Thursday. September 6, 1962 THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Village o! Sunnyside Stork Visits Heitz Famil Betty Lehman Anna Marie and Pete Heitz announce the birth of their third son. born Tuesday morning at McHenry hospital. No name has been chosen yet as they expected a little girl. Last Fling at Fun Last outing before school starts was had by the Williams family Friday. They visited ^the zoo. and made a tour of the Museum. Going along with them was Kevin Freund who had never been to Chicago and was facinated by the sites he saw. Visit Fair The Fritz family journeyed to Princeton for the weekend to visit Nora's relatives and while there treated the children the Princeton county fair. Mike, Nancy and Chuck enjoyed watching all the activities that go along with a fair. They also managed to win sbme prizes while there. Busy Week Ollie and Fred Garner had a busy but enjoyable week. Visiting them for the week were Fred's nieces and nephews ^from Arizona, also for the weekend were Fred's sister and husband from Riverside. Cub Scout News Den No. 1 of Troop 452 enjoyed a baseball game between the Cubs and Milwaukee in Wrigley field on Saturday. Those attending from the village were Danny Muleski, Wayne Smith and Mike Williams. Baseball News Johnsburg All-Stars were defeated by the Chicago team in Thillen's Stadium Sunday by a score of 9 to 0. Better luck next year fellas! Sick List Phil Mangold is home now and getting along as well as 6'can be expected. With Eleanor's care, he'll be on his feet in no time. Get-well wishes also go out to Sonny Heitz who has been a very sick young man. Visitors and Visiting The Weiss family enjoyed a day of fun with their relatives Sunday. The Tuckers had a house 6 full of company over the weekend. The Metzgers enjoyed another Sunday out by taking the children to an amusement park. The Boeger children spent several days with their grandparents in Elk Grove. The Martins had fun Sunday swimming in I,ake Michigan. I had a surprise visit Monday from some of my girl friends from Chicago. Spending the day with the senior Lehmans Wed n e s d a y were Ed's sister, Mrs. Hattie Kozen, and Mrs. M a n d y Sprock. JoAnn McGurk, a former villager, is spending a few days v i s i t i n g o l d n e i g h b o r s a n d friends. Mr. and Mrs. G. Harrison were Wednesday night guests at the home of A1 and Nora Fritz. The Gunthers had company over the weekend. Birthday Wishes Today go to Rhona Schultz and Chester Brown. Cindy Pflug on the seventh of September. Charles Kupstis on the eleventh. Three good reasons fok, a short column this week, first an early deadline because of the holiday, second trying to get the children ready for the opening of school, and last and most important the calls that make the news have stopped coming in. It only takes a minute or two of your time to call me. Without news we have no column. See you next week, have a nice holiday. Heart Attack Victim Friends were shocked to learn of the death of Henry Tucker, W. Lake View street, from a heart attack Thursday. Aug. 30, while at work in Chicago. Services were held in Chicago. He is survived by his wife, Eugenie, and two daughters. PISTAKEE TERRACE Meeting Time Again The next association meeting will be Monday, Sept. 10, 8 p.m. at Ron Wiggermans, 4403 N. Hickoryway. The bylaws require annual dues payable at this September meeting. These dues are needed for the winter snow plowing contract. Loretta Kerns home at 1203 W. Circle drive is the scene of the Sept. 13 Women's auxiliary meeting. All girls who partook last September in the secret pal drawing please make a special effort to attend so your secret pal will be exposed. Rummage Sale • The Women's auxiliary committee is accepting items now for the rummage sale to be held Sept. 15, 9 a.m. to 4 pan. at Pat Merhaut's home, 1015 W. Elder avenue. If you have anything you have been keeping unnecessarily send it over. What is a white elephant to you might prove to be exactly what someone else needs. Here and There Pat Kaiser, daughter, Susan, and mother left Monday for a two day trip to Middleton, Wis. Staying at the Robert Rabbs for several days is his sister, Marie Keesey of Cleveland. Flying in from Long Island, N. Y., on Saturday to stay till Labor Day were daughter and son-in-law, Marion and Ralph Tucker, with baby Ann. Weekend guests also included son, Jack Adair and family of Chicago and brother, Louis Mastell, and son, George, of Berwyn. Arriving Wednesday evening from West Covina, Calif., for a short stay with Louise Jankowski were her daughter-inlaw, Charlotte Steimel, and c r r a n d c h i l d r e n , S h a r o n a n d Paul. Marty Pritchard is entertaining her girl friend, Nancy Alf of Chicago, for one week. The Merhauts attended the Kotovsky family picnic at Arie Crown Forest preserve, I .a Grange. Sunday. Pat captured first prize for kicking her shoes the farthest. Visiting the Bob Shems of Lake Geneva Sunday was the Ed Weiss