Pjage Ten theM&mrm mJiMmt&Emii Thtffca&sy; July 19/1962' McCullom Lake CULLOM-KNOLL SUMMER FESTIVAL SATURDAY, JULY 21 Eve Levesque The Cullom-Knoll sunfmer festival will officially get under way at 12 noon ,when Mrs. Karl Murphy gives the starting signal. She is the general chairman for ihe entire, affair with I-Jd Hammerstein for secind in ccmmand. A great deal of planning has gone into this event and !t should -be speclacuh'r'! The first special event fea- 1ure will be the buggy promenade for girls 2-10 and will .star! promptly at 3:30 p.m. Lois Parent i. is the chairman of 1 his special events feature. At 4:30 p.m. young lads will ride their bikes and trikes around ihe basketball court for the judging under the guiding eye of Mrs. Louise Hammeistein. Those rated tops will be just ly rewarded. Buggies and bikes will be decorated in ingenious and clever ways and each event is a show all by itself. To our knowledge, no other community 'in the area offers these three productions during one affair. IT IS WELL WORTH VIEWING!! At 7 p.m.. all eyes will turn once more to the basketball court as the contestants for the "Miss McCullom Lake" contest arrive via convertibles. The little ladies and chaperones will be taken on a tour of the village prior to the judging. Some lucky lass, a blond minx, a flashing eyed brunette or perhaps an adorable little red-head will capture the coveted title. There will be an assortment of games for male and female of all ages; booths offering succulent homemade "tasty pastry"; and other's which will feature valuable merchandise. All funds realized from the affair are ear-marked for improving beach facilities or to provide larger quarters. YOU ARE INVITED!! Another "Painter" at the Huff Home Gene Huff who inherited his painting company from his father, Nick (now decased) will keep the industry in the family with the birth of his son, Stephen Nicholas, last Friday morning at 8:14 at Harvard hospital. Mother of the 6 lb., 9 plus oz. fella is Ann Marie Groh Huff. The little guy was named for Gene's grandfather and the second name does honor to both sides of the family. Maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Groh of Pistakee Bay and paternal grandmother is Bertha Huff of McHenry. Bet the first toy this child receives will be a set of finger paints!! Mother and son arrived home on Sunday and were greeted by proud uncle Dennis. Best wishes to all involved in this happy event. blue hue for the A1 Oberhubsr family when one misfortune after another occurred. First .o fall ill was young son, Michael. who was hospitalized in McHenry on Monday and underwent surgery on Tuesday for acute appendicitis. One of ihe twins, Christie, was ailing md required the services of a physician. The crowning blow fell when4father Alfons cut off a portion of his finger while working with aluminum siding at his place of employment! A n e w m e t h o d o f t r e a t m e n t which requires no stitches was used by tho medics in McHenry. And mother Erma is still wearing a neck brace, as a result of an automobile accident injury! The only one to remain unscrached in the family is daughter, Irmgard. The outlook is much brighter this week with Michael home from the hospital, Christie responding to treatment, and A1 mending fairly well. Better Late Than Never! A hearty welcome to a delightful person who will prove an asset to the village. May we introduce you to Mrs. Ruth Pvadtke who purchased the Phil Jordan home on Fountain Lane? She loves living in the' country and to show her civic pride, she has become a member of the Cullom-Knoll association so that her grandchildren iriay use the beach facilities. Wouldn't it be nice if more people felt this way? Mrs. Radtke has a married daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Merlyn Holmbeck and three children -- who reside in Grandville. 