Page Six . THE McHENRY PLAINDEALEB > * •» Thuraday. August 9.1962 RATES First Insertion -- 6c per word -- $1.20 minimum No ads counted less than 20 words. i .epeat Insertions -- 5c per word -- $1.00 minimum ,5c Service Charge On All Blind Ads. Situations Wanted, Wanted to Rent and 2ard of Thanks must be paid in advance. CLASSIFIED COLUMNS OF OPPORTUNITIES FOR QUICK RESULTS -- PHONE 385-0170 TO PLACE A CLASSIFIED AD RATES ; • - Display Classified ! J" First Insertion -- $1.25 per Col. Inch " . 7T~. 2 Inch Minimum - •< Repeat Insertions -- .'! $1.10 per Col. Inch -- • 4 Lines 8 pt. Type Per In. with 18 pt. Signature. _ COPY DEADLINE -- Wednesday, 10:00 *.m. - - OFFICE HOURS -- Daily 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. Saturday 8:30 a.m. - Noon Automotive ^ B L A K E est -- '62 Corvair Monza, 2 dr. R-H-4-sp'd Trans. $1995 ook -- '61 Ford Gal. hdtp. R-H-Auto. Power $1995 ttractive -- '60 Ford rch. wgn. H-AT .... $1395 leen -- 59 Ford cus. 2 dr. H-AT $895 BOAT, MOTOR & Trailer. 16 ft. boat, Evinrude 25 h.p. motor. Best offer. Wonder Lake, 653-3623. *8-9-62 S ei rviees vt xcellent -- 59 Dodge V8 'sed. H-kT $775 Over 25 Others to chose from OWENS 22 FT. outboard cabin cruiser -- Mercury Mark 78. Full head and galley, built-in fuel and water tanks, with heavy duty trailer. $2,295. Call 312, PA 4-4122. 8-9-62 CUSTOM MADE 22 ft. cabin cruiser, sleeps 4, no motor, single lever Morris controls for twin engines. 3 years old. $1,000. See at Bald Knob Resort. Pistakee Bay. *8-9-62 2 BOATS -- 17 ft. Chris Craft, 95 h.p., hull like new, motor needs work. IS ft. Century Resorter. 145 n.p., needs some work. Call Saturday & Sunday only, 385-4025. 8-9-62 Route 120 East McHenry 385-3102 Open 9-9 8-9-62 1961 VOLKSWAGEN Transporter. Like new inside and out. Excellent gas mileage. $1,850. Call 385-6231. 8-9-62 Opportunities 1931 MODEL A, 2 door, restored mint condition. Best offer. OLiver 8-4346. 8-9-62 % TON CHEVROLET pick-up truck. Excellent condition. Low mileage. Call 385-6479 noon or after 6 p.m. 8-9-62 1958 VOLKSWAGEN -- Black convertible. Low mileage. Beautiful condition. $950. Call 385- 4508. 8-9-62 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY-- Restaurant - Coffee Shop in Hillview shopping center on Rt. 12, Richmond, 111. Seats 38, drive-in parking. Fine equipment. Priced to sell. Will consider terms. Phone Richmond, 111., 4271. *8-9-16-62 A & J JANITOR Service. Housecleaning, Restaurants, Commercial Buildings, 414 Spring Ave., DeKalb, 111. Tony Wegener. Phone Collect DeKalb 6-7871. 8-2-62-tf GOING TO COLLEGE. Must sell 1951 Jaguar Roadster XK- -120. 2 Tops. Very good condition. Call Marengo, 568-7386. 8-9-62 Complete Mechanical Service Bear Wheel Alignment Automatic Transmission Service & Overhaul PHILLIPS AUTO REPAIR 4303 N. Wilmot Rd. Sunnyside, McHenry, HI. Phone 385-2030 12-7-61-tf DRESSMAKING -- alterations buttonholes made. Reasonable rates. Call after 5:30 weekdays, after noon Saturdays. 385- 3041. 8-9-62 Concrete Work All Types Commercial -- Industrial -- Residential -- FREE ESTIMATES CRYSTAL LAKE CONCRETE CONST. Sherwood Dr.