Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 13 Sep 1962, p. 18

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Page Eighteen THE McHSwr pjjamvAim * ; - Eastwood Manor NAME PROPERTY OWNER OFFICERS IN SEPTEMBER Nominations Made For Terms Which Extend One Year Edfe Iverson - 885-6338 Lei me introduce you to the E a s t w o o d M a n o r P r o p e r t y Owners' association. The object of this organization is to develop and encourage interest in Eastwood Manor subdivision; to further the social and p r o p r i e t a r y i n t e r e s t s a m o n g the residents: to furnish wholesome amusement and recreation to its members. Regular meetings are held on the third Friday of each month in the barn. Coffee and doughnuts are served free at each meeting. Our next meeting will be Sept. 21, at which time new officers shall be elected for the fiscal year. For voting purposes. one vote shall be cast from each household holding membership in the association. This vote may be split between the husband and wife if they so desire. The chairman, vice-chairman, recording seer e t ajr y, corresponding secretary and treasurer are elected by a majority vo.te .of the quorum present by a*elosed ballot. Ballots are cpUhted by two members and attested to by the recording secretary. Officers shall be elected for a term of one year. No officer shall hold the same office for two consecutive terms. Nominations presently in for the new term include A1 Bianchi, nominated for chairman. He has resigned as a member of the board of directors. Fred Woodbury has been nominated for vice-chairman, Carolyn Roths for recording secretary, Larry Moore for c o r r e s p o n d i n g s e c r e t a r y , a n d Dot tie Messer for treasurer. There are three members of the board of directors. Each member is elected for a threeyear term. William Brogan, J*., has been nominated for a three-year term and El Borcovan has been nominated to fill the office for the remainder of the term left by the resignation of A1 Bianchi. Thursday evening, Aug. 30, the E.M.P.O.A. sponsored a roller skating party at the Mc- Henry Roller Rink. Admission for members and their families was free. The party was a huge success and very well attended. with everyone having a grand time. Birthday Wishes Happy birthday to Cathy Durkin. who will be celebrating her nineth on Sept. 16. Sept. 17 David Messer will become a big boy of six and Kenneth Jacobson will be all of 5! Sept. 18 Cynda Lou Radner will become a pretty young miss of 14. Sept. 19 Gil Moore shares with 12-year-old Karen Welms. Wishing you all a very happy day and many, many more to follow. Present were her parentij, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Poulson, and brother, Dan Poulson, and family of Palmyra, Wis., and sister, Mrs. Clayton Hansen, and family from Whitewater, Wis. Saturday night there was a big party in the Bill Butler home. Attending were Don and Carolyn Roihs. Bob and Florence Tucker, Bill and Annette Brogan, Gerry and Bonnie Biederer, El and Pat Borcovan, Ray and Marilyn Salo. Jim and Georgiana Wilson, George and Lee Landin, Ed and Mary Vestgard, Fred and Pam Woodbury, and A1 Bianchi. They all had a marvelous time. The h i g h l i g h t o f t h e e v e n i n g seemed to be doing the limbo. Hear Lee came up the big winner! Sunday they again gathered together and wound up enjoying a big cook-out party. Attending this one were the Tuckers, Biederers. Borcovans, Salos, Wilsons and Vestgards. Nice way to wind up the end of school vacation and three day holiday weekend. Pistakee Highland! BROWNIES TO OPEN SEASON NEXT TUESDAY Hazel Morley HYatt 7-3320 Kay Steltscli HYatt 7-5414 The first Brownie meeting of