Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 Sep 1962, p. 14

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Page Fourteen TH£ McHENHY PLAINDEALER Thursday, September 6/ 1962 ^ McCullom Lake TWO FAMILIES MOURN DEATHS OF LOVED ONES Eve Levesque Deepest sympathy to Mary! Kantorski who lost her bo-1 loved son, Chester R„ 47, on Tuesday of last week. lie had | apparonlly been in the host of | health until March of this year, j when he underwent surgery. I At that time, his doctor discovered he was suffering from a malignancy. His body rested at the Sler- ! mer Funeral Home, in N. W. 1 Chicago until Friday morning | when Mass was read at St. i John Berchman's C a 1 h o 1 i c | church. He was laid to rest j next lo his father. Jacob, in | St. Patrick's cemetery. Mc- j Henry. ! Chester, who was a lovin;j ; and devoted son, was born ! Aug. 1. 1915. He served as an j M. P. in the United Si ales • Army and was stationed in the, Philippines. After h i s discharge, he became a Chicago police office and..served faiiiifully for about 37 years. Unmarried, he made his home with his sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Loesch at 2939 Logan Blvd. A very quiet personality, Chester's favorite relaxing sport was golfing arid he was never happier than when he was on the links. In addition to his mother and sister, Chester is also survived by his brother, Robert of Kansas City, Mo., and his nephew. Kenneth Loesch, who lives with Mary and is an officer on the local police department. * Condolences are extended to Mrs. S i g n e Osborn whose mother. Mrs. Ida Benson, 77, passed away in Harvard hospital Wednesday morning of last week. She had been a patient there for about 4 weeks. Ill health plagued her most of this year and during three trips,to the hospital, she spent about- a total of ten weeks t here. After the death of Signe's husband, Harold, ia.-t spring. Mrs. Benson was a great help j to her invalid daughter. Since ' her mother's illness, Signe has ! been cared for bv her brother, ' Barney, who came here from Arizona. Details appear elsewhere in the Plaindoaler. Services for Mrs. Benson were held from the Ehorsi funeral Home, Richmond, last Friday arid conducted by the Rev. Harold Carlson of Richmond's Grace Lutheran church. Burial was in Huntley. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Eklof of Washington, 111. and Bonde Benson flew in to attend the Last Chance for Ducats Saturday, Sept. 8, is looming just over the horizon so these are the last few days in which to purchase tickets for the McCullom Lake Sportsmen's Club eighth annual barbecue and dance which/will be held at the Johnsburg community hall, commencing at 7 p.m. They will serve food until 10. Dancing to a very fine orchestra will start at 9 p.m. You can purchase tickets for one or the other or for both activities. The menu will feature chicken and back ribs-- all you can eat! Tickets will be available at the door, so "pretty up" and plan on a country style party. Engineer Addresses Board L. E. Woodman of Baxter and Wocdman-- Engineers was present at the last meeting of the president and trustees on Monday, Aug. 27, to explain in detail the next step in investigating the feasibility of a sanitary sewage disposal plant for our community* Before . our village officials can put the project in your lap-- they, and you must know what such a project will cost. Since the funds for investigating the cost are coming from the federal government, certain procedures must be followed. Mr. Woodman explained in detail about the documents which must be processed. He and his company were empowered by the board to proceed with the detailed investigation of the ACTUAL cost. They will commence at the earliest possible date. As soon as the facts are made available, they will be published. The next steo would be to summon the bending companies who will instruct the board in the matter of financing. This is still a bit in the future, but "time flies". This is something for each and every villager to contemplate. As you know, the need for such a system is acute! The clearing of the village right-of-way has commenced. The matter of re-sealing Eastwood Drive was proposed. It is 4-5 years since this arterial road was completed