Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 13 Sep 1962, p. 17

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# Thursday, September 13, 1962 THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Wonder Lake Garden Club Plans Party Mary Lou Hartog The Garden Club ptaps to £old their card party at Harrison School on Sept.- 27 at 8 p.m. Tickets may be obtained from members. The Garden club held its annual picnic and barbecue at the home of Mrs. Marian Carder, Sat., Sept. 8. This was "husband" night at the Garden club. They all had fun in spite of the rain. Mrs. Switzer and Mrs. McEachren showed pictures of recent trips. Attend Design School Mrs. Alice Condren and Mrs. Mary Lou Hartog attended a floral design school seminar in Chicago on Sunday Sept. 9. Prominent designers from the midwest area conducted the seminar and showed the latest in fall and Christmas floral designs. ||Hrl Scouts Spend Weekend At Lake Geneva Girl Scouts from Troop 318-- Cathy McMillan, Pam Gable, Ruth Wilson, Cathy Muson, and Nancy Reglan -- returned Sunday night from a weekend at Camp Augustana at Lake Geneva where they had a wonderful time with scouts from Illinois, Wisconsin, Michigan t and Minnesota. This outing ' ®>vas sponsored by the Sybaquay council, which covers McHenry, DeKalb, Cook and Lake • counties. Anniversary Greetings The Leo J. Wines celebrated their thirteenth wedding anniversary last Monday, Sept. 10. That is the "lace" anniversary according to my book, so if you have any lace anti- Anacassars laying around, just wrap them up and send them to Delores and Johnny. I know they'll appreciate them. $450 Donated To Training Center The parent group organization of the McHenry County Training center received $450 from Dr. Ruggero and the entire community, the result of • contributions made during the oral polio vaccine drive. The group met Monday at 8 p.m. at Harrison school.-Visitors are always welcome at these meetings. Parents wishing to enroll children may get forms from Mrs. Harry Davidson, phone 653-5321. A group is now forming for auxiliary members who wish to 0help with the children at the training center. If you can help, please call 653-3972. Congratulations And Best Wishes To Nancy Colby of McHenry and John Brzenk of Wonder Lake, who were married on Sept. 1 by Justice of the Peace Jere Dodge in Algonquin. Also to Michelle Hanson on ^ her engagement to Robert Manke of Woodstock. A May 18 wedding is planned. Deepest Sympathy To Gordon and Harry Benson of Wonder Lake. Their mother, Mrs. Ida Benson of McCullom Lake, died Aug. 29 at Harvard hospital. the newlyweds, and both Loren and Kathy's birthday, all of which fell on the same date. On the twenty-fourth of August the Bopparts, accompanied by Miss Phyllis Boppart, left to visit the Minnesota state fair. Get Well Wishes To Baby Dennis Marley, Margaret Ruggero, Margaret Tomano, Linda Carey, Mrs. Irene Kevek, and Mrs. Edith Sauer -- all hospitalized during the last week. One Blue -- No Pinks Mr. and Mrs. Gary Boetticher are the proud parents i his past week of a handsome young son born Sept. 6. Attend Silver Anniversary Party Joe and Catherine Wurm of Wonder Woods went partying in the big city last Saturday evening. They attended a surprise silver anniyersary party for Mr. and Mrs. Harry Brady of Lily Lake. The two sons of the Bradys gave, the party which was held at a hall in Chicago. Entertains College Friends Mrs> John DeLong of 5508 W. Lake Shore drive, Wonder Woods, "entertained ten ladies and their husbands last Friday. Sept. 7. The ladies were all college friends of Mrs. DeLong many years ago. They had a wonderful afternoon renewing old aquaintances. Wedding Shower For Kathy Bruscato The Russ Belshaw home was the scene of a lovely miscellaneous bridal shower on Saturday, Sept. 1, given in honor of Miss Kathy Bruscato. Diane McMahon was hostess for the party and fourteen school friends presented Kathy with many beautiful gifts. She will be married Sept. 15 to Richard Marr of Mineral Point, Wis. Lamonts On The Go Again Sam and Betty Lamont took off last Thursday on another jaunt to Canada. This time they were heading for Montreal, where Sam has business and Betty will take over in the shopping department like Grant took Richmond. That is the "shoppingest" gal I have ever seen. They journeyed to Montreal via Leamington where they dropped off their aunt, who has been visiting with the Lamonts, the Tom Dockerys and the G. Kellners. Altar And Rosary Hears Speaker From Milwaukee The Altar and Rosary sodality of Christ the King church had as its speaker last Thursday, Mrs. Gertrude Stau- Page Seventeen Johnsburg FR. HILLER TO SPEAK AT ST. AGATHA MEETING Betty Hettermano Father Everett Hiller will be the guest speaker at the monthly meeting of St. Agatha's court No. 777 next Tuesday, Sept. 