Page Eighteen THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Thursday, September 20* 1.982 Eastwood Manor BROWNIE TROOP HOLDS INITIAL MEET OF SEASON Edie Iverson - 885-6338 Brownie Troop 211 had its first meeting Sept. 19 in the Faith church from 6 to 7:15 p.m. Betty Radner is the lead er and Kay Stephenson is the eo-leader. This troop is made up of second and third grade girls. For information contact Betty or Kay. Girl' Scout Troop 436 will hold its first meeting in St. Patrick's Catholic church Wednesday, Sept 28, from 3 to 4 o'clock. This troop is under the leadership of Peggy Garrelts and Rosemary Newlon and consists of fourth, fifth, and sixth grade girls. There will be a uniform exchange. Will give you the details on this in another column. Faith Presbyterian Churt'li Thursday, Sept. 20, at S p.m.. Women's Society will meet at the home of Agnes Ewert in Crystal Lake. Sunday, Sept. 23, at 11 a.m., sermon "As He Had Done Previously." Text: Daniel 6:10. Tuesday, Sept 25. at 8 p.m., choir rehearsal. Wednesday, Sept. 26. at " 6 p.m.. Brownies. Robert Coughlin. On the twenty- fifth we have 4-year-old Kevin Coughlin, 6-year-old Robin Perrino, and 7-year-old Steve Davis. We end this full week with four more on Sept. 26 as we wish a very good birthday to Alfred Ritter, Jeanne Mc- Hale, Carl Schaeffer, and that handsome young one-year-old James Olson. A very happy birthday to all! Anniversaries We wish a very happy wedding anniversary to Rob and Bert St oil on Friday, Sept. 21. To George and Mary Thienes on Sept. 22, to Mel and Kay Stephenson on Sept. 23, to Fred and Pam Woodbury on Sept. 24, and to Frank and Ten-i Qual on Sept. 25. September weddings sure were nopular, weren't they? We wish, each and 'every couple many, many more anniversaries together! Bridge Club Bridge club met in the home of Rita Simpson Wednesday e v e n i n g . S u b s t i t u t e J o A n n Larkin from McHenry won first prize, Marilyn Truckenbrod won travelling prize, and Pat Kellogg won booby prize. Demonstration Pat Arendt hostessed a demonstration party Friday evening. Over a dozen ladies attended and did some Christmas buying. Pat served two delicious qakes and horrfemade cookies. Birthday Greetings Happy birthday today, Sept. 20, to 17-year-old Danny Charbonnier, 9-year-old Joel Saynor, and that sweet one-yearold Nancy Mitchell. Saturday, Sept. 22, best wishes go to George Marcotte and to Bill Schmidt on Sept. 23. September seems to be bursting with b i r t h d a y s ; on t h e t w e n t y - fourth we have Tom Simpson, Raymond Salo, and 5-year-cld Around the Manor Sunday Walt and Eleanor Kuck had guests. They were Walt's dad, Bill Kuck, and brother from Wonder Lake and uncle Walt and aunt Marg Piskie from Chicago. Little Brian Massheimer had a wonderful time at his birthday party with his cousins. He especially enjoyed the ehocoate birthday cake. Favorite presents were a bicycle and gym set. Bill and Bessie Barnes and Walt and. Peggy ^Garrelts attended^ ball in Woodstock. Walt and Peggy Garrelts and Glen and Jane Eichman of Lake Zurich, attended the championship drag races in Union Grove, Wis. I understand the winner went 182 mph and they are slowed down by parachutes. We one-time neighbors of Marian Alford just enjoyed a refreshing but brief visit by her. She is attending college in Carthage, Til. Dick and Lydia Fenner and Will and Bessie Barnes of this subdivision attended the cornroasting party given by Walt and Peggy Garrelts. Sunday the Richard Fenner family went into Chicago. While there they visited a kiddie zoo and circus. New Grandparents Ann and El Koerper are oroud grandparents for the first time as their only daughter, JoAnn, and her husband, Sunnyside Estates SAVE DISCARDED HOUSEHOLD ITEMS FOR RUMMAGE SALE Joan Walczynsld 385-3103 Now that school is back in session, mothers, aye you starting your house cleaning? If so, please don't throw away anything that might still be useful, even though you're through with it. The Sunnyside Estates Home Owners association, Inc., is sponsoring a rummage sale next week and will be grateful for any and all donations. The sale will be held at the Jqst residence, 4318 North Mayfair drive, and will be held on Wednesday and Thursday of next week, Sept. 26 and 27. If you have anything you would like to donate,, please call 385-2110 and it will be picked up. Success The Cystic Fibrosis fund drive collection was graciously received in o u r community. Chairman LaVerne Noah, and her two helpers, Marge