Sunday, August 16/1962 THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER McHenry Shores SCHEDULE CORN ROAST, BALL GAME FOR SSAC AUG. 18 Patt Petersen - 885-5425 Weather permitting, a 7 p.m. s«|tball game is scheduled before the regular meeting of the Shores Social and Athletic Club, Saturday, Aug. 18. The wives of the members are invited for the sweet corn ripast that is to follow the outdoor meeting. Members are reminded to bring their mowers down Saturday morning to have the ball field in good shape' for the evening game. ^(Keep this under your hats, Dm I hear that the S.S.A.C. has cornered the charcoal market for their steak cookout on Sept. 8.) Over The Bridge (Table) London bridge may have fallen down, but the Shores' bridge is still standing strong. Bridge tournaments, foursomes, luncheons and so on • 'Ave really caught on here in tne Shores. Every week I hear so many things concerning the bridge world. Never until recently did I realize just how important and popular this sport has become. Last week St. Paul's Episcopal church in McHenry held a bridge luncheon which turned out to be quite successful. Daisy Smith was the chairman charge of the event and Gladys Korner helped on the committee. The Shores was very well represented by thirteen of its ladies. In this group were; Mildred Snively, Virginia Verstege, Helen Smith, Loretta Ramage. Elian Duncan, Terry Coates, Irene Middlecauff, Bernice MacCallum, Leone Wagner, Helen Jacek and Anna %nnert. Those who won prizes included Loretta Ramage, Anna Tennert and Leone Wagner. Man Of Leisure As of Aug. 1, Frank Jacek officially retired from the Western Electric Company where he worked for a little over 37 years. For 25 of those years he was a supervisor. f. When his retirement was anounced to the company he was showered with gifts and honored at three separate parties, one by the company and two by departments he worked with. He received some wonderful fishing equipment, an outboard motor, and a delightful book entitled "This Is Your Life, Frank Jacek." This was made ^p by his secretary and contains events from his life in cartoon form. Now that he is retired Frank will be eligible to belong to the Pioneers Club which is open to all employees of Western Electric who have worked for the company for 21 years or are pensioners. It is a social organization which sponsors dances, parties, trips, etc. w Community Dance Reports indicate that friends and relatives have increased their interest in our Sept. community dance at the VFW. Beach Clean Up Beginning with this issue I will list the names of those men who are assigned the coming week's clean up at the #beach. It has been some time since the clean up committees were formed and it's quite possible that some of us have forgotten all about it. This weeks c o m m i t t e e i n c l u d e s , Ken Schopp,, Art Cicchini, Stuart Rode, Warren Weber and Sam Santilli. Flight To Rockford Sam Winters and his two boys, Sandy and David, flew to Rockford last week in the Winters' plane. They were attending the experimental aircraft meet which has been held in Rockford for the last couple of years. This is a five day affair with several hundred handmade, one-of-a-kind planes in attendance. As Sandy and David both appreciate their father's love of planes, they all truly enjoyed themselves. Beach Party And Picnic Louise Winters and Nancy Ewald and their children had great fun at the McHenry Methodist church beach party and picnic last week. The party was held at McCullom Lake and the girls .said: there were fifteen women and forty-two children in all. Visitors For Versteges Jack and Virginia Verstege had quite a few guests on the weekend of Aug. 3. Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Tosstadt from Louisville, Ky., and their son, Robert, Jr., Peter and Helen Schroeder of McHenry, Jack's two sons, Jack and his family from Northlake, Ind., and Ronny and Bev and children from here in the Shores. The Versteges were especially happy to see the Tosstadt family whom they don't get to see too often and they took the father and son for a boat ride on the river. Company's Coming The Wetzel family had company last week from Worthington, Ohio, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Hauck. They had an enjoyable stay of two weeks. Mrs. Hauck is Doris's sister. On the last day of her 'cation at grandma's house, little Mary Lee Both celebrated her third birthday. Helping to polish off the cake at the Muellers were her mother, Phyllis, her brother Ronnie, and sisters, Barbara, Sherrie and Susan. Also helping with the cake were new found playmates, Peggy Moore and Billy Dostal. Gerry and Vi Morris joined the happy group and took some three-D pictures with the new camera. The Ewalds had company last week; Marge and Cliff Anderson