Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 21 Jun 1962, p. 5

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Thursday, June 21, 1962 THEMcHEJIRY PLAINDEALER P»gtnv« McHENRY PLAINDEALER 8812 W. Elm St Est 1875 Phone 885-017t A ' 'f, " ' ititmiw OBITUARIES Published Every Thursday at McHenry, 111. by McHENRY PUBLISHING CO. FRED C. MILLER Rev. Jack Mclntyre of Faith Presbyterian church officiated at last rites Wednesday afternoon from the' George R. Jtlsten & Son funeral home for Fred C. Miller, 75, who died Sunday, June 17. Mr. Miller, who lived in this area for many years, died in McHenry hospital following an eightday stay, but had been in poor health for several years. The deceased was born Dec. 4, 1886, in Elgin. For the past five years he had resided at 2917 Lincoln road, McHenry. He is survived by his widow, Gertrude; a daughter, Barbara, at home; two sons, Loren of Ogden, Utah, and Richard of McHenry; two sisters in California; two brothers FranH and Albert, both of Qary1, and five grandqnildren. Burial was in 'Woodland cemetery. NATIONAL tOITORIAl 1HJ fTssoci^Tion Subscription Rates In McHenry County -1 Year $4. 6 Mos • • : $2. 3 Mos. $1. Outside McHenry County 1 Year $4 6 Mos $2 3 Mos $1, 00 25 50 i ' ! 50 50: 75 Larry E. Lund -- Bus. Mgr. Second Class Postage Adele Froehlich, Editor Paid at McHenry, 111. * SOFTBALL NOTES Bill Beckneil, Paul Freund= and Tom Nolan, pounded out three hits each to help Old Bridge defeat McHenry Ree. 16 to 10. A big 10 run 3rd inning was all O.B. needed to win. Wally Carlson singled and doubled and drove in 4 runs for McHenry Rec. McH. Rec. 440 0110--10 10 7 O. B. 3310 000 x--16 16 6 Hetterman defeated Vycital's 17 to 12 with the help of a 10 run first inning. Seven hits and 3 walks helped score the runs. Lloyd Freund and Bud Miller had 4 for 4 with Freund driving in 4 runs. Dick Hiller hit a 3 run homer in the third. Ron Creutz had two singles and two doubles to ty lead Vycital's. Don Bentz hit two homers and Jack Schaefer one. Vycital's 500 200 3--12 18 5 Het'mann 1003 040 x--17 16 3 * Bimbo's scored in every inning but the 4th to defeat Mr. Gus 26 to 1. Fred Matthesius doubled 4 times and tripled once for Bimbo's. Payne and Prassel collected four hits each. Mr. Gus was held to ^ only three hits, the one run ' scored on1 two errors and a single. Mr. 000 010 0-- 1 3 5 Bimbo's 1171 061 x--26 31 4 Hans' Tavern won their first game of the year by defeating Bald Knob, 20 to 7. Laing and O'Brien each had four hits and Bud Lawrence hit a three run homer in the 5tft^ Jack Fultz hit two singles and a ^ triple good for 3 RBI's. * Hans. Tav. 035 432 3--20 23 3 Bald Knob 300 110 2-- 7 12 3 STANDINGS YV Bimbo's 5 Old Bridge 4 Hettermann 4 Vycital's 3 McHenry Rec. 2 Hans' Tavern 1 Bald Knob 1 b. Mr. Gus 0 SADDLE CLUB PRESENTS HORSE SHOW JUNE 24 The public is invited to attend the horse show presented by the McHenry County Saddle club at 10 a.m. at the Circle 8 Corral. Woodstock, on June 24. The location is 2 miles - south of Woodstock on Rt. 47 from Junction 14 and 47. There will be two halter classes, one for registered quarter horses and a model class. The speed events to be held are handy horse, key hole race, ladies' barrel race, speed and action, flag, five kc^ reining, band racing. In the equitation category there will be children's pleasure, bare- ; back, registered and non-rr^ j istered western pleasure clashes, junior and senior western I horsemanship classes, trial 1 class and a horsemanship for | club members only. The two working classes will be A.O.H.A. reining and working stock horse. A number of McHenry area riders are planning to par- ' ticipate. and many classes are * s p o n s o r e d by l o c a l b u s i n e s s - j men. ! Further information may be j obtained by contacting Norma j Anderson. 5918 W. Route 120. 1 McHenry, phone 385-6387. j «£»«*« »*«•£••*•«£***•«£• •£« «£« »*« Mb Paired off for next week's \ second round of match play ! are the following winners of i today's matches. Tee times are ; a l s o l i s t e d . j 8:30 - Moss vs. Overton I and Reihansperger vs Busseher. j 8:37 -- Funk • vs. Consago 1 and Kent vs Weyland. ! 