Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 27 Sep 1962, p. 5

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Thursday, Septmafrr 27; 196§ THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER McHENRY PLAINDEALER Est. 187ft 8812 W. Elm St. Phone S8fetrX< " * ' published Every Thursday at McHenry, 111. by McHENRJ PUBLISHING CO. NATiONAl EDITORIAL ^l|A^c0T|gH j/n.UBOI8\ PRESS { bsssc'HTI^1^ Subscription Rates In McHenry County 1 Year $4.00 6 Mos. $2.25 3 Mos » .$1.50 Outside McHenry County 1 Year $4.50 6 Mos $2 50 3 Mos. $1.75 Larry E. Lund -- Bus. Mgr. Adele Froehlich, Editor Second Class Postage Paid at McHenry, 111. Lake Region Sports Car Club Results of recent election for officers for the coming year are as follows: P r e s i d e n t , G e n e W e n t z , r Johnsburg, 111.; Vice President, • Fred Hinman, Lake Zurich, 111.; Secretary, Pat Kellog, Eastwood Manor, McHenry, 111.; Treasurer, Bob Larson, Oak Lawn, 111.; Trustees, Jack Kelsey, McIIenry, 111, and Tom Herdrich, Woodstock, 111. Northern lilini 9 Bowmen News By Beverly Die ball Northern Illini Bowmen were hosts last Thursday, Sept. 20, to sportsmen who attended the "Open House" which featured Rudy Teaschan of the Wisconsin Conservation Department. Movies on hunting pheasants, caribou, elk, deer and • wild boars with bow and arrows placed everyone in an eager mood to begin their hunting season. Mr. Teaschan came with a supply off Wisconsin licenses which were sold as fast as they could be written. REPUBLICANS HEAR PROS AND CONS OF JUDICIAL CHANGE The Young Republican club of McHenry county met at the A m e r i c a n L e g i o n h o m e i n Wood slock on Wed n e s d a y, Sept. 19. when special guests were Att.v. James Hecht of Woodstock and Justice Jere Dodge of Algonquin. Mr. Ilecht yave his presentation of court siructure and jm.1 ™ what the Judicial amendment would do to change the present system. Mr. Ilecht stated he believed the new system would take politics out of the courts as the circuit judge would run on a parly ticket the first time elected, and thereafter would only run on his record. Jere Dodge told the audience of the work of the four justices in McHenry county and of the improvement of the new justice district system. He stated that there was nothing in the Judicial amendment that could , not be done with the right legislation in Springfield, also that this system had been tried in the state of Florida a few years ago and that it had to be abolished- because it did not work. Justice Dodge called on '-•& Justice Joseph Ritter of Woodstock to add to his talk. A question and answer period followed, and Atty. Richard Joslvn gave a brief report of his attendance at the Young Republican convention in Jacksonville two weeks ago. BOAT CLASSES START Last year the Sheriffs of ^ Lake and McHenry counties 4 endorsed, wholeheartedly, the free boating classes sponsored by the United States power squadrons throughout both counties. This year the classes will begin on Oct. 2, at 8 p.m., at the Grant high school, Fox Lake. These classes are conducted by members of the Chain-O-Lakes power squad- ^ ron, a unit of the United ** States power squadron. They are two hour lectures on such subjects as -- small boat handling, equipment and government regulations and other equally interesting subjects. CAR FIRE Firemen from Company I extinguished a car fire on Elm Street carls Tu<"-<las csciiiim. WOMAN'S CLUB WILL MAKE FALL WISCONSIN TOUR September 27 Mc H e n r y G r a d e S c h o o l P.T.A. Board Meeting -- 7 p.m. -- Library of Junior High School. General Meeting of P.T.A. at. 8:15 p.m. -- Auditorium of Junior High. September 29 "Good T i m e " P a r t y a n d Dance -- V.F.W. Clubhouse, McHenry -- Sponsored by McHenry Shores Club. September 28-29 Rummage Sale -- Ringwood Methodist Church -- Friday, 9 a.m. to 9 