Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 13 Sep 1962, p. 19

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ic... ursday. THE McflMil¥ i»LAiNr)EALEH A. Page Nineteen McHenry Shores VOTERS REGISTER AT CLAUSON HOME AFTER SEPT. 22 Patt Petersen - 885-5425 If you want a voice in our election you had better steer yourself on down to Herb Clauson's house at 601 S. Broadway any time after the twenty-second of this month. Registration will continue until Oct. 6. This means that you Will have exactly fifteen days in which to register. That should be enough time for any | ^pf us. Let's not forget such an important privilege. New School Teacher We were pleased to learn that Ken Kingston has been chosen as one of the teachers at Prairie Grove School. 116 will be teaching all of the sixth grade and part of the seventh. So far he really enjoys his work. The best of luck fqpto you, Ken. Eye Injury to Local Lad Ray Hastings was injured Sunday before last with a serious eye injury while playing with some of the neighborhood children. Since each child has a different version of the story it is still uncertain as to how the injury was sustained. He was sent to the hospital but happily was well enough to • ^return home within a few days. Camping Proven Ideal L Pastime The Tanners were off again last weekend on another camping jaunt. It has proven to be such a pleasurable pastime to them that we'll undoubtedly find them sleeping under the stars more than once this year. This trip they had company; A the Ziemets by name. The two families enjoyed a wonderful four days at Lake Winnebago, Wisconsin-High Cliff Forest State park. The men were lucky enough to catch some sand pike and large perch. Trip Across the Lake The Burkes: Tom, Pat, Cathy, Debbie and Jimmy, took a delightful excursion across the lake in one of the huge "lake liners". The trip carried them from Muskegan to Milwaukee and travel time was about six hours. Pat said it was ideal for parents with small children, for while the kids were being watched in the children's theater, Tom and Pat were able to dance in the ship's fair sized ballroom. Afterwards they stayed at a motel with a swimming pool which they all greatly enjoyed. New Deputy Sheriffs Jack Risting has resigned as deputy sheriff as of last week. I'm sure 'the rest of the community will voice their thanks along With mine to say we appreciate all the fine work he's done in this capacity. Anyone wishing the services of a deputy sherriff may now call either Fred Wetzel or Emmett Barden. New Driving: Hazards I know this subject is unquestionably harped upon but when I think how important our children are to us then I know that another mention can hot hurt. Since school has started there will be an added number of youngsters on the busy highways. The first few weeks of school are always exciting and the children are riot thinking about the approaching cars and whether or not they have looked both ways at a dangerous intersection. The driver must, of course, do both the child's thinking and his own. Please remember to stop behind school buses and travel the correct speed at school crossings. Birthdays Honored at Two Homes The Calvert and the Schmitt homes were both echoing with the strains of "Happy Birthday" last week. Missy Calvert was the first small celebrity as she celebrated her third natal day. A birthday dinner was given in her honor and as guests she had Mickey and Jackie McDermott and her grandparents, Mr. and Mi's. Zee McClanahan. Pauly Schmitt had his party on Saturday and quite a few of his friends joined in the festivities. Besides h i s sister, Caryn, and brother. JoHn. there were Don and Susie Oibinski, Leslie and Patty Brunke, Fred and Joe Ubrie Frank Kratky and Bob Dobbertin. Paul, by the way, has just turned 7. Anniversary Party Don and Joyce Calvert spent a pleasant evening out, along with Joyce's sister, Jackie, and husband, Mickey McDermott, last week. It was to celebrate the Calverts' anniversary and they all had an enjoyable dinner at a McHenry restaurant. Holiday in Ohio The Petersens spent their Labor Day weekend with theii folks in Toledo. Ohio. Bob's sister, Mary, went along and stayed with Bob's folks while Patt and Bob stayed with her friends. While there, they had a double celebration of Patt's mother's birthday and their wedding anniversary, by going to a night club and enjoying a delicious meal, dancing, and being entertained by. some Chicago musicians and singers. The temptation of snails on the menu was too much. They're really not at all bad once you cart forget that they come out of those cute little shells. Company's Coming The Muellers had unexpected company from St. Paul. They were Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rosga and they visited with Irene and Clare from Wednesday 'til Saturday morning. They had a very nice stay. Doris Wetzel recently returned from Columbus, Ohio, where she picked up her dad, Mr. Ruemellan. He had besn visiting with Doris's sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Hauck. The Ziemet family had company last .Thursday from Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Evert enjoyed a pleasant evening with them. Jess and Ruth Ramage, (brother of Charles) visited here last week. They are from Dalton, 111. The two elder Calvert girls spent the weekend of Labor Day with the grandparents, the McClanahans, of Skokie. Sunday night the Calveits had three couples over for a delicious barbecue supper. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Runge, Jim Alt and friend, Mary, and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Mostow, all enjoyed the evening. On Monday night Don and Joyce had the Cicchinis and the Schmitts over for another barbecue supper and afterwards all played croquet on the lawn. Elsie Schmitt had her folks out Labor Day. Mr. and Mrs. John Deutsch. Louise and Sam Winters were pleasantly surprised when friends dropped by not only for a friendly chat but also to bring their supper along. These nice people are Mr. and Mrs. Andrews and their children. It's not too late to hire a baby sitter in order to attend t h e M c H e n r y S h o r e s C l u b dance Sept. 29. Don't forget!!! Meet the Musielaks A fairly new family to our Shores are the Musielaks, who have been with us since May 6 of last year. This sprightly oair are a couple of true work- ?rs. Don is a set-up man for 4 he Rapid Spring Co. and Bernice works part time in the evenings as a nurse at the McHenry hospital. When they're not working or "aring for their two children, Cathy. 3^, and Jeffery, 9 •nonths. they're busy working on their new home. A passion for golf and bowling seems to be a must for all Shores men and Don is no exception. It's golf in the summer and bowling in the winter. Bernice says she really has no time for sports and srets about as far as enjoying a boat ride and making snowmen with the children (in the appropriate season, of course*. Don attended Gage Park Holiday Hills ANNOUNCE $300 PROFIT AT RECENT SUMMER CARNIVAL Ines Tonus All residents of Holiday (tills were invited to a meeting held at the Community Congregational church in Island Lake Thursday evening, Sept. 6. Among the issues discussed was a report from Harry Schroeder on the Island Lake carnival. The profits exceeded those of last year, when there was much equipment to be purchased. Our profits this year came to almost $300, for which we thank all those who worked to make it possible. Harry Schroeder represented us on the carnival committee and worked at the carnival; Jimmie Justes and Helen Boettcher made calls recruiting workers, who were Audrey and Jim Clark, Wally Karafa, Clare Young, Harold Schmitt, Wayne Malzahn, Virginia Lundelius, Earl Krueger. Dolores and Mayo Proefrock, Marge Connell, Bernice Malstrom, Lorraine and DicK Bemis, Jack and Rosemary Bushell, Shirley Haufe, Roy Lundelius and Bill Schmidt. The financial c o m m i t t e e i n c l u d e d H a r r y S c h r o e d e r , ' B i l l B o e t t c h e r , Hank Haufe and Bill Abbink. Little League Dance A dance will be held to benefit the Island Lake Little League on Oct. 6. We haven't had a dance since last June and it's just about time to get together for a real good time again -- So how about it? Got your dancing shoes all dusted off? C'mon out to the dance at the Shady Hill community house. Athletic Club Meeting The Griswold Lake Athletic club will hold their monthly meeting on Wednesday, Sept. 19, at the home of Con Kasporzyk. high school in Chicago and Bernice went to St. Joseph's, also of Chicago, and spent her nurse's training at St. Anthony's hospital. Both the Musielaks were born and raised in Chicago. They met in the atmosphere of cookies, doughnuts, cakes and pies. Bernice and Don's mother worked together in a bakery and it was in this "sweet" setting that wedding bolls must have chimed in their minds. After their marriage they continued to live in Chicago, on the southwest side, and were blessed with a little girl. Shortly after moving here they had their first son and are now living the lives of typical suburbanites. Notice All money for both tickets concerning the coming good time party and dance will be collected during the week ending Sept. 22. Please make every effort to sell all tickets by that date. Birthdays and Anniversaries Cakes, candles and cards will be the tokens .of the day for . Ellen T i g g e m a n, Art Brunke, and Evelyn Kobefnus on Sept. 14. Greetings to Frank Lamerand. Vi Morris, and Robert Schopp on the fifteenth. The sixteenth will see smiles from Mildred Snively and Theresa Mack. And many happy returns of the day to Gerald Morris on the twentieth Sam and Julia Ziemet will be having an anniversary on the twentieth, their thirtysecond, I believe. Get Well Wishes Our cheeriest get-well wishes to two neighbors who are also neighbors at McHenry hospital, Chady Ary and Pearl Bough, who live in' the same block on Sunset drive. They are sharing a room at McHenrH?' nospital. From what information I was able to get, Pearl is under observation and Chady had surgery, the need for which showed up recently when she had an abcessed tooth pulled. Help Wanted Are you looking for a job that will take just a few horn's a week? Then we have just the job for you --and it pays big dividends --Oh --I don't mean monetary dividends --I mean in smiles and laughter from the bright