I Thursday, October 4, 1962 WITH EH/1 B-tSVS, m7p&s ffi THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER R^A ?*J:< -JK CotMR^a H*v5Tttv->Vo«C - _ v.? it* 2*' Jf.£rp» S:=M U ^^"'vrTC riS^t^V '""1 -"- National Newspaper Week, Oct 14-20 j NEWSPAPERS MAKE A BIG DIFFERENCE IN PEOPLE S LIVES r Cartoon by Join Gboat Editorial Cartoonists, m 196Z-6S Pamikat I artiMMt foe tbt of tb* Amxuilion of Asatticm HmeQcimaH Mat Flong thru the courtesy of Wood Flong Corp., Hoosick Falls, New York. 4 I J. » W«tew«t<*A^i^V»c5Y$vii \ l I j Newspaper Week, Oci 14-20 MASM/ERS MI •J F'u ' D l f F E F l l f f /V PEOPLES tiiFS SAFEGUARD YOUR » HEALTH GALLSTONES One of the most excruciating pains in human experience is caused by gall bladder colic. Gall bladder colic is most often caused by the presence of tiny stones attempt i n g to move from the gall bladder to the intestine. m Some persons live indefinitely under recurrent attacks. Mild gall bladder colic is often attributed to "indigestion" causing some persons to delay diagnosis or to procrastinate in approving surgery. Others have repeated violent attacks which prompt them to seek medical advice. The gall bladder is a pearshaped organ lying under the J|ver, in which bile is stored after being manufactured in the liver. When fatty food enters the duodenum, the first part of the small intestine, signals are automatically transmitted to the gall bladder and it expels bile through a duct into the intestine. Bile Aids in Digestion Bile is a mixture of chemicals, produced by the liver, J^/hich plays an important part in breaking down food in the digestive process. These bile salts in liquid form would act corrosively outside of the bile ducts or intestine. Prompt treatment of gallstones will prevent serious complications. Since bile is necessary for proper digestion of fats, the greatest supply of bile Is poured into the intestine after v.' fatty meal. The exact reason why stones form in the gall bladder is not known but factors such as infection, stagnation of flow, and altered constituent chemicals can contribute to the formations;. Surgery Offers Relief When the bile passages are blocked, several things can happen. The gall bladder may rupture, causing the overflow GSf bile into the abdominal cavity outside of the intestines. This results in severe irritation and severe pain. Surgical removal of gallstones offers the only .dependable relief of this condition. In this operation, the gall bladder is usually removed, for it has been determined that the body can operate without that Argan. Its storage function can "iSe in large measux^e compensated for by the enlargement of the main duct. Gallstones are found in from 5 to 10 per cent of all persons, particularly in age groups between 40 and 50. Three fourths of all persons developing gallstones are women. Pregnancy, obesity, rapid reduction of weight, too much fat in the (iet, lack of exercise, and poor >ovvel habits arG factors that enter into gall bladder disease. A person suffering fullness, belching, and pain after eating, should not treat the discomfort lightly, but should consult his family physician immediately. George Washington did not have a middle name. EDDIE the EDUCATOR says 1000.000+ Public k&mV MtrttffiMnt In tfii U. S. has increased more than a million for tho ninth contecwtivo year. Such gr«wth presents a chal- Ung«. IH'noTt EdueatTofl Atioe'ation world's largest selling home heating equipment Whether you're building or remodeling, Lennox has the practical answer for economical heating and cooling. Over 400 models to choose from--all with the famous Hushtone b l o w e r / f i l t e r that spells c-o-m-f-o-r-t. TERMS AVAILABLE No down payment! Up to 155 weeks to pay CALL FOR FREE ESTIMATE ALTHOFF'S HEATING & AIR COND. 903 X. Front. St. 385-0334 AUCTION Ed Vogel, Auctioneer Of account of moving to town I will sell at public auction the following described property on the old Mike Miller Farm on State Route 12. Two miles East of Spring Grove and two l^iles West of Fox Lake. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1962 Beginning at 1:30 o'clock MACHINERY McD Model M. Tractor; Pile of 2 x 10 lumber; Rubber tire wagon; 2 wheel barrows; Pump jack with motor; Hog crate; Steel water tank; Buzz saw; Hot water boiler; 32 ft. extension ladder; Platform scale; 500 gal. water tank on trailer; 8 milk cans; 100 ft. IVi in. galvanized water pipe (new); 11 steel posts; 12 burr oak posts; Slip scraper; Chicken crate; 3 rolls £ chicken wire; Pile of kindling wood; Several small tools. HOUSEHOLD GOODS 4 burner gas stove; 9 x 10 rug; 6x7 rug; Cook stove; Several Mirrors; 6 doz. fruit jars; Large German bible; Commode; Davenport and bed; Double bed; Set of twin beds with inner spring mattresses; 2 rocking chairs. WILLIAM J. MILLER, Owner McHenry Stale Bank, Clerking ^ ' Not Responsible for Accidents DRIVER LICENSE REVOKED. EIGHT OTHERS SUSPENDED The license of Eugene L. O'Brien of : Rt 2, Woodstock, has been revoked for giving incorrect information on application for license, according to the drivers' license division of the office of Secretary of State Charles F. Carpentier. Suspensions were ordered for James P. Kane of Gages Lake, John D. Kirchberg of Crystal Lake, Albert H. Klabunde, John Louton and Robert D. Strohm of Woodstock, Sidney L. Norton of Rt. 2, Wonder Lake, and Ramiro Renteria of Algonquin, all for three violations; also Frank C. Barg of McHenry for driving while license or permit was revoked or suspended. A probationary permit was issued to Peter P. Paskvan of McHenry. A nnouncina the f\AJimi ners. / We would like to extend our most sincere thanks to the hundreds of people who attended our Grand Opening last week. The comments and compliments on our new location and the new 1963 Chevrolets, Chevy II's and Corvairs were most gratifying. D The WINNERS Of The FREE REGISTRATION Were: 1ST PRIZE -- $100.00 CERTIFICATE MRS. DOROTHY ZANK P. O. Box 131 McHenry, 111. 2ND PRIZE -- 2-SPEED BLENDER MRS. SIS HEINZ 2711 N. Villa Lane McHenry, 111. 3rd PRIZE -- TRANSISTOR RADIO MRS. ELSIE REIKER 3513A W. Pearl McHenry, 111. CLARK CHEVROLET SALES 908 N. Front St. Phone 885-0277 Next to the Roller Rink IF MORE PEOPLE BOUGHT THEIR NEEDS FROM US WE Could Afford LARGER ADS ANNIVERSARY SALE FOR MONTH OF OCTOBER FREE GOLD FISH every Tuesday & Thursday io any child accompanied by an adult (effective 10-9-62) Blatchfords dog food - 25 lbs. $2.69, 5 lbs. 59c Discontinued dog coats 20% off Cat comfort 50 lbs. $3.19 25 lbs. $09 10 lbs. 72c 5 lbs. 39c Finches - Usually $5.00 to $15.00 a pair Now $3.25 pair Parakeets - $1.00 off Now 98c 8c up Canaries - Undetermined sex $2.25 Peach Face Love Bird - $22.95, Sale Pr. $12.95 Turtles and Chameleons Usually 59c, Now 45c Tropical Fish 15% Off Colored aquarium gravel 2 lbs. 35c 5 Gallon to 20 gallon stainless steel tanks - complete set-up 20% off 10 Gallon stainless steel tank - Usually $11.45 Now $8.49 All other sizes comparable values WE DELIVER MURAL'S PET SHOP 406 Virginia Street (Rt. 14) Crystal Lake, Illinois 459-3133 Page Eleven COMPLETE POLIO INOCULATION AT COUNTY HOSPITAL , A windup program to help people who did not complete their series of polio inoculations will be given at Memorial hospital for McHenry County this Friday and Saturday, Bert Hanson, administrator, has announced. Administered under the supervision of the medical staff, the dose to be given out will be the Type II polio medication, he said. Hours for this program will be as follows: Friday, 3 to 9 p.m., and Saturday, 1 to 5 p.m. As a purely precautionary measure Memorial