and in order to protect it from the ravages of time and the elements, this protective covering is necessary. After investigation, it was found that North Orchard Drive (Gate 3) required similar treatment. By this time, the re-sealing of both of these roads should be completed. There will be no meeting on the second Monday in September and the board will again SAVE BY Declared September 15th . . . EARN FROM September 1st Dividend Rate piiiii - Make your savings work full time. -- Prime First Mortgage Loans. We invite vou to McHENRY JAYCEES start your Savings Account with us now in person or by mail. ON THE VILLAGE GREEN (City Park) Sept. 16, 1962 -- 12-8 p.nt. A Mutual Company Organized in 1925 *' - m total assets over $15,000,000.00 LEE & RAY ELECTRIC' 3919 W. Main St Eliminate storm window drudgery forever . • • with Crown windows .. • made of heavy extruded aluminum, the nation's finest • • • yet so reasonable in cost COMFORT and CONVENIENCE EVERY MONTH OF THE YEAR SCRUM DOWN) •LASS UP KHINI» W I N T E R RIGID FRAME "RIGID-FRAME" Construction. It's new -- and so different -- and -- will save time and money! You can build it yourself on a weekend -- or we have reliable local builders ready to build YOUR GARAGE NOW! ONE or TWO CAR with Storage * Compare The Features! * Compare The Quality! * Compare The Price! No Money Down -- 5 Years to Pay Low Monthly Payments ALEXANDER LUMBER CO. THE BEST OF EVERYTHING FOR THE BUILDER On Highway 31 South of Main Street - McHenry, Illinois Phone 385*1424 convene Sept. 24 at 8 p.m. in the beaehhouse. Ladles Meet Next Thursday After a two month vacation, members of the Ladies of the Lake will resume active duty next Thursday, Sept. 13, at. 8 p.m. in the beaehhouse. 'Nuther reminder in the next column. Young Lad Takes Second in Competition An aura of accomplishment surrounds the countenance of young Don Nelson as a result of placing second in a contest of constructing model card, in his age bracket. First in the junior division was Kenneth Justen of McHenry, Don--second, and David Sieben of McHenry. The competition was sponsored by Ernie and Mary Useman. Senior division winners were Joe Buralli of Pistakee, Craig Cone of McHenry, and Bill Peterson of Johnsburg. Young Buralli's car competed in Indianapolis on Aug. 31. We don't have the results at this writing. First place honorable mention was captured by another local lad-- Arnie Berry, with Duane Haak arid Dale Haldeman also being honored. Judging was done by two Johnsburg college students who are commercial art majors. They were A1 and Tony Cajthaml. Awards were given on the basis of originality--perfection in Work--and manner of display. For one week, the models and their awards were displayed in McHenry Candidates Presented Recently The county Democratic organization held a corn boil recently at LaGreca's Lakeview Inn. Wonder Lake. Democratic county chairman Billy Giblin was the soul of hospitality and was aided by the personality of Mrs. Theresa Schultz, c o u n t y c h a i r w o m a n . L o c a l folks in attendance included Mr. and Mrs. Gene Piotrowski and Tony and George Luto and daughter, Mary Beth. She and Theresa's daughter, Lynne, were table mates. House Guests The ever popular "screen house" retreat was well populated at the Dewey Fricke establishment. recently when his sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. A1 Daker, Art Lade, Dewey's mother, and Lorraine and Karl Blom spent a few days of vacation together. Greetings of the day to Art who celebrated his natal day on Aug. 30. Visitor from Across the Hea Tom Sylthe's nephew indulged in the "pause that refreshes" when he stopped enroute to Seattle, Wash., last week. He spent four days with Martha and Tom. Thor Sylthe, a young married man with two children is a member of the fourth estate and is gainfully employed by a .Norwegian newspaper-- "Varden's g a n g " ( t r a n s l a t i o n -- w o r l d news). He is on a leave of absence from the paper to visit relatives in this country and attend school. On Sent. 17. be will enroll at Columbia University. N. Y.. for a three month course in oost graduate work in journalism. Mr. Svlthe hails from the town of Trondheim in Norway, but the naper's headquarters are in Oslo. Martha