8:44 - Freund vs Rogers and Weber vs Reike ! 8:51 -- Horn vs Olson and Hoffman vs Smithson. Lots of the best to all you ! gals (especially you Veronal.! T h e f i r s t t e e t i m e w i l l be j open before 8:15 and after 9. ; Daily event for today was I low putts. Class A winner j Dee Overton; Class T3 - - a , t i e b e t w e e n B e a H o r n a n d Lu j F u n k ; C l a s s C -- G e r t B a r - j bian. Low net winners were' Dee Overtop (80), Sully Con-j s a g o ( 7 9 ) B a r b W e b e r ( X l i . j Daily event for next week. June 26, will be low gross on 1 the par 5 holes. Ringer con- j tinues. ! Suggested purchases for the ! immediate future; 1 alarm clock J. Rink; 1 box of; tranquilizers - rules c.nn- ' mittee. MOOSE ANNIVERSARY The McHenry Moose lodge will ce l e b r a t e i l s t e n t h a n n i - j versary Sunday. June 24, start- ! ing with a breakfast for old and new members at 9 o'clock. Enrollment will take place at 10, and at 3 o'clock in the afternoon there will be lunch and organ music. An S p.m. buffet supper will be followed , by dancim;. Little League Notes Major League In games through Sunday, the Bluebirds hung on to first place with two lopsided wins, r.oh Mauch had fourteen strike outs and some good defensive help from Ken Reid as Ed Doyle's pace setters beat the Eagles 11-5. Denny De- Pa uvv set down' the Falcons 17-3 as Marty Conway came through with a big hit. In one of the better played games of the season the Owls came from behind twice to nip the Orioles 4-3 in extra innings. Bob Funk and Paul Diedrich hooked up in a torrid pitchers duel. John Pitzen's hit in the last of the seventh won the game. Chuck Reilly homered for the Orioles and Chuck Brefeld had two hits for the Owls. There were seve r a l o u t s t a n d i n g d e f e n s i v e plays topped by John Bruhn's ferce top grab of Jack Fulton's bid for a homer. Mark Wegener won his second game of the week as the Owls mixed timely hitting with base on balls to swamp the Cardinals 14-1. Bob Funk had two hits for the winners. The Owls continued to play good defensive ball. The work of Gene Heater behind the ;ilate has stood out all season. John Reinboldt pitched and hit a home run as the Eagles hipped the Orioles 8-6. Joe Hanley made a great catch to roli Mark Domoto of a round tripper. Everyone hit as the Orioles and Cardinals played to a 16- 16 tie in a game called after S innings. Chuck Reilly's fifth homer of the season was a grand slammer to match Mike Anderson's bases loaded clout. Dennis Dow ell also homered. .Minor League Broc Olson pitched the Cardinals to a 16-7 win over the Orioles. The Bluebirds beat the Eagles 10-3. Jimmy Lightner was a tiger On defense as the Owls nipped the Orioles 12-9. The Eagles edged the Orioles 13-9. Tom Burton gave up only one walk in six innings and Kurt Knaack homered as the Falcons beat the Bluebirds 21- 13. The Owl-Cardinal game was called before it was an official game and will be replayed. Miniature League Gary Harrison with a home run and Mark Steinsdoerfer and John Hamil paced the Sox to a 27-0 win over the Indians. Alan Weingart turned in an excellent defensive .job behind the plate as the Braves beat the Yankees 13-8. VERY REV. B. E. BEDDOES The Crystal Lake community was saddened """bn Tuesday, June 19, to learn of the unexpected death of the Very Rev. Burwell Edward Beddoes, 51, dean of the McHenry county deanery of the Rockford diocese and pastor of St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic church. Fr. Beddoes died unexpectedly early in the day in St. Joseph hospital, Elgin. He had undergone surgery in recent weeks but was improving nicely when his condition became critical early in the week. The Most Rev. Loras T. Lane, bishep of Rockford, will officiate at funeral services to be held Friday at 11 o'clock in St. Thomas church. Burial will be in Freeport. The body will rest at the Warner funeral home