Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 7 Jun 1962, p. 19

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Thursday, June 7# THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Lakemoor MOTHER-TO-BE IS HONORED AT LOVELY SHOWER Annette A very lovely stork shower wa« held on May 24 in the home of Mrs. Betty Minor of Lakeland Park. 'The shower was in honor of Mrs. Virginia O'Leary, (the former Ginny Gray of Lakemoor). Many friends and relatives were present along with neighbors of the Lakemoor and McHenry areas. Ginny received many ^lovely. gifts, all very useful for ner future first-born. Refreshments were served to climax a beautiful evening. A Boy! Bouncing with true masculinity - bound to earth from infinity - Cuddled up like a little toy --He's a precious, curly-headed boy! ^ This sweet little fellow made wiis appearance on May 27 in Evanston hospital weighing in at 7 His. and 11 ozs. He's the son of a very proud and hap- . py mom and dad, Joyce and Jerry Maness. and his maternal grandmother is Mrs. Helen Maher. Congratulations. "On Summer Vacation A great big welcome home gto Ronnie Wagner who has returned home for the summer months from the seminary of St. Kazianz in St. Nazianz, Wis., near Manitowoc. He will be going into his junior year in September. Ron is a very apt - student, carrying a near B average. He came home on Mertiorial Day and is expected to return on September 9. May your stay at home be most enlovable, Ron, and may your efforts be doubly rewarding. Fence is Fixed Djue to th^ jintiring efforts of Mrs. Beli&,Noraianc^and' her contacting of "the Stat e Divis- . ion of Highways, her request of them tolielp us fix the fende on the beach property ended in a beautiful job. The meif on the highway truck ^vorked laborously and went riglit down the line "to pick up and J mend our broken down fence. We, the villagers, appreciate what these fine men did for us. Happy Anniversary A big congratulations goes to a fine couple in our community, .pamely, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wagner. They will celebrate this event on Thursday, Tlunp 7. May you both have a very happy day, and may all youf years be filled with the joy .and blessedness that the past years have been for you. Jusf think, eighteen years of wedded bliss! Bea and John Grfeshaber,. sister, Hose, and John's mother spent a very delightful two hours catching up on thirty years of talk. From Lakemoor, they visited relatives in Mc- Cullom Lake and expect to visit folks in Downers Grove, before returning to California. John is with the post office department in Torrence. Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Hyatt sojourned to Aurora on June 3, to attend the graduation exercises at Madonna high school where t.heir granddaughter, Delores Hyatt, received h^rdiploma. Mrs. Berends has living with her, her two grandsons from Niagara Falls. They are James and Fred Chambers. We wish to welcome them to our village and hope they will be very happy here with grandma. Loalse Utiruh Passes The Village is saddened by the passing of one of our senior citizens. Mrs. Louise Unruh of 131 South Sheridan road passed away in her home on Tuesday, May 29. She was born on Oct. 25, 1885, in England ami has resided in Lakemoor for the past seven years. She is survived by her daughtei's, Mrs. Anthony Leon of Lakemoor and Mrs., Ralph Hoencr of Silver Lakes, Wis. Her husband, Herman, died in 1950. Also surviving are nine grandchildren and thirty-one greatg r a n d c h i l d r e n . The f u n e r a l mass was held at 9:30 Friday from St. Patrick's church with burial in Chicago. Our deepest condolences are offered to her bereaved family. Welcome, Congratulations, and r.ood Luck! A wedding took place in Mc- Henry on Memorial Day at which ^me Mr. Robert P. Seeber, Sr., took as his bride, Mrs. Minny Gault of Woodstock. They were attended by Fred Bykowski of Lakemoor and her daughter, Mrs. Mary Perkins, of Woodstock. After a bri^f honeymoon this fine couple will take over the ownership and operation of a business in the village. We bid you folks a cordial welcome, a wish for much happiness in your wedded career, and good luck and prosperity in your new undertaking. Lily Lalce Ladies League The Lily Lake Ladies League enjoyed their installation banquet on Saturday, June 2. Mrs. Murphy's Chowder? Who threw the overalls in Mrs. Murphy's chowder? -- Must have been the same" guy who made a basket of clothes disappear from Mrs. Pogany's yard! . . Missing --one basketfull of wet laundry. Finders are not keepers, so if anyone knows the whereabout of same, kindly contact the family. Belated Birthday Party Mrs. Berends held a belEffed birthday party last week for her granddaughter, Rita