111., near Starved Rock. Her son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Radtke and five orogeny, reside in Sunnyside Estates. On Sunday, the tribe congregated at Ruth's home to mark the occasion of her daughter's birthday. They planned activities for out-of doors, but you know what the weather did to that. The birthday cake was presented to his mother, by her 3 year old son-- wide eyes and all. A lovely watermelon basket was prepared which was filled with a quantity of lucious fruits. Doesn't that sound good? lavender on a green base and silver leaves. The float was awarded third in the competition, but in the eyes of the two families--it should have placed FIRST! Bea and Ken Petersen allowed the girls to use their hay rack and provided enough space in their hay barn for protective covering. J'They also gave the damsels plenty of encouragement. Nick Tabor did the era pent ry work. Verbal orchids to all who helped. The parade was lovely and it was too bad the "sunshine" got so wet!! New Neighbors Welcome to Mr. and Mrs. Salvaiore Paris'o who have joined the village ranks of summer residents. They now own the former Mary Lang cottage on Fountain Lar.e. Nifty Gifty Days A mighty happy birthday greeting to senior citizen Vince Berry today, July 19. . .Friday, July 20, will find Congrats in order for Henrietta Vycital and Marge Stacknick. We "kids" will gather to pay homage to Poppa Olsen as he celebrates his seventy-ninth! birthday also on this date. . . .Cutle Sandy Senter will be 12 on July 24. . . .'Twill be fourteen candles on the cake for Bemice Ann Bjork, and thirteen for Karen McKim -- both on July 25. Best wishes to all. - Sure am tired of turning on the heat in July. Just about time for nature to give us a little. See you at the Festival? and next week, of course. There's not much point in playing a game if you don't know the goals --- but how many people stumble through life with no goal whatever?? McHenry Shores FORMER SCRIBE WILL REPORT NEWS AGAIN Jeanne Egger S85-5903 Beginning next week I will again be writing the column for you. Since I greatly enjoyed writing this neighborhood gossip corner, I can truthfully say that I'm glad to be back. I want to thank Jean Egger for taking over the column w hile I was working. It was quite a relief to know that someone was taking over and that we wouldn't lose our column. Full Summer Schedule As I sit here at my desk I am conjuring up visiohs of summer activities. There's going to be a lot of fun going on right here in our own back yards. What with barbecues, swimming at the beach, gardening, and our own local activities. I'm thinking right now of our McHenry Shores picnic that will take place two days from now. Excuse me, I keep forgetting that by the time you read this the picnic will be only memories of sore limbs (the twist, remember?) and full stomachs (hotdogs, pop, potato salad, hamburgs, . . . need I go on ) I know the picnic will be a huge success and . . .that is. . .ah. . .it was a huge success and we all had such a, wonderful time and it didn't rain, the food held out, great day for a picnic. . . .wasn't it? Anyway this should help to refresh your memories a little on what news items you may have lor me. As soon as you think of something give me a ring. It may not sound too important to you but might possibly be very interesting to someone else. Sometimes the little things are more fun to read than the big news items. If any of you would like to be a special reporter for your own neighborhood, why just give me a call, I will appreciatae any and all help. Slogan. . . .Slogan ATTENTION!! I propose that all McHenry Shores residents hang a new motto on t h e i r w a l l s r i g h t n e x t t o "HOME "SWEET H O M E", some thing like "WHAT'S C O O K I N G ON Y O U R STREET?" or what about "BE A NOSY NEIGHBOR, TODAY!" of our newest residents. .Every, week from now on I'll be calling on a different family and will tell you a_ little about each of them. I hope this will help us to know each other a littfe better. If anyone knows of a new family that as yet has not been written up .in the column please contact me and I will attend to it. Uniil next week. ... Don't sit too close to your telephone, I may be calling you now! DIVORCE CJKANTED Judge William M. Carroll granted a divorce to Elmer Pienc