18. All members of the court are cordially invited to attend this meeting. The committee in charge include Cathy Schaefer, Lorraine Hiller, Marcella Wakitsch, Lou La Bay, Sharon Wohlert Emma Kattner, Clarence Freund and Melania Thiel. Double Celebration Young Bill \Martinec was guest of honor at a celebration last Saturday evening in the Dan Thurlwell home in Cooney Heights. The party celebrated Bill's recent discharge after serving four years in Uncle dienmeyer, director of the Missionary Association of Catholic Women. Those who attended said her talk was very inspiring. As a direct result of this lecture, a group is forming this week to do missionary work. Details will be printed in our „ next issue. Anyone interested in doing sewing, knitting, making bandages, and many other phases of missionary work please contact Mrs. Delores Wines at ess-^lll or Mrs. Dorothy Nemsick at 653- 6773. All types of help are needed. It is not necessary that you be a knitter or an accomplished seamstress. There are dozens of different kinds of work to be done and it is for a whorthwhile cause. Baker-Matthes Wedding At Christ The King Church Audrey Baker of Crystal Lake and Dr. Robert E. Matthes of Woodstock were married at 10:30 Mass at Christ the King Church on Saturday, Sept. 8. The bride wore a turquoise lace street length dress with matching hat and blusher veil. She wore a corsage of white orchids. Attendant to the bride was Mrs. Marguarite Holtfreter of Woodstock. Her dress was of beige nylon taffeta with matching hat and veil and she wore a corsage of beige cymbidium orchids. Donald Holtfreter acted as best man. A reception was held in the afternoon at the Knights of Columbus hall in Woodstock. Sam's Navy and his twentyfirst birthday. Many of his relatives and friends were on hand to join in the party fun. We would like' to extend a "welcome home" wish to Bill also. I'm sure his parents, Ruth and Bill, have looked forward to his home-coming since his enlistment four years ago. Congratulations Corner Sept. 15 is the wedding anniversary date shared by LAi Ann and Harry Smith, Lois and Harry Thelen and Betty and Dan Schmitt. Congratulations to all! "Happy Birthday" to Jean Hettermann, who will celebrate her eleventh, natal day come Sept. 17. Meeting Reminder The juvenile girl Foresters will meet at 7 o'clock next Monday evening, Sept. 17, in the community club hall. Texas Visitors Tom and Joan Keenan are here spending two weeks visiting relatives and friends. Tom is stationed at an army camp in Temple, Texas. While here they will be staying with her parents, the Ben Blakes, in McHenry. Around the Town Georgette Miller and Janice Wakitsch returned to St. Therese's school of nursing after an enjoyable three week's vacation which they spent in their respective homes. Most of our college students are either back on campus or very close to it. We all join in wishing them good luck in their future studies. Susan Pitzen and Carol Ann Stilling returned to St. Coletta's school in Jefferson. Wis., last Thursday. Each girl spent a month visiting with her family. The Don Dowe family of Bloomington visited relatives here this past week. We are all real happy Billy La Fontaine is in school after his recent leg surgery. He is still sporting a cast but hopes are high that he will be able to shed that soon. HERE AND THERE IN BUSINESS Fire and Rescue Squad Calls The men of Station 2 were called out last Thursday evening to extinguish a brush fire in Pistakee Highlands. * A call came into the rescue squad about 7:30 Saturday to summon them to an auto accident scene which involved two cars. The accident occurred on Bay road and Chapel Hill road. Three were taken to the McHenry hospital and the fourth was taken in the squad ambulance. The three young girls suffered lacerations while the fourth woman passed away enroute to the hospital. PLAN GRAND OPENING Althoff's Heating and Air Conditioning, which changed locations Sept. 1 to 903 Front street, announces its building near completion, and plans are being made for grand opening on Friday, Sept. 28. Business is being carried on as usual even though the new structure is not entirely finished. VISIT GERMANY Dr. and Mrs. Richard F. Canar of 8824 B Robin drive Des Plaines, will leave on Sept. 8 fbr a two-week visit to Germany. Dr. Canar is owner of McHenry County Import Motors, Inc., authorized Volkswagon dealer located at 114 West Rand road, McHenry. The couple will join a group of fellow dealers in Chicago, then will jet from Chicago's O'Hare International Airport to Hanover. The group will fly through the "corridor" to Berlin, where they will see both East and West Berlin and the "notorious wall". They will go sightseeing in Munich, Garmisch, Rothenburg, Frank fort and Hamburg. RECEIVES BONUS Thomas Cashin of 7710 