Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 Sep 1962, p. 9

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Thursday, September 20,1962 THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Lakeland Park BASEBALL CLUB KOLDS DANCE At LEGION SEPT. 22 Gloria Flannlgan - 885-4710 Barbara Nearer - 385-4S56 Put on your best bib and tucker and your dancing shoes and come out to the Lakeland Park Ball Club dance at the American Legion hall in McHenry, Saturday, Sept. 22, at 9 p.m. Get your tickets from any manager or call C. Hearle at 385-5790 and he will be glad to get them to you. See you all there. 'tjLf Lakeland Park Democrats to Meet The Lakeland Park Democrats will be host to John Clark Kimball tonight, Sept. 20, at 8 p.m. at the community house. Kimball, who is the Democratic candidate for Congressman from the 12th district, is talking on foreign poljey. It is an open meeting of *e Lakeland Park Democratic organization and many of the wives are reported planning to attend and meet the handsome candidate. It is his first talk to the public in McHenry township. Let's have a nice turnout for John. A Rousing Success Well gals, our first social for ^he season last Thursday of ^he Lakeland Park Women's club was a success. We can say this because of all the nice compliments received on how nice the hall \yas decorated, games plaved, prizes awarded and the refreshments clinched it. This made the entertainment and refreshment committee feel real good for all the work, time and planning put ^ijito it. We're only sorry for those that couldn't make it and had to miss out on all the fun, but do hope to sec more of you at our October meeting which is the first Thursday of the month. As for you old timers who have dropped out, we'd love to see you all come back and we mean it. Each meeting, we'll have something planned in the way of entertainment. j£$o mark your calendar and jine up a sitter. who came out - to give their support" to the club, and Ron Meurer is grateful to all the fathers who came out last Sunday and helped get the field in shape for next year. Field tile had to be laid because every time it rained the field flooded over and couldn't be used. A lot of hard work was put into it, but I'm sure it will be worth it. Now let's continue our support, and have a little fun and get your tickets for the Little League dance which will be held at the American Legion hall. This coming Saturday, Sept 22, from 9 on. PageNine Christening Margaret Mary Becker was baptized last Sunday, Sept. 9, at St.'Patrick's church by Father Coakley. Her god-parents were her aunt, Mary Lindahl, and her uncle, . James Cox. Afterwards a buffet dinner was served to guests, uncle Lindy, Father Norman, Virginia Novak and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Small and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Macari and two-week old son, Peter, Mr. and Mrs. Wibery and family, Mr. and Mrs. Bcberg and family, grandparents,^ Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Becker, Sr., Miss Betty Cox and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cox and family. Community House Schedule Thursday, Sept. 20, 8 p.rr;.-- Lakeland Park Dem o c r a t i c Club. Friday. Sept. 21. 1 to 6 p.m.--Dancing classes. Monday, Sept. 24, 8 p.m.--Regular board meeting. Tuesday, Sept. 25, 7:30 p.m.--Boy Scout meeting. Thursday, Sept. 27, 8 p.m. ^-- Newsletter committee. Please ciall Jo Rizzo at 385- 27?8 for reservations. Fun Daze Huge Success The fun daze, sponsored by the Theatrical Group of Lakeland Park was a howling success. The group is able to buy and install the much needed exhaust fan for the community house. How about that twist '^contest? Did you ever see so many motors tuned up to high gear? All those who won in the twist contest are to call 385-6181 and give Jim Quaiver the names so it can be published in next week's issue. Little League News Our All-Star team made a good showing ending up the ^ season winning four and losing one. The Little Leaguers \jvOuld like to thank everyone Pink and Blue Bundles Friday, Sept. 14, Carole and Tony Knor became the proud parents of a baby girl. Cathy Lynn was born at the McHenry hospital, weighing in at 6 lbs., 15 ozs., and was 20 inches long. Happy over the. new addition are brothers, Stevle, 4, and Billy who is 1V2 years eld. Also grandparents Mr. and Mrs. George Manning of Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Knor, Sr., of Chicago. Congratulations! Carole and Don Humann became the proud parents of their fifth baby girl last