Psg* Twelvy THE McHENRY PLAINDEAIXB Thursday. July 1£» 1962 Lakemoor LIST CORRECTED TELEPHONE NUMBER TOR POLICE CALLS Annette Schmit I stand here, humble and apologetic, after the terrible 'typographical error I created last week. I listed the telephone number of the police department wrong. Please note that the number should have read -- 385-2141 and not 2121 as was printed. The number 385-2121 belongs to the fire department and should be used only for the fire department. This is an error that I really must hang my head for. On Call We were pleased to note that at the drowning of George Kirschbaum at Griswold Lake on June 30, our faithful firemen, Bill Gibson, Hans Hose, Harry Strnad and Anton Hirsch stuck it out in the hqpes of being some help .This was a lengthy ordeal for all those fine civic servants who went on the call arid worked such long hours in an effort to retrieve the body of this young man. New Residents In Our Midst We wish to welcome into the areq, Mr. and Mrs. Schuerr, Sr., who will be moving into their home in Lilymoor soon. Mr. Schuerr has retired recently from the Western Union Co. after fifty-two years service with the firm. They are tine" parents of our own Lawrence Schuerr of Lilymoor, and parents of Jack Schuerr of Fox Lake. We bid them welcome! Baby Doing Well The new little son of Jerry and Joyce Manness is at home and recuperating now after what was a pretty serious time for this little tyke. When he was just two weeks old he returned to the hospital of his birth, St. Francis in Evanston, where he underwent surgery for a twisted bowel. He was transfused from his own mother and has been released from the hospital. Needless to say, this little fellow has really had one rugged little time for himself. We hope he recovers real soon. columnist for the McHenry Plaindealer. In attendance at this fourth of July gathering were relatives of the family and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sarley. We have it on good authority that the age of Mary, is -- uncertain! Happy birthday, Mary! July Fourth Surprise A very lovefy surprise party was held in the home of Mr.< Betty Scherer to honor her mother, Mrs. Mary Frieb,- dn her birthday. Folks around town will remember Mary as the former Lakemoor news oes it Matter where a Prescription is Filled ? It Does -- Try NYE DRUGS Your Friendly "Walgreen Agency" and See! NOW GIVING PLAID STAMPS STOP otw 1S VJAP SPEEDWAY PROVED FOR TURNPIKE SAFETY h HIEttllE tiumis ft PROVED on America's Fastest otter you the safety you need on a turnpike! <r FULL SIZE...Firestone newer compromises on Quality I tt FULL FEATURED...S/F cord body. Firestone Rubber-X. 7-rib tread. 7.50-14 Tubeless NYLON Blackwalls 6.70-15 $1495 Tube Type Am 6.70-15 Tubeless 1495 Add $3 for White walls All Prices Plus Tax ALL SIZES comparably LOW PRICED Available with black or white tide 1 walls.,.tube type or tubeleu Now's The Time To Trade Tires BATTERIES - TIRES - TUBES for* Tractors, Trucks and All Passenger Cars Special Trade-In Allowance from $1 io $5 on your old battery. Compleie CALL US... FARM TIRE for your SERVICE Truck Tire Needs McHenry Tire Mart WALT FREUND, Prop. 8931 W. Main St. Phone 385-0204 McHenry, 111. Summer-Time Accidents On Sunday, July 8, it seemed that the village was all primed up for summer-time accidents. Delores Brodd suffered a pretty bad cut On one finger and will be out of the swimming crowd until it heals. Lucia Pogany had a little trouble with lady luck last Sunday, also, due to the harmless game of leap-frog. Seems that Lucy was playing the game with her sister and in some unea?nnys&way, managed to dislocate four of her fingers. Last we heard, she was walking around with a sling, and feeling pretty glum. Our pal, Eddie Wagner, will be pushing his Senior's pen next semester with only part of a thumb. In an accident at his dad's shop, Ed managed somehow to take the tip of the thumb off. He spent a night in the hospital where he underwent a graft on the thumb. Last reports were that he is feeling much better. It had to be his right thumb, too. It's a good thing that our Eddie doesn't hitch-hike, or he'd reallv miss it! familly an$ friends on July third. Acceptance Letter Young Eddie Steadman has passed his acceptance exams and has received his acceptance letter from the Loyola University this week. We'll all be pushing for this young lad who has proved himself an outstanding fellow to those who know him. Good luck, Eddie. Happy Birthday A Our most colorful citizen around town, Jim Simmons, got stuck with another birthday this year. He celebrated on July 7 with his family and friends. He's just forty-seven, plus a score and*>give or take a few! Our friend, Jim Colberg, chalked up another one July 12, but he's not sayin' and we're not askin'. Many happy returns to both of you! • Happy Anniversary A very happy anniversary is offered to