family. Sunday through Tuesday guests of Loretta "Kern was her high school girl friend, Phyllis Welgraz of Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Frost of Grafton, Wis., spent the weekend with his sister and husband, Agnes and Howard Secord. Finishing their summer vacation Jeanne Jo and Susan Benoche spent Wednesday through Saturday at the Lake Forest home of John and Lynn Perschke. Pat Kaiser had a very busy Wednesday when she had seventeen relatives over for a delicious lunch. Guests were Mr. r.nd Mrs. S. Hansen and family and the Forsbergs of Mundelien. Mr .and Mrs. R. Hansen of Duluth, Minn., and Pat's great-aunt from Norway, who is making her first trip to America. Marcia and Val Patula and son of Antioch visited the Harry Gavins Sunday evening. James Walters 11 of Chicago spent a week with his grandmother, Eola Hillman, and aunt. Birdie Deppmeier. Debbie. Scott, Cindy and Kathv Stull took turns visit m McHENRY JAYCEES ON THE VILLAGE GREEN (City Park) SUNDAY OUTING- 12:00-3:00 p.m. September 16, 1962 2 Baked Potatoes Cole Slaw Hot Off The Grill Take It Home Eat It There $2.00 Advance Sales Hear -- McHenry's Stage Band Group ARE YOU THE BEST DRIVER IN McHlNRY? The McHenry Coachmen have an obstacle course to find out. TROPHY FOR THE WINNER ADVANCE TICKETS AVAILABLE FROM Any Jaycee Nye Drugs 1325 N. Riverside Dr. Lee & Ray Electric 3019 W. Main St. Joe's Barber Shop Dutch Mill Candies 1260 X. Green St. H. E. Buch & Sons 3012 W. Rt. 130 Eastwood Manor FAITH CHURCH SCHEDULES FAMILY SUPPER SEPT. 16 Edie Ivereon - S85-6S38 Sunday, Sept. 9-- "The Kind of Spirit God Gives" Text 2 Tim., 1.7. Monday, Sept. 10 at 7:30 p.m.-- Session and the Board of Deacons will meet. Tuesday, Sept. 11 at 8:30 p.m.-- The first rehearsal beginning the new choir season. Wednesday, Sept. 12 at 10 a.m.-- The executive commiting their paternal grandmother Wright in Chicago this summer. Also Debbie spent this week with her aunt, Judy Pagos of Morton Grove. Saturday luncheon guests of the Cal Vydunas were Grace's cousin and his bride. Mr. and Mrs. R. Berg of Bamsville, Minn. Tuesday evening guests of the Sabazs were Mitch's sisters and families, Helen and Jack Green and Isabelle and Tom Korbecki ar.d children of Bellwood. Belated Birthday Wishes To Steve Stahlman who was twelve on Aug. 21. Helping celebrate on Monday afternoon were Jim and Pat Colandre. Gary and Eddie Weiss and Chuck Lima who along with the family enjoyed pizza and :ce cream. Illnesses Back to work last Thursday is Ed Weiss, Sr., who has been off since last February due to a broken ankl*;. Tonsillitis has had Mark Wiggerman down for a few days. Anniversary Greetings to ,Cal and Grace Vyduna on Sept. 10. Birthdays Many happy returns of the day to Laura Gregg, Sept. 8, Noel Gregg and Karen Kern, Sept. 10, and Eleanor Moore, Sept. 11. Page Nine tee of the Women's Society will meet at the home of Mrs. Francis Pickett. The next all church family supper is being planned for Sunday, Sept. 16, at which time there will be an explanation of the new class arrangements and curriculm materials for the 1963-64 curriculm year. Birthday Wishes Happy birthday today, Sept. 6, to nine year old Craig Sigman. On Sept. 7, David Garrelts will be 7..Best wishes to Bob Stoll on Sept. 8. Tuesday, Sept. 11, we have four birthday celebrants, Bonnie Biederer, Richard Hawkins, and both James Falo and Brian Massheimer will be celebrating their birthdays. Have a wonderful time, all of you. Around the Manor Walt and Eleanor K u c k went by boat to Crabapple Island Saturday night for a barbecue supper. From there they visited friends in Fox Lake and went swimming. Sunday the whole family went to Fox Lake to swim in the pool and enjoy a backyard barbecue. Later they went boating and did some dancing. Ed and Betty Radner had a family reunion and birthday party at their home Sunday. Pam and her grandfathei Light holder were the birthday celebrants. At t e n d i n g were grandmother Light holder and Sally from Chicago, Sandy Rigler and baby, and Betty's cousin, Fred Green, wife, and two boys whom she hadn't seen in seven years. He is an army career man and enroute to England now. Pam received a very beautiful suit from her grandparents and other gifts of doll clothes. Pam Woodbury has been a busy gal while her folks were out here visiting. This weekend her three brothers and their wives were out here too. They enjoyed an evening of bowling and playing cards at the Betkes. Irene served barb e c u e s a n d w i c h e s . S a t u r d a y Fred, Pam, and Johnny attended the company picnic in Des Plaines. They've all been enjoying swimming in Wooster Lake these hot August days. The Dick Fenner family vacationed in Athelstane, Wis. They saw Goodman Park and visited an open-air church. They went berry picking and j u s t r e l a x e d r e t u r n i n g h o m e all rested. Dick spent his seccond week of vacation home nursing a badly infected throat. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Olund and faniily visited for two days. While there they went fishing and swimming in Cedar Lake and had cook-outs. Aug. 14 Lydia became a new auntie when Douglas Christopher joined the Ben Loveless family. Aug. 26 the baby was christened and the Fenners went to the home of Ben and Rita Loveless to attend the christening and large party in Streamwood. During August they went to a Mardi Gras in Chicago and also to Lydja's mother's birthday at the Bruno Zgorski home in Chicago. Lynn and Susan Newlon are visiting their aunt and uncle Darlene and Bob Wolfred in Chicago. The Glen Messer family have been enjoying their vacation. They went to a kiddie park, had supper at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Vern Behenna. and spent the night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Messer. They also went to O'Hare Field, the Museum of Science and Industry, the Field Museum of Natural History, and the Aquarium and Planetarium in Chicago. They spent the weekend at the cottage of the senior Messers. Vacation Trips Len and Winnie Hansen returned from their vacation trip to Texas where they went to visit their son. Dennie, who is in the armed services stationed there. They didn't stay but a few days as the temperatures soared up into the hundreds. While there they saw the Six Flags of Texas, Arlington State College, Fort Worth, and Carswell Airforce Rase. They met Dennie's fiancee and family. Wedding plans are being niade for sometime next year. Ricky returned bringing a horned - toad and a skunk he caught in the desert. Don and Anne Meyer and children spent their vacation in New York. The drive was real nice with tollroads all the w a y . I n P e n n s l v a n i a t h e y drove through seven tunnels and went through the beautiful green rolling hill country of the Pennslvania Dutch with their pretty farms. In New York they visited Anne's sister, Carol Hanson, and saw New York City. They went down to the docks and watched the big ship Queen Mary sail and also visited the Statue of Liberty. They visited West Point which is very beautiful right on the Hudson River, and saw the museum there with its war souvenirs and history of battles. Bob and Kay > Mitchell and children just returned from a trip in Arkansas where they visited Bob's mother, Edith Long and Jahet, and his grandfather and other relatives. They visited his uncle's farm down in the 'bottoms' and went through a cotton mill watching the huge cotton gin machine at work. They also enjoyed swimming in the mountains. Birthday Parties Jon Meyer enjoyed his sixth birthday party inviting seven children. Toe party was held in the coolness of the garage where the kids sat down to a lunch of hot dogs, potato chips, ice cream, and cookies. In on the games and party goodies' were Jim, Mike, Robert, and' Kevin Coughlin, Mike Kellogg,^ Jimmy Griffith, and Barbara' Krebs. _ * Fam Radner had a lovely birthday party with a table air decorated for the occasion and little plastic tote bags of candyfor each guest. Betty served* them hamburgers, cup cakes," ice cream, and kool-aid. invi-' tations for the party went out, to Susan Newlon, Susan and Martha Simpson, Laurie Kel-! logg, Karen Arendt, Margie B i r m i n g h a m , C a t h y D u r k i n , ' and Ronnie Wiegman. They en- i joyed dancing and games and" Pam received many nice things, for her doll. Barbara Krebs had a won-" derful birthday party Wednes- > day with games, cup cakes, ice * cream, kool-aid, and all the! party festivities. At t e n d i n were Maureen McCormack, Mike Kellogg. Jon and Donna Meyer. Debbie Olson, Mark Welme, Robin Perrino, Cathy Had ley arid Debbie Leonard. Brownies Brownie 1 roop 211 will have their firit meetirig Jn October^ with Peggy Garrelts as leader, and Rosemary Newlon as coleader. All l.-.others who wish* to have their daughters return5 to ?Troop 211 please call Peg-" gy and also if you can lend a hand this y^ar let her know. FOR YOUNG GIRLS $398 -- Sizes 7-14 -- SKIRT and BLOUSE OUTFITS -- Solid Colors or Woven Design -- THEY ARE ADORABLE! Rive*Aide "Retail Out /V<9 HIGH PRESSURE This is it! This is official! This is the moment you've been waiting for... > OFFICIAL FORD '62 CLEARANCE Now! Fabulous price on the Fabulous Ford Foursome! * THUNDERBIRD * GALAXIE FALCON ' FAIRLAME * To Be Sure To Get A Good Deal As Well As A Good Dealer -- See 3936 West Main Street BUSS FORD SALES "Home of Qualitty Transportation" McHenry, Illinois Our Services To You . . . 1. Traveler's Checks 2. Money Orders 3. Regular Savings Accounts 4. Investment Savings Accounts 5. X-Mas Savings Accounts 6. Home Mortgages 7. Home Improvement Loans 8. U. S. Government Savings Bonds 9. Night Depository You Are Wise. If you spend what is left after saving Rather than save what is left after spending! *y2% Per Annum On Investment Accounts 1/4% Per Annum On Regular Savings Accounts MtWrnvy fairings and LOAN ASSOCIATION "PAY YOURSELF FIRST! •a 3611 West Elm Phone 385-3000 McHenry. HI.