Thursday, June 28. 1962 THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Eastwood Manor MANY MANORITES ATTEND GRAHAM CRUSADE IN CITY Edie Iverson - 385-6338 Many people of J he subdivision attended the fiilly Graham Crusade in Chicago. I was attempting to make a list of them so if you were able to attend anc* I don't - have you listed give me a call so I can complete the list next week. So far I have Larry Moore, Dot tie Messer, Frieda Durkin, Marge Brodin, Jack Mcljityre, Dee Penick, Ricky and Dennie the 26. Four members of the session vvill each take a Sunday sermon. The first Sunday Elder Warren K*rebs will speak. There will be no choir practice during July and August. Several young people will be atteririin<_ church school camps. In the junioi: high camp near Dixon. John Carter, Becky Kissling and Dennis Moore will attend. Bert Kissling and Richard Moore will attend the senior high conference in Beloit college in Wisconsin. Roy Kissling will be a counselor. Sunday the church received new members. They are Mr. and Mrs. William Dunn and Moore, Dale Haldeman, Dan- ' C|aM#hter. Ann. of Sunnyside nv Charbonnier. Lena and Lon- Village an(l Mrs. Ruth Redman zo Campbell Elmer Borcovan, Jcrfy a n d Lois Ryan and family. Happy Birthday To Pretty Kerrie Moore is a young mjss of eight today, June 28. Tomorrow, June 29, Lena Campbell celebrates her natal day. The first day ot July Andree Butler shares with 2- year-old Chris Useman. Best wishes to Laura Grom on July 2; she will be six years young. Sunday. July 3. Terry Woolwine will be 4 and. Dennis Birmingham will be a young man of 17. July 5 Dennie Hansen will be celebrating his birthday and we all hope he will be celebrating it here. He's been in service a year and due home for a visit. Richie Gruhn will be six. July 6 we have four birthday celebrants. Harold Lottchea, George Landin. Shirley Welms. and one-yearold Karen Mersch. Anniversaries Best wishes to anniversary celebrants Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hoppe and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Birmingham on June 28. Also to the last of our June wedding couples, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Newlon. Mr. and' Mrs. Milton McHale really should have a real bang-up celebration being married on the Fourth of July' Hope all of you have a happy time and wishing you many, many more ^onderful years together! Tripoly Tripoly Club was held at Rita Simpson's home with herself being the winner and Marilyn Fultz winning the booby. Barbecue beef sand w i c h e s were served. of Wonder Lake. In July and August all children will be attending the Sunday school classes in the church building (none at Hilltop school). First Party Tiny Cindy Mitchell gave her first birthday party Wednesday as she became four years old. She invited three little boys and two little girls. They had a noon lunch and then played games. Before returning home they again sat down to birthday goodies of cake, ice creim and soda pop. Each child went home with a bag of loot including party hats, candy and baskets, favors and horns. They will be talking about this big party for weeks! In the evening Cindv celebrated some more this time wit^ her grandparents, parents, aunts and uncles. Her favorite gift was a swimming pool which she will be able to enjoy all summer,, lontr and share with her younger brother and baby sister. Auto Mishap Young Sonny Charbonnier was in an auto wreck recently and now is recuneraling in the" hospital. Let's send a little cheer his way and help the days go faster by sending him a card. His address is P.F.C. Ramon Charbonnier. Ward 10 East, Great Lakes Naval hospital, Great Lakes. 111. Faith Presbyterian Church X c\vs Rev. John O. Mclr.tyre will be on vacation Julv 5 through E.M.P.O.A. Several of our good citizens cleaned the barn Thursday before fhe EMPOA meeting. The workers are Larry Moore, Dottie Messer. Len H&n^pn! Fred Woodbury and Milt McHale. Friday evening was the date for the regular meeting of our EMPOA. Twenty percent of the members constitute a quorum and less than that came out so there wasn't any meeting. There will not be a meeting in July with so many working on their yards and houses in "he summertime or away on vacation trips but there will be a meeting in August to plan a community picnic and nominate officers for the next election. Father's Day Doings Sunday George and Lee Landin wcnl to the forest preserve