Page -Two TPS McHENRY PLAINfcEALER Thursday, July 12, 196^ MISS SCHMITT MARRIED AT ST. JOHN'S CHURCH Club Auxiliary Plans July 17 Card Party A public card parly will be hold at 1 ho Pistnkee Yacht club on Tuesday, July 17, with luncheon lo be servedr-flt noon. There will be prizes for each table in cards. Reservations should be made for the luncheon i</> Mrs. Deno Buralli or Mrs. BiikJ Hartmann by July, 16. \ ' The event is sponsored by the woman's auxiliary of thf Pistakee Yacht club. Proceeds will be used for the improvement of the club. Judith Kolar Engaged To Wed Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. .Kolrr of - Wonder Lake announce the engagement of their daughter. Judith Carrol, to Mr. Patrick Burke Whalon of Hannibal.- Mo. Miss Kolar is a 1958 graduate of McHenry high school and a 196- graduate of Quincy college in Quincy. 111. Mr. Whalen is a graduate of McCooey high school in Hannibal and attended St. Louis College of Pharmacy and Allied Science and Hannibal- LaGrange college. No date has been set for the wedding. Wilfred Blakes Wed Wars Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Blake celebrated the occasion of their silver wedding anniversary on July 8 when over 100 guests attended a dinner in their hqnor at the family home at 617 S. Lily Lake road. The couple exchanged vows in St. Peter's church. Spring Grove.' July 8, 1937. The Blakes have eight children and three grandchildren. Democratic Women Plan Style Show The Democratic Women's club of McHenry enjoyed a breakfast meeting recently at the McHenry Country club to plan for their fifth annual style show which will be held at the clubhouse Sept. 5. Mrs. Carolyn Hoffman is general chairman, assisted by Mrs. Mamie Siadek, tickets; Mrs. Georgia Stueben, prizes; and Mrs. Gwen Smith, publicity. Walter Frett Son Christened July 1 The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Frett of Jak- Ana Heights was christened Sunday, July 1, at St. John's church, Johnsburg, with Rev. Fr. Joseph M. Blitsch officiating. The baby was named Thomas Edward, and his sponsors were John M. Knox Nadine Frett. _.. A dinner party v^as held later in the evening, with a decorated cake the center of attraction on the serving table. Guests included Mr. and Mrs. John Tabor, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Godina and daughter, Elaine, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph - Frett and daughter, Nadine, Mr. and Mrs. John Knox and family and Mrs. Ann Kenyeres and Miss Theresa Wolf of Chicago. The baby is the second grandchild for the maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Godina. and the eighth grandchild for the paternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Frett. He also is the second great-grandchild for Mr. and Mrs. John Tabor on the maternal side. i Honor Bykowskis ; On 35th Anniversary | Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Bykowski of 3725 W. Elm street, McHenry. were guests of honor at an outdoor barbecue and gathering held at the home of their daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. John Shay, Wednesday of this week. The occasion was the thirty-fifth wedding anniversary of the couple, although the actual anniversary date was July 9. -Between fifteen and twenty guests were present to enjoy the get-together, i n c 1 u d i n g Mrs. Bykowski's mother, Mrs. Catherine Kieras. of McHenry and Mr. Bykowski's father, Andrew Bykowski, of Cricago. The couple exchanged vows on July 9, 1927, at Holy Trinity church. Chicago. They have resided in McHenry about fourteen years, and during twelve of them they have worked together in their upholstery business. Mr. Bykowski is also a member of the McHenry Township Fire Protection District, Co. I. They have three children, Mrs. Alice Shay, Ronald, 17, and James, 15; also one grandson, Kevin Shay, 3. St. John the Baptist church was the scene of a pretty wedding on Saturday, July 7, when- Miss. Margery Carol Schmitt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George J. Schmitt of 4209 N. Spring Grove road, McHenry, became the bride of Mr. Roderick F. Kasar, son of Mr', and Mrs. Frank Kasar of 4251 S. Taylor, Milwaukee Wis. Rev. Joseph Blitsch officiated at the 11 o'clock service, for which Sister M. Celesia offered appropriate organ music. Bouquets of pink and white flowers decorated the main altar. The pretty, blonde bride approached the altar wearing a dress which featured a very full chapel train, with imported organza over-skirt enhanced by iainty roses, combined with Fwo^'tiers of chantilly lace. It had a square neckline and long sleeves. Her pearl and rhinestone crown heW a fingertip veil. Attending