Bryan. Congratulations, Rita. Happy Birthday Mrs. Nettie Sarley celebrated her natal day on June 3 and when this reporter asked her if she was near 39, she said that she'd jrather enjoy being 38. All you home circle members, keep the fourteenth of June open for the monthly Hmeeting. It will be held at the home of Agnes Jenks with Ua Hogan as co-hostess. Mrs": Durlin will be in charge of the program. That's 12:45 luncheon on June 14 at Agnes Jenks' home. ^ Lakemoor Scouts Win Again Our Lakemoor Scouts' have done it again! --At the Milk Day Parade in Harvard on Saturday, June 2, our unit won a trophy, a special a^vard for marching units. This is their first trophy, but we're betting it won't be" their last. ' Our drill team and color guard of the Lakemoor Seoul s is sponsored by the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 4600 of Mc- Henrv. The citizens of our village are certainly proud of this grand group of ours. The Scouts marched in a .parade in Huntley on Sunday, June 3. Details of that parade will appear in next week's column. Village Notes Again, a reminder of the Village meeting to be held on June 14. As I said last week, and will repeat this week, open forum is held after every meeting so you will be allowed to voice your questions and have them answered for you. Graduates Congratulations The graduates of the village are so numerous that it would take quite a bit of space to present all the names of those in all the graduating classes from all the schools. We'd like those who h£ve completed their courses 'study to know that a very sincere wish of congratulations and good luck for their future years is wished them by all the villagers. May your future be brightmay your troubles be light -- And NEVER abound in strife. -- All the days that you live -- May the world to you give, -- The best of a prosperous life. ^ Amen So we come to the close of jL •O Ringwood HOME CIRCLE HOLDS MONTHLY MEETING JUNE 14 Lor Brennan - W.L. 2045 i News Bits OR May 27, Mr. and Mrs. Jos^h Sarley attended a Confirmation party in a Chicago note! The party was given for Mrs4 barley's brother's grandson.. . . i - Visiting on Thursday, May 31. $vere relatives of James Schmit from Torrence, Calif. DR. HENRY FREUND OPTOMETRIST At 1224 N. Green Street, McHenry (Closed Thursday Afternoons) EFES EXAMINED -- GLASSE8 FITTED VISUAL TRAINING -- VISUAL REHABILITATION COMPLETE VISUAL ANALYSIS OOURS: DAILY 9 TO 12 A.M. and 1 TO 5 P.M. FRIDAY EVENINGS: 6:00 TO 8:80 P.M EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT PHONE EVergreen 5-0452 ; lA/e JJaue (f3rouaht d^cid? s^c^ain J Buffet SERVING EVERY FRIDAY 6:00 P.M. TO 11:00 P.M. Featuring the most Tantalizing Selection of Sea Food Dinners Ever Prepared. For Reservations Call /yjflc^jrenru C^ountrv dub 385-1072 'OVERLOOKING THE BEAUTIFUL FOX RIVER" Church News Rev. Bruce Brenneman, Pastor Thursday, June 7, 7 p.m. -- Choir practice. Friday, June 8,. 7 o'clock -- Commission on Member ship and Evangelism will meet before Official board. Piease be on time as our time is limited. Saturday. June 9, 1:30 £o 3 p.m. -- Jr. M.Y.F. will meet at the church. Sunday, June 10, 9:30 a.m. -- Worship service. Monday, June 11. Daily Vacation Bible School begins. School is Out Now is the time for drivers to be extra careful. School is out for the summer and many of our little ones aren't as careful as they should be. Please be careful driving. A Baby Girl Mr. and Mrs. Rich Miller are the parents of a girl bom at the Woodstock hospital on May 25. The little girl was greeted at home by two sisters. Congratulations! another week. The young ones will be out playing in the streets again next week and will be running full force for the rest of the summer. Motorists, please take caution, we love our children and want to send them all back to school in the fall, un-maimed! And to the kids -- "no more blackboards-- no more books-- no more teachers" Play safe, kids, and welcome home! Don't forget to call your news items in. The number is 385-5536. I'll be awaiting your call. Personals <, Last week Mrs. Joseph Schmitt (my mom) called on the Bob Brennan family. Ruby Shepard was an overnight guest in the home of the Charles Andersons of Twin Lakes, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Havvley returned from a week's trip in Wisconsin. They had a wonderful week, but were glad to get to Ringwood again. Mr. and Mrs. William Heine of St. Petersburg, Fla., are spending the week with Mrs. Ruby Shepard. Callers on Mrs. Ruby Shepard on Wednesday were Ray and Helen Page of McHenry. Dinner guests on Sunday In the Wiedrich-Wagener home were Mr. and Mrs. Phelps Saunders and Georgia Marv of Sycamore and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brennan, Bobby and Patiy. Capers in the afternoon and for supper were, Mrs. Betty Leonard. Jane, Nancy, Jimmy, Mary Kay and Peter. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Reimvell • and hoys of McHenry were callers in the L. E. Hawley home on Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Voldt of Yorkville called on Mrs. Ruby Shepard on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Andy Butler were Saturday guests in the B. T. Butler home. On Friday night Mr. and Mrs. Ray Page, Mr. and Mrs. William Heine and Mrs. Ruby Shepard called oH the Robert Thompsons. Mr. and Mrs. John Ehlert and Mabel were callers in the Cyril Pacey home at Wilmot, Wis., on Wednesday. Ruby Shepard visited in the home of her daughter and family, the Alan Aingers of Hebron. The Alan Ainger family and Mrs. Ruby Shepard attended the funeral of Mrs. Oliver Ainger at Woodstock on Tuesday afternoon. Callers in the B. T. Butler home last week were Mr. and Mrs-Frank Hitchens of Sycamore/"- Mr: and Mrs. Russell Soddy of Kenosha were Sunday afternoon and evening callers in the-home of Mrs. Nellie Hepburn. Mr. nnd Mrs. Robert Thompson and Miss Maude Granger ot McHenry and Agnes Jenks were callers ijn t he Mrs. Ruby Shepard home on Wednesday afternoon. • Mrs. Koehler of Seneca called on the B. T. Butlers on Saturday afternoon. Sunday afternoon visitors in the Mrs. Nellie. Hepburn home were Mr. and Mrs. Lester Carlson of Waukegan. Miss Ruth Henne ol" Chicago spent the weekend in the Roy Harrison home. Mi's. Ruby Shepard, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Heine and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Page were callers in Woodstock and Crystal Lake on Thursday. On Wednesday afternoon, Mrs. Helen Page and Mrs. Ruby Shepard were luncheon Page Nineteen FOR THAT OLD FASHIONED FLAVOR COME TO WILLI KOENEMANN • COUNTRY MADE SAUSAGES • DELICIOUS HICKORY SMOKED HAMS • LEAN HICKORY SMOKED BACON • M VARIETIES OF SAUSAGES • TRUE GERMAN^ STYLE FLAVORS Route ISO • Just East of Route 12 - Volo, I1L Phone EVergreen 5-6260 guests at the Methodist church. Also there was a Gar» den Walk following. Later in the afternoon they called on Mrs. Susan Frett at Johnsburg. Kenneth Pap*» is home for a vacation from school for a time. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Martin and daughters of Sunnyside were visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bowman on Sunday evening. On Sunday, Miss Ruth Henne and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Harrison motored to Milburn for a visit. On Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. Ray Page of McHenry and Alice Frazier of Grenell. Iowa called on Mrs. Ruby Shepard. Mrs. Nellie Hepburn attended the graduation of her grandson, Tommy Blackman, at Antioch on Thursday evening. That's it for this week again. Please drive careful now that summer is approaching. All the little ones are out of school and bikes are always on the go. Keep calling in any news. It's certainly appreciated. 'Bye*" Maybe the younger generation would stay on the straight and narrow path if they had some advice from someone who was travelling it. Like to have a grand time, e well cared for, and prosperous?? The turkey wa>. too, a few days before November 25. JUNE - % I. GRANDPA'S, TOO JavewJe /ittijiu) in (An /-/otae Remember Dad with a Gift from TThffe&i. 5TORE for MEN Top left--Chevy TT Nova Sport Coupe Foreprotitid--ftnpala Convertible Top right--Corvair Monza Club Coupe JL ^ * - •^•OOVV , , 5^ ' - v\ ^ " w M \ ^"i1 - s * A s A - n r n, ^ 38sca % \ '^111 V* YOU'LL FIND JUST THE CAR AT JUST THE PRICE AT YOUR CHEVROLET DEALER'S ONE-STOP SHOPPING CENTER! Pick from 34 models during CHEVY'S Golden fSales Jubilee! No look-alike styling. No hand-me-down ideas. You do your choosing from three altogether different lines of cars. • Like the line that's way out front as America's favorite buy--the luxurious Jet-smooth Chevrolet. With room, richness and riding comfort that rival the costly cars in just about everything except cost. • Or the spiffy thrift car with so many new ideas-- the Chevy II. Easy to look at, easy to ride in, easy to keep up. • Then there's the nimble roadgripping rear engine Corvair--still in a class all by itself. • So why settle for the look-alike^ drive-alike cars when you can dependability in three delightfully different varieties? And at ( mighty pleasing prices right now! 1 get Chevrolet Bel Air £-Dobr 9-Passenger Wagon Chevy II Nova %-Door Sedan Corvair Moma i-Door Sedan \ See the new Chevrolet, Chevy II and Corvair at your local authorized Chevrow dealer's Chevg.II Nota i-Door ffflgon jP CLARK CHEVROLET SALES W. ELM STREET McHENRY, ILL. EVergreen 5-0277

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