and their two children, Tommy and Nancy, (Nancy's namesake) all from Libertyville. Daisy and John Smith entertained last week by having a fish fry with some of the 'big ones' they caught up North on their vacation. As guests they had the Middlekauffs and Mildred Snively. Jack Schaeffer and Norm Mederos came over later for dessert. Harry and Pearl Paulin had guests over at the house last Sunday. Harry's sister, Lillian Inden and her daughter, Cynthia, from Chicago visited with the family and exchanged flowers from their gardens. In the late afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Konas from Batavia stopped in and stayed for supper. The Petersens are having house guests this coming week. Bob's parents, Clarence and Dorothy Petersen, and Bob's grandmother, Mrs. Augusta Tober, will be staying with them and visiting with all three of the Petersen children who are now living in the Chicago area. They are all from Toledo, Ohio. Last week the Muellers had a surprise visit from Mr. and Mrs. John Biete. John is Irene's brother. Shirley Vilim attended a very nice birthday party for one of her girl friends. The party took place at Lake Geneva and evoryone went swimming and had such a good time. The honored guest was Miss Sandy Benson of Edgebrook. Addition To SSAC Notes The golf meet scheduled for Sunday has been postponed to Sunday, Aug. 25. See you there! Meet The Simonsons The Simonson family resides at 3101 W. Still Hill Dr. and' Carl (known as Kelly by his family) Helen, and daughter, Pat. They were one of the first families to come to the Shores and have enjoyed watching it spread and grow. Carl was employed by a silver company for 42 years and now both he and Helen work in the McHenry area. Helen was born and raised in Darlington, Wis., and attended a private school in Dubuque. Kelly attended Schurz and then on to business college. Helen, as you probably have guessed, is Irish and that's the reason she likes to call her husband Kelly. You can imagine how proud she was to have her daughter born on March 17th (St. Patrick's Day). Pat is a very active girl, a good scholar and interested in sports, horsebacking riding, skating, music (accordion) and dancing and has won several trophies. In fact all the Simonsons are very active and take an interest in many things. We'd like to say we're glad to have them in the Shores.- Birthdays And Anniversaries First I'd like to apologize to two of the O'Brien children. I took down their birthdates and then completely forgot to write them in my book and they consequently got left" but of the paper. And so a belated happy birthday to Bonnie O'Brien on July 22 and to Bill O'Brien on Aug. 2. A very happy birthday to Sim Santilli, Sr., Warren Weber, 1, and Michael Hastings on Aug. 17. Fred. Wetzel has a birthday on the twentieth of the month, and Helen Risting on the twenty-first. Jim .O'Brien will be celebrating on the twenty-third. Happy birthday everyone! A happy anniversary is wished to Warren and Barbara Weber on Aug. 19, to Ken and Bonnie Schopp on the twentysecond (this is their twentieth) and to Robert and Evelyn Tanner also on the twenty-second. AUGUST PARADE The city of Lake Geneva, Wis., will resound with drum and bugle corps music Saturday morning, Aug. 18. A parade sponsored by Lake Geneva Junior Chamber of Commerce will include eighteen Drum and Bugle corps, five drill teams, and many other parade units. Parade time is 11:30 a.m. sharp. This free parade will take place in downtown Lake Geneva. McHenry's Red Devils will be among the participants. Eastwood Manor EMPOA Meets At Barn Friday Edie Iveraon - S85-6SS8 Our association meeting is Friday at 9 p.m. at the barn. This will be an important meeting as it is now nomination time. We wish all of you would try and be present tomorrow evening. There has been a suggestion that dues be dropped. Come give your opinion-- they may be voted out. Also it is time to plan our annual community picnic. Let's all get behind it and get in on the fun and food again this summer. Coffee and doughnuts will be served, as always, without charge. 