Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 30 Aug 1962, p. 17

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Thursday. August 30, 1962 THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Pisiakee Highlands ELECT TRUSTEES, i EXECUTIVE BOARD i AT ASS'N. MEET Hazel Morley HYatt 7-3320 $ Kay Slellsch HYatt 7-3414 Saturday, Aug. 19, the Pistakee Highlands Home Owners Association held an election for trustees and executive branch. Elected to the executive board were Thomas Warczak, Milton Crosdale, Mrs. Lee Conway and Frank Novak. The trustees elected were Mrs. Betty Crosdale, ^econd district, ®Mk> Orlowski, fourth district and John Haddock, sixth district. The following good citizens donated their time to - serve on the election board were August Bohnhoff, Roy Slug?, Bill Rosengart, Rose Farwell, Betty Johnson, Elenore Haddock and Dan John- Page SaTenteen Third False Alarm Sent $ to Rescue Squad Someone in the Highlands has a warped sense of humor. Friday night for the third time someone placed a call to the Johnsburg rescue squad this time for a drowning, which never occurred. This may seem funny to the party placing the calls, but to the rest of the Highlanders it is a very tragic ^thing. Our lives and property ™are dependent on this wonderful rescue squad and we regret having to report such a sad thing. We are deeply ashamed not only for the party doing this but for what such a thing can do to our community name. These calls are being investigated and the guilty party if , found, will be punished. ^ Pancake Day The Kiwanis of McHenry invite the Highlanders to attend . their pancake day, Sept. 2. at the American legion hall. Serving from 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Birthdays and Anniversaries Happy birthday wishes go out to Florence Smith. Sept. 9: Vi Johnson, SeDt. 12 and to ^Pat Pedersen, Sept. 3. ™ Belated anniversary greetings go to Mr. and Mrs. August Bohnhoff who celebrated 45 years of wedded bliss Aug. 18. To Jerry and Janice Janquart who celebrated 15 years of wedded bliss Sept. 7; to Walter and Jane Peloquin celebrate their anniversary Sept. 5; Mr. and Mrs. Peters celebrate Sept 9; and to Milt and #Betty Sandelin who celebrate Sept. 12. News of Your Friends and Neighbors Last week Mary Madock became an unsung heroirie when she jumned into the channel fully clothed to rescue little Jimmy Lewandowski who had wandered away to see the boats at the pier and fell into A water wav over his head. Both Mary and Bev had the children on a picnic and thanks to Mary's quick thinking it ended happily. Three year old Jimmy Lewandowski was a pretty frightened little boy. Thanks to Carol Petherick who lives close to the beach the girls were driven home. T i m m y L e w a n d o w s k i r e turned home last Friday eve- £ ning after spending four days in Donaldson, Ind., at the Scared Heart seminary where he attended a retreat. The boys were driven to Indiana, via Milwaukee. Timmy enjoyed the retreat very much and is looking forward to attending again next year. Timmy is the 11 year old son of Norbie and Bev. Lewandowski. Jim and Jane Malek and their three daughters, Joyce. Jamie and Joan, spent last weekend camping at the Kettle Marine in Whitewater, Wis. Emma Rosengart entertained three of her very dear friends from Chicago, Sunday, August 19. Clara and Jean Conell and Florence Schmarje enjoyed a big dinner and knowing Emma they got in a few games of cards. August 19, Lil and Leo Orlowski were happy to have their long time friend, Agnes Ossowski of Chicago spend the day with them. Teena O'Malley and her five boys are enjoying a visit with Teena's mother from Iowa who will be spending two weeks with the O'Malleys. The Botolf Hansens received a scare last weekend when their niece, Susan, who is spending a few days with them fell from a tree and received a b r o k e n a n k l e b o n e . T h e y rushed her to the McHenry hospital. We have received calls fronj i r a t e c i t i z e n s c o m p l a i n i n g about boys with B.B. guns shooting birds and cats in the Highlands. Shooting in the subdivision is against the law and the parents are liable for all damages done by these boys and their guns. A phone call to the police reporting some of these gun carriers may bring an end to this careless behavior. „ Dan Johnson and his, committee were busy all week pi*- paring for the seventeenth precinct picnic at the community center Aug. 26. We are sure it was a very big event for young and old. Frances Groth left last Thursday for Missouri to pick up her two children, Eddie and Phyllis, who had spent two weeks at their aunt's home. The children enjoyed the vacation and they loved the return trip home by plane. It was their first plane