--Crystal Lake CALL CODE 815-459-3859 (Qharles Steindorfer -- Former partner of S&I Construction) 6-7-62-tf GET CASH for your car at Country Motors. Route 31 South, of McHenry. Phone 385- 4116 5-3-62-tf Replacement Parts For All Cars Accessories and Seat Covers COMMUNITY AUTO SUPPLY Route 120 1 Blk. East of the River Bridge ! )pen weekdays: 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sundays: 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. 9-1-60-tf Buy With Confidence! 100 Boats - Motors WHNDT BOAT CO. "Complete Marine Center" Select from our fine stock of famous brands of new fiberglass, lapstrakes, aluminum outboards - Johnson Motors Jet Turbo Craft, Chris-Craft. Cavalier, Speed boats and Cruisers. Choice selection used boats - motors. BUY NOW - IT PAYS! Expert Boat & Motor Repair On Highway 12, Richmond, 111 3 blks. North of Stop-light Open Daily & Evenings 9-9 Sundays 10-6 7-5-62-tf 1959 18-FT. YELLOW Jacket powered by 1960 75 h.p. Evin rude electric. Complete with all accessories. Can be seen at Lakeland Marine, 24 N. Pis takee Lake Rd., Fox Lake 111. Owner Matt Scholle, 385 4643. 8-2-9-16-62 18 FT. CUSTOM built cabin cruiser with trailer, $750. Call 385-6383 or 312, FLanders 9- 1208 and reverse the charges. Can be seen evenings, Saturday and Sunday. 9-2-62-tf COIN-OP DRY CLEANING B-W by NORGE Dry Cleaning BOONE CREEK LAUNDRY 3708 W. Elm Street (Next to A & P) Hours: 6:30 A.M. to 6:30 P.M. 6-28-62tf McHenry Disposal Service Phone 385-2221 for DEPENDABLE GARBAGE DISPOSAL SERVICE WM. DE VRIES 3402* W. Third Ave. 9-1-60-tf AL OTTO Formerly Peter A. Freund SEPTIC TANK and CESSPOOL PUMPING Prompt -- Reasonable Service Ph. 385-1819 Residence Ringwood Rd. & Rt. 120 12-28-61-tf FLOOR SANDING and finishing. Free estimates. Old or new floors. Years of experience. Distance no object Hartwig Floor Sanding, Barrington. DUnkirk 1-2638. 9-1-60-tf £Citlto£ux QBJBTIWJUX I Cleaners -- Polishers Sales -- Service -- Supplies -- James Van Fleet McHenry, Illinois CALL 385-6027 5-17-62-tf MIMEOGRAPHING ADDRESSING Elliott System McHenry County Area Mailing List Available PHOTOCOPY Complete Letter Service McHENRY COUNTY LETTER SERVICE 1212-A N. Green St. McHenry, Illinois PHONE 385-5064 5-18-61-tf ELECTRIC MOTORS and automotive generators and starters, all types repaired, rebuilt and rewound. Phone 385-0183 Seaco Sales & Service, Lilymoor. 5-3-62-tf ELECTRIC MOTORS repaired Industrial, commercial and domestic. Rickert Electric. 480 Center St., Grayslake, HI. Ph BAldwin 3-8491. 9-1-60-tf RUSSELL RHOTON Septic Tanks and Cesspools Cleaned and Pumped Septic Systems & Sewers Installed 24 Hour Service 385-6445 Residence - Johnsburg 3-29-62-tf Septic Systems Sewer Rodding Root Cutting Equipment Sewers Installed PHONE: 385-1950 Elmer Glosson 3809 W. John St. McHenry, Illinois 3-1-62-tf I PUMP CESSPOOLS And SEPTIC TANKS G. A. Douglas Lakeland Park Subdivision Phones: 385-1480 or 385-2711 Station Box 38 12-28-61-tf Permanents MON., TUES. & WED. $5.00 Complete with cut, shampoo and set. BETTER PERMANENTS $6.50 to $10.00 Work Done Exclusively By Students McHENRY SCHOOL of BEAUTY CULTURE 385-9850 3-29-62-tf Septic Systems and Sewers Installed Trenching Water Lines Drain Fields Septic Tanks and Cesspools