the year will be on Sept. 18 at the. community center from 3:30 to 5 p.m. New Brownies will be accepted. Girls must be in second grade or seven years old. For further information you can call Mrs. Harriette Wilson, Brownie leader. nyside avenue welcomed their third grandchild just last week. The newest mqdel was born to their daughter and son-in-law. This makes three grandsons for the Browns. Teen Clubs News The Teen club is also getting into high gear for the season. Their first meeting was at the community center last Monday evening. New members for the club are being accepted. A social is planned for later this month. Any 'teen-ager who is in high school and would like to join can call Janet Wilson at HY 7-3374 for more details. Happy Anniversary Best wishes for a very happy wedding anniversary to Mr. and Mrs. Jim Wilson and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dalton. who both celebrate on Saturday, Sept. 15. Another couple who will be observing their anniversary are Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Ryan on Sept 18. Faith Presbyterian Church Sunday. Sept. 16. the sermon will be entitled "God's Trade-In Offer" based on Isaiah 61:3 Two entire families. the R. C. Jacksons of Pistakee Hills and the Norman Macdonalds of McHenry, will be publicly welcomed as new members of Faith church. At 6 p.m. there will be a church family supper at which the Christian education program for the coming year will be highlighted. On Sept. 18 at 8 p.m. there will be choir rehearsal, and on Sept. 20 at 8 p.m., the fall program of the Women's society will get under way with a meeting at the home of Mrs. Frank Ewert in Crystal Lake. Transportation will be arranged from the church. Sweeter Than Sugar That's what that little baby irl is who was born on Sept. 2 at St. ThereSea^ hospital to Gene and LaVerne Sarver. Johnsburg P.T.A. The Johnsburg school will hold its first P.T.A. meeting on Sept. 18 at the school. This month's program will be on the League of Women Voters. James Long, president, will be in charge of the proceedings. Welcome Grandson Elsie ami Ed Brown of Sun- Parties Patricia Barry enjoyed a party on her fourth birthday. Thirteen children attended and all had a real nice time. Cup cakes, popsicles, etc., were served. Debbie Pickett cele brated her birthday with a party. Present were three birthday girls. Enjoying the cake and ice cream were Lydia Fenner, Carey, Cheryl and Cathy, Carolyn Congdon and little Lea, June Priester and Randall. Sunday the Walter Kucks, Glen Messers and Gil Moores got together for a barbecue in honor of Maureen's birthday. It was a back-to-school party featuring a big cake iced with a bright yellow school bus created by Dottie Messer for the occasion. The Gilbert Congdon family got together over the holiday weekend at a picnic in Wisconsin. Carolyn was the birthday celebrant on this occasion. Girl Scouts There have been some changes made in Girl Scouts this year. There will be a new troop formed of girls in the fourth, fifth, and sixth grades of "school. Their leader will be Peggy Garrelts and co-leader, Rosemary Newlon. Any girls interested get in touch with either one. Brownie Troop 211 will continue under new leaders. These girls are made up of second and third graders. Around the Manor That pretty little miss, Ginger Griffeth, appeared in a style show at the McHenry Country c 1 u b last Thursday evening. The Bud Haldeman family drove to Streator, 111., and spent the holiday weekend .visiting the senior Haldemans. While there they attended a carnival, watched a parade, and saw a movie. The John Barry family spent a day at the zoo before summer vacation ended. They took a