in Crystal Lake until 11 o'clock Thursday morning, and after that time at the church^ COURT BRIEFS CARNIVALS ON CALENDAR FOR THIS WEEKEND (Continued from Page 1) sisted by the following committees: Finances, Norbert Hiller, Mel Freund, Leo Freund and Tom Huemann; registration, Johnsburg rescue squad; special, Fred Smith, Gerald Wakitsch and Ted Schaefer; bar, Henry Hiller, Si Meyers and Bob Meyer; kitchen, Doris Freund, Marie Oeffling and Leo Smith; soft drinks, Stanley Freund; tickets, James Hettermann; games, Richard Dehn. Leo Hiller, Gerald Brennan. Emitt Hansen, Ray Groh. James Adams, Ben Schmitt, Richard Adams, Le- Roy Miller. Harry Freund, Tom Oeffling and Loren Freund: erection' of stands, Joseph Frett, George Hiller and Gregory Nowak; electrical work, Dennis Schmitt. Tony Schaefer and Don Blake; police, Sig Jacobson, publicity and advertising. Walter Durrenherg, James Hettermann and LcRoy Hiller. EXTEND MCHS PARKING AREA EAST OF SCHOOL LEGION WOMEN TO BE HEADED BY MRS. WEICHMANN D o r o t h y w e i c h m a n n w a s elected president of the Legion auxiliary at a meeting held early this week. Named to (Serve with her are Betty Lingenfelter, first vice-president; Peggy Garrelts, second vicep r e s i d e n t ; E l e a n o r C r e u t z , treasurer; Pearl Pietsch, chap- FREELS PROPERTY DAMAGE TRACED TO GENOA MAN lain; Janice Bauspies, historian; and Mary Einspar, sergeant> at-arms. The auxiliary learned that it had earned the Eleventh district publicity award under chairmanship of Peggy Garrelts. This was the third consecutive year the top award in this category went to the McHenry women. The Juniors of the unit won second place in the district for the history project. NEVADA HONEYMOON Mr. and Mrs. Karl Eft'ers, Jr., of McHenry haVe been enjoying their honeymoon trip in Las Vagas, Nev. The Effers were married in National City, Calif., on June 9. MARK HOPKINS RECEIVES FORD JOURNALISM GRANT 1 GRANT DIVORCES i . ! John Ahrens of McHenry i was granted a divorce from Jacqueline Ahrens by Jurist? i William M. Carroll in circuit j eoui;t last week. Lyle A. Steinhorst of McHenry1 was given a divorce from Carole Steinhorst. Frank Wavra of Elmhurst was fined $15 in the court ot Justice of the Peace Charles M. Adams last Saturday on a charge of driving a motorboat without a license. Improper lane usage was the charge against Robert E. Boyle of McHenry, who paid a $15 fine. William H. Owens of Antioch was fined $7/-?ar driving with an expired ^safety sticker on his truck. v--^ A $6 fine was imposed on John W. Halley of Spring Grove for not having license plates. Mack D. Falknor of McHenry paid a $7 fine for disobeying a stop sign. John Sexton of W^iuconda was fined $32.50 on a charge of disorderly conduct resulting from an altercation in Rudy's Drive-in, just west of the city. The complainant was Rudy Ficken, who charged that the difficulty arose when he asked Sexton to ieave his establishment after the latter became abusive. The^ arrest was made by sheriff's deputies. There will be additional parking space to the rear of t he Mel Ienry high school as the result of action taken Oy the board of education in meeting Tuesday evening of this week. Members approved a bid of Tonyan Brothers, Inc., in the amount of $1,550 to extend the existing parking area to the east for 98 feet and to a depth of 120 feet. The work is expected to start very soon and be completed before opening of the fall term. The board also okayed the customary exchange of* fourteen typewriters and the pur- | chase of additional furniture for the study halls and for classroom use. Custodians and secretaries were granted salary increases. Acting on a request, permission (was granted for the use I o f M c C r a c k e n f i e l d f o r Drum j C o r p s M a g i c on F i e s t a D a y . j The resignation of Paul j Mandli as varsity coach and i t e a c h e r w a s a c c e p t e d . j C. R. Page was re-appointed j school district treasurer for a two-year period starting July 1. I The July board meeting was I changed