Miss Schmitt were two of her sisters, Lois and Elaine of McHenry, the groom's sister and Cousin, Karen Kasar and Carol Spacek of Milwaukee. They were attired in pale pink dresses styled with square necklines, cap sleeves, fitted bodices and semi-flared skirts in embossed nylon organdy over taffeta, with matching headpieces. The groom was attended by Richard Krueker and Robert Laures of Milwaukee, friem/;, and George Mann of McHenry, brother-in-law of the bride. Mrs. Schmitt selected a dusty rose dress with embroidered chiffon over taffeta, and white accessories. Mrs. Kasar wore an aqua silk shantung dress suit with white accessories. -j A breakfast followed the service at the Johnsburg community hall for the immediate families, and later 300 guests enjoyed a reception at the Johnsburg community hall. , The couple left on a trip to Washington, D.C., and upon their return will reside at 4251 S. Taylor, Milwaukee. The bride is a 1957 graduate of McHenry high school and a 1961 graduate of Alverno college, Milwaukee. She has been teaching fourth grade at Johnsburg. The groom received his education in Milwaukee and is an employee ofe AC Spark Plug Co., in that city. Meyer-baseley Nuptial July 7 Miss Katherine Ann Meyer, daughter, of Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Meyer of Sunset View subdivision, McHenry, became a pretty bride on Saturday, July 7, when she exchanged nuptial vows with Mr. Gary Baseley, son of Mr. and "Mrs? Claude A. Baseley of 3702 W. Main street, McHenry. Rev. Fr. Weideman officiated at the 10:30 service performed in St. John the Baptist church, Johnsburg. Two bouquets of summer flowers decorated the main altar of the church. The bride was radiant in a gown styled with mandarin neckline, long sleeves of chantilly lace and chapel length train. The dress was enhanced with sequins and pearls. Her fingertip veil fell from a crown of orange blossoms, and she carried a bouquet of white orchids. Acting as matron of honor was Mrs. Virginia Spuehr, sister of the bride, of Northbrook. Her bridesmaid was Miss Sandra Laurence, a friend, and Miss Claudia Baseley, sister of. the groom, was junior bridesmaid. They were attired in sunshine yellow, taffeta and silk organza dresses, with matching colored tiara headpieces, decorated with pearls and net veiling. Their bouquets were of yellow carnations. Each of the attendants wore a single strand peari necklace, gifts of the bride. Daniel Adams of Antioch served the groom as best man and groomsman w a s John Baumgartner. Ushers were Lynn Ibsh and Bob Meyer, brother of the bride. The bride's mother wore an aqua dress with matching headpiece of aqua net and organza. The groom's mother was attired in a light blue dacron dress and white accessories. Both had corsages of carnations. Mrs. Jamie Meyer of Des Plaines, grandmother of the bride, and Mrs. Beatrice Banks of Wauconda, grandmother of the groom, wore corsages of gladioli, gifts of the groom. A wedding breakfast was served at the Legion home for thirty guests, and at 6 o'clock that evening 150 friends and relatives gathered in the Legion home for a reception. After a \two-week trip to the West, whh stops in Denver and Rockyi Mountain Na- VISCOUNTS TO SPONSOR 'TEEN DANCE JULY 13 . The Parents Association of the Viscounts Drum and Bugle corps will sponsor a 'teen dance at the American Legion home Friday, July 13. A band concert will be held also that night in frout of the clubhouse and it i« hoped that the boys anil girls attending the dance will not disturb those who wish to enjoy the concert. The dance will be adult chaperoned as always. The girls are asked not to wear shorts or slacks and the boys are not to wear Burmuda shorts. This will be a I'ecord hop, as the dancers seem to prefer this to live music. The dance is from 7:30 to 11 p.m. MARRIAGE LICENSES Carl Duffy and Judith Diedrich, .hot h of McHenry. Gary Baseley and Katherine Meyer, both of McHenry. Norman Williams, Jr., and Gail O'Connor, both of McHenry. ' ^ Donald Ianelli and Rose Serio, both of McHenry. Bonnie Bucaro and Peter Parisi, both of McHenry. Larry Bruce. Ringwood, and Joanne Kline. Wonder Lake. Charles Strong, Jr., Wonder Lake, and Carole G. Sahs, Woodstock. tional Park, the newlyweds will reside in McHenry. The bride is a 1962 graduate of McHenry high school. The groom graduated from thft local high school in 1960 and is manager of a service station. Newlyweds THE RAYMOND BUJAKS Kotalik Studio Photo Miss Leona. Arndt became the bride of Mr. Raymond L. Byjak in a nuptial rite solemnized Saturday, June 30, in St. Mary's Catholic church. JUDITH DIEDRICH, MR. CARL DUFFEY WED ON SATURDAY Wed June 30 Miss Judith Diedrich, daughter