Page Ten THE McHENHY PLAXNDEALER McHenry Shores Congratulate Area Graduates Jeanne Effgoj- 385-5903 We wish to express congratulations and our very best wishes (o the recent graduates. Several weeks ago many fine young boys auci girls graduated from junior high and high school. Five young boys from the Shores were among the graduates from junior high. Our very best wishes go to James Geds, James Mack, Robert Schoop, Glen Tanner and James Zvonar. Your grade schooldays are behind you but high school lies ahead. Make the most of your opportunities and the feeling of pride in your accomplishments will be with you the rest of your lives. Our very best wishes to John Kornf-r, Ed Valek and Linda Schoop. These young adults were among the graduates from high school. Some of you will be continuing your educalion in colleges and universi-. ^oijes. And some or you are beg i n n i n g y o u r C a r e e r s . Aim high'. Graduation Doings Mr. ifn d Mrs. Kenneth Schopp tWed their daughter, j IJnda, anu\Jheir son, Robert, with a partySunday. June 10. Family and relatives gathered to wish Linda and Robert congratulations and happiness and success in the future. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Mack feted their son, Jimmy, with a party Sunday, June 10. Family and relatives gathered to wish Jimmy happiness and success in high school. -Family and relatives gathered Wednesday evening, June 6.,to congratulate Ed Valek on his graduation from high school -Mr. and Mrs. John Korner celebrated "their son, John's graduation with a party, June 17. Family and relatives gathered to wish John happiness andl success in the future. Holiday Hills LARGE CLASS REGISTERS FOR SWIM LESSONS Inez Young Ninety-three children registered for swimming lessons at the lake beach on Monday, June 11. The teacher tested the children and put them in classes according TO their swimming ability. The classes started last Monday, June 18. There are five classes starting at 9 o'clock, with junior life saving, then going on to advanced swimmers, intermediate. advanced beginners and beginners. There will be no regular swimming allowed at the lake beach on Monday and Wednesday morning while swimming lessons are in session. Children are asked to leave the beach as soon as their lessons are over. Mothers, please afck your children to obey the rules so that each one taking lessons will gain as much instruction as possible. t The Holiday Hills Woman's club sj)onsors these iessons and they are offered at a much more reasonable price than would be available elsewhere. Woman's Cluli Views Cancer Films The Woman's club held its June meeting at St. John's Lutheran church in Island Lake. Rev. Kerr of Woodstock was the speaker for the evening, and was taking the place of Dr. Nelson, who was unable to be there. Two films on cancer were shown which proved to be very interesting. The meeting next month will be a bunco and card party. Be sure to^join us for a good time. Entertains SAC Mr. and Mrs. Charles Whit- Tiey and Mr. and Mrs. Gorden Hattan . entertained _ the SAC club with- a Hawaiian Luau Saturday evening, June 9. The back yard was lighted by lanterns and decorated with real palm trees. We hear that the meal was delicious and that a marvelous time was had by all. ^ Sympathy We express our deepest sympathy to the Robert Tanner family. Mrs. Tanner's father, "Benjamin Wolf, died Saturday, June 9. Attend Convention Mrs. John Korner and Mrs. John B. Smith attended a convention of Episcopalian women Tuesday, June 12, in Elmhurst. •They had a very enjoyable 'time. Incidentally the ladies -are working for the rummage sale July 6 and 7 at St. Paul's .church and they would appreciate any rummage you might "have. «• Bridal Shower 1 Sunday, June 10, Mrs. Reznicek attended a bridal shower given for her granddaughter, Judith Reznicek. The shower was held in Riverside and given by the young lady .who will be the maid-of-honor -on August 25 when Judy will be married to Ralph Cook. Eighty-five ladies attended the • shower and a wonderful time was had by all. Visit Col. and Mrs. John McKeT- "ly, former residents of McHenry Shores, returned June 8 - for a short visit with the Jack IRistings and the Willis Coates. Col. and Mrs. McKelly are now living in St. Louis, Mo., vyhere they are building a new home. Birthday (irwtinifs We wish a happy birthday to Albert Simbourger who celebrated his birthday June 15. To Patty Brunke who cele- - brated her birthday June 17. Alice Dilg celebrated her birthday June 19. On June 20 Aubrey Vann celebrated his birthday. On June 23 Bernice .Wilson will celebrate her birthday. On Sunday, June 24, Gladys Korner will celebrate her birthday. Nancy Winters will celebrate her birthday on June 26. On June 28 Mrs. Arthur Bennett and Ray Klein celebrate their birthdays. May you all have many more happy birthdays. Raft Goes in at Beaeh Bill Boett'cher, chairman of the beach committee, fulfilled his promise to have the raft in by the time of swimming registration. On Saturday, June 9, Bill and his committee put the ropes in at both the lake snd river beaches and put the raft in at the lake. Our sincere appreciation to Bill and his committee: Victor Justes, Sr., Roy Lundelius, Sr., E l m e r M e t t e l k a , M a t t h e w Justes, Bruce Potratz, John Jeschke and Roy Lundelius, Jr. Herb Hill Races at Milwaukee Herb travelled to Milwaukee on Sunday, June 10, to race at the fair grounds there. His car was not running but he did race and placed seventh in the twenty-miler. I understand Chuck Heise went along and his friends are still hearing about it. I guess he enjoyed it!?! Card Clnb Dinner A group of gals who get together to play cards regularly finally accumulated enough money to afford an evening out. By putting aside a small amount each time they met they were able to enjoy cocktails and dinner without going into the well known 'weakly' budget. The 'card sharks' who travelled to Gurnee on June 8 were Jean Baird, Arlene Foreman, Lorraine Holterhoffer, Donna Kasprzyk, Alice M a 1 z a h n, E l a i n e S c h m i t t , D o l l y Schmuhl, Irene Reynolds and Vi Wyczesany. Doable Birthday Celebration The Sawisch family had a double celebration recently. For two of the male members of the family. Louis, Sr.. had a birthday on June 18 and Richard on June 26. A happy birthday to each of you. A very happy birthday to Linda Abbink who was 13 years old yesterday, June 20. Athletic Club Meets The Griswold Lake Athletic club held their monthly meeting at the home of Con Kasprzyk last night. I don't have any of the details on that meeting. Anniversaries We wish a very happy anniversary to Charles and Constance Lindwall who celebrated their anniversary June 17 and to Carl and Helen Simonen who celebrated their anniversary June 21. Today we wish a happy anniversary to Robert and Shirley Harper who celebrate their anniversary.. May you all have many more happy years together. Anniversary Greetings Si{ice June is the month for weddings, it follows that it is also the month for anniversaries. Our congratulations to Doris and Bill Filip celebrating their thirteenth anniversary on June 24. That happy couple, the Arys, c e l e b r a t e d s i x t e e n y e a r s o f wedded bliss on June 12. Our good neighbors, the Abbinks, joined us in a celebration of both of our anniversaries on Friday, June 8. The Abbinks have chalked up 14 years and 'we' Youngs have had 