3.. Vacation Trips Mel and Kay Stephenson and children, Betsy and Mark, flew to Cheyenne, Wyo-, where they visited Mel's brother, Fran Stephenson and family. The F r o n t i e r D a y s c e l e b r a t i o n s were on so they saw the parade and the rodeo. Highlights of the vacation for the kids were riding their uncle's two horses. They also went to Estes Park and the Rocky M o u n t a i n N a t i o n a l P a r k , t o Laramie and the Glacier Stone Park where they climbed glaciers. They fed peanuts to the practically tame chipmunks. The weather was the same as we are having while they were there and they saw a lot of snow up in the mountains. All in all it was a wonderful trip and the time just flew. The Harry Brodin family spent their vacation camping in Lake Geneva. The highlight of the trip was the ferry ride. A second week was spent here at home making various short scenic trips. Jack and Marie Dalton and three sons spent their vacation in Manitowish Waters, Wis. They enjoyed swimming, fishing, and picnicking every day. They went to aqualand and watched a water-ski show and also saw an Indian powwow. The Robert Tucker family went to Hibbing, Minn., on their vacation to visit Florence's brother, James Green. From there they went to visit her St. Paul sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. John Devich in their summer home on Lake C o r n e l i a n . R e t u r n i n g home they stopped at the Wisconsin Dells. Now they will be making short trips from here such as the recent one to Lake Geneya where they enjoyed the boat ride. . The Bob Kellogo; family just returned from their vacation trip to Eagle River, Wis., where they had a cabin. The B OPENS CLOGGED SEWERS without digging ROOT DESTROYER diuoIvM Root*, Paper Oroasor Sludgo easily. RUCK'S HARDWARE Page Twenty-One, weather was chilly and wet but they did do some fishing and horseback riding. The Len Lawrence family was also there and enjoyed riding the horses along the trails with them. The second week the Kelloggs went on to Duluth, Minn., to visit Bob's family and then ^'ent to see the iron mines in Virginia and Hibbing. Minn. Returning homeward they stopped off at the Wisconsin Dells. Westward, Ho i The Richard Corman family sold their furniture and packed their dishes and clothing and left for Arizona Wednesday where they plan to^make their home. Dick had jttready found employment wbile they were there on vacation just recently. We were very sorry to lose such nice neighbors but hope they will have a good trip and find a fine place to live. The week before they left Dick and Judy were caught up in a whirl of goodbyes, visiting friends and relatives, also having many visitors dropping in.rThey had a last get-together Jwith their close friends. Roger and Joan Jacobson. and two other couples just before they left with an evening of bowling and pizzas. We all wish them the best of luck in their new home. Wedding Anniversary Celebrants Harry and Marge Brodin spent an evening in Chicago on their wedding anniversary where they saw a wonderful musical and enjoyed dining out. Harry and Freida Durkln went off for the weekend to Lake Geneva to celebrate the»r t e n t h w e d d i n g a n n i v e r s a r y . They enjoyed eating out, the scenic boat ride, and miniature golf. Birthday Wishes Happy birthday today, Aug. 16, to Annette Brogan. On An®. 17 best wishes go out to Bill Krogman. Aug. 18, Saturday, Lloyd Davis will be celebrating his eleventh birthday. Best wishes to Robert French on Aug. 19. Aug. 20 Eiitch Kellogg will be celebrating his nintn birthday. Aug. 21 is shared by three. Matthew Mersch. James Sobacki will become 10, and Peggy Ann Carv will be n young miss of seven. And on Aug. 23 Robert Perrino will be four. We wish a very happy birthday to each and everyone. Birthday Parties Billy Brogan celebrated his fifth birthday Saturday inviting four neighborhood children in for a party. Mommy made his birthday cake and served ice cream with it. They played games indoors and also outside it was such a lovely day. Sunday his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. William Brogan, Sr., came out from Chicago to wish him a happy birthday. His favorite gift was a Johnny Reb cannon. Steve Roths had a birthday party inviting six of his buddies. They played games and were served ice cream and birthday cake. His favorite gift was a new bike! Warning!!! I understand that the children have been digging caves and tunnels in the big dirt hill up near the church. There is now danger of their tunnels caving in so parents please tell your children to stay away from there. The bulldozers are supposed to come and knock it all down, but until they do, keep, an eye on your children and warn them of the existing danger. Faith Presbyterian Church The Sunday sermon will be entitled "God Wants Us to Walk Humbly" taken from Isaiah 57:11-15. Here and There Don Roths' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Art Roths, were here for the weekend from Ionia, Iowa. It was their first visit to the Roths' new house. Walt and Peggy Garrelts and children are enjoying the company of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Barnett and sister, Penny, from Virginia. Peggy Garrelts attended the American Legion convention in Chicago with six other ladies from this vicinity They stayed at a downtown hotel and attended business sessions and meetings daily right there In the hotel. While there she also saw a show and enjoyed eating out. The Ed Sobacki