Farley and Bernice Fry, were pleased with everyone's generosity and kindness. first meeting of the school yea* of St. John's Home and School association will be held Monr day evening, Sept. 24 at 8 p.m, at the community club ball. Please plan on attending, in order to meet your officers and learn what the plans for the current schoot year are. Your comments will be welcomed. Complaint I have received a number of complaints from people regarding the playthings left in the roads at night. This is very dangerous and certainly most unnecessary. Please, parents, have your children bring their toys home, and not leave them in the road to cause an accident, and who knows, but it could cost someone's life. Reminder To all parents of children attending St. John's scnool. The Lynn Ibsh, became the parents of a blonde blue-eyed boy in Woodstock Memorial hospital Sept. 12. The 6% lb. cherub was named Joseph Leonard "Joe-Len". Reminder E.M.P.O.A. meets at the barn tomorrow night. This will be election evening. See you there! Girl Seonta Alice Bleschke is a Girl Scout leader this year. She has proceeded up the ladder with her Brownies who "flew up" to Girl Scouts. Sylvia Van- Obstfelder is again her coleader. Alice has a large troop which held their first meeting on Thursday evening from 6 to 8 o'clock. Their troop has not been assigned a number as yet and their first meeting was spent getting organized. It was to have been a mother-daughter meeting, but not all the? mothers showed up. However, those who did were most cooperative and Alice is pleased thus far. We'll be keeping you posted. Joy and Sorrow Marge and Louie DeFrancisco and daughter, Pam, spent their two-week vacation by taking a trip to Fort Lauderdale, Fla. The trip down was fine and when they arrived they spent the time doing various things. Louie went deep sea fishing again and the first time out caught a 19-pound red snapper; however, his luck ended there, 'cause he went out again three times and came back with nothing more. Marge and Pam spejrg: most of their time in the swimming pool, where they stayed, and Pam all but learned how to swim by herself this year. They did make a trip to Lookout Mountain, where they took the incline railway trip which was fascinating. From Fort Lauderdale they went on to Miami to see the sights and then headed home. They got as far as Terre Haute, Ind., on the way back when they decided to go up to Holland, Mich., to visit with Marge's aunt and uncle. They spent two days in Holland and while there they bought Pam a little Manchester dog Naturaljjy, sne was tickled pink. When they finally arrived home, they were greeted with sad news. Louie's father had passed away during their ab» sence, and although he had been ill for some time it was quite unexpected. Our condolences to Marge and Louie. Two ana Two The Hanahan household just evened the score with the birth of a boy at 12:15 Sept. 14 in McHenry hospital. David* as he shall* be called, weighed in at 7 lbs., 11 ozs. Brother Tom and sisters, Karen and Connie, can hardly wait to meet him. Congratulations Delores and Tom; Let's Go Visiting As you know, I have been more than lax with this article of our column and I'm sorry. Today I would like to take you to West Indian Ridge drive, where we'll visit the Palmers, Marge and Harold are two of the nicest people you'd want to meet, and their children, Cathy, 12, Sherwood, 9, Marty, 6,. and little Larry, just 7 months, take after their folks in that their personalities are tops. They are all welt liked people. The Palmers moved to our community from Evanston in May of 1957. Harold was the first president of our then newly formed association. He has since held other offices in the association and is at present one of the board of directors as well as entertainment chairman. He was chairman of our dance in this capacity. Marge, too, is active in the community. She has held offices in the association as well as T>eing active in Girl Scouting and Cub Scouting. Cathy is a Girl Scout,, and is in the eighth grade at St.. John's school. Sherwood hast bee» a Cub Scout' and is in the fifth grade. Marty is a first grader this year and isn't quite old enough to be active in anything else just yet. And little Larry doesn't need anything to keep him active. Harold enjoys golfing but just hasn't had the time to indulge Ul the sport lately. Be has a green thumb where gardening is concerned and is mighty proud, and justly so, of his flowers blooming in