17 happy years together. Be Wise Use The Classifieds Graduation Party * The Ryan home on the river was the scene of a graduation party for their daughter, Patty, who graduated from high school on June 6. Sunday, June 10, was the day that seventy-five friends and relatives gathered to help Patty celebrate. McHenry Hospital Auxiliary News Everything is in readiness for the opening of the sixth annual Country Art Fair on Friday. June 22, from 2 to 10 p.m. and Saturday and Sunday noon till 10. Come and view the work of a hundred or more local artists. Of special interest is the one-man show by Jim Pearson of Ringwood and the bigger than ever children's exhibit. Each artist in the show has donated an art work that will be sold at auction on Saturday night. June 23, at 8:30 p.m. This is your chance to add to that collection or start the one you have been dreaming of for so long. What better place to acquire your first art wbrk, than in your own hbme county. Many famous collec- Post 491 tions have had the same small beginning. ' At the board meeting Tuesday, June 12, the Woman's auxiliary voted to contribute $400 to the purchase of a mimeograph for the hospital. our regular monthly meet Mrs. Claude McDermott : ing on June 11 we were served has been appointed chairman oi j a delicious swiss steak dinner, the Junior Volunteers and will j At this meeting election of ofbe in charge of the "Candy \ fibers for the coming year was Stripers. The juniors must be j held. Those who will serve are: 14 years of age or older and i Commander, Tom Birmingham; anyone interested in volunteer [ Senior Vice-Commander, Domwork may ask for an application at the hospital desk or; ~ call Mrs. McDermott 'for fur- j including an apartment size ther information. i elect t ie stove, many radios'1 in- The Engdahl barn just I ^udrng transistors and a south of town on Green street j(,li;mdelior as wel1 as th? usis now open to receive your •ua' assortment of clothes, rummage for the big sale on ' ldfnps and pictures. July 13 and 14. If you have aj June and July are busy truck load or a large piece I months for the auxiliary memthat you can't handle please ' bers who work so hard to make call Mrs. Jack Cooper, and she ! each art Fair better than the will arrange to have it picked ' last and to secure good rumup. Many interesting and use-• mage foij those of us who love ful articles have been given bargains and don't we all. Thursday, June 21, 196Z . inic Volpendesta; Junior Vice- Commander, Lloyd Scharf; Adjutant, Tim McCormack; Finance Officer, Tom Landre; Historian, Bernie Matchen; and Chaplain, 'Ray McGee. Also present at the meeting was our county commander, Will Carlson, and his officers. The purpose of his visit was to ask us to place the name of one of our post members in nomination for the „ office of junior vice-commander in the county council. Without any hesitation the membership selected Harold Vycital to run for this office. The elections are to be held at the county meeting in Hebron on Thursday evening, June 28. If possible try to attend this meeting to elect one of cjur members as a vice-commander in the county council. At'this writing Ed Reid is at home nursing some broken ribs which he suffered in an accident while he was working. We are glad to hear that he will soon be up and around again. In two weeks our carnival will be ready to open. Preparations are going ahead -tor tfiia event so that it will fee* a huge success. Tom Birmingham Post 491 BIG SHOE SALE SAVE MONEY ON SHOES FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY AT LOW DISCOUNT PRICES 10% OFF Every Friday, Saturday & Sunday DISCOUNT SHOE OUTLI 2 Blocks East of River on Route 120 McHenry A&P SUNIPS? CHAMGtD