Wednesday, Sept. 12. Barbara Ann weiehed in at 8 lbs., and was 20 inches long. Waiting anxiously for their new baby sister are Cathy. Donna, Mary Beth and Meg. Congratulations to you both. Rosalie and Stan Slonina became the proud parents of a wee baby boy last Thursday, Sept.. 13. at the Harvard hospital. Mark Allen tipped the scales at 6 lbs., 3 ozs. and was all of 19 inches long. Happy over their new brother are Karen, who is seven and Judy who. is four, and grandma and grandpa Parisi from Lakeland Park and grandma and grandpa Slonina frorp Chicago. Congratulations to atl. Belated Anniversary Wishes To. Cypryan and Anna Kosieracki who celebrated their fifty-f o u r t h anniversary on Sept. 7. Congratulations! Birthday Wishes Happy birthday to Tee Buiak who will turn another year older today. Thursday, Sept. 20. to Raymond Bottari who will become a 'teenager on Sept. 21. Hope you both have a happy day. Birthday Doings Helping Karen Slonina celebrate her seventh birthday Sunday, Sept. 16, were cousins Joey and Stevie Parisi, Sandra, and Debra Cholewa, Cindy, Debra, Kim and Dean Myslivies and their parents. Dinner was sferved and ice cream and cake topped off the day for Karen. Karen also treated two friends, Sandra Wright and Darlene Licastro, to the show on Friday evening and topped that off with a stop at the ice cream shop for a soda. Helping Mary Johnson to celebrate her birthday last Friday were Darlene' Williams, Nancy Matthews, Dean Rode, Christi, Terry and Patty Lechmer, Karen Foszez, Marion Nicolai, Debbie George, Carol and Christi Jaenicke and sisters, Judy, and brothers, Michael and Johnny. Games were played with prizes being given and cake and ice cream were served. Junior Przetacznik celebrated his fifth birthday last Saturday afternoon with a few of his little friends who were Debby and Keith Sanaedel, Kelly Fiannigan. and Debra Karaskiewicz. These little four and five year olds had a grand time as we know five year olds do. There was cake and ice cream, pop, popcicles and a prize for each. Celebrating* his eighth birthday last Tuesday with a party was Donald Kaminski. His guests were Butch Morgensen. Alan Meurer, Jerry, Mark and Betty Sullivan, Barbara and Jody Oaman, Donny Prazak and his sister, Donna. Hot dogs, cake and ice cream were enjoyed by all. Helping Joey Parisi celebrate his second birthday with a dinner party "/ere grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Parisi, and Scotty, Stan Slonina and daughters. Karen and Judy, and his sister, Nancy Slonina, Marion Cholewa and daughters, Sandra Lee and Debra Ann, Margie Parisi and Pete and Ronnie Parisi and of course mom and dad and brother, Stevie. Barbecue chicken and roast corn on the cob were the main items on the menu. Everyone had a wonderful time. Herby Kane celebrated his seventh birthday on Friday, Sept. 14. with a few of his friends who were Randy Koczor, Danny Helious, Richard Nowell, Steve Jaenicke, Daryl and Dannie Williams, Mark and Kevin Kawa, Nancy Christi and brother and sister, Timmy and Nancy. The hilights of the day were the ice cream, nop and games along with a huge birthday cake. Johnny's birthday which was the thirteenth and Mary's w h i c h w a s t h e n i n t h w e r e Grandma Johnson, and Grandma Taylor and Jolin's sister, Isabel, all from Chicago. Weekend guests of Helen and Larry Strandquist were friends, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Rose of Elmwood Park. The Strandquist topped off their visit with a treat to breakfast at the beach. The Jack Oakfords had a busy day Saturday with friends, June and Arvy Anderson, and five of their six children, Susie, Denise, Sheryl, Donald anl Stevie of Chicago. Cypryan and Anna Kasieraski have been having the visitors the last couple of weeks, nephew Captain Frank Kosiera c k i , h i s w i f e , R u t h , a n d daughter, Helen, of Texas City. Texas, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Herman and Mr. and Mrs. J. Zagorski of Oak Lawn, nephew, Bernard Hoffman, his wife, Ruby, and three children of Schofield, Wis., Mr. and Mrs. A1 Perch of Lakeland Shores, son, Harry Kosieracki, his wife, Sherlea, and children, Karen and Chris, of North Dakota, soil, Walter Kosieracki, his wife, Jo, of Palatine, son, Fred Kosieracki, h i s wife, Jean, and children, Kathy and Michael, of Park Ridge, grandson, Robert Kozy, his wife, Jan, and daughter, Terry, of Lakeland Shores, nephew, Jack Hoffman, his wife, Ruth, niece, Eleanore Constantini, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kowieski, his wife, Marie, and Mrs. Frank