Pumped P.O. Box 331 -- McHenry, 111. Walter M. Garrelts Phone 385-2101 9-1-60-tf Boone Creek Laundry Wet-Wash or Wash & Dry Laundry Drop-Ofr Service only. 3708 W. Elm St. (Next to A & P) 6-28-62tf Piers - Seawalls Boat Hoists New and Repairing Work Guaranteed Free Estimates Phone: 385-4929 McHENRY WELDING SERVICE *7-5 thru 8-30-62 C. S. G. Lawn & Mower Service Lawn Cutting Landscaping -- Yard Cleaning Sand, Gravel & Black Dirt Estate Care Complete Lawn Mower Repair Sharpening, Power .... $6.00 Sharpening, Hand $3.00 Pick-up and Delivery Service CALL FRED YUNGNICKEL 385-1606 2504 W. Hueman Ave. McHenry, Illinois 4-12-62-tf JACK HAMMER Service -- Call us for the hard work. Arnold N. May Bldrs., Inc., Richmond, 111. Ph. Richmond 4381. 6-14-62-tf FREE ESTIMATES ON . . Aluminum Combination Windows and Doors Railings -- Gutters Roofing -- Siding Wall and Floor Tile Call FRANK GANS Representative 1502 N. Riverside Drive 385-1878 -- McHenry EASY PAYMENT PLAN 4-5-62-tf 10 POINT A-l OIL BURNER SERVICE, CHECK UP AND CLEANING Furnace - Hot Water Boiler Total Price $9.00 Prepare for Winter Now A-l FURNACE CLEANING & REPAIRING B. J. Schall, Owner 2624 Thomas - McHenry, 111. Phone 385-3122 8-9-62-tf ART'S UPHOLSTERY 1635 N. Park St. McHenry, 111. Recovering Restyling All Kinds of Furniture Phone 385-4725 8-9-16-62 WORRIED ABOUT Lightning!! Call us for Free Estimate on the Installation of Bonded Lightning Protection System for Your Home. ALTHOFF'S HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING 908 N. Front McHenry, 111 385-0324 6-21-62-tf For Rent • nol" LARGE WELL furnished room Hot water heat. Gentleman only. Phone 385-2521 5-3-62-tf BUILD FOR lease industrial and commercial buildings on our site for qualified tenants to lease. See or call Arnold N. May Builders, Inc., Richmond 4381. 6-14-62-tf MODERN OFFICE spice available. Air conditioned. 3620 W. Elm St., McHenry; Phone 385-5200. 6-21-62-tf 3 ROOM APARTMENT for rent. Modern with utilities on Fox River, 2 miles south of McHenry, in Oakhurst. Ideal lor teachers. Utilities include heat, water, electricity, heated parage. Call Ted Graham 459- 2214 daytime. Available for September 1st. 7-20-62-tf 3 ROOM FURNISHED apartment with utilities on Fox River, 2 miles south of McHenry in Oakhurst. Heated garage. Ideal for teachers. Call 385-3948. Available September 1st. 8-2-62-tf GROCERY STORE. -4 room apartment above store in Volo. Will lease for any amount of time. Reasonable rent. Call Leo Regner 385-4139 after 6 p.m. *8-2-9-62 MODERN 5 ROOM, 2 bedroom apartment. Call 385-0584. 8-2-62-tf 4 ROOM apartment and 6 room apartment. Hot water heat, bath, cabinet kitchen, garage. Near Richmond. References required. L. B. Andersen Company, Inc., Wheeling, 111. Phone Lehigh 7- 4300. 8-2-9-62 2 BEDROOM house -- Hot water oil heat. 316 S. Fisher Rd. at Rt. 120. Call 385-2691. 8-2-9-62 YEAR ROUND Cottage -- Gas heat, tile shower, wooded lot. Private road. $45. Must be seen to be appreciated. 385- 1667. 8-9-62 2 BEDROOM modern ranch home with attached garage in McHenry area. Full cabinet kitchen complete with built-in oven and range, hardwood floors throughout. Immediate possession. $115 per month. Call 385-1161. 