and Tom were 'elated with his visit and are looking forward to Thanksgiving when the young man's wife hopes to join him and both will partake of the holiday feast here in the village. Both must return to Norway "before Christmas. Our Radio System Gets Fast Results The two-way radio in our Radio Dispatched Cab enables us to contact it immediately and sent it to your door promptly. McHenry Cab Ph. EVergreen 5-0723 Another Foreign Visitor The illustrious Ralph Reader of London, England, visited with Marge and Lowell Peterson last Saturday. He is the producer and director of tho Chicago Boy Scout Gang show while Lowell is production manager of this three hour spectacular. This is his second visit this summer and can't get away from the city soon enough. He planed in from London recently and will be flying back shortly. State Capitol Trek A regular commuter is Theresa Schultz as she journeys between home and the state capitol. She, daughter, Lynne, and chum, Bernice Biork, motored down via Route 47 and 66 last T h u r s d a y a n d r e t u r n e d h o m e Friday evening. Purpose of the trip was a refresher course for Tessie in the mechanics of checking retail occupational tax, in connection with her job with Revenue department. Heartfelt Condolences To Ardell «Ross Brand of Wonder Lake whose beloved husband, Kenneth, suffered a fatal heart attack Sunday morning. Details appear elsewhere in the Plaindealer. Our deepest sympathy also to his mother, Anna, brothers and sisters. His brother, Bill, resides on Hickory Drive in the village. Ardell and Ken lived here for one year immediately Spring Grov* PARISH HONORS REV. MONOHAN AT FAREWELL PARTY Eva Freund A large group of parishioners and friends of Father Monohan gathered at St. Peter's parish hall on Thursday night to bid him good-bye and wish him happiness and success in his new assignment. He is leaving this week for St. Patrick's parish in Rockford. Everyone present enjoyed a social evening. The honored guest was presented a gift. Refreshments were served. Showers Miss Jeanette Busch was guest of honor at a shower held for her in the village hall on Sunday afternoon. Approximately fifty ladies were present to spend a pleasant afternoon. Jeanette was the happy recipient of many beautiful and useful gifts. A delicious lunch was served. She will become the bride of John Vierke of Richmond on Sept. 29. A "blessed event" shower was held for Mrs. Robert Sutton by Mrs. Paul May and Mrs. Ken Larson at the home of Mrs. May on Wednesday night. Games were played in keeping with a baby shower and prizes were given the winners. Many lovely gifts were given to the after their marriage in 1950. We must express sympathy for Lil and Dave Hansen who were very close to the couple, and to all the other friends who admired and respected this fine young man. A loving and devoted husband ana a loyal friend, he will be sorely missed. Birthday Festivities for Little Miss Wee Opal Colleen Pariso was honored by her aunts and father on Aug. 26 with a party marking her fifth birthday. Six youngsters were in attendance. The little lady resides on Flanders Road in Germantown. Hostesses were Opal and Libby Pariso. Nifty "Oifty" Days Four candles on the cake for Billy Cunningham on Sunday, Sept. 9, and this date marks 37 years in "double harness" for Mary and John Nihill. . . Warren Kommer and Harriet Burghart share Sept. 10 for their natal day. . . A really truly "39er" is Everett Ingersol next Tuesday, Sept. 11. . . 'Twill be the first milestone for wee Annette Matthesius on Sept. 12 while Colleen Meyer will have six candles on her cake, also this date. Best wishes to all. Thanks for the wonderful cooperation and here's hoping you will continue. It's fun to write when you let me know what's happening. Isn't the silence deafening with the small fry back in school? Bye now, see you next week. EVERGREEN 5-4345 ROOM ADDITIONS! We can custom design your room addition to match your home. At low cost you can get the extra living space you need . . . plus add to the value of your home. We can arrange low cost, long term financing. Call for free estimate guest of honor. Cake and ice cream was served the guests. Cook-Oat - The William Thornton family, Mrs. John McGovern, sons, Richie