picnic lunch and really had a great time. Kenneth and Steven Congdon enjoyed a visit with their grandparents in Palmyra, Wis. Pat Borcovan's mother, Mrs. Downey, came out for a visit from Chicago. While here they enjoyed an evening of bowling. We have a complete team of lady bowlers out here. They are Pat Borcovan, Dottie Messer, Georgiana Wilson, Eleanor Kuck, and Charlotte Urban who will be bowling every Monday evening. Lots of luck and strikes to you! The Bill Brogans enjoyed Sunday dinner at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Brogan, Sr., in Chicago. Labor Day they had a get-together here with a barbecue. Attending were Annette's sister, Mrs. Hickey, from Chicago and other cousins. Holy Nana? Installation The Holy Name society of St. Johrtfs held installation of officers arid Benediction in the Church, Sunday evening at 7:30. Following the church services, an open meeting was held at the community hall, to which all parents of the parish were invited. Father Anthony J. Becker, superintendent of Boylan Central high in Rockford, gave a talk on "Parent- Child Relationships". News of Your Friends and Neighbors Diana Murgatroyd spent last Tuesday in Maywood, visiting her mother, Mrs. LaBell, who broke her arm in two places. We hope she will be on the mend real soon. Sept. 8, Wally and Kay Sielisch attended a family reunion of Wally's family at the home of Wally's cousin, Louise Klfnger, of Roselle. There were fifty members of the family present including three of Wally's aunts in their late 80's. They enjoyed a delicious dinner and an evening of fun. Last Tuesday Roy and Gert Snell spent the day in Elgin visiting their son. Saturday, Sept. 1. the Pethericks of Lake street moved back to Crystal Lake, Michigan, where Bruce will take over the duties of his father's store. Before the Petherickr left, the neighbors and friends of Carol gathered to wish her well and presented her with a gift. Joe and Liesl Hanisch drove to Chicago to pick up Joe's parents and they spent the Labor Day weekend with the Hanisches and returned by train Tuesday morning. Sept. 1, Dorothy and Richie Orlowski attended a birthday party for Dorothy's sister, Gola MacDonald, at the home of her sister, Ruth Rathnow, in Ingleside. The big event included four birthdays, those of G o l a , D o r o t h y , R i c h i e a n d Joyce Muvgatroyd. Ruth's son, Charlie, and wife, Diana Murgatroyd, and family also attended the big event. All birthday celebrants received many lovely gifts and a good time was had by all. Sept. 1, Bill and Emma Rosengart held their annual family reunion in their home on John street. There was seventeen present. They all like to hold their reunion at the Rosengarts' because of the great sense of humor of the family. Toots Spankuch returned- to work in Chicago last Tuesday after enjoying the summer with her two children. Kay Sielisch, while in Downers Grove last weekend, attended the Downers Grove fall festival and was surprised to see Nancy's Twirlers of Woodstock and Rockford. A comment was made by many from Downers Grove that it was too bad the Viscounts of McHenry weren't present. They had been to one of their events lately and every one enjoyed their performance very much. It is nice to be away from home and hear such nice comments about our boys and girls from this area. R e g u l a r c h e c k - u p s a n d maintenance by our experts, means lower car costs for you. Call us today and find out for yourself. Brake Service All Mechanical Repairs Complete Motor Overhauling BUTCH'S Auto Service "24-HOUR TOWING SERVICE 1002 N. Front St. EV 5-0811 McHenry, I1L McHENRY JAYCEES SUNDAY OUTING ON THE VILLAGE GREEN (CITY PARK) SEPTEMBER 16. 