trip and they are busy telling their playmates about the great event. Last week Joan Zilligen and her.four kiddies spent several days with Joan's parents in Forest Park. While there they helped Grandpa Short celebrate his birthday. This week Glenn and Susie spent the week in Forest Park with their grandparents, the Shorts and Z i l l i g e n s . A u g u s t 2 3 , t h e i r daughter, Jackie, celebrated her fourtlf birthday. Joan had many of Jackie's playmates in for a party. They enjoyed cake and ice cream. Last Sunday Phil and Patty Krumwiede moved to their new home in Round Lake Beach. Their many friends in the Highlands shall miss them. Phil's friends and family from Wisconsin were on hand to help them "move. Please note. Frank Novak who was elected to serve on the executive board in last Saturdays election, has resigned due to other commitments and William Lange will serve in his stead. Village of Sunnysld. VILLAGE MEETING SEPT. 10 INSTEAD OF LABOR DAY Betty Lehman 385-6366 Because of Labor Day the village meeting will be held Sept. 10. Mangold Baby Clistened Friends and relatives gathered Sunday at the home of Phil and Eleanor Mangold for the christening of their grandchild, Kimberly Ann. Godparents were Marion Erbon and Butch McClory. Bake Sale A bake sale will be hid at St. John's school hall Sunday, Sept. 2 after all the masses. Any donation of pies, cakes, bread or salads will be greatly appreciated. Busy Day The Joe Metzger family and the Harrer family of Bull Val- Henry high, Scott is 12 and in sixth grade and Patty is 7 and in second grade. Scott and Patty attend St. Peter's in Spring Grove. Sodality News The Blessed Virgin Sodality of St. John's church will have a bake sale on Sept. 2 after all Masses. The women of the parish are asked to bake for the sale. I'd Like You to Meet Let's visit with Ray and Dolores Bourbon and family who reside at 5911 Fox Lake road. The Bourbons have lived here for 3V2 years. They were married in Oak Park in 1945. Ray is employed by the telephone company and he enjoys boating. Dolores is content being a homemaker. Three children round out this nice group. Cheryl is 15 and attends Mc- Here and There Bill and Hazel Dew of Fox Lake road were pleased with a visit from Bill's folks who were in from out of town. Dick and Rose Farwell and family spent a few days of Dick's vacation visiting Rose's folks. Don and Audrey Morin and family and Don's parents will attend the annual jubilee of Don's place of employment on Sept. 1 in Milwaukee. Happy birthday to Mark VanZevern who will be 9 years old on Sept. 4. He will be having parties with his family and friends. Marilyn and Bob VanZevern visited our former residents, George and Darleen Neesen, in Bellwood last Saturday evening. The Neesens have Just moved into their new home. Johnsburg School ©ne last reminder to you that students of the Johnsburg school will return to classes on Sept. 4. All kindergarten and fifth grade students must have physicals. Book bills will be due on the opening day of school. School supplies will be sold at the school by the P.T.A. The summer went by fast and the youngsters and parents alike (especially mommies) are eagerly awaiting opening day. Let's make our back to school week a safe one for all, make sure to keep a keen eye open for kiddies leaving the school buses and darting across the street. They are going to be full of excitement so let's make an extra effort to look out for them. ley had a real Sunday for themselves. Joe who did all the planning has real determination. The schedule read like this. First they attended services at St. Stephen's church in Chicago. From there they went to visit the Prudential building. After a time there they took a ride to the Art Institute where they looked at some magnificent paintings. Most people would be a little tired of walking but not Joe. He'made plans and was going to stick to them. Their last stop was the Rosenwald Museum. I don't know if Joe had anything else scheduled, but they ran out of time, and had to return home weary but very glad for such an interesting day. Dance It sounds like a broken record by now, but please doh't forget to get your tickets for the rescue squad dance. Held Sept. 1 at the community hall. Picnic Sunday was picnic day at St. Viator's Camp where members of St. Jude's held their picnic. Those attending from the village were Rich and Kay Fredrick and family, Carl Sallaz and family,, the Frisby family and the Johnroes. Swimming, games, eating and etc., were happily enjoyed by everyone there. Cystic Fibrosis Drive Chris Williams is our local volunteer for the Cystic Fibrosis fund drive next week. Please give generously when Chris knocks at your door. house the past few weeks. Lou