optometrist Eyes Examined-Glasses Fitted 1308 N. Richmond Road Honrs: Evenings Tues., Thurs. & FrL 7 to 9 p.m. Saturdays: 8 to 6 p.m. Phone EV. 5-2262 8-61 Garfield Besserud on their graduation from junior high. May you go through the next four years of high school with Flying colors. Home On vacation is lionnie Wagner who attends school in Wisconsin. Attends Graduation Herb and LOOP a Fantus and family attended the graduation of their son and brother, David, Wednesday, June 6. David received his degree in accounting from Millikin university of Decatur. He i-eceived several honors also. Congratulations go to you, David, and to your brother, Jim who received the S.R.A. award. Gardens Have you seen all the beautiful yards in ,our sulxiivision with all the flowers blo^hThfig? With all the flowers blooming it's hard to tell which yard is the prettier. Which brings me to the point of the article. People put in a lot of work and money in such beautiful gardens. It is a shame that someone has to Come along and dig them out without asking if they can. Several flowers have been dug out of Mrs. Walter Schuorr's garden. Who ever you are, why don't you ask a person for them. Many people would gladly give you slips of their flowers rather than have you steal them. You'll find cut per .pie are happy to give you slips, so you too can have beautiful flowers. Try it and see. Village of Snnnyside NEW REPORTER STILL NEEDED TO WRITE COLUMN Eola Deppmeler - 385-6310 I sure thought there would be Soirtedrie interested enough in keeping this column going but for all the foiks who complain when there is no column no one comes forth to take a chance in doing it. If there isn't anyone interested enough theti soon we will have to give it up and another community will take" over and do something good \#th it. Vacation Time Dangers Now that school is out we will have to be extra careful when out driving because the little ones and the big ones will run out into the streets without looking to see if a car is in sight, so please drive carefully. We notice that Uncle Sam has trouble balancing the budget. Our trouble, is in budgeting the balance. A college education is far from a cure-all. It may polish what ability one has, but if he has none to start with, even that is difficult. Graduation Time The Richard Schneider house was a very busy one last Sunday when Bernadette graduated in the morning from St. John's and in the evening her sister, Coline graduated from Marian Central. At the LaBay house things were buzzing also because daughter, Bonnie, graduated from St. John's. Good luck to all of you. f Birthday Greetings To Susan Cios on June 11 and to Susan Schultz on the twelfth. works and they were Herbie Johnson, Oscar, Jim and Karen Teddler and their baby, Kim. Home and School Last Monday when vSt. John's Home and School had its last meeting of the season the' new officers for the coming year were introduced and took their positions. A delightful program was put on by the first graders. It is hoped that we could always have such a nice turnout especially with the large amount of fathers that were present that night. Bowling - Lu LaBay is very proud of the trophy she received at the bowling banquet f&r her 227 game. Lu bowls in a mixed league with her husband. New Granddaughter Bill and Irma Gunther became grandparents on Saturday, May 26, when their daughter, Barbara, had! a baby girl named Jean Marie. ' ' ( PISTAKEE TERRACE New Arrival Donald Charles Kern climaxed his long journey via the McHenry hospital Saturday, May 26, about 11 p.m. "Charley" just about popped the scale springs when his 21 inch* es of "All -American" boy weighed in" at 10 lbs., 11 ozg. Needless to say mom and dad, Loretta and Don, and their tWd daughters, Regina, 8, and Ka&, en, 4, were overjoyed when they learned they were blessed with a son and a baby brother. Loretta is feeling fine and Dad, well we all think he is still on cloud 9. Congratulations to a very nice family. I Receives Award Jeanniejo Benoche a sophp-. more at the McHenry high school made her parents real proud of her when she was awarded the social chairmanship by the G.A.A. for the 1962-63 period at a tea held at the school last week. Jeanniejo was presented with a pin and a letter representing her achievement. '• Passenger trains in Peru carry oxygen masks for use by p a s s e n g e r s , ( w h e n n e e d e d . Many miles of track run above three-mile altitudes. ^ When-built, the Suez Canal was 72 feet wide. Since then, it has been gradually widened, while in use, to its present width of 200 feet/' HAVING AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION PROBLEMS? Holiday Time There were a lot of visitors in the village and the only one who gave us a story was the Fritz household. Their guests were Ed and Betty Lehman and their family from the village and friends from the Paraplegic's company where Al FREUND'S DAIRY, Inc. Complete Line of Dairy Products !-- FREE DELIVERY -- Locally Owned and Operated Phone EV. 54)195 or EV. 5-0232 Tour Authorized Ijp Automatic Transm/Mm Spectalbt ADAMS REPAIR SHOP 3102 N. Chapel Hill Rd. McHenry Phone: 385-0434 « <» New- 9*t Vow#, / YOUR DEEP ROCK DEALER IS NOW IN McHENRY FREE-with 8 gal. Gasoline Pur Start -FREE 5 Sizes Cocktail Glasses Your Set Today 14 K. Gold Dinnerware Comet Cleanser # Tide Detergent # Kleenex rj„ Dial Soap # Ash Trays issues Plus FREE Bonus Stamps KEAN BROS. DEEP ROCK SERVICE STATION Route 120 and River Road Just East of New Bridge WE HONOR ALL OIL COMPANY CREDIT CARDS