to join her parents at a picnic. ! The children enjoyed the ani- | mal museum there. Saturday ' they visited his folks in Fox jLake. i John and Marie Dalton went | to visit her dad, Steve Stattman, in Elmwood Park Fat her s Day. Frank and Delores Woolwine <jnnd family went to Wisconsin to visit her grandfather. Tony Cinino. Goran and Joyce Engstrom and family went to Lake Zurich to visit his dad. Bror Engj strom and enjoyed swimming , in Forest Lake with Ann Peterson and children. Karen and Ricky. Sunday they went into Chicago to vUit her father, Raymond Klein. Bob and Pat Kellogg and sons went to the home of Pat's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Potter of McHenrv, for dinner and swimming. Melvin and Louise Griffeth and family went to the home of her parents, Mr. 'and Mrs. Anthony Siadek, in McHenry Father's Day. Father's Day found Walt and Eleanor Kuck home entcrlaining his father. Art Kuck. and brother. Bill, from Wonder Lake. The Glen Messer family went to spend Father's Day in the cottage of "his folks, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Messer. Alberta Sobacki's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Groat, came out Father's Day and enjoyed a back yard barbecue. Also attending were Dick and Ethel Groat and four boys all from Mundelein; Marge and Jim Fiedler and Ray, Marge and daughter, Linda Smith, all from Chicago. Here and There Fred Woodbury and young son, Johnny, went for an airplane ride one recent fine Sunday afternoon. They flew over Lake Michigan and took pictures of our subdivision from the air. j Roger and Joan Jaeobson I went to Wisconsin to attend ' the stock car races. j Saturday Joan Jaeobson at-j tended a bridal, shower l'or Di- j ane Yeldon in Long Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Grom j went out to dinner Saturday to celebraate their' wedding , anniversary. ,' ' Page Twenty-One Flussell D,avis, Jr., bad his tonsils removed. Wednesday night the Engstrom family went to an amusement park in Chicago. Georgiana W;ilson attended a double shower given in the home of Mrs. Frank Biederer in Prospect Heights. The shower was given for her niece, Peggy Carter, and sister-inlaw, Sue. Jack a. ncL. Marilyn Fultz and family went camping over the weekend to try out their new camping equipment. Mat and Jean Mersch were surprised when her cousin, Jean McManus, and husband and six children dropped in for a visit. They live in Nfcrwalk, Ohio, and were enroute to Iowa. They hadn't seen one another in 13 years! Debbie Ryan is spending a week of her vacation with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wonsik in Fox River Grove. Friday Lois Ryan gave a birthday dinner for her sis. Marion Anderson, and family. Friday, June 15, the Dick Fenner family attended a graduation in the First St. John Lutheran church in Chicago. Young Wayne Fenner was class president and valedictorian. He gave the graduation address. Lydia brought a beautifully decorated graduation cake. Before the graduation exercises they had dinner with Lvdia's father. Bruno ^"drski. to celebrate Father's Day.' f. , The Mclntyre family have just had five solid weeks of mumps! Thirty people came out to spend the day Sunday at the Tom Simpson residence on the occasion of little Martha's having become seven years old. The cooking and serving was all done out-of-doors and during the day most of them went to Wouster Lake to swim. Kay Stephenson is enjoying the company of her two nieces, NOTICE Christian Science services are held every Sunday at 10:30 a.m. and the 3rd Wednesday ot each month at 8 p.m. in the Masonic Building, 1309 N. Court St., McHenry. All interested are a welcome to attend. DO YOU HAVE A BACK YARD WADING POOL ? - or - A BIG SWIMMING POOL? Dirt - Bacteria - Grass Algae - Germs will collect in that pool! ! KEEP IT CLEAN & FREE OF ODOR - Complete 4-way Pool Purifiers * Disinfectant * Algaecide ' Bactericide * Fungicide Available A! -- BOLGERS DRUG STORE 1259 X. (iiwn St. Phone 385-4500 How can this car have so much extra-and still be almost low-priced? Answer... it's a Buick... hi name, styling, quality and resale value. Yet its pries is right dose to many models sftbe "low-priced" cars. So before you do any buying, com see how tittle extra it costs to got ail the extra values included in leSahre's surprisingly low price« Some examples ^Jinned sium'mum front brakes-- safest made! A 481-cu, in. Wildcat ¥-8, Exclusive Advanced Thrust engineering that moves the engine forward--gives ysiu straight tracking, flat corneiing--snd a nearly fiat front floor! Turbine Brive automafic transmission--smoothest there is! And Ms more you'd never guess leSahre gives you. Your Buick dealer's great trades make LeSabre an even greater buy right now • BUICK liSABRE IS THE BUY Set Ameria'i Top GoB Opefl-NBC-TV-Sunday, Julf S Tops in TV! 