8-9-62 2 BEDROOM cottage. Gas heat, large fenced in yard. Call 385-5497. 8-9-62 YEAR ROUND large 4 room house. Basement, garage, new kitchen cabinets, new gas furnace. Stove and water furnished. $75 per month. Call 385-4139 after 6 p.m. 8-9-16-62 ROOM WITH bath. Near schools and business district. Teacher preferred. Call 385- 6192. 8-9-62 3 BEDROOM HOUSE with attached garage. On the channel. Semi-furnished. Call 385- 0430. 8-9-62 3 BEDROOMS, garage, gas heat, large lot. 393 Victoria St., Country Club Subdivision. $90. Call Chicago, EA 7-2231. 8-9-62 2 BEDROOM u n f u r n i s h e d house. 5203 Willow Drive, Wonder Lake, 5, 111. Phone 653- 4206. *8-9-62 PLEASANT ROOM for rent in town. Call 385-0299. 8-9-62 STORE -- 1220 N. Green St. Call 385-0748 or 385-0010. 8-9-62-tf McHenry Window & Awning Co. ALUMINUM & FIBERGLASS AWNINGS ROLL UPS & STATIONARY WIDE RANGE OF STYLES AND COLORS ALUMINUM COMB. WINDOWS & DOORS • JALOUSIES -- WINDOWS -- DOORS • MALCO ALUM. AWNING TYPE WINDOWS I-XL Kitchen Cabinets ALSCO Aluminum Siding and Gutters PHONE-385-1180 NO CARRYING CHARGE -- CONVENIENT TERMS 3318 W. Waukegan Road McHenry, Til 4-19-62-tf 2 STORE BUILDINGS across from the bank in Richmond; 1 divided for offices; also 2 bedroom apartment above one. Phone Richmond 4561. 8-9-62 REASONABLE ROOM for woman who has own transportation in Wonder Lake. Call Wonder Lake 653-3393. 8-9-62 3 ROOM APARTMENT with refrigerator and stove. Ground floor, centrally located. Call 385-0181. 8-9-62-tf 3 ROOM APARTMENT -- 4816 Barnard Mill Rd., Ringwood, 111. ' 8-9-62 For Sale FOR SALE -- Humus soil, 6 yard load for $10.00 delivered. Gravel fill, 5 yards, $6.00. Call 385-1823. 7-12-62-tf 9 FT. OVERHEAD garage door complete with hardware. $15 Call 385-4508. 8-9-62 For Sale USED DINETTE Set -- Limed oak. $20. Call 385-3055. 8-9-62 FOR SALE: An old violin. Printed label in violin reads as follows. Vuillaum a Paris" Rue Crovx Des Petus Chamns 46. Will sell for best acceptable offer. For appointment address B. J. Schall, 2624 S. Thomas Ct., McHenry, Illinois 8-9-62-tf 120 BASE BLACK imported accordion. Excellent condition. $100. Phone Wonder Lake, 653- 2791 evenings. 8-9-62 INFASEAT, PLAY pen, walker and car seat, $10. Call 385- 3688. 4 8-9-62 2 WINTER COATS, Girl's size 7-8, grow sleeve, camel tan color, warmly lined. Good condition. Cleaned. $5.00 each. 385-3587. [y 8-9-82 PUPPIES -- MOTHER is Beagle and Basset. Call 385- 0352. 8-9-62 DINING ROOM table, 6 chairs; blonde dinette table, 4 chairs; chrome oval table, 3 chairs; odd dishes; pressure cooker; deep fryer; all size dolls; 2 cocktail tables; Bendix automatic washer; several pairs of drapes. Call 385-3256, if no answer 385:-2645. 8-9-62 SOD FOR SALE (also installation ). Evergreens, shrubs, trees etc. Leo's Landscaping & Tree Service, 4105 E. Wonder Lake Drive, Wonder Lake. Tel: 653-7176 or 653-7366. 8-9-62-tf 1951 BUICK, $25; chrome table & chairs, $15; like new G.E. steam iron, $8; 165 ft. picket fence, 2Va feet high, $10; high chair, good condition, ; Sunbeam electric fry pan, $10; crystal bedroom lamps, $7. Call 385-0233. 