family filled their picnic hamper with hot chicken Sunday and spent the day at Wooster Lake. The Melvin Iverson family packed a big pijcnic basket and went to Rock Cut State park Sunday. Wood is cut, stacked, and provided for the fires and there's a playground for the kids, also trails and climbs. While there a horse show was in progress. Before returning home they went into Rockford to a kiddieland where the children enjoyed many rides, especially riding the live poniea. Cathy Durkin is spending a week with her aunt .and godmother, Mrs. William Ray, In Lombard. Little six-year-old Donna Meyer spent three days visiting her aunt, Muriel Hepner, and family in Sylvan Lake. Bob and Pat Kellogg went to Northbrook to a summer theater there. They enjoyed it very much. Last Reminder Let's see you all at the barn tomorrow night. Think about who you jvant for your next president, etc., and let's get them nominated. Bye now, and thanks for all your calls. FREUND'S DAIRY, Inc. Complete Line of Dairy Products |- FREE DELIVERY -- Locally Owned and Operated Phone "EV. 5^0195~or EV. 5-0232 i&^xous! f R e g u l a r c h e c k - u p s knd maintenance by our experts, means lower car costs for you. Call us today and find out for yourself. Brake Service All Mechanical Repairs Complete Motor Overhauling BUTGH'S Auto Service "24-HOUR TOWING SERVICE 1002 N. Front St. EV 5-0811 McHenry, I1L By: Russ Emerson, R.Ph. Varicose veins are quite common in adults of all ages and sho>y no partiality between sex or face. " The term varicose, is derived from the Latin word " V a r i x ," meaning "dilated vein," and is a condition which has been recognized for cen- ! turies. In fact, as early as the 7th Century A. D., tieing off the great vein in the upper thigh was attempted to relieve the distress of varicose veins. The cause or causes of this • condition are not definitely known. Heredity may play a part, chronic chest conditions with cough, constricting clothes, occupations calling for heavy lifting or prolonged standing and infections are all contributory factors. Something that is known, however, is MILLSTREAM'S DRUGS' reputation for quality in prescription work. Your health and well being demand accuracy in the prescriptions you rely on. Look for outstanding service at MILLSTREAM DRUGS, INC.. 8720 W. Elm. Phone 885-5057. We give S&H Green Stamps with prescriptions. If you have any questions regarding pharmacy or public health which you would like to have discussed in this column, write to Russ Emerson, c/o this paper. & THE Jeep FAMILY world's most complete line of 4-wheel drive vehicles! 'JEEP' PICK-UP TRUCK* FORWARD CONTROL 'JEEP FC-170 FORWARD CONTROL'JEEP FC-150 •JEEP* UNIVERSAL 'JEEF UTILITY WAGON* • This is the only full line of authentic I four-wheel drive vehicles. They are I performance-proued over billions of • miles, give extra years of service and I command highest resale value. These l vehicles* feature the new 'Jeep' Tor- I nado-OHC engine. Modern overhead • camshaft design gives you extra pulll ing power, less maintenance and ex- : tra fuel economy, too! Come in and I see for yourself! •Jeep VEHICLES MADE ONLY BY WILLYS. MOTORS McHENRY GARAGE 926 N. Front St. Phone 385-0403 McHenry T1IMC III MAVERICK (Sunday) Evenings 5:30 P.M. lUNt-IN FOLLOW THE SUN (Sun.) Evenings 6:30 P.M. Crown Aluminum STORM WINDOWS and DOORS THE NATION'S FINEST - YET SO REASONABLE IN COST Tit CROWN Storm Window Made of heavy extruded aluminum. Triple track of vinyl plastic... no metal to metal contact. No gadgets or locks to bend or break. Comfort and convenience ... the year 'round. T Tho CROWN Storm Door FULL 1 '/•" THICK FRE-HUNG FOR EASY INSTALLATION Mad* of Extra Heavy Extruded Aluminum Rugged Construction--Will Not Sag no MONtY DOWN EASY PAY/HINT TIRMS Truly -- A Beautiful Door F R i E HOME DEMONSTRATION AND E S T I M A T E S 7/ 'A V \\ \\ "1 f,<' v\ 1 -FINISH WITH SHEER LINE .. r: " STYUNO Trim as a cruiser's galley, this beautiful kitchen k easy to keep shipshape and sAining because of the smooth, unbroken paneled effect of the flush doors, and the 101 co»venience features Brammer is famous (or. True luxury liner living, but because all cabinets are stock units, this kitchen is priced for the outboard budget. Other finishes available--come in far complete information! RIGID GARAGES FRAME "RIGID-FRAME" Construction. It's new -- and so different -- and -- will save time and money! You can build it yourself on a weekend -- or we have reliable local builders ready to build YOUR GARAGE NOW! ONE or TWO CAR with Storage * Compare The Features! * Compare The Quality! * Compare The Price! No Money Down -- 5 Years to Pay Low Monthly Payments ALEXANDER LUMBER CO. THE BEST OF EVERYTHING FOR THE BUILDER On Highway 31 South of Main Street -- McHenry, Illinois Phone 385-1424