Jim and Pat Colberg who celebrated with their Village Notes A special meeting was called on Thursday, July 5, at 7:30 p.m. to pass on the road bids. Your next regular meeting of the Lakemoor village board will be tonight, July 12, at 8 p.m. All those folks who either conduct these meetings or sit in on the m, "enjoy the knowledge that others show their interest. It is important for all citizens to actively participate in their Civic functions. When we attend these meetings, we enjoy waiting to open forum to air our approvals and disapprovals of anything which we feel is of importance to all. If you have soaiething on your mind, won't you come up and let us hear about it? Silver Anniversary A beautiful anniversary party was given in honor of | Edward and Winny Steadman j on their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary. The party was planned by their children and held at a lovely restaurant in Burton's Bridge on July 1. The children prepared a silver tree on which silver coins denoting twenty-five years glistened. In attendance were the children and relatives, excluding Grandmother Steadman who was unable to attend due to her recent battle with poor health. In the evening cake and coffee were served at the Steadman home to guests including Mr. and Mrs. Anton Hirsch and Mr. and Mrs. John Hose. Ringwood JOHN SHADLE FAMILY VISITS WITH PARENTS Lor Brennan - W.I* 2045 On Monday, Mr. a n d Mrs. John Shadle and boys, Larry and Gordon, from Tacoima, Calif., left for "home. They have heen visiting for two weeks in the home of his parents, the Wolf Shadles. A pleasant time was had by all and John got to see many friends from his school days in the area. ' : Fishermen Return The Bill Hoffman family has returned with fish from their Wisconsin fishing trip. The weather, they report, was quite enjoyable. On Sick List Last week found Earl Kunz home sick from work. Reports are O.K. now. The little flu bug left him and he has returned to work. , i i 8 I i SUNDAY, JULY 15 "DARE TO BE HONEST" This thought-provoKing discussion will point out that the remedy for dishonesty isn't just fear of punishment. Radio: WAIT (820 kc) Sun. 9.00 a.m. WCLM-FM (101.9 mc) 8:45 • Surprise Birthday Dinner Mrs Kenneth Pope. Ken Pope, Jr., and Larry Beaman were surprised on Sunday at a birthday dinner prepared by | the family with a host of friends and relatives attending in the Popes' yard. Joining in the celebration were, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Beaman, Benny and Margie; Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Barker, Darrell, Roger, Donna and Nancy; Mi. and Mrs. Harold Beaman, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Beaman, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Beaman, Debra and Danny; Billy and Jake Hilt, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Pope, Judy, Tommy and Ken, Nancy Howe of McHenry; Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Petska of Richmond, Mrs. Everett Bass, Robin and Susan, Charl e s K e t t l e k a m p a n d M a r y Bass. Birthday wishes go out to all. Lakemoor Scouts Our Scouts have been busy doing us proud! They won the first place for marching units at Hazelcrest on Saturday, June 30, and also won the first place for Drill Teams at Mundelein oh July 1. Our team is sponsored by the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 4600 of McHenry. We certainly are proud of the fine job they are all doing. Back From Vacation i Mr. and Mrs. C. O. ,Hy$|jt and son, Richard, returned home from a week's vacation to Crevitz, Wis. Sister Passes Joseph Sarley suffered the RUDY BECKER'S KENNELS 1 Mile East of the Skyline Drive-In Phone EVergreen 5-2436 STUD SERVICE ... German short-hair pointer puppies available BOARDING .. . Training, Obedience, Hunting & Retrieving R e g u l a r c h e c k - u p s a n d maintenance by our experts, means lower car costs for you. Call us\today and find out for yourself. Brake Service All Mechanical Repairs Complete Motor,Overhauling BUTCH'S Auto Service "24-HOUR TOWING SERVICE 1002 N. Front St. EV 5-0811 McHenry, DL Wedding Bells Miss Dorothy Pope became the bride of Bruce Petska on Friday, June 29. They honeymooned at Lady Smith, Wis., where on July 1, a wedding party was held in the Petska home for the young couple. Congratulations and best wishes go out to Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Petska. They are now loss of his sister, Annie Josh, who passed away due to a heart attack. She was rested at the William C. Smith FU"- neral Home on Cicero avenue with interment at St. Joseph's cemetery. Our deepest sympathy is extended to Mr. Sarley on the death of his sister. "Mac" Passes It is difficult for one who so loved a person to write his epitaph. Details of "Mac's" passing can be read on other pages of your Plaindealer. He was, in the eyes of this reporter, a leader of