hospital has no plans tb administer Type III until the Surgeon General of the U. S. Public Health department gives approval. However, Hanson noted that no incidence of polio in this ' area has broken out and immunization of people who received the inoculation has been 100 per cent effective. Only 23 of the Mayflower families ever had children, yet over 100,000 Americans trace their ancestry back to them. Hanfords Return From Western Trip Mr. and Mrs. Ford Hanford have just returned from a five-week, 7,530-mile trip to California, travelling up the coast to the Seattle World Fair and Blaine, Wash. Mr. Hanford fished in the ocean at Blaine, and when-the tide was out he walked out and picked up oysters. The Hanfords spent two weeks with their daughter, Mrs. Edna McNish, and sons, David and Ricky, at Rodando Beach. McHenry friends will be interested to learn that David is now in sixth grade and Ricky in fourth. Mrs. McNish is working in the Space Technology laboratories near Los Angeles as a member of the space program. Money may talk, but it also stops talk. IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE! tllLMIIIIIIIIIIIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilillliillilliliiiilliiilUIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIimUIHIIIIIICI For Thai MAN 1b Your ititPj LIFE tad SMSSF1 lea...' J"*'* "filling that gill «o doit to a Dad at a att TflctfteU- STORE MEN 1245 N. Green St. Phone 885-00*1, McHenry, III OpM Dally 8 a m. to 6 pan. Friday 8 son. to 9 pj i Sunday 9 a.m.*tU 12 noon USE THE FREE GREEN STREET, PARKING AREA 'iitiiiiHMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitniiiiiiiiiiHiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiHiiHiiiiiiiiiiltfitiiuiiiiiiiHtt mm. jambs eeownt ••4 CHELSEA ftOAO ttVU «C Gumm L. wilsok 2*1 VIST HNL DAYTON* OHIO Rytex Bill-Paying Envelopes custom imprinted with your name and address Save time and money and save your regular stationery envelopes for mailing coupons, checks and money orders. These envelopes are about the handiest thing you can have around the house. Of fine quality white vellum with your,, name and address custom-imprinted in choice of BR or GC imprint style in blue or grey ink 100 envelopes |49 200 envelopes OQQ p,us • Postage 500 envelopes 499 And while you're about it, why not order some for gifts. Rytex proves your thoughtfulness--it's obviously made to order for the occasion. McHenry Plaindealer Use this coupon to order McHENRY PLAINDEALER McHenry, Illinois Please place my order for (quantity) Rytex Bill-Paying. Envelopes at $ • custom-imprinted as follows: Name Street City, Zone & State Specify imprint style: • Style BR • Style GC Check choice of ink • Blue • Grey Ordered by: ". : Street City, Zone & State • Charge • Payment enclosed" Sorry, no C.O.D.'s SALE at NYE'S BUY 1- ADD A PENNY & GET 2 & A Free Lifetime Hawaiian Orchid Corsage To Ladies With a Drug Purchase While They Last Envelopes Reg. 43c tyx" - 80's 10" - 40's 31 Justrite Cleanser Reg. 19c 4 for 30* Costume Jewelry by Nina Earrings & Necklaces A $901 Reg. $2.00, Plus Tax mm for <h Orathon Tooth Brush Reg. 49c 2 5 0 * Fine Briar Pipes Reg. $2.00 2 for 2^ Milk of Magnesia Pint, Walgreen, Reg. 49c 2 for 50 Apothecary Jar Guest Soap Reg. 73c 2 74' Ornamental Pole Lamps,, $14.98 Value Seamless Hose by Glory Reg. $1.19 for 159 Book Matches Carton 50 Packs, Reg. 19c 2 fo, 29 Silo Bob Pins 120 x 2" Long 9Q* Rubber Tipped, Reg. 39c .. Cartoon Filler Notebook Wide or Narrow Lined Reg. 65c, NOW 44 Luxury Mints 2 6* or 20 for 50c All Flavors, Reg. 5c Walgreen Color Film 8 mm Daylite or Artificial $2.39 35mm Daylite or Artificial $1.99 Processing FREE See our Circular For Other TREMENDOUS BARGAINS! (SJultjM'cn -4qcnrq NYE DRUG INC. 1325 M. RIVERS 106 PC. MCHENRY EV5-4426 I