and girls returned home from a week's vacation from Appleton, Wis., where they attended a family reunion, attended by approximately two hundred people. Needless to say, a wonderful time was had by all. Upon her return, she was accompanied by her two nieces. Patsy and Betty Biese. Twc days after their return home, L o u ' s b r o t h e r , L a r r y V a n Cuyk, his wife, Carol, and three children, Mike, Teddy and Cheryl Ann. arrived for a weekend visit. Then on Monday afternoon another brother, Edward, wife and two daughters, Ellen and Nancy, dropped in for a visit from Applet on. Wis. Lou admits the house seems kind of quiet with all the guests gone. But aren't vacations wonderful! Sick List Get well wishes to Phil Mangold who suffered a heart attack last Sunday evening. Belated Birthday Greetings to Kathy Harrington who celebFat£d^QQ-^e^fJ. 23. Birthday Wishes To Raymond VonObstfelder on Aug. 30 and Lynn Mangold Sept. 1. Anniversary Greetings To Fred and Ollie Garner on Aug. 31. Brownies We are still looking for a leaders for second and first grade girls, anyone interested call Alice Bieschke, 385-6166. Anniversary Doings Celebrating their twentyfifth anniversary Howard and Agnes Secord, accompanied by the Dick Welters of Pistakee Hills, dined in Algonquin Saturday evening. Tuesday, Aug. 21 they were surprised with a cake at their place of employment and that evening self-invited guests, the Ericksons, Gavins, Toeppers and Vydunas, stopped in with another cake to help them remember the occasion. Visitors and Visiting Mr. and Mrs. Weiss enjoyed the company of their two grandchildren for a few days. Fred and Ollie Garner had their daughter and family over for a cook-out. We enjoyed a delicious chicken dinner at a restaurant, in Fox Lake Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. Cammarata and family went to a lodge picnic in Schiller Woods Sunday. Senior Lehmans had a barbecue for their daughter, Lois,, and family on Sunday. Gwen DePauw and Chris Williams enjoyed a day out shopping without the children. They journeyed to Lake Geneva and on to Delavan Wis., to Gwen's home town. Lunch and a visit to an antique shop ended their busy day. The Fritz family attended a family reunion in Glenview on Saturday. Guests at our home Tuesday were Mr. and Mrs. T. Juske and sons and Mrs. E. Engels and her three sons. Dance Anyone? That is this Saturday night at the Johnsburg Community hall and sponsored by the rescue squad. This is their only me.ans of raising funds to meet expenses for the following year so let's support them to the fullest. That It' For a beautiful sunny warm week in August. We hope you are all in good health and have a safe Labor Day holiday. Bye now, see you next week. \ter ^uslen on OXYGEN EQUIPPED AMBULANCE SERVICE Phone EVergreen 5-0063 * Frigidaire Best Buy for Busy Mothers! • Heat baby's formula In a flash on jafr ) fast Speed-Heat surface unit • Automatically, Frigidaire Cook-Master can start and stop the oven--cooks dinner while you're away (or minding baby). • Unlimited heat settings from SIMMER to HIGH for all 4 surface units. ** Frigidaire Sgjpsndability, tool £ 30"D*Luxa Etoctrfe' Modal RD48-62 FRIGIDAIRE LEE & RAY ELECTRIC FRIGIDAIRE & HOTPOINT SALES & SERVICE ELECTRIC CONTRACTORS 3919 W. Main 385-0247 PISTAKEE TERRACE Rummage Sale Our Sept. 15 rummage sale will be held at Pat Merhaut's home, 1015 W. Elder avenue from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. instead of the afore mentioned place. Donations will be accepted by the committee anytime after Labor Day. Here and There Fred and Carrie Woerner spent Wednesday in Wheaton visiting his sister, Mrs. Kirchhofer, and niece, Mrs. Garner, who is a teacher at Moody Bible Institute. Bonnie Sabaj, home from the hospital has had her brother, Lou Steimel, and family of Chicago, and aunts, Helen Planert and Emily Hauser, of Mt. Prospect as get-well visitors. Mike Erickson is visiting grandparents Erickson cf Chicago for a few days. Jack Walters and sons, James and David, of Chicago were Sunday visitors at the Hillman-Deppmeier home. Kathy and Barb Parker spent a few days with grandmother Schwebkg in Chicago. Their mother, Dorothy, and sister, Lori, spent Wednesday and Thursday with them. Dorothy's cousin. Bert Carlson, and family of Des Plaines and Russell's parents, the Kenneth Parkers of Chicago, were Sunday guests of the Parkers. Thursday, Aug. 23, found Loretta Kern, Marie Kern, Eola Hillman, Birdie Deppmeier, Marilyn Wiggerman and Bernice Froeghlig lunching near Genoa, Wis., in honor of Bernice's birthday. Sunday the Don Zamastils Association Mating Postponed Because of the holiday the Pistakee Terrace association meeting will beheld Sept. 10 at Ron Wiggermans. journeyed