the yard. He Mid Marge both enjoy the same hobby and that is working with, and working for, children all children; as attested to in one way by the fact that they have kept the skating pond going all these years. I could go on and on, but if you know the Palmers you know what I mean, and if you don't, why not drop in and say "Howdy, Neighbor!" Happy Occasions Birthday greetings this week go out as follows: Today, the twentieth, to Fran Olsen; tomorrow, the twenty-first, to Paul Berg who turns 17 this year; on the twenty-second to Velda Tyler and Laureli Jost, when Lauri will be 14 years years old; on the twenty-third to Eleanor Fiedler; on the twenty-fourth to Wally Berg; and on the twenty-sixth to Marilyn Current. And, believe it or not, not an anniversary to report this week. Oh, well, we'll give Cupid a little rest. Sighing Off Well, as you can see, the Peter W. Jutkn & Son OXYGEN EQUIPPED AMBULANCE SERVICE Phone EVergreen 5-0063 column isn't what it used to be. The calls, just aren't com? ing in, and 1 cant write about it if I don't know about it. Naturally, things have slowed down now that most vacatiojjs are over, and the chUdMv* ate bdek in school, but if XQU do have any news, please ealL Thanks. 'Bye now! Laketand Park Boys' Baseball Club DANCE SATURDAY SEPT. 22nd 9 p.m. 'til 111 American Legion Home McHenry, 111. DONATION $1.00 Tickets Available by Calling C. Haerle - 385.579ft Music by "The Casuals'" Get the horsepower you paid for with ?ire$fotie Champion CURVED BAR OPEN CENTER TRACTOR * TIRES mmm® NYLON -- BLACKWALL CHAMPIONS 6.70-15 Tube Type Add $3 for Whitewalls priced from••• $1H%2Q9551 6.70-15 Tubeless 7.50-14 Tubeless 1495 S All Prices Plus Tax ALL SIZES comparably LOW PRICED Available with black or whfte tide* iidb ••• tube typo or tufcsfew Nov/t The Time To Trade Tires BATTERIES - TIRES - TUBES for Tractors, Trucks and All Passenger Cars Special Trade-In Allowance from $1 to $5 on your old battery. Complete FARM TIRE SERVICE CALL US... for your Truck Tire Needs McHenry Tire Mart WALT FREUND, Prop. IWl W. Main St Phone 885-0294 McHenry, ny /// jffif: Tk Thurs. - Fri. - Sat Plenty of FREE Parking In Rear McHENRY Ben Franklin ^3 Reg. 59c Printed Flannel Top Quality 2 Yds. For 'J®® Reg. $24.98 6*x9' EARLY AMERICAN Rug 1988 9x12 Size $29.88 Reg. 49c Ladies Panties 3 p, 87* Size 5-9 Reg. $4.98 - $5.98 8 - 6x CHILD'S WINTER Jackets Boys - Girls $444 UNFINISHED Furniture Reg. $15.98 Headboard $9.88 Reg. $10.88 Headboard $7.88 Reg. $8.88 Dressing Table .... $5.88 Reg. $4*49 Stool $3.44 Reg. $1.98 MULTI-PURPOSE Vinyl Cushions V7 Reg. $2.98 WHITE FITTED Sheets Full and Twin $1" Ea. Slight Irreg. Reg. $2.99 GIRL'S Gym Shoes Sizes 5-10 Gold - White - Blue $23? Pr. Reg. 89c FLORAL PRINT Bath Towels Ea. Reg. $8.99 16-PC. Dinnerware Set Gold Trim s244 Glassware Specials 1 Pt. • Covered Casserole .. 33c 1 Qt. Covered Casserole .. 68c 15fx Qt. Covered Casserole .. 66c 2 Qt. Covered Casserole .. 77c Reg. $3.98 GIANT SIZE Wastebasket *|77 Reg. $15.00 Electric Blanket Single Control 2 yr. guar., 72x84 size 1288 Reg. 69c WOOL KNITTING Yarn I For Limited Qty. Reg. $19.98 9x12 LOOP PILE Rug $14M Reg. $3.99 LATEX BED Pillow Muslin Covered 288 Reg. 79c BAMBOO Cafe Curtains 30" 37* VaL 27c -- 36" Size 50c Reg. $4.98 24-PC. Tableware Stainless Steel >399 Everyday LOW PRICES On DRUGS and HOME NEEDS! Reg. 98c Ponds Cold Creaih 88c R^g. 98c Baciine 88c Reg. 89c Ben Gay Ointment 77c Reg. $1.78 Kotex (Box of 48 Reg.) $1.44 Reg. 32c Dr. Ellis Hair Set 23c* Reg. $1.10 V.O. 5 Hair Dressing 88c* Reg. $1.09 Lustre Cream Spray Net ....88c* Reg. $2.00 Toni Perjnanents $1.47* Reg. 69c Aero Shave 57c Reg. 69c Colgate Toothpaste 57c Reg. 59c Band Aids 47c Reg. 89c Lavoris Mouth Wash 77c Reg. 98c Lysol 88c Reg. $1.35 Nozema Cream $1.09 Reg. 98c Bromo Seller 88c Reg. 98c Johnson Baby Oil 88c Reg. 98c Milk of Magnesia (Phillips) .... 88c * FLITS TAX Be Sure To Shop Our Cosmetic-Home SnBfldy Drag Dept. For All Your Need* Reg. $3.99 CHENILLE Bed Spread Floral Pattern Reg. $1.00 Pkg. BRUSH Hair Rollers er Pkg. Bee. $7.98 Bathroom Ensemble Hamper-Basket-Tissue Holder !498 Reg. $2.29 8-Pc. Snack Set Perfect Gift Item 1«« Reg. $1.49 4-Pc. Bowl Set White - Jadite *100 Reg. $1*39 - $1.98 DECORATOR Ash Trays Many Designs 99 Reg. $12.98 MAPLE OCC. Tables $8«« Reg. $15.98 DINETTE REPLACEMENT Seats - Backs '1388 Reg. $1.49 Clothes Basket Oval Design $• JOO Reg. $2.98 40-QT. Wastebasket $|•0 0 Reg. $1.00 Utility Tub 88* Reg. $2.98 Garment Bag Jumbo Size 199