p.m., Saturday, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. October 4 McHenry W o m a n's Club Seenic Tour of Wisconsin. October 5 Rummage Sale -- Sponsored by Zion Lutheran Church Ladies' Aid --9:30 a.m. to 7 p.m. October 6 Knights of Columbus Dance -- Legion Home. October 12 McHenr y W o m a n's Club Regular Meeting -- Community Methodist Church -- Pot- Luck Luncheon at Noon. October 15 Style Show and Hair Fashions -- Northwestern Suburban Unit 47 of Illinois Hairdressers and Cosmeologists -- Villa Venice, Wheeling. October 16 McHenry Township Republican Women's Club Sponsors Candidates' Night -- V. F. W. Clubhouse -- 7:30 p.m. Woman's Auxiliary of McHenry Hospital Annual Lunche o n M e e t i n g -- M c H e n r y Country Club. October 18 C. D. of A. Public Card Party -- K. of C. Hall. On Oct. 4 at 8:30 a.m., members and friends of the McHenry Woman's club plan a tour of Wisconsin. A bus will leave the Community Methodist church at 8:30 and proceed to Lincoln Tallman Museum in Janesville, Wis. This old mansion contains twenty-seven rooms with authentic furnishings of the Civil War era. Entrance is made through the carriage house where the piano on which Carrie Jacobs Bond composed "I Love You Truly" and "When You Come to the End of a Perfect Day," as well as many other of her famous songs. The main house has a colored window overlooking the river, where Mrs. Tallman watched for run-away slaves and gave them shelter in the attic until they could be moved to the next station. Lincoln slept in one of the bedrooms and it is furnished just as it was when he was Mrs. Tallman^ guest. There are many beautiful dishes to see and a charming kitchen, warm and cozy looking. The windows in the front part of the house extend two stories and have the original shades and draperies. These windows can be raised up and down at a two-story heighth. An outstanding gun collection can be seen, as well as b e a u t i f u l a n d i n t e r e s t i n g antiques. From Tallman House the bus will proceed a few miles farther to Milton House. This is an octagon-shaped house with rooms going around a center tower. There is a secret tunnel which takes visitors to a cabin where the slaves were secreted. Next door to Milton House is a general store which is in the authentic manner of the Civil War times. From Milton House the bus will proceed to De'.avan for luncheon. For reservations and information call Daisy Smith at 385 0540 or Dorothy Olson, 385-0925. 05RITAL •B Local folks who were patients ' in Lake County hospitals the past week included Mrs. Betty Tuft, Mrs. Pearllne Rowland, Leonard Engcelke, Albert Adams, Leonard Rowe, St. Therese hospital, Waukegan; George Castle, Victory Memorial; and Mrs. Carol Timm e r m a n , C o n d e l l M e m o r i a l , Libertyville. McHenry Hospital Patients in McHenry hospital during the past week included Helen Nelson, James Thames, Loretta Ferraro, Oral Beber, Kevin IJoss, Gladys Milkert, Frank Servatius, Kenneth Woods and Emil Barsel, Crystal Lake; Ellen Mirth and Doris Flanigan, Chicago; Walter Crook, Round Lake; Thelma Barker, Ringwood; Nathan Zimmer and Katherine Zoller, Wauconda; David Hansen, Lake Villa; Walter Carro and Mildred G r o h, Spring Grove; Susan 'Hoviin, Gurnee; Gene Duffy, DeKalb; Arthur Honson, Ingleside; Julia Uselton and John Zick, Richmond; James Walters, Bert Anderson, Robert Meyer, William Pries, William Lokay, James Pokorny, Joseph Krzeminski, Maude Beaudry, George Mann, Wade Lunniss, Betty Croasdale, Gary Fairchild, Helen Low, Kenneth O'Halleran, Rita Zimny, Aloise Gort, Angeline Lawrenz, Warren Siepman, Ed- I ward Zender and Annette Bro- ^an, McHenry; and Isabelle Swanson, Wonder Lake. Harvard Hospital During the past week the following people were admitted to Harvard hospital. Harvard: Michael Leonetti, Frank Gore, Mrs. Frank Cierocki and