Kowieski, all of Chicago. It sure has been a busy two weeks for the Kosierackis but they enjoyed every minute of it. As you know they celebrated their fifty-fourth wedding anniversary on Sept. 7. A steak cook-out was held at Shirley and Marv George's house last Saturday with Max and Shirley Koch, Maureen and John Johnson, Roe and Jessie Matthews and Ron and Barb Meurer enjoying the delicious meal which Shirley had prepared for them. How Can I ? by Anne Ashley (Persons who wish to have help with specific problems may write to Anne Ashley in care of W. L. Gordon Features, 9th floor, Resor building, 37 W. Seventh street, Cincinnati 2, Ohio, sending along a stamped self-addressed envelope.) Visitors and Visiting The Ron Meurers visitors on Sunday were Barb's mom and dad, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Miller, from Lombard. Guests of Grace and Chuck C a m p o l a s t S u n d a y w e r e Chuck's brother and his wife, Penny, and their son, Bobby, from Niles and Helen and Sam Fazio and their four children from Chicago. All had a grand time visiting. Visiting the John Johnsons last Sunday to help celebrate Surproie Shower Delia Dralle and Lorraine Arient had a surprise baby shower on Carol Humann Tuesday evening, Sept. lis Those attending were Doro-. thea Zimny, Mickey Gladman, Gayle Laursen, Beula Hoard, Mrs. Botl, Mrs. Abbott, Marian Duffy and Barbara Dickson. Wilma Atkinson was upable to attend. Carol received many nice gifts for the baby. A game of bunco was played and enjoyed by aH. { j Q. What can I do about some old pieces of china whose appearance is spoiled by the presence of coffee stains in the hairline cracks of the glaze? A. To remove these blemishes, make a paste of baking soda and water, and apply to the stained areas. After letting stand for about an hour, wash the pieces with soap and warm water. In cases of severe decolorations, this treatment may need repeating two or three times. Q. How can I remove an especially stubborn "press-on" knob from the radio or TV? • A. Loop a twisted scrap of strong soft cloth behind the knob, gripping the loose ends firmly in your fingers. Press against the cabinet front with your thumb tips, at the same time pulling firmly on the «loth. The knob should work free without damage to cabinet or knob. Q. How can I create my own warning device that the water in the bottom of my double-boiler has boiled away? A. A few marbles placed in the bottom of your doubleboiler will raise such a racket when the water is gone that you'll hasten to the rescue. Q. How can I hasten the task of squeezing; lemon juice? A. Instead of squeezing the juice every time a recipe calls for It. why not extract the juice of a dozen lemons at a time and keep it in a tightlycovered glass jar in your refrigerator? It will prove a great convenience. Q. How can I remove some mildew that has formed wide patches on some of my leatherbound books, traveling bags, and other leather articles? A. Rub some clear petroleum jelly liberally over the mildewed areas, allow to remain on for awhile, and then wipe off thoroughly with a dry cloth. This treatment also tends to preserve the leather by renewing its oil content. Q. How can I cope more easily with drippings on the floor when I am painting a room? A. One excellent idea is to wear an old sock over one shoe. Then, when paint drops on the floor, you can save much bending and sweating s i m p l y b y s h u f f l i n g y o u r socked shoe over the spot. Q. What is a good formula for-making whitewash for interior use? A. Mix one pound powered glue and one gallon water. Then mix 20 pounds hydrated lime with two gallons water, stirring carefully until lumps are dissolved. Combine these two mixtures, until smooth. Then thin with water to a suitable consistency. Q. How can I remedy leather goods that has acquired mildew? A. Try wiping off the leather with a cloth wrung out of a solution of denatured alcohol and water (equal parts), then drying in the sun. Q. How can I clean brick tiles? A. You can make these tiles look like new by washing with a cloth saturated with vinegar. Q. How can I cause enamel paint to flow on more easily and smoothly? A. Try placing your can of enamel in a pan of hot water for awhile prior to beginning your job. • Q. How can I m a k e a "smoke candle" for driving away insects around a camp? A. Soak equal parts of pulverized dry leaves and fresh pine sawdust in a strong solution of saltpeter until it is t h o r o u g h l y s a t u r a t e d , a f t e r which it is taken out and dried. Then tamp it into a