1962 -- 12:00 - 3:30 P.M. -- Rain Dale, Sept. 23 Hear -- McHenry's Stage Band Group Menu 2V2-lb. Chicken 2 Baked Potatoes Cole Slaw TICKETS $2.00 ADVANCE SALES Hot off the Grill Take It Home Eat It There Birthdays and Anniversaries Belated birthday wish to Renee Janquart, who celebrated her birthday Aug. 26; Richie Orlowski, Sept. 26; Dorothy Orlowski, Sept. 30; Evelyn Falk. Sept. 21; Barbara Lange, and LaVerne Madock, Sept. 21; Marilyn VanZevern, Sept. 28; Dickie Morley, Sept. 13. We have only one. couple celebrating their wedding anniversary, so we wish this very popular young couple, Fritz and Sally- Jo VonBruenchenheim, a day full of fond memories on Sept. 28 as they add another milestone to their happy marriage. Here and There Roy Snell was happy to have his brother, John, from Oaklawn spend a few days with the family here. Grace Reinhardt was a real proud grandmother Sept. 6 when her blonde, beautiful little grandchild, Denise, modeled clothes at the Democratic style show. Denise modeled like a professional. She entered kindergarten this year and loves it. Too bad some one in the Highlands is so hard up financially that they have to resort to stealing the garbage cans from the beach. The association cannot afford to keep replacing them. The large poles used for parking guides were thrown into the water and the beach is a mess with broken, glass and debris. It would be nice if everyone stuck together and made this a community to be proud of. We have so much to start with but it is impossible for the few who da care to carry on alone. The Farwells had their share of company over Labor Day- Rose's sister, brother-in4aw and family, Mr. and Mrs. Undine and family, from La-? Grange Highlands and Dick's mother, Sue • Farwell, from Cicero. Martin and Hazel Rogde £ didn't do too bad either. Hazel's sister. and family, her brother and family and daughter/ Pat, came from Chicago. Pat, and one of Hazel's sisters, celebrated t^eir birthday also over the holiday. Happy belated birthday to Ed Thoren on Sept. 3. He enjoyed his cake with his family and next door neighbors, the Reillys. A group of gals got together for their first card club meeting of the year, at the home of Janice Janquart. Enjoying Jan's deliciqus goodies find celery and carrot sticks (for those who are counting palories) were Lilly Hovseth, Lois Mason, Doris Hanson, Tina O'Malley. Lee Conway, Ginny Emmerich and Hazel Morley. Martin and Hazel Rogde spent this past weekend in De-" Kalb. Emma Eides' mother, Mrs. Brown, from St. Paul returned home after spending two weeks visiting here. It 5s nice to see Betty and Ski Chedecki back from California. They were gone the whole summer and visited Honolulu, Seattle World's Fair, Grand Canyon and many other places of interest. On Sept. 14, Marilyn VanZevern, Betty Sandelin, Betty Warczek, Joan Zilligen and Marie Schlick will meet at the home of Audrey Misavice for an evening of cards. Mr. and Mrs. Rosenquist and family spent Labor Day at the fair in Elkhorn, Wis. The Barron children are back home after spending the summer with their grandparents in Minnesota. This year Billy Barron came home with an arm in a cast. He broke it climbing a tree at Grandma's. Marge and Frank Ross and children were guests over Labor Day at the Masons. Marge is Tom's sister. On Sept. 14 Janet Wilson and Dale Bolens will combine birthdays and celebrate tc- ^ jThjiysday, September 13, 1962^ iwi*» »*,ii Legal* NOTICE OF CLAIM DATE Estate of ELLEN L. WALSH Deceased Notice is hereby given to all persons that Monday, October 1, 1962, is the claim date in the estate of ELLEN L. WALSH, Deceased, pending in the County Court of McHenry County, Illinois, and