and Scotty, Mrs. Charles Freund and Mrs. George May enjoyed eating out in the yard at the home of Shirley {§ Dawson Sunday afternoon. Baseball The Cubfi, -Little League team played a team from Antioch Sunday night. Our little Cubs played a terrific game and won by a score of 8 to 2. These Little League games t h r o u g h o u t t h e s u m m e r w e r e very entertaining and fun to watch. We all hate to see the £ season come to a close. Schools Open School buses are beginning to circle through town. Students of Richmond-Burton high school returned to their studies on Monday. Registration days for Marian Central high school were Thursday and Friday and their first day of school will be Sept. 5. St. Peter's school^ will start Wednesday, Sept. 5, and the Spring Grove grade school will open its doors on Friday, Aug. 31. Leave for Other States Mrs. Mary Hazel who spent some time with Mrs. Ed Pankin left this week for Savanah, Ga., where she will visit relatives. Miss Harriet Searles and Miss Esther Waldo have $ moved to Lansing, Mich. Visitors Mr. and Mrs. Jack McGinnis, former residents and now living in Florida, visited friends in the vicinity this weekend. They are spending some time with their son in Evanston before returning home. CONSERVATION REPORT GIVEN TO GARDEN CLUB + For Lowest Prices + For Complete Selections + For Open Display Shopping + For Quick Self-Service Prescription department approved by American Apothecaries Assn. We give S&H Green Stamps with Prescriptions. Millstream Drugs Walgreen Agency 3720 W. Elm Si. Jewel Shopping Plaza The McHenry Garden club held its August meeting at the lovely home of Mrs. Axel Bodker on the Fox river. Mrs. Alex Duncan, president, opened the meeting after delicious refreshments were served by Mrs. Bodker. Mrs. Fred Svoboda, in the absence of Mrs. Stinespring, presented Gerald Riordan, the McHenry Community high school student, who recently attended the state conservation school at Northern Illinois university. Gerald gave an interesting and informative resume of his week at DeKalb. He is especially interested in f forestry. Mineral, soil and water conservation were among the other subjects he discussed. The interest of the club members in conservation was evidenced by the lively question and answer session following the talk. Mrs. Svoboda, program chairman, presented tentative plans for future programs. M r s . Arnold Schaettgen showed color slides of the beautiful Bellingrath Gardens in Mississippi and a few of the other interesting places in the South. Mrs. Milton L. Smith contributed slides • of Cherry Blossom time in Washington, D. C., and other interesting sights in the capital. Mrs. Duncan announced she is presenting to the McHenry ^ Library, in the name of the Garden club, a book authored by her son, Hugh Dalziel Duncan. The book, entitled, "Communication and Social Order, is the second by Mr. Duncan. His first book, "Language and Literature in Society" is now in its second edition. Mr. Duncan was signally honored recently by winning an award in recognition of his outstand- A ing work in the field of sociol- ^ ogy. The award was the Graham Sociological, Fellowship Department award for work in advanced art. He has been invited to organize the sociology department at Rice university in Houston, Texas, where he previously had presented a series of lectures. Mrs. George Johnson, chairman of the Flower, Fruit and-# Plant guild, has asked that members bring jellies and jams to be distributed to Valley Hi home at Hartland and the Children's home at Woodstock. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Earl Sand. OPEN McCLORY HEADQUARTERS j McClory for Congress headquarters will be opened formally on Saturday, Sept 8, at a reception from 9:30 until noon. The new headquarters are located at 122 North County street, Waukegan, which is one door north of the Republican federation office and onehalf block north of the county fcourt house. While the number of formal invitations is necessarily limited, an invitation is extended to all Republicans to visit the headquarters on Saturday morning, at which time l i g h t r e f r e s h m e n t s w i l l b e served. Advertise - It Pays!

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