one-halfinch paper tube. A candle of this kind will burn Slowly and produce a smudge that discourages all insects. Q. How can I smooth down the sharp edges on some of my chipped glassware? A. Ycu can dull these edges and make the glassware safer to handle if you'll sand the edges' smooth with some fine sandpaper. Q. How can I cook quickly and tenderize a tough piece of meat ? A. Try sticking the meat full of spike nails, and it will cook in half the time. Be sure, of course, to remove the nails before serving! Q. How can I make a good temporary repair in a door or window screen? A. First brush the area around the hole with some shellac, and then,apply a patch cut from some mosquito netting. Brush some shellac over this patch on both sides to stiffen it, and cement down any loose ends. Q. How can I test a dyed fabric to ascertain whether the dye is a "fast" color? A. Dampen a small area of the dyed cloth, then rub it on a piece of clean, white paper. If this leaves no stain on the paper, you can be sure your dye is fast. Q. How can I add a crisp shine to my straw hats? A. Try using some of the hair spray that keeps your tresses under control. Q. How can I make easier the insertion of a screw in a "hard-to-get-at" place? A. Set your screwdriver into the slot of the screw and then tape them together with some cellophane tape. SPECIAL FOR BOYS Sizes 3-8 2 Piece Set: Flannel Shirt with Flannel-Lined Corduroy Boxer Slacks Per Set SUPRISE ROOM EY-55900 Welcome Party Coming Up The next welcome party will be held on Oct. 11 at the community house for all newcomer^ to our community. If there is anyone you know who has never been to a welcome party before please contact Lyda Radisch, 385-2754 and she will send them a written invitation. Servio Our Register Now ADULT EVENING CLASSES For all McHenry County Adults & Non School Teen-Agers FALL TERM REGISTRATION SEPT. 24, 25, 26 6:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. -- Room 106 (Use East Door New Annex) 40 Courses Offered in 6 Divisions COMMERCIAL TRADES & SKILLS, HOMEMAKING, ART, HEALTH, LIBERAL ARTS Too many subjects to list individually. Classes in other subjects given if 12 students will register. Register in Person or Write or Telephone 338-3336 Sufficient Registration or NO CLASS POLICY in Force. ADULT EDUCATION CENTER Woodstock Community High School Woodstock -- The County Seat We at B-'ljcr's have always tried to make your shopping easier and more convenient. Among the many services we provide, here are a few: • ACCURATE, DEPENDABLE PRESCRIPTION SERVICE • FAST, 24-HOUR FILM DEVELOPING • NEWSPAPERS AND MAGAZINES • MONEY ORDERS • TRUSSES AND SURGICAL BELTS BOLGER'S DRUG STORE 1259 N. Green St. Phone 385-4500 one low price! most popular sizes pmtuiMi That® retraad* are guaranteed on* full ynrl By the retreader to original ntraad owner for 1 year (not beyond life at tread depth) Against defect* in workmanahip and material*. GOODYEAR TEST DRIVE C & MARTICKE & NIXON Goodyear Distributors Riverside Dr. & Elm St. Phone 385-0424 National Tire Dealers & Retreaders Assoc. Member No. 80 WITH NEW TORNADO-OHC POWER you'll be amazed at its performance! Here's another first from Willys Motors: America's first overhead camshaft engine designed specially for commercial vehicles. The Tornado-OHC gives you extra pulling power, less maintenance and extra fuel economy,too! Also available in the 4WD Utility Wagon, 2WD Station Wagon and Panel Deliveries, For more power and overall operating efficiency, a 'Jeep* vehicle with the new Tornado-OHC engine is your best buy! ASK FOR A DEMONSTRATION TODAY # VEHICLES MADE ONLY BY WILLYS MOTORS McHENRY GARAGE 926 N. Front St. Phone 385-0403 McHenry, Illinois KAISEB-WILLYS PHESENTS THE LLOYD BRIDGES SHOW (Tues.. 7:00 pan.) YOU'RE TWICE THE SUCCESS WITH SAVINGS You're sure of a successful future when you have an insured savings account here . . . Funds built by regular savings give independence of action and choice. Goals, long or short term, are attained more easily. Cash on hand can buy a luxury or a bargain. In the twilight of retirement, savings augment income from pensions, insurance and social security. By now you have thought of many other reasons for saving. So take the first step today. Open an account here where savings earn liberal returns, are safe, and handy when you want them. Save for your tomorrows -- Today! Per Annum On Investment Accounts /4°/o r Annum On Regular Savings Accounts and LOAN ASSOCIATION 3611 West Elm Phone 385-3000 McHenry, HL

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