claims may be filed against the said estate oii or before said date without issuance of summons. EARL R. WALSH Executor Looze and Kinne Attorney for Executor 3431 W. Elm St. McHenry, Illinois 385-1580. (Pub. Sept. 6-13-20, 1962) NOTICE OF CLAIM DATE Estate of MARTIN COONEY, Deceased Notice is hereby given to all persons that Mon<^y, October 1, 1962, is the claim date in t h e e s t a t e o f M A R T I N COONEY, Deceased, pending in the County Court of McHenry County, Illinois, and that claims may be filed against the said estate on or before said date without issuance of summons. LEE J. COONEY & MILDRED KINSALA Co-Executors Looze and Kinne gether at Janet's home. Janet will be 16 and Dale 17. Many, many friends have been invited and it sounds like a grand time is in store. Happy birthday, kids. That's It For another week. The kiddies are back to school and things should be getting back to normal around the house, so if you have any news and a spare moment we would sure like to hear from you. DR. HENRY FREUND OPTOMETRIST At 1224 N. Green Street* McHenry (Closed Thursday Afternoons) 1STES EXAMINED -- GLASSES FITTED VISUAL TRAINING -- VISUAL REHABILITATION COMPLETE VISUAL ANALYSIS HOURS: DAILY 9 TO 12 A.M. and 1 TO 6 PJI. FRIDAY EVENINGS: 6:00 TO 8:80 P.M EVENING8 BY APPOINTMENT PHONE EVergreen 5-0452 Attorneys for Executor* 3431 W. Elm Street \ McHenry, Illinois ' 385-1580 (Pub. Sept; 6-13-20, 1962) NOTICE OF CLAIM DATE Estate of PETER B. OLSON a/k/a BERNARD OLSON Deceased Notice is hereby given to all^ persons that Monday, October*-* 1,' 1962, is the claim date in the estate of PETER B. OLSON a/k/a BERNARD OLSON, Deceased, pending in the County Court of McHenry County, Illinois, and that claims piay be filed against the said estate on or before said date without issuance of summons. JOSEPHINE OLSON Executrix -- _ Hugh A. Deneen, ® Attorney (Pub. Sept. 6-13-20, 1962) Want to save money on home insurance? If you have broad-form Fire insurance on your house and contents, you're probably paying a lot more than you have to. Ask about a low-cost Allstate Homeowners Policy. ALLSTATE INSURANCE OFFICE 1303 Richmond Road Phone: 385-5487 CD HMVi In good hands wM| ALLSTATE HOMEOWNERS INSURANCE FOUNDED BY SEAM VMM* ImuniKtComptnla'Hoot* OBkm: StoUt, § ST. PAUL'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH tl mL south an Green St) Sundays: Masses -- 7:30 and 9 ZION EVAN GEL1CAL LUTHERAN CHURCH (Missouri Synod) 4206 W. Waukegan Road (Highway 120 West) Rev. Carl A. Lobltx, Pastor Sunday -- Services: 7:45 and 10:30 a.m. 9:00 a.m. Sunday School and Bible Class Are You The Best Driver In McHenry? The McHenry Coachmen have an obstacle course to find out. Trophy for the winner. ADVANCE TICKETS AVAfT.AWT.iP. FROM: -- JOE'S BARBER SHOP t NYE DRUGS -- DUTCH MILL CANDIES LEE & RAY ELECTRIC -- H. E. BUCH 8e SONS FAITH PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Lincoln Rd. West of Outdoor Theatre Toim O. Mclntyre, Minister Worship: 11:00 a.m. Church School: 9:30 a.m. BT JOSEPH'S CATHOLIC CHURCH Richmond, Illinois Rev. Ft. Frank J. Miller Sunday 7:00, 8:80 and 10:00 am. Holydays -- 7 and 9 a.m. si. mrs OATHOUO CHURCH Rev. Eugene Baumhofer Rev. Raymond Holmgren Assistant Pastors Sunday Masses: 6:30, 8:00, 9:30, 10:45 and 12:00. Holydays: 6:00, 7:00, 8:00, 10:00 ajn. and 7:30 p.m. Confessions: Saturdays, Thursdays before First Frl* days, and days before Holy* days: 8-4 in afternoon sod 7-8 in evening ST. PATRICK'S CATHOLIC CHURCH Rev. Edw. C. Ooakley Pastas Rev. Eugene D. Parker Assistant Pastor Sunday Masses -- 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 Holy Days -- 6, 7, 8, 9 ua and 8 p.m. Saturday -- 4-5, 7-8 p.m. Confessions