'Sin>f with Miteh'-Thurs. evening, XBC-TV. Brought to you by Buick on behalf of authorized Buick dealer R. I. OVERTON MOTOR SALES - 1109 N. Front Street >01111 Joy and Susan DeVinny, from near San Francisco, Calif. Dee Penick had Larry Moore and Dottie Messer and children in for lunch Thursday afternoon. U Cub Scouts At the Cub pow-wow with the Scouts Saturday, June 16, several boys received their awards. In Den 12, under the leadership of Mrs. Eternick, Mike McCormack received his Bobcat badge, Bruce Eternick received his Wolf badge, 1 gold arrow, and 3 silver arrows. In Den 10, under the leadership of Lydia Fenner, Butch Kellogg received his Wolf badge. I gold arrow, and two silver ii"»\)ws. Each boy received a special gift of a Cub Scout key chain. In Kay Stephenson's den Russell Davis received his Wolf badge and 1 gold arrow and '2 silver arrows. Lloyd Davis received his Bear badge and 1 ~old arrow and 3 silver arrows also a one-vear perfect attendance pin. Mark .Stephenson received 1 gold arrow. Steve Rohrer received a two- \car pin and a two-year perfect attendance pin. Billy Urban received his 2-year pin. Use The Classifieds SCHOLARSHIP CONFERENCE FOR NURSES SLATED | Richard L. Tazewell, superintendent of the McHenry i county schools, has announced j that arrangements have been | completed for William E. Skadden. health educator of the Department ot Mental Health, to be in his office at the c court house annex in Woodstock on Thursday. July 12, from 1 p.m. to p.m. to .explain the state 'nursing scholarship program to 'any interested students or par- ! ents. i The superintendent stated that Mr Skaddcn will meet with individuals or groups, either parents, counsellors or students. Especially invited are ihigh sch'-.ol seniors or recent high school graduates who I have been employed but are :still interested in u course in pursing. ' StuJents presently enrolled j iri a ho.-pital school of nursing or in the nursing department , of a university may be eligible i for this plan and arc prged to ; invest 'uatc. No appointments will be ' necessary during the scheduled hours, and the Mental Health department representative will meet with interested individuals or groups on a first come, first served basis. Parents of interested students are encouraged to attend, the informational conference vvhere instructions will be givo- n for making immediate application for the nursing scholarships for professional nursing education offered and currently available from the Illinois Department of Mental Health. The nursing sch olarship grants are worth from $2,000 up, depending on school costs 1 over a period of thirty-six i months and are open to high j school graduates between the i a'.res of 17 and 35. The appli- 1 cant must be a citizen of the 'United States and reside in II^1 linois. The final requirement is that they be accepted by an approved school' of nursing in 1he '/eneral Illinois area. The j choice of the school i-; made by the student. Man is known by the company he avoids, as well as keeps. Quality Radiator, Repair by Factory-Trained Radiator Specialists 10 Years Experience Every job FLO-TESTED for your added protection. ALL WORK GUARANTEED - PROMPT. SERVICE ADAMS BROS. REPAIR SERV. 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There is no 1-year-wait to qualify for our maximum yield. Insured savings are backed by a federal agency. Invested with us, your funds are insured safe up to $10,000 by the Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation, a U.S. government agency. Larger sums ($20-$50-$100,000) can be insured safe through the use of joint and trust accounts. Insured savings are better than ever. . . so put on a happy face by letting this stable, yet profitable, method of investing cash reserves work for your family. ALL FUNDS RECEIVED BY JULY 16th EARN A FULL 6 MONTHS' RETURN NEXT DECEMBER 31st MARENGO FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION 102 North State Street * Phone 568-7258 MAKING O. I L L I N O I S enrrent rate per annum