to Elmhurst at St. Peter's United Church of Christ for the baptism of the Zimmermann twins. Following the ceremony at which Don was Godfather to JoAnn they dined at the Fregas home. Birthdays Many happy returns of the day to Arlene Connerty Aug. 31 and Debby Cisewski Sept. 2. Anniversary Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Don Zamastil on Sept. 1. GRANTED CHARTER new, profit corporation recently chartered by the state was the Nunda Utility Co., 701 W. Paul street, McHenry, "to control, maintain, operate and manage water works systems." COOKS CORNER Looking for a spicy hot bread to serve with ham or with coffee? Here is a recipe worth trying. The results are worth eating too. Good in summer with a cold drink or in winter with hot tea. Break one egg into bowl, add half cup each of sugar and molasses and IVz Tbsp. butter. Dissolve % tsp. soda in half cup boiling water and add to mixture. Sift % tsp. each ginger and cinnamon and V* tsp. salt with 1 cup sifted flour. Mix all together and blend well. Bake in well greased muffin tins about 15 mins. in 350 F. oven. Eat warm with butter. They seem to taste better if made in small muffin tins. Tonight, Thursday, Aug. 30 Olson Junior High School Woodstock 7:30 P.M. Storks Visits Terrace Congratulations to Gene and Marie Harmon on the birth of their baby girl. Michelle Lynn. She arrived at Great Lakes Naval hospital on Aug. 14 weighing in at 5 lbs. 1 oz. measuring 19 inches. WORN BY MORE RUPTURE SUFFERERS:. Amazing comfort for reducible Inguinal hernia. Strong, washable, form-fitting, adjustable. Soft, flat groin pad. NO FITTING REQUIRED! For men, women, children. $4.95 right or left side; $5.93 double. Look for it on display BOLGER'S Drug Store 125!) N. Green St. Virgil R. Smith & Walter J. Schuett, Jr. Hear a discussion and take pa'rt in a question-andanswer session as two Woodstock businessmen present a program to help you learn more about the stock market. Learn more about the vital world of investments. Form good opinions on how to improve your own stock portfolio (or how to start one) at this meeting, open to the public . . . No admission charge, and no solicitation or follow, of course. Offered as a service by Virgil R. Smith & Walter J. Schuett, Jr. Registered Representatives of A. C. Allyn & Company Busy, Busy, Busy That's the word for all the activity around the LaBay PROFE^iOPfll DIRECTORS' EARL R. WALSH INSURANCE Fire, Auto. Farm A Life I*. Representing COMPANIES When Ton Need Insurance of Any Kind Phone 385-0043 or 385-0053 129 W. Elm St., McHenry, IU DR. JOHN T. GRAF Optometrist 1236 N. Green Street Office Phone: 385-0186 Res. Phone: 385-6191 Hours: Daily 9:30 - 5:00 Tues. A Frl. Evenings 6:30 to 9 p.m. Closed All Day Wednesdays Eyes Examined - Glasses Fitted Contact Lenses Fitted Repair Service 2-63 SCHROEDER IRON WORKS Structural Steel and Ornamental Visit Our Showrooms Fireplace Equipment 2 Miles South on Rt. 31 Phone 385-0960 8-62 GORDON E. SERGANT Registered Professional Engineer Percolation Tests Sanitation Layouts Water Supply Programs Richmond 4193 Vt Mile South of Rt. 12 on Johnsburg - Wilmot Road 11-62 DR. LEONARD L. BOTTAR1 Optometrist Eyes Examlned-Glasse* Fitted 1303 N. Richmond Road Hours: Mon., Tues., Thurs. £ Fri. 4:00 p.m. to 6 p-ia Tues., Thurs. ft Fri. Eve. 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Sat. 9:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. No Hours on Wednesday Contact Lenses Phone 385-2262 S-62 NOW-YOU CAN E N J O Y THE YEAR ROUND COMFORT OF AN ENCLOSED PORCH NO MONEY DOWN 5 YEARS TO PAY Crown storm windows and doors pro* vide fiie most practical, yet economical method of enclosing porches and breezeways-- witfc everlasting aluminum which requires no painting. Wood jambs and costogs between windows are not used, tftus resulting in low> er mstallafio* cost and--a far nor* attractive appearance wish more gkm area. Whether yoe enclose your pre** ent porch, or--bo 3d an entirely new ou% col vs for an estimate of cost and planning advice. ^ Saves Furniture and >et e? Let it rain ... let it snow . • . let it blow . . . your furniture is always protected in a Crown enclosed porch. willsi Ms?; RIGID GARAGES FRAME "RIGID-FRAME" Construction. It's new -- and so different -- and -- will save time and money! You can build it yourself on a weekend -- or we have reliable local builders ready to build YOUR GARAGE NOW! ONE or TWO CAR with Storage * Compare The Features! * Compare The Quality! ~ Compare The Price! No Money Down -- 5 Years to Pay Low Monthly Payments ALEXANDER LUMBER (0. THE BEST OF EVERYTHING FOR THE BUILDER On Highway 31 South of Main Street -- McHenry, Illinois Phone 385-1424

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