Thursday (Before First Fri.) -- 4-5, 7-8 pjn. Confessions COMMUNITY METHODIST CHURCH 3717 W. Main Street McHenry, Illinois Rev. Ernest C. Carder 385-1352 Sunday Worship Services-- 9:30 and 11 a.m. Church School -- 9:30 and 11 a.m. WONDER LAKE BIBLE CHURCH Box 2, Phone 653-7961 Rev. Richard N. Wright Pastor Sunday -- 9:30 aon. Sunday School 11:00 ajn. Morning Worship 5:30 p.m. Tooth Meeting 7:00 pjn. Bible Fellowship Hour CHRIST THE BXNO Rt. 2, Wonder Lake, Illinois Rev. James Vanderpool Pastor Masses- Sunday (Oct. thru May) 7:30, 9 & 11 a.m. (June thru Sept.) 7:30, 9 10:30 & 12 Holy Days-- 8 a.m. & 8 p.m. Confessions- Saturday 7 to 8 p.m. Holy Days & First Friday one-half hour before Mass LUTHERAN CHURCH OF THE NATIVITY Wonder Lake, Illinois W. L. Thummel, Pastor Sunday --- 8-11:00 a.m. Worship 9:15-11:00 a.m. Church School FOX LAKE BAPTIST CHURCH 1111 South Route 12 Ingleside, Illinois Rev. Roger D. Bergeson Pastor Sunday -- 9:45 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 Morning Worship 7:30 Evening Service R1NGWOOD METHODIST CHURCH Ringwood, Illinois Rev. Bruce Brenemann Minister Sunday -- 9:30 a.m. Worship Service 10:45 am. Church School 3:30 p.m. Jr. Hi. M.Y.F. 7:00 p.m. Sr. Hi. M.Y.F. SfBSX CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST 87 McHenry Avenue Oeyftal Lake, SL U Church Services 11 ajn. Sunday School la the Central Grade School, Multipurpose room, entrance on Franklin Ave. The reading room, located at 75 N. Williams street, is open daily from 11 ajn. to 5:00 pjn. (except Sunday* and holidays). Fridays from U to 9 pjn. ST. PETER'S CATHOLIC CHURCH Spring Grove, DL Rev. E. J. Lehman, Pastas Sunday Masses -- 6:30. 8, 9, 10 snd 11:1* Saturday -- 8:15,7:15 pjn. Confession METHODIST CHURCH Spring Grove, Illinois Philip Bergstrom, pastor 9:30 Church School Russel Gardiner, sopt 10:55 Organ Meditation Edith Blaine 11:00 Morning Worohip ST. JOHN'S CATHOLIC CHURCH Johnsburg, nuinrtf Rev. Joseph M. Kitsch Pastor Sunday Masses * • 7, 8:80, 10 and 11:80 ajn. Holy Days -- 7:00 ajn. and 7:80 pjn. Thursday (Before First Fri.) -- 3:00 pjn. snd 7:80 pint. Confessions COMMUNITY CHURCH Richmond, 9:45 am Sunday School 11:00 tua WlonUp service OBAQS IfANOaUOAl LUTHERAN CHURCH Richmond, McHanry Sand ft Grarel Co. M0 N. Front St. SPONSORED BY THE FOLLOWING BUSINESS FIRMS AS A PUBLIC SERVICE George R. Jtaftsn ft Sob Funeral Boms Harold L. Carlson, pastov Church School-- 9:45 a.m. The Service-- 11:00 a.m. May thm September 8:30 an# 11:00 a.m. FOX LAKE LUTHERAN CHURCH Mission Sunday Worship 10 a.m. Fox Lake American Legion Post Pastor D. W. Karnuth ALLIANCE B"*" CHURCH McHenry, 111. William N. Harper Sunday -- 9:45 ajn. Sunday Schor 11:00 am. Worship Service 6 p.m. Youth Fellowship 7:00 pjn. Gospel Hour MOUNT HOPE METHODIST CHURCH 1015 Broadway Pistakee Highlands Stewart B. Smith, Pastor Res. & Office HYatt 7-3601 710 Pheasant Trail Pistakee Highlands McHenry, Illinois 9:45 Church School 9:00 Morning Worship 6:00 Youth Fellowship FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH 3929 West Main Street 385-0081 Virgle L. Chappell Sunday Services -- 8:30 a.m. Worship Service 9:45 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Worship Service 7:00 p.m. Training Union 8:00 p.m. Evening Worship * McHenry Stats ^ SIMM IBM MeSSenry( BDsolf NcHcOlf fCo. 4080 W. Main St. McHenry, IIHsoIb H. E. Buch ft Sou Plrobtsg Beattag S012 w. Route 120 Marilcke ft Nixon* Inc. SS14 W. Elm St. MaBiiii • nihiiln Ths Ksnt Corp. 1311 N. Riverside Drive McHenry -- 885-0048 Tonyan Construction Co. 1809 N. Borden St. McHenry, HUnoas McHenry Savings ft Loan Arn'n. soil W. Elm St.

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