8-9-62 FOR SALE OR RENT Nimrod Camper Go practically anywhere for just the price of gas, in comfort and economy, up-off-theground beds. Get your reservation in now. Also come and see the light weight Dreamer Coach, fits every pickup truck. CALL FREUND'S DREAMER COACH SALES 3705 W. St. Pauls Ave. (H4 miles South on Green St.) McHenry, Illinois PHONE: 385-6333 or 385-5283 6-14-62-tf DISH WASHER sink, G. E. Complete cabinet sink with top owning dish washer, cost $465, will sacrifice for $75. 385-1629. 6-14-62-tf REGISTERED A.K.C. poodles* Chocolate, male & female. 6 Apricot, 3 males, 3 females 385-2521. 4-12-61-tf USED RUGS, unclaimed rugs, trade-ins. Up to 50% off on new remnants, drops, seconds, in Warehouse Sales Dept. Open daily and Fri. Eve. Tidy Rug, June. Rts. 120 & City 14, Woodstock. 8-2-62-tf NEW AND USED FURNITURE AND APPLIANCES ROYAL OAK SALES Hwy. 14 & 176 Crystal Lake, Illinois 6-15-61-tf e.ow. ATTENTION BARGAIN HUNTERS MUST DISPOSE OF Crown gas range, 36", $125; Pool table, bumper and regular top, 35x51", balls & cues; black and white chair and plastic cover, $40.00; Ebony dining, drop leaf with glass top, $75.00; Kitchen set, wrought iron and pink, 2 leaves, 4 chairs, $70; Craftsman bench saw, extensions, % horse motor and blades, $100; Occasional table, mahogany, $10; Mix Master, all attachments, $10; 4 Panels, drapes 22x96", 1 valance, with •229", $20; Bed, spring, mattress, $20; Limoes china, 12 place settings, $50; Kitchen Craft aluminum pots, $20. PHONE 385-6548 8-2-62-tf For Sale KROEHLER Hide-A-Bed, like new. Opens to a full size bed. Cocoa brown. Call 385-2718. *8-9-62 2 WAY MOBILE Radio, complete, $200; refrigerator, $22; Universal range, double oven, $85; 7 switch accordion, $125; dresser, $10. Other miscellaneous items. We buy and sell anything of value. The Trading Post, 2 blocks east of river ort 120. Phone 385-0430. 8-9-62 BABY BED; baby basket, recliner seat, buggy, high chair, vibrator, hair dryer, TV table, iron. Call 385-5031. 8-9-62 MINIATURE German Schnauzer Puppy. A.K.C. Registered. Will sell for V2 value. Must be good home. 385-1327. *8-9-62 KELVINATOR Refrigerator. Very good condition. $30. Call 385-3930. 8-9-62 GO-KART EVANS special racer. Magnesium slicks. West Bend 6V2 h.p. engine. Black upholstery and floor mat. Spun aluminum tank. Call 385-0145. 8-9-62 1956 FORD V8, $175; 3 cushion gray nylon frieze sofa, $30 or best offer on both. Call 385- 3279. 8-9-62 4 ROOMS FURNITURE: Admiral and Motorola T.V. set, like new. Best offer. 385-2620. *8-9-62 BLONDE DRESSER & matching mirror; portable sewing machine; like new Jet water pump & tank; 5 h.p. outboard motor; 4 6.70x15 tires, 2 6-volt car batteries. Wonder Lake, 653-3462. *8-9-62 COLLEGE FORCES me to dispose of 1961 motorcycle, 250 cc. Excellent condition. Fully chromed, automatic starter, turn signals, direct drive. Reasonable. Phone 385-6150. 8-9-62 TWIN BEDS, vanity, bench, dresser, night table. Hollywood bed, dresser. 2 rugs. Miscellaneous articles. 385-5092 before 10:30 a.m. and after 10 p.m. 8-9-62 HOUSEHOLD ITEMS for sale. Call 385-0373. 2018 W. Indian Ridge, Sunnyside Estates. 