shiny faces of little girls and big girls, Girl Scouts and Brownies. We need leaders! Several of our leaders who have done a fine job have had to retire because of other commitments of one type or another. Elaine Schmitt is busy with a new future Brownie. The Luna family moved away and so we not only lost a very fine family but also a Brownie leader, and Marge Potratz and Shirley Haufe who have done such a fine job for several years "are committed to more advanced work with the Girl Scouts in the entire area. How about it? Give Gerry Breede a call at 385-3131. She can give you the details. Anniversary Greetings Congratulations to Helen and Bill Boettcher celebrating their seventh wedding anniversary on Sept. 17. Happy Birthday Birthday greeting to Virgina Lundelius and little Diane Weiss on Sept. 18. Estelle Kay Foreman is 4 Having a group of friends and neighbors was Estelle's way of celebrating her fourth birthday. On hand to enjoy cake and ice cream were Debby and Billy Mahon, Ken and Johnny Boettcher, Rosemary, Wally, Nancy, Sally and Joey Foreman, and Charles and' Mary Schellenberger. • Wedding News Jimmie Justes attended the wedding of our swimming instructor, Miss Karen Thompson, to Mr. Geoffrey Moss on Saturday, Sept. 1, at the Ringwood Methodist church and presented her with the gift of a lovely white heirloom bedspread from all of the swimming classses. Vacationers The Justes family, Jimmie, the two Victors and Matthew will long remember the wonderful vacation they enjoyed this year. Leaving on Aug. 6 they went first to Texas, where the boys swam in the Gulf of Mexico and decided they still liked our lake better. From there they journeyed back east through the southern states, then on the sky view drive to Washington, D. C.. where all were thrilled with the sights, especially the Lincoln Memorial. Leaving there they stopped in Edison, N. J., to visit Jimmie's mom. Mrs. Ciminini, her brother in Mt. Pokono and a sister in Syracuse. From here to the breathtaking site of Niagara Falls and on to London, Canada, and Muskegon, Mich. The Lundeliuses spent a delightful vacation up in Hayward, Wis., where Virginia, Roy, Tom Scott and Roy, Jr., enjoyed the fishing, catching quite a lot of pan fish. While there they visited a deer farm, a fish hatchery and a lumbercamp. The Heise family took advantage of the last holiday weekend to enjoy a good time with their friends, the Eckstroms and the Chosniks, in Saugatuck, Mich. The three couples took their eight children out to dinner on Saturday evening and on Sunday morning boarded a boat, going up the Kalamazoo river and out on to Lake Michigan. They completed the weekend by climbing Mt. Bullhead and doing some antique hunting. Jim and Lauon Dowhin, Jim, Jr., and my daughter, Gail, went up to Crivitz, Wis., for the weekend to visit Jim's folks who own a resort up there. We had a 'Young' family reunion on Labor Day, with mom and dad Young, brother and sister-in-law, Pete and Dot Young, niece, Lynn, nephews, Ches, Rich and Bob, and sisterin- law and husband, Doris and Elmer Weiss. We had such fun, we should do this more often. Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Bemis journeyed to Paris, 111., and Terre Haute, Ind., to visit Dick's sisters and married daughter over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Mayo Proefrock and friends from Chicago drove to Niagara Falls over the Holiday weekend. p.u m & Son OXYGEN EQUIPPED AMBULANCE SERVICE Phone EVergreen 5-0063 Quality Radiator Repair by Factory-Trained Radiator Specialists 10 Years Experience Every job FLO-TESTED for your added protection. ALL WORK GUARANTEED -- PROMPT SERVICE ADAMS BROS. REPAIR SERV. Phone 385-0783 8004 W. Route 120 McHenry, III. aking possession of a Cadillac now might well be one of the wisest investments of your life! mr^ - } \ iSSSSISiS-S HI -O 1 - Visit Your Local Authorized Dealer OVERTON CADILLAC--PONTIAC COMPANY 1112 N. FRONT STREET • PHONE 385-6000 Over 4 loads for the cost of i when you dry with Gas ...Gas dries your wash faster and softer, too. You save almost M a load with a modern gas dryer. Other ifinrfs of dryers not only cost more to operate, they also require a warm-up period, and they take more time to do the job. Gas gives instant heat... dries clothes almost as fast as you can wash them. And gas doesn't have & dry baking action that sets wrinkles. Clothes come out fresh and sweet-smelling...all for a penny a load. Saves so Mich work. No more back-breaking lifting and lugging wet laundry out to the yard. No more running madly to take in the wash when it rains. No mora wash-, days postponed on account of bad weather* Free trial offer. Visit your nearby Northern Illinois Gas Company store now. See the broad selection of gas dryers ...all packed with features to make your drying easier and more efficient Some even have a control to stop drying action automatically when clothes reach proper degree of dryness. Pick the model you want, and try it for 60 days-- with no obligation. Matching washers also available. (Or check your appliance dealer for his attractive offer .00 gas diyers.) 385-2081 NORTHERN A ILLINOIS

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