from the twentyfourth to the seventeenth. A Genoa man who admitted to sheriff's police that he caused damage to the Anton Freels property on Ringwood road will appear to answer four charges before Justice of the Peace Charles M. Adams on June 23. Howard Hammarstrom of Genoa was questioned at his work in Ringwood the last of the week after deputies traced the license plates of a car which had extensive front end damage and had lost its chrome trim. He admitted 'his car left the road, knocking down fencing and a sign and otherwise damaging lawn and shrubbery. Hammarstrom is charged | with criminal damage to propi erty, trespassing, leaving the I scene of an accident and reckless driving. Mark W. Hopkins, formerly of McHenry, has been awarded a Ford Foundation grant for the advance study of Russian i journalism and communications. He leaves his post a* | a member of the., editorial | staff of the Milw aukee Journal to return to the University j of •' Wisconsin, where he had ; done his graduate work. ; Hopkins, a graduate of Mr- , Henry h i g h school, attended : Middlebury college in Vermont. Later, as a member of the Air ' Force security, he studied .basic Russian at Syracuse univcr- ' <ity in New York, He is the son .of Mr. and Mrs. Waller Hopkins of M -- ' Henry and is married to ?h • daughter of Mr. and Mrs. : former Marijean Dohcrty, Paul Dohert v. - NOTICE Christian Science services are held every Sunday at 10:30 a.m. and the 3rd Wednesday ot each month at 8 p.m. in the Masonic Building, 1309 N.. C|ourt sC McHenry. All interested are welcome to at.tend. SEE IT NOW SAVE On It Now -- At BUSS FORD SALES 3936 W. Main St. McHenry Hurry! Don't Wait! Join our NEW 24-Week Merchandise Club today! You pay as little as $1.00 per week. A WINNER EVERY WEEKClub begins July 1st -- Save the Easy Way For complete details and registration cards come to Ernie's Sport Center McHenry Daih rida\ Sunda\ T O P Q U A L I T Y F O O D S . A T L O W E S T P R I C E S D A I L Y KRAFT -- Plain <u Smoked 18_oz. Btl. i DKLJIOXTK I 'ineapple Juice or BAR-B-Q SAUCE. . . . 3 for S1.00 PINEAPPLE GRAPEFRUIT DRINK (for 59 211 Tin I .S. I HOH E TEN UEt< * KRAFT 8-oz. Pkg. HELLMANNS Qt. Jar * MACARONI DINNERS. . . 6forS1.00!MAYONNAISE. . . . . 59 KRAFT CHiCKENDINNERS. . . 3 forSI.OO BATHROOM TISSUE. .. 12 for SUM • WITH $5.00 OR MORE PURCHASE • CHARM IN -- Asst'd Colors Reg:. Rolls KRAFT 8-<»z. Pkg:. spaghetti dinners . . . 4 moo PILLSBURY Buttermilk or Ba(lard 8-oz. Pkg:. SWEET MILK BISCUITS . . 2 for 15' ROUND STEAK U.S. CHOIC E BONELESS SIRLOIN BUTT OR RUMP CERTIFIED Full Pound Package R0TISSERIE ROAST 89» RED LABEL CHIPS 29' HAM BUTT or SHANK PORTIONS.. 33: INTRODUCTORY OFFER i 2-LB. LIMIT _An . -A1 . | FOLGERS COCA COLA COFFEE SERVICE NEWS Thomas A. Claybaugh_ son of Mr. and Mrs. James Claybaugh of McHenry, has been promoted to airman first class at Travis Air Force base, Calif., where ho has been stationed for thr pact year and a half. Friends may write to him at 1501 FMS, Box 58, Travis Air Force Base, Calif. 4 Half Qts. No Deposit -- No Return • 2nd Big Week of HA(.(.EI)Y ANN Summer Food Festival I "SPECIAL OF THE WEEK" RAGGEDY ANN -- 25-oz. Jar APPLE SAUCE.... 3 69' 303 Tin Sliced or Halves Cut Green or Freestone AQi Wax Beans 2 for Peaches .. 2Vz tin |00 2-lb. Tin i While -Supplies Last 2-lh. Loaf M* KRAFTS CE* IVELVEETA D3 j Your Choice of 4 TOP NAME BREADS j Large Loaves ^ \ While Supplies Last j LOW CALORIE reVERAGB iPORK TEHBERLOiN . . it Your Choice 7 Flavors ^ ea. No Deposit 9 WILSON SWEET MEAT CRISP RIGHT SLICED BACON. . . . 43> SOUTH CAROLINA • • FRESH PRODUCE DAILY • • CALIFORNIA Tomato 00 Grape Juice . 4 qt. btl. Jelly . .. 10-oz jar 19 PEACHES 2*23 Cucumbers ! ocimv Green Onions BEAUTY Radishes j PLUMS 9'.. 2-45 Corner of Green & Elm Streets In The Heart Of Downtown McHenry WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES Sale For June '-J1. - - Jt 23 T O P Q U A L I T Y F O O D S A T L O W E S T P R I C E S D A I L Y

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