8-9-62 ECLIPSE 20 Power Mower; also regular female toy fox terrier. Call 385-3074. *8-9-62 SPECIAL WAREHOUSE Summer clearance. Free padding and installation at the regular retail price of carpet. Over Y5 rolls in 12', 15', in wool, nylon, to choose from. Open daily and Fri. eve. Tidy Rug, June. Rts. 120 & City 14, Woodstock. 8-2 thru 30-62 ICE CUBES free with purchase. Sportsman's Inn, 3914 W. Main. 8-2-62 thru 1-31-63-tf Rummage Sale SATURDAY, AUG. 11 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. SUNDAY, AUG. 12 9 a.m. to Noon Sponsored by Socialization Center for Exceptional Girls The old "Christ The King Church," Center Drive and East Wonder Lake Rd., Wonder Lake, 111. 8-9-62 BICYCLES New Ranger Bicycles Reasonably Priced. Some Used Bikes. Repair Work. Parts and Acessories. Trade-ins Accepted. H o u r s . 9 - 6 -- F r i . 9 - 9 S u n . 9 - 5 D and H BICYCLES & HOBBIES 147 East Grand - Fox Lake, 111. Ample Parking PHONE JUstice 7-5732 8-9-9-27-62-tf Help Wasted EXPERIENCED sewing machine operators wanted. Will train inexperienced girls who qualify. Good starting salary, vacation and holiday pay. Apply Magic Slacks, Inc. 4001 W. Main St., McHenry. 7-19-26-8-2-9-62 BABYSITTER WANTED Starting September 1st, hours 6:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Apply after 7 p.m., 4811 Shore Drive, Lakeland Park, McHenry. 8-9-62 Help Wanted - Female CLEANING LADY -- 2 days per week. Call Richmond 4681. 8-9-16-62 Help Wanted - Hale CARPENTERS WANTED -- %? Sandvik Construction. Call Karl Fredricksen, Wonder Lake 653-7611. 8-9-16-62 MAN TO DELIVER newspapers. Steady work, 6 days a week. Good pay, married man preferred. Apply in person ready to work at Town & Country News Agency. Rt. 176, Island Lake. JAckson 6-8000. 8-9-62 f OPENINGS FOR grill iand counter -- 2nd and 3rd shifts. R & W Grill, Corner 12 & 22, Lake Zurich, Phone GE 8-7310. 8-9-62 TOOL & DIE MAKER Excellent Opportunity For Man With Several Years Experience Excep. High Rates Hospitalization ^Paid Vacations And Profit Sharing APPLY IN PERSON ® OR PHONE FOR APPOINTMENT Richmond 2031 John Sterling Corporation Richmond, 111. V 8-9-62 HELP WANTED A VARIETY OF JOB OPPORTUNITIES FOR Men & Women ^ Experience not .necessary. We will train qualified applicants in TOP EARNING production work. APPLY IN PERSON THE ELECTRIC AUTOLITE CO. Woodstock, Illinois ft 8-9-16-62 DIRECT TO CONSUMER SELLING! Leads furnished. Car necessary. We train you. Phone or write: TELEX HEARING AIDS t 30 N. Michigan Ave. Chicago 2, Illinois STate 2-0025 7-19-26-8-2-9-62 OWN YOUR OWN BUSINESS Get paid weekly, healthful work. Liberal terms to right man in choice territory as sales representative for Wis- * consin's Greatest Nursery, established over 55 years. No delivering or collecting. Liberal guarantee. Nurseries of over 650 acres at Waterloo, Wisconsin. Write McKAY NURSERY COMPANY Madison, Wisconsin 7-26-8-2-9-62 « BARTENDER WANTED -- Evening and weekends. Experience desired. State qualifications in reply to Box No. 843, c/o McHenry Plaindealer. 8-2-9-62 SMALL 2 BR. home on West Rt. 120. Boone Creek in rear. $6,500. Phone 385-4679. 7-12-62-tf FOR SALE -- three-bedroom home; <full basement; attached garage; gas heat. Address Box No. 842 in care of McHenry Plaindealer. 7-26-62-tf