of Mrs. Lyda Diedrich of 3704 W. Maple street, McHenry, became the bride of Mr. Carl Duffey of McHenry in a ceremony performed Saturday, July 7. Following dinner for the immediate family, the couple left for Sardinia, Ohio, where they will visit members of his family on their wedding trip. The newlyweds will reside on Chapel Hill road. July 13-14 McHenry Hospital Rummage Sale -- Engdahl Barn, South Green Street. July 17 Pistakee Yacht Club Public Card Party -- 12:30 p.m. July 22 Lakeland Park Ice Cream Social -- 2 to 6 p.m. August 1-5 Wonder View Woman's Club C a r n i v a l -- W o n d e r L a k e Blacktop and Widdoff Road. August 17-18 Methodist Church Rummage Sale -- Engdahl Barn. CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank everyone who was so kind to remember me with gifts, cards and getwell wishes during my hospital stay. Irene Sphar " 7-12-62 • m IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE THE E. M. OGOKZALEKS Kotalik Studio Photo St. Mary s Catholic church was the scerie of a lovely wedding on June) 30 which united in marriage JWiss Mary Louise Watkins ^-Orchard Beach and Mr. Edward M. Ogorzalek of Jamaica, New York. CL MON. thru SAT. 8 a.m. < to 6 p.m. Closed Wed. # Claire 0 aire J HAIR STYLISTS 385-0010 1222 N. GREEN ST. Relax, enjoy the summer weather with a short, easy to care for hair style, styled with special care for your type, texture and shape of face. Mary Ann 5 Eleanore • Marlene June Bride Oik-Major Engagement Told Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Oik of Holiday Hills announce the engagement of their daughter, Margaret Alice, to Stephen J. Major, .-on of Mr. and Mrs. .Stephen M. Major of Sunnyside Estates. A spring wedding is planned. there's no substitute for MONEY IN THE BANK The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve Bank authorizes commercial banks to pay a maximum interest rate of 4% on money left on deposit for at least one year. The McHENRY STATE BANK in accordance with this regulation and in accordance with the bank's policy of paying the maximum rate of interest in keeping with maximum safety does issue one year savings certificates bearing the maximum rate of MRS. GIRARD TOUSSAINT DeWane Studio Photo Before her marriage to Girard Toussaint on June 23 in St. Mary's Catholic church, this pretty bride was Miss Mary Therese Tonyan. daughter of the Arthur Tonyans of Venice Park drive, McHenry. CARNIVAL ST. PETER'S CHURCH SPRING GROVE, ILL. SAT. - SON. JULY 14-15 ICKEN DINNER -12 to 3 p.m. - 5 p.m. Prizes - 0ames - Pony Rides Refreshments Sunday Masses 6:30, 8, 9, 10 & 11:15 Sponsored by Members of St. Peter's Church Rev. Edw. Lehman, Pastor Rev. Thomas J. Monahan, Assistant YOU CAN NOW EARN AS MUCH AS 4% ON YOUR savings and still enjoy the safety of "MONEY IN THE BANK." YOU CAN NOW EARN AS MUCH AS 4% ON YOUR savings and slill enjoy the availability of "MONEY IN THE Let's Be Consistent About This PUSH-BUTTON AGE! Everything new nowadays is supposed to SAVE TIME, MONEY, EFFORT, and do things for us BETTER THAN FORMERLY. Does COIN-DRY CLEANING come up to these Standards? • Coin drycleaning does Not SAVE TIME -- you have to do the work when you could be doing something else. • Coin drycleaning does not SAVE MONEY -- the same economy prices for clean-only services are available to you at youi' professional drycleaners. • Coin drycleaning does not SAVE EF^n... FORT -- you must, do the work yourself. # Coin drycleaning does not do BETTER CLEANING than your professional drycleaners can do FOR YOU. (So many have found this to be true after ruining costly garments by amateur attempts to remove spots and press with a hand iron.) COIN-TYPE Cleaning By Your Professional Dry cleaner DOES SAVE TIME, MONEY, EFFORT, and does A BETTER JOB FOR YOU! This Is The ush-Button For complete information on how to obtain the maximum rate of interest with maximum safety consult any McHenry State Bank Officer. For complete banking service,* including Trust Department, consult the McHenry State Bank, where the customer is now and has been more than 55 years, THE BANK'S MOST IMPORTANT ASSET. ALL PASS BOOK SAVINGS DRAW INTREST AT THE RATE OF 3»/2% There's No Substitute For "Money In The Bank" McHENRY STATE BANK ESTABLISHED 1906 MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION TELEPHONE 385-1040 Let Your Professional Drycleaner Do Your Coin Cleaning FOR YOU! Special Introductory offer ONE WEEK ONLY 5 lbs. only 99c (regularly 4 lbs. for 99c) 25* each additional pound Drycleaning, Expert Spot Removal, Hangers Furnished & Plastic Packaging EM 1-hour CLEANERS 3722 W. Elm St. on JEWEL PLAZA RAINBOW CLEANERS 1804 N. Front St., McHenry, 111. V