the residents of Lakemoor, a teacher of young men working for civic affairs, a worker for his people. Many, many friends mourn his passing and I can only write that he. was a friend to all who needed him. Finis On the front page you'll read the story of the drowning which took place here in our area. Since this was a local boy it bears repeating the necessary precautions about swimming and boating. Those of us who live constantly near the water tend to become a little relaxed about our outlook. Water sure demands respect and if we'll always remember that if the Good Lord intended us to live in it he would have equipped us with fins, we'll also remember to be cautious at all times in the water. -- Don't forget to call with your news items. Call 385-5536. y/,% 4V2% Declared Dividend Rate Illiiw Save by the 16th Make sure you get your full share of our high 4 Zi% per year earnings when distributed to our savers on December 81st. All funds placed in your insured safe account by July 16th earn a full six months return in December. Open Your Account Today . . . In Person or By Mail total assets over $14,000,000.00 tftEtDEcjA A Mutual Company UUiUUli Organized In 1925 residing in Richmond, where Mr. Petska is efhployed. Holy Hill Visitors Mr. and Mrs. James Wegener and son, Freddy, Mrs. Bob Brennan, Bobby and Patty, Mrs. Helen Wegener of McHenry, and Jane Leonard of Lake Geneva, Wis., motored to Holy Hill, Wis. The day was near perfect and the sights wonderful. Vacationers Return The Walt Low family and Paul Walkington family have returned from their vacations at Fox Lake, Wis. The Lows were there from the first to July 8, while the Walkingtons left on the third, returning Jast Sunday also. Texas Visitors Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Farnam and Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Farnam of San Antonio, Texas, have been spending their vacations at the B. T. Butler home, the Herbert Farnams spending two weeks, while the Jerry Farnams spent one week. Mrs. Herbert Farnam is* Mr. Butler's sister. Tom is at Camp Tommy Walkington is a pretty busy boy ^ these days. The second week of June he was at camp in Minnesota and this week at Lake Geneva, Wis. Picnic on Fourth The B. T. Butler home was the picnic area for the Fourth. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Benoy and family, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Butler, Mr. and Mrs. Don Butler and family of McHenry, Andrew Butler of Crystal Lake, Mr. and Mrs. James Bingens of Oak Lawn, Mr. and Mrs. Stanek of Elkhorn, Wis., and Mr. and Mrs. Spitzbarts of Hebron. Bunco Club Mrs. Viola Low had bunco club at Mrs. Ruby Shepard's on Thursday. Picnicking Mr. and Mrs. Allen Ainger and farinily and Cathy Schuld of Hebron, Will Claxton of McHenry, Mrs. Nellie Hepburn and Lily • Boyd spent the Fourth in the Ruby Shepard home. Visitors Mr. and Mrs. Leo Newlin of Hudsonville, 111., spent last week at the home of her sister, Mrs. Agnes Jenks. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schutze and Ruth of Wauwatosa, Wis., spent last Wednesday in the Mrs. Nellie Hepburn home. Miss Georgianna Jerousek of Melrose Park is visiting in the Mrs. Nellie Hepburn home for a few days. Roger and Carol Kunz of Algonquin spent last Thursday in the home of his parents, the Earl Kunzes. Sunday picnic guests in the Wegener-^iedrich home were Lor Brennan, Bobby and Patty, and Mrs. Nellie Hepburn and Georgianna Jerousek. Mrs. James Wegener and Mrs. Nellie Hepburn were Waukegan callers on Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Hammond spent June 28 in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Kunz. Mrs. Nellie Hepburn and Mrs. Ruby Shepard were visitors of Will Claxton of McHenry on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lewis of Skokie were visitors in the Mrs. Nellie Hepburn home on Saturday. Last Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hawley of Crystal Lake and Mr. and Mrs. John Woodward and family of Madison, Wis., were guests in the L. E. Hawley home. Roger and Carol Kunz of Algonquin spent the weekend of June 29 in the Earl Kunz home. Mrs. Nellie Hepburn, Mrs. Ruby Shepard and Frank Kempfer were callers at the Allen ATnger home in Hebron on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Miles Jerousek, Miles, Jr., and Georgianna of Melrose Park, Mrs. Ruby Shepard and Pat Klapperich were Saturday dinner guests in the Mrs. Nellie Hepburn home. Attend Wedding Reception Those from here attending the wedding reception of Carol Schmitt-Roderich Kasar were Mr. and Mrs. Roland Bauer, Mr. and Mrs. D. Andreas, and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Brennan. The reception was held at the Johnsburg Community club house. |. M 1 I Church Schedule Ringwood Methodist Church Rev. Bruce Brenneman, Pastor Sunday, 9:30 a. m. -- Worship Service. 