BECMlSt m A&P's SUPER-RIGHT QUALITY STEAKS Ail good, Plus 50 Extra Plaid Stamps Sliced Bacon 2 -Lb. Cube Steaks 98* 89* SIRLOIN Wedge Bone Removed Pkg. Super- Right Lb. Salmon Steaks Z b 69' 10-oz. Pltgs. Fish Sticks ^21°: 65' Frozen PORTERHOUSE Tailless 98 A* lb. A&P's Super-Right Rump, Round or Sirloin Tip Fried Ocean Perch Lb. 49* Fresh Lake Perch Lb 45( "< "" "r* ,, * Rotisserie Roasts Lb. Nabisco Oreo Cookies 'AT 45° Scotties Facial Tissue Flavorkist Cookies Swift's Beef Burgers Pillsbury Biscuits Banquet Dinners Star-Kist Tuna Lemon-Cus- 4 Pkgs. tard, Oatmeal Banana, Sugar or Ballard | Bake'n Serve | Beef, Turkey, or Chicken Light Meat of 20 I 8-oz. I Pkgs. 11 -oz. Pkg. 6'/2-OZ. Pkg. $l 29 00 Box of 400 20-oz. Frozen Pkg. Krey Salisbury Steak dexo Shortening 37® dexola Salad Oil Pure Vegetable 12%-OZ. Tin 3-lb. Tin Equal to the best yet costs less Qt. Btl. Borden's Orange Drinl or Fruit Punch •/z-Ballon AQc Carton Dutch Chocolate Borden's Instant Mi* £ 45° Bosco MHk Amplifier 12-oz. AQC Jar gj| Eagle Condensed Milk r 37c Open Pit Barbecue Sauce 28-oi. f?l|c Bti. go Folger's Coffee Drip or Regular 2-ib. SI49 Tin | Jello Pudding and Pie Fillings, All Flavors A 3-oz. AAC 4 Pkgs- vZ Lily Cold Drink Paper Cups «««9c Vaseline HairTonic Ball Mason Jars Ball M4son Jars Lux Detergent Swan Liquid Wisk Detergen Daily Dog Food^ For Well 2-0Z. Groomed Hair Btl. With Vacuum Seal Lids With Vacuum Seal Lids Handy Liquid Detergent for Dishes Htondy Liquid Meat & Fish Diets 12 12 Qt. Jars 12 Pt. Jars 12-oz. Bfl. 12-oz. Btl. Pint Tin IS-oz. Tins 58c $|49 $|29 37s 37c 39e 97c With Ammonia, All Purpose Cleaner Washday Detergent For Fine Fabrics LIGHT AS SUNSHINE ...G000 AS GOLD JANE PARKER ANGEL FOOD CAKE 1-lB., 1-OZ. REG. 49« 39* Gloriously light, fine-textured cake...with "partyspecial" flavor. Don't miss it at this money-saving special price. Golden Handy Andy Handy Andy Amer Family Dreft Detergent Joy Liquid Detergent Dash Detergent ^.r Amer Family Soap Spic & Span Cleaner Comet Cleanser Mr Clean Cleaner 32-oz. Cleaner Btl. 69° 39e 2 £ 69c 15-oz. Btl. 21"' £0< pip. 09 37' 39* 31 Pkgs. 12-oz. Btl. 25-oz. Pkg. Lge. Bars 16-oz. AAC Pkg. £9 Deep Down Scouring 2 14-oz. Tins All 15-oz. Purpose Btl. 35c 39c AMERICA'S FOREMOST FOOD RETAILER . . . SINCE 18S9 §uper J^arkets THI ORfAT ATLANTIC * PACIFIC TEA COMPANY ALL PRICES EFFECTIVE THRU SATURDAY, JUNE 23rd CALIFORNIA SUNRISE NECTARINES Smooth Skin, Sweet and Juicy, for Salads Lb. or Plain Eating 29 Watermelons ZZ 79* Golden Bananas 2 «* 25' PICNIC SUPPLIES |' Luncheon Meat "X T° 39c ** $|00 39' 39' Bond's Pickles 8 Lemonade Kaiser Broiler Root Beer or Polish Frozen, Libby's or Puresun 32-ox. Jars 6-oz. Tins Aluminum Foil < 20-Ft. Roll Kola, Ginger Ale, 24-oi. Cherry, Strawberry, Sparkling Water Btl. w (PLUS DEPOSIT) EXTRA BONUS STAMPS EXTRA MARVEL PLAID STAMPS EXTRA PLAID STAMPS BRAND A A "Lb Lawn Builder Li Bag CHEO-O-BIT, AMERICAN Cheese Spread Z EXTRA CHEO-O-BIT. PIMENTO A iTAMPS Cheese Spread L 5 -Lb. STAMPS Pkg. EXTRA DAILY BRAND, KlgBLED M „|£a STAMPS Dog Biscuits 5 PKG. EXTRA HICKORY SMOKED. SLICED ft STAMPS Allgood Bacon L EXTRA JANE PARKER OVEN FRESH pw st!u4ps Iced Ball Beasts « ii EXTRA ASP BRAND, MANDARIN I3-0Z. STAMPS Orange Salad pkg. 16-oz. Corned Beef Hash "» EXTRA SUPER-RI<rHT BRAND PLAID STAMPS EXTRA WONDERFOIL BRAND PLAID STAMPS PLA,D Aluminum Foil 25-Ft. Roll $J49 70 75* 55c * 98®: 35' 25" ' 35ei 29* NO COUPON NECESSARY ON ABOVE ITEMS --NO LIMIT ON QUANTITIES ENJOY COFFEE MILL FLAVOR! FRESH-GROUND FLAVOR YOU CAN'T GET IN A CAN Mild and Mmllow EIGHT O'CLOCK 55* 3 H" 1-LB. BAG Rich and Fuff-Bodied TRY IT HOT OR ICED I RED CIRCLE 59ts2t$ln Vigorous and Win*/ 1-lB. SAG t-tt. •AO 63c 3 Sk *1"