Paul Ottman, McHenry. Memorial Hospital Included in the admittances to Memorial hospital, Wood- Pag# R»«: stock, during the past week were Timothy Donnelly, Azalea S c h e u n a m e n , M a s t e r K e i t h Schaedel and Florence Anderson, McHenry; Marlene Malo, Mary Sandgren, Helen Asmus, Carol Fink and Mildred and J a s p e r I n d e l i c a t o , W o n d e r Lake. TRAFFIC TOLL Traffic deaths in Illinois during August totaled 162, a decrease of 6 deaths or 4 per cent, from the same month last year, W. J. Payes. Jr., director of the Illinois Department of Public Works, and B u i l d i n g s , h a s a n n o u n c e d . Payes said that the number of traffic deaths in Illinois for the first eight months of this year now stands at 1,119, a reduction of 2 per cent from the 1,146 for the same period a year ago. ° NARCOTIC CONVICTIONS A total of 13 convictions in as many arrests Were obtained last month by the Illinois Division of Narcotic Control for violations of the narcotic or dangerous drug act, Joseph E. Ragen, director of the Department of Public Safety, announced last week. The violations for which the convictions were obtained included sale of narcotics, possession of narcotics and altering or forging prescriptions. COOKS CORNER This nut bread mixes easily and is cheaply produced, that is, it's inexpensive. It is better if made a day in advance and has a very good flavor. Try it. Nut Bread cup broken nut meats (not chopped) egg cup brown sugar cup commercial buttermilk 1 cup sifted all-purpose flour V2 tsp. salt 1 tsp. soda 1 cup uncooked quick or regular oats Heat oven to 350 F. Grease a bread pan and line bottom and side with wax paper. Break egg intp medium bowl and beat until light and fluffy. And brown sugar gradually. Stir in buttermilk. Sift flour; % 1 % 1 salt and soda together and add to egg mixture, stirring lightly. Add nuts. Stir in oats. Pour into pan, pushing into coiners. Bake 50 .minutes. Test with toothpick. Let stand 10 minutes after removing from oven. Turn out on cooling rack. Slices easily next day. SUSPEND LICENSES The drivers' license division of the office of Secretary of State Charles F. Carpontier has announced the suspension of the license of Suzanne Perkins of Rt. 1, Spring Grove, for driving while intoxicated: also Donald T. Froz'ey of Woodstock for three violations. Archeologists have established the fact that man lived in what is now Arizona 20,000 years ago, and that the area had a heavy raihfall then. MFNTAL HEALTH CENTER BENEFITS FROM TOP MOVIE On Wednesday, Oct. 10, at 8 p.m., one of the top ten nictures of the year, "THE MARK", will be presented to the public at the McHenry theater for the benefit of the Mental Health Center for McHenry County. This film is one of the most highly acclaimed pictures of recent times. The theme of this film revolves around the rehabilitation of a man who had been marked by society because of emotional problems which resulted in his committing an offense toward one of society's taboos. Stewart Whitman won an Academy nomination for his outstanding performance: Marie Schell and Rod Steiger complete the main cast. It is described as a thoughtful and sensitive deoiction of a troubled man attempting to solve his emotional conflicts. Use The Classifieds RUDY BECKER'S & KENNELS I Mile East of the Skyline Drlve-In -* Phone EVeroreen 5-2436 STUD SERVICE ... German short-hair pointer puppies available BOARDING ... Training, Obedience, Hunting & Retrieving BEEF IS DOWN! Now Is The Time To Fill Your Freezer Sfc SHORT $ 10JN WxflAHX \i U. S. CHOICE 63 HIND QTRS. Reg. 69c lb. NOW No Charge for Cutting & Wrapping HALF CATTLE Reg. 59c lb. NOW No Charge for Cutting & Wrapping tb 55 FRONT Reg. 57c NOW No Charge for Cutting & Wrapping QUARTERS lbL. 55 U. S. CHOICE BEEF LOINS ALL STEAKS Approx. 