of Wonder Lake, from his wife, Dorothy Pierce, on desertion charges. Coming Attractions Next week I'll be visiting A proven way to knock the chip dff a neighbor's shoulder with the O'Brian family: one is to pat him on the back This is Nasty!!! A report was received of garbage being thrown into a vacant lot on Spring Road between the Gerold Burg and Bill Reid homes and directly across the street from George Meyer. Certainly, no resident of the village could be guilty of this flagrant violation of the local ordinance! We can't imagine the type of person who would do something like this and sincerely hope there will be repetitions. A'P HAS PLENTY OF EASY-T0-FIX FOODS FOR TAKE-IT-EASY MEALS-PLUSEVERYDAY W PRICES -- FRYERS V PLENTY OF PUUD STAMPS U.S. Government inspected ... Top quality, plump, tender chicken, ready to fry, broil or barbeque. Buy now at this A&P low, low price. WHOLE Lb. CUT-UP FRYERS Lb. 33c Village Board Notes Routine business was conducted at the last meeting held on Monday, July 9. Roads, finance. and police chairmen reported their activities. Permission was granted to Cullom- Knoll association for a "hard beverage" license for Saturday's affair. The next meeting will be held on Monday, July 23, at 8 p.m. in the beachhouse. Public attendance is encouraged and welcomed. Hospitalized in Hines Sorry to report that Helge Davidson is still ailing and was laken to Hines Veterans' hospital a week ago Monday. According to the report, he will be a patient for at least one month, so start the cards rolling. His address is Hines Hospital, Bldg. 50-B. Maywood, 111. Festival Donations Anyone wishing to contribute something in the way of home-made goodies for the summer festival may contact Betty Murray or Petey Schmidt. The Roy Zodys are receiving small items which can be wrapped and sold at the "white elephant" booth. Many workers will be needed at 9 Saturday morning to install and erect booths and platforms. If you can devote an hour or two, your help will be greatly appreciated. Summer Visitors Mr. and Mrs. John Fox spread the "welcome mat" for John's mother, Mrs. Isabelle Krause of Lakeland, Florida, last week. The very active senior citizen suffered a broken arm a v/hile back, but has recovered nicely. She arrived by train and we can bet she was entranced with granddaughters, Alberta and Roberta. Irene and Lea Sales were hosts to Irene's brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Mc- Namee of New Orleans, La., for one week. During their stay, all the boys and families gathered at the old homestead for a cook-out. There were twenty-three for the gala fete. Mickey and Earl Murray enjoyed the company of Earl and Larry's brother, George, who was. their house guest for a week. Mr. Murray's wife, Loretta, passed away recently. During his stay, George attended a session of the village board. A big family reunion was held at Betty and Larry's home. A real "clambake". Two friends who haven't seen each other for 10 years really hashed over old times when Evrf Peisha entertained her grandson and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Doria and Sam, Sr., last Sunday afternoon. The young couple also brought the kiddies. Chicken Legs Chicken Breasts Smoked Picnics With Thighs. Fresh, Tender, Tatty Fresh Testy A&fs Super Right 6 To 8 Lbs. Lb. Lb. Lb. 39c 49c 33c Swordfish Steaks Ocean Perch Fillets Rock Lobster Tails Individual Portion Sizes Cap'n John's Lb. Pkg. Braxilian 4Te 6 Ox. Size 55e 39c u T9 BLUEBERRIES 2» Michigan grown, cultivated. Buy a case for canning, for freezing. Only $2.99 BORDEN'S HALF & HALF 39* PINT BOX Pt. Ctn. CHARLOTTE FREEZE 59 1 I BORDEN'S FROZEN DESSERT Vanilla, Chocolate, Strawberry fial. Ctn. c • Sultana Brand Whole Kernel Kola, Ginger Ale, Sparkling Water. Yukon Club or Hills Golden Corn Root Beer Nutley Margarine Graham Crackers Nabisco Brand 3 17-oj. Tins 35e I0C eposit) I5C 24-oz. Btl. (Pins Deposit) I Lb. Ctn. Instant Tea Angel Food Cake Hershey Syrup A&P-s Our Own Brand Jane Parker Chocolate Flavor Jar Ea. l6*oz. Tins Midnight "Prowler" Two reports have been received this