Orchard, Wonder Lake, has received a bonus amounting to more than a week's pay from Merchandise National Bank of Chicago. Cashin, a collector in the bank's installment loan department, won the award for perfect attendance during the year ending Aug. 31. CLOSE MUSEUM The Illinois State Museum closed its doors to the public at 5 p.m. Monday, Sept. 3 to begin the move to the newjl museum building. It will prob- j ably be near the first of the «| year before the museum is reopened to the public. Originally it was hoped that the museum would reopen by Thanksgiving. but the target date was set back due to construction delavs. <"~ + For Lowest Prices + For Complete Selections + For Open Display Shopping + For Quick Self-Service Prescription department approved by American Apothecaries Assn. We give S & H Green Stamps with Prescriptions. ORBBN gTAMP^ Millstream Drugs Walgreen Agency 3720 W. Elm St. Jewel Shopping Plaza Happy Birthday belatedly to Kay Beattie, Margaret Cottrell and Jean Elan. Dinner Guests Mr. and Mrs. Loren Boppart of Harvard (the former Kathy Majerick of Wonder Lake) were dinner guests of her parents, the Allen Phillips, on Aug. 23. The occasion was the second anniversary for Pete's Auto Tips by Pete Peters LITTLE GAS MUCH AIR You use about 9,000 gallons ^1 of air to every gallon of gaso- ^ line when you drive your car down the road. Now, you can realize how important it is to have an air filter that keeps dust and grit from entering the carburetor and motor. Here is an important part of an automobile engine that is usually forgotten about by most drivers, although it can mean wasted gasoline, lost ^ horsepower and needless wear ^ on valves and rings. It could be adding more cost per mile than the expense of your gasoline. Of course, it's gradual and you don't realize it until you need carburetor, valve or ring work on the motor. Prevent this extra expense by letting PETE'S SINCLAIR check your air filter every time you have the lube job A and oil change. You'll happily ^ discover that the drive over to 4416 W. Rte 120. Lakeland Park is one that saves you car expenses over the long run. See us today. Ask About Our Free Wash or Lube Service Plan. Nationally Advertised Pflpf^trail DINNER WARE SALE 4-PIECE PLACE SETTING RED ROOSTER Provincial flavor with a distinct "li*«-cool" red, as achievement in ceramic*. These beautiful pieces can be used effectively with contemporary, modern and traditional. Each item is permanently retained under a soft, satin fleck glaze, oven safe, detergent proof and durable. $3»5 If purchased separately pieces would cost $7.10 PLACE SETTING INCLUDES: Large plate, fruit cup and saucer pcrra ires CAPE COD Soft blue, hand-painted Col* onial flower for Ms on Con* tenporary shapes. Staple blrt •ophisticated. NAVAJO Informal beauty reflecting the sun-baked sands and tvr* quoise skies of Iht South* west SALE DATES SEPT. 9 • 29. 1962 VYCITAL'S HARDWARE 1288 N. Green St. Phone 385-0098 Franklin* * 93$ Values ancf up Sale Begins Thursday, Friday 8c Saturday j*»rft 8*rv<cc <a* FOUR & i M GIANT H BLOCKS emco Science Kits ^different basic kits --educational & fun! Reg. $1.00. __ Choice ...77* Giant ABC Blocks Set of 14--letters, numbers, animals on sides. Reg. 98c 20-Piece Tea Set "Blue Heaven" pattern on lithographed metal. Reg. 98c77c 21 -Inch Cork Curt Double barrel. Metal, plastic. Reg. 98c77c ••Key Baby Grand Actually plays! Song book. Reg. 98c. 77c Giant Plastic Cars Racer, fire engine or bus. Reg. 98c. .77^ "WTiTI IT Magnetic Board 26 numbers or letters. Reg. 98c. 77c Mastic TV Banks Popular characters. 10-in. Reg. 98c. 77e GamEmMad Tejr Vanity Sots F.oi you & your doll! Reg. 98c 77e Child Guidance Toys Pre • schoolers. Gay Colors. Reg. 98077^ Reg. $1.00 Large Size Indoor - Outdoor PLAY BALL 7T Trl-Motor Piano Plastic. 2 auxiliary motors. Reg. 98c..77c ftQUOM Modeling Dough 4 cans "Beany & Cecil". Reg. 98c...77^ Yarn Doodle Dolls Just tie and braid! Reg. 98c 7 fairy Princess Phone Bell rings! Pink or blue. Reg. 98c..77® Big 20-Inch Plastic Doll to Cuddle Dressed in knitted panties... it'll be fun to sew for her! Moving arms, legs. Molded hair. Reg. $1.29 77t 8!4-in. Popular Model Friction Cars Thunderbird, Rambler, Cadillac and Volkswagon. Enameled metal, shiny "chrome" trim. Reg. 98c. Choice 77c Cars with Choice of Trailers Unbreakable plastic in gay colors. U-Haul or Boat trailers. 19-in. long over-all. Reg. $1.00... Touch Trigger--Bridge Explodes! 9^-in. plastic bridge looks like cobblestone and brick. 3 soldiers, jeep, driver. Reg. 98c 771 Color-By-Nimtber! Choice of sets. 12 pre-sketched pictures in each. Reg. $1.00 77c Hood Puppets Shari Lewis characters with painted features. Reg. 98c Your choice. 77« BEN FRANKLIN 1250 N. Green Street McHenry, Illinois

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