10:45 a.m. -- Church School for all. That's the news for this week. See you next -- 'Bye. ON DEAN'S LIST Karen Bush, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Bush of Johnsburg, has been named to the dean's list for the semester, closing in June at Illinois State Normal university. She was among 408 students with grades no lower than "B", Legals ORDINANCE NO. 62-0-4 AMENDMENT TO MUNICIPAL BEACHES ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND ARTICLE 9, CHAPTER 15 (MUNICIPAL BEACHES) OF THE ORDINANCES OF THE VILLAGE OF LAKEMOOR, ILLINOIS. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF LAKEMOOR, Mc- HENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS, THAT ARTICLE 9, CHAPTER 15 (MUNICIPAL BEACHES) OF THE ORDINANCES OF THE VILLAGE OF i LAKEMOOR, I L L I N O I S , BE AMENDED TO READ AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 380. HOURS -- DISTURBING OF PEACE. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to frequent or congregate on the municipal beaches between the hourte of a 10:00 P.M. and 5:00 A.Mr-fe, It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to engage in any activity that will disturb the peace while using the facilities of the municipal beach. SECTION 380-A. VALIDITY. That should any clause, sentence, paragraph or part of this Ordinance be declared by a Court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the Ordinance as a whole or any part thereof other than the part so declared to be invalid. SECTION 380-B. NUMBER -OF ORDINANCE. That this Ordinance shall be known as Ordinance No. 62-0-4. SECTION 380-C. EFFECTIVE DATE. That this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, publication and approval in accordance with the law. JOHN BONDER Village President PASSED: July 5, 1962 APPROVED: July 5, 1962 ATTEST: PACITA R. MORRISON Village Clerk (Pub. July 12, 1962) LEADING GOP WOMEN SPEAK ON CHARTER DAY NOTICE IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF JACOB FRITZ and ANNA FRITZ, his wife, for a RECLASSIFICATION UNDER THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF McHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that in compliance with the provisions of the McHenry County Zoning Ordinance, a The panel of Republican woiVien leaders to be heard at -i the'^ charter member day out- • * ing of the 12th Congressional District Women's Republican pi club at Lakefitld Farm, Cary, i; * on Tuesday, July 17, will in- §§ elude Mrs. .J. Ralph Peak ot M Winchester, director of worn- J| en's activities of the Illinois || Republican State Central com- ft mittee. Mrs. Laddie Hutar of a Chicago, chairman of the Na- 1 tional Federation of Young Re- | publicans, and Mrs. W. Glenn 'f Suthers of Chicago, members of the Chicago Board of Elec- | tion Commissioners. The panel will present an informal discussion of women's stake in the forthcoming elections and will comment on major issues facing the nation. The affair will commence with a tour of Lakefield Farm at 11 a.m., followed by lunchon at 12:30 p.m. and th^ panel discussion at 2 p.m™ Lun|Jieon tickets may be purchased from Mrs. Robert Badger, 400 Butterficld Lane, Libertyville, and will be available at the Lakefield Farm gate next Tuesday. All Republican women from Lake, McHenry and Boone counties are urged to attend. Lakefield F^pr is local ed mid-, way between Route 14, Cary^i and Route 176, Island Lake. Wi public hearing will be held by the McHenry County Zoning Board of Appeals relative to a re-classification of the following described real estate from its present classification of "R" to "R-l." Lots 7 and 8 of the Resubdivision of Lots 1 to . 10 inclusive of Block 1 of ' Jak-Ana Heights in the Northeast Quarter of Section 13, Township 45 North, Range 8, East of Section 13, Township 45 North, Range 8, East at the northeast corner of Blitsch Place and St. Francis Avenue in Johnsburg, McHenry, Illinois to permit the construction ofUR a duplex residence on saic^| property. Said hearing shall be held in the City Hall of f|j the City of McHenry, McHenry || County, Illinois, on August |f| 15th, at 3:00 p.m. All persons ^ interested may attend. McHENRY COUNTY ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS i By: John E. Looze, Chairman ttf (Pub. July 12, 1962) H Old Fashioned Sausage Sliop Thurs., Fri., Sat., Only! VrWWSXeE SHOP. 11 CORNELL'S OLD FASHIONED Polish Sausage Fresh lb. 79 C Smoked lb. 69° AVAILABLE NOW AT.- Jewel In McHenry 3718 W. Elm St TEA CO. $ f w i Jewel Pastry Shop Special Thurs., Fri., Sat., Only! Sent creamy# rich Jewel Cheese Cam fgfcS <£?sakend, IPs recsdy-saade, aO yos do is cut i> ami serve. No baking !q a hot kitchen--Jewel does that for you. For summer desserts, it's just the thing, fidc-up on® today--your family will rave about 3s delicious Savor! Cheese Cake each 73e fcegular Price 79c % UA CO. AVAILABLE NOW AT -, Jewel In McHenry 3718 W. Elm SL r