week on the nocturnal wanderings of our mischievous raccoon. Harry Reimer of 5307 West Lane has watched the animal for two nights and verified the garbage dumping story of last week. Gert Helwig wa? looking for her white kitty named Nails a few days ago and found the animal injured by her back yard fence. "Nails" appeared some the worse for wear with entanglement with some kind if an animal and she suspects the raccoon, too. Her fence v/as damaged, also. BR-R-R-R-R!! Unusually cold weather spoiled a grand boat trip for Jean McDonald and Caroline Just en last week. They boarded a bus in McHenry and arrived in Milwaukee at 8 a. m. and boarded the awaiting Clipper. About 100 members of the L.B.A partook of the day's outing to Muskegan, Mich. Although the sun was shining brightly, it was so COLD, the gals couldn't even enjoy the sundeck. " qcc Pkg. Ow Dietetic Tuna Chicken of the Sea V/2 OZ. Pkg. 39' Rice-A-Roni Chicken 29 •1/2«. Pkg. Original Pizza John's Frozen IS n. Pkg. 79c King Oscar Sardines A 3i/4 oz. $|00 0 Tins 1 Spaghetti Red Cross 2£ 27c Brandywine Mushrooms Pieces & Stenw 4 oz. AAc Tin 00 Wesson Oil For Cooking, Baking and Frying AH Purpose 38 oz. A Ac Btl. oSf Blue Bonnet- Colored & Quartered Young Talent Displayed Mr. and Mrs. Bjork and the Levesque clan are extremely proud of the beautiful float fashioned by Diane and Chrys with assistance from Bernice Ann. The float was built for t h e McHenry Chamber of Commerce and the Fiesta queen--lovely Bonnie Tomm, and her court lode in style for Sunday's parade. In case you didn't see it, the theme was roses with the queen sitting in the middle of a large one with a bud opening on the front of the float. Silver leaves provid- Blue Monday!! ed suitable embellishment. The Last Monday took on a navy roses were pink, accented with Margarine dexo Shortening Stewed Tomatoes Milnot for Baking Folger's Coffee Layer Cake Mix Cake Mixes Rap-in-Wax Kleenex Tissues / Sanitary Napkins Clorox Bleach Pure Vegetable Del Monte Brand 2 3 I Lb. Pkgs. 3 Lb. Tin 16 oz. Tim 141/2 oz. Tins 59c 73® 49c 32e Handy Liquid Pine Green Drip or Regular Mild and Flavorful Betty Crocker All Flavors 2 tb. Tin «i» 19 oz. Pkg. Duncan Hines, All Flavors Early American Waxed l8'/2 OZ. Pkg. 2 In new space saver box Kotex Brand In Unbreakable Plastic Container 39c 39e 49° 15° 12 CI. AQC /£' 4|C 100 Ft. Rolls Box of 200 Trend Detergent Dutch Cleanser Sweetheart Soap Sweetheart Soap Woodbury Bath Soap Crest Toothpaste Zest Beauty Bar Zest Beauty Bar Lava Hand Soap 32 oz. Tin 69 Reg. 83c Be Really Clean Be Zest Clean Really Cleans 3 2 2 2 2 3 Rog. Sizo Bath Sizo Bath Sizo Now Tubo AMERICA'S FOREMOST POOD RETAILER , Sizo Bath Sizo Mod. Bars SINCE 1859 uper f^arkets THE GREAT ATLANTIC C PACIFIC TEA COMPANY ALL PRICES EFFECTIVE THRU SATURDAY. JULY 21 AIR CONDITIONED For Your Shopping Comfort EXTRA FREE PLAID STAMPS MPWUB or ARMOUR A Lb. SI99 Canned Picnics 3 n. | EXTRA DUBUQUE or ARMOUR PLAID STAMPS EXTRA SERVE ICED TEA WITH • • Our Own Tea EXTRA JANE PARKER--PECAN ™°s Fudge Cake EXTRA SULTANA, CREAMY SMOOTH Salad Dressing EXTRA IONA BRAND. UNPEELED sBSi!s Apricol Halves I Lb. $||Q Pkg. I Oven Fresh STAMPS EXTRA ASSORTED FRUITS IN JUICE st^ps A&P Fruil Salad EXTRA OUR FINEST QUALITY stamps A&P Tomatoes FYTBA Equal to the Best, but Cost Less Dexola Salad Oil Ea. Qt. Jar 29-oz. Tin 16-oz. Tin 14-oz. Tin Qt. Btl. EXTRA A&P's FRESHLY MADE Banana Salad . I3 oi. firc Gelatin „ Dessert Clip STAMPS NO COUPONS NECESSARY ON ABOVE ITEMS--NO LIMIT ON QUANTITIES CLIP THIS COUPON asHCf 59° 39' 29c 35° 29c 59° 25 100 Sxrt e re PLAID STAMPS Hi is coupon good for 100 free extra Plaid Stamps redeemable at any A&P Store . . . with tho purchase of $5 or more excluding cigarettes and liquor purchases. {COUPON VOID AFTER JULY 2l«t. 1962) 1-165 Millilllfiilil Amer Family Flakes 2 Z. 69° •k • |fc Washday Giant AAg Premium DlIZ Detergent Pkg. 99 Oxydol Detergent ~ 2 £ 69° Tide Detergent Xr 2 Lg* Cheer Detergent £ 2 Ball Mason Jars Ball Mason Jars With Vacuum Seal Lids Lge. Pkgs. With Vacuum Seal Lids Pkgs. 69c 69° I $|49 Pints $|29 Doz. Qts. Doz.