50-55 lbs. 79* FREE Cutting & Wrapping to Your Specifications CERTIFIED FOOD STORE ~ -Order. By Phone -- 385-0080 Another trouble with people with many dollars is that they have nothing else. 8:45 a.m., Sunday WCLM-FM, 101.9 mc 9:00 a.m., Sunday WAIT, 820 kc BIBLE SPEAKS TO YOU New Christian Science Radio Series 'SHOULD RELIGION HEAL Part 2 j McHENRY SHORES CLUB, liic. SHWSJSH?? invites you to attend its GOOD TIME' Party and Dance at the McHenry V.F.W. Hall Saturday, Sept. 29th 8:30 p.m. 'til? Music by George Freund's Orchestra Donation $1.00 CAftD OF THANKS W o r d s c a n n o t a d £ 9 U 3 A e l y express my gratitude to those who expressed their and helpfulness to rne &o beautifully at the time of " my recent sorrow. Special thinks to all the women who- helped pre- . pare the food at tftjs May God b l e s s y o u a l l . . T . Mrs. Fred DeThom . . .9-27-62 . . Petes l»y Pete Peters THE LADY WAS WILLING Working on a lady's car recently, we noticed that . it needed a grease job badly arid the oil was saturated. I sugv gested. the importance of doing this service, and she an-, i w e r e d . . . , ' "I suppose you ought to if it needs it, but I thought that was done at the factory." This was a lady just traveling through town from thtf big city. It could never happen to our local fair drivers. They know that their ' cars' need periodic lube and general maintenance services. • PETE'S SINCLAIR specializes in all minor auto services, and some of the bigger1 services, too, that keeps your-- car in top running condition'. We're not just another filling station. So, drive over-to 4419' W. Route 120, Lakeland Park, or phone for fast pick-up and delivery. You'll be glad that you did. . Ask About Our Free Wash or Lube Service P'an. 0 6 0 § : ; Come In & Register Win $1,000 Cash Nothing To Buy tfi CERTIFIED RED LABEL HALVES or SLICED YELLOW CLING CERTIFIED RED LABEL CUT Wax Beans-- CERTIFIED REP LABEL SLICED 3*19 Salad Beets... 3',nsZ9c CERTIFIED RED LABEL WHOLE VXMMSL M0% Golden Corn...5 CERTIFIED RED LA»EL 4ft 5 Sauerkraut.. • tTmsi» CERTIFIED RED IAREL WHOLE UI"j@LED |QQ j Apricots I r CERTIFIED REO LABEL 4* I#l Iodized Salt... L^Vr CERTIFIED RED LABEL 10-lb^/l Family Flour... *«79 Ml mm ' 1 " T ' 1 ENTRY BLANK l SHIPJTAbS ft JOHNSON'S Ifil FQLUIS J J Addreii•••••••••• •«•#••••••••••••»••««9I§I HlrbTAuS JOHNSON'S * :•*. * rouiES .7:30 P.M.-THURS. NOVEMBER 1.1962 . CHICAGO STADIUM BESMAZT... SHOP AT KRAFT Sale Dates Sept. 27 - 28 - 29 We Reserve jBifht to Limit Quantities COUNTRY'S Delight No Coupons Necessary • FRESH PRODUCE DAILY • CALIF. Pascal Celery . .10* ea. FRESH CRISP Carrots . .2 bunches 15* EXTRA FANCY 4 lb. Uaj? Mcintosh Apples . . 29* WIS.-GEM 10 lbs. For 29<- White Potatoes ... 3^, maxwell house Peanut Brittle £*'39' KRAFT JA All Purpou Oil... •49' *BA" Qt CO Mayonnaise • • • Jv MIRACLE Sandwich Spread *>3y( PHILADELPHIA |A Cream Cheese... "s 10* KRAFT AMERICAN OR. ^ m Pimento Slices.. 25c "VAX WELL HOUSE Coffee t'I; I MAXWELL HOUSE i| If Instant Coffee.!?*" *117 OCEAN SPRAY A Cranberry Sauce With $5.00 Or More Purchase HILLS BROS, or FOLGERS COFFEE Your ()Q£ 2 lb. Tin Choice v if KRAFT Cheese Spread Limit 5 oz. Jar 2 for 49c KRAFT DE LUXE DINNER PARK AY RAGGEDY ANN GARDEN FRESH • ^ r,RA6bEDY ANN LIGHT Mi' DA ft K tf'iuAA Red Mik* Beans Mr RA64EOY ANN 4f| Chili Hot Beans. 3^x9* raomeoyann - Tomato Juice...T" 29* >COUNTRY* PELI6HT MMfc Tea Baqs.... ~* 49' pillar, rock &ncy csd. Sockeye Salmon S T E A K S A L E 1-. S. CHOICE SIRLOIN STEAKS l. S. ( HOICK TENDER RIB STEAKS 79 Tb ARMOURS VERI-BEST 2-lb. Loaf Cheese Spread 49c PURINA DOG CHOW 25 lb. $<939 Our Low Bag m Price Nationfllly Advertised $2.7ft TENDER Round or Swiss STEAK WILSON SLICED DRIED BEEF 3 Pkgs. 89' U. s. CHOICE BONELESS RUMP ROAST 89" CHICKEN PARTS Legs 39c -- Breasts 49c Wings 19c -- Livars>£9c

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