Jhursday. October 1L 1962 mSSm THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER McHENRY PLAINDEALER 3812 West Elm Street Established 1815 s,\ i i" Phone 885-0170 S ' * KWi 1:\ Mm * - ' " friwiwti Published Every Thursday at McHenry, Illinois by McHENRY PUBLISHING COMPANY. NATIONAl IDITORIAI . 5^11A#c6T|g" ^ P R E S S f glssciatian ) Subscription Rates In McHenry County Outside McHenry Gount-y. Year ^. $4.00 1 Year .$4.^0 os. $2.25 6 Mos. $2.50 3 Mos. $1.50 3 Mos. .$1.15 Larry E. Lund -- Publisher Adele Froehlich, Editor Second Class Postage Paid at McHenry, Illinois I How Can I ?l _ by Anne Ashley ® (Persons who wish to have help with specific problems may write to Anne Ashley in care of W. L. Gordon Features, 9th floor, Resor building, 37 W. Seventh street, Cincinnati 2, Ohio, sending along a stamped self-addressed envelope.) Dr. Rosselii Joins Professional Ranks Q. What can I do about a llpoint pen that has ceased T> write, even though I have not gotten much service out of it? A. First, thrust ajfiig needle or pin into thcopfen end of the ink barrel to see if there is any ink remaining in it. If there is, stand the pen in a bit of vinegar, and let remain overnight, then in the morning dry it and reassemble. If it ^besn't work then -- throw it away! Q. Can you suggest a way to prevent a cigaret lighter from constantly slipping out of a blouse or shirt pocket? A. Ti^ wrapping a rubber band around the lighter a few times, and this should provide the necessary friction to preivent its slipping out easily. Q. How can I keep the i^-ust of meat pie from absorbing gravy? A. Ciravy will not soak through the lower crust of the meat pie if the white of an egg is brushed over the crust. , Q. How can I preserve the natural color of knotty pine? A. By treating it with a mixture of half turpentine and half linseed oil. A thorough treatment should he allowed Wo dry lor two hours at leaftt; Any excess may then be wiped off. Keep up the treatment until the wood no longer absorbs the mixture. Use a good, clean brush. Q. How can I prevent clothing from creasing so easily? A. Be sure not to dampen the clothes so much that it is ^lifficult to iron them absolutely dry. If clothes arc not ironed absolutely dry, they tend to crease easily and look unsightly after one wearing. Q. How can I renovate a shabby-looking black umbrella? A. Try brushing it with a solution of ammonia and warm water. Q. How can I remove some rfurface discolorat ions from my •bathtub and sink? The McHenry Medical Group has announced the association of Dr. August M. Rossetti in the department of pediatrics. Dr. Rossetti, originally of Pittsburg, Pa., was graduated from the Stritch School of Medicine, Loyola university, Chicago, in 1956, and served a rotating internship at Cook county hospital in 1957. His initial year of pediatric residency was completed in 1958 at the Children's hospital of Pittsburg, prior to entering military service. Following his military service, Dr. Rossetti entered general practice in Richmond until October, 1961, when he entered St. Francis hospital, Evanston, to complete his pediatric residency. Dr. Rossetti is on the medical staff at McHenry hospital and Memo rial hospital at Woodstock. He is a member of the McHenry County and Illinois State Medical societies, A.M.A., and the Phi Beta Pi medical fraternity. Dr. and Mrs. Rossetti and their five children will reside in McHenry. Lecture Guest PETER REICH Peter Reich, who has received the award , from the Air Force association as the newspaperman of the year, will be guest speaker at the first meeting of the newly organized McHenry Dinner Lecture club, which will be held Saturday evening, Oct. 13, at Shady 1 ane in Marengo at 7:30 p.m. This is a couple's club devoted to food, conversation and intellectual stimulation. Membership in the club is limited, and anyone desiring information may call Mrs. John R. Yarese or Mrs. LeRoy Marshall. COURT BRIEFS George T. Barber of Kent j Acres was fined $50 in the i court of Justice of the Peace | Charles M. Adams last Saturday on a charge of disorderly conduct on the complaint of Deputy Sheriff Donald Madsen. Mr. Barber was taken to McHenry hospital on Oct. 1 following an auto accident, and it was there, the complaint alleged, that he was disorderly when the sheriff's office was called to remove him from the hospital. Mr. Barber also received a $15 fine lor improper lane usage. FTA TEACHER APPRECIATION DAY PLANNED A. Use a mixture of baking powder and peroxide. Make a paste of these two ingredients and apply it to the discolored areas with a cloth. After this has dried, wash it away, and the original luster should be restored. This solution is also very good for brightening the finish of your refrigerator. Q. How can I keep salt flowing freely from the shaker, even in damp weather? A. A scant teaspoon of raw rice kernels in the salt shaker will accomplish this. Or, put some small pieces of blotter into the shaker and they, too, will absorb the moisture. Q. How can I prevent moths from feasting on my wool blankets while they are stored away? A. When laundering these blankets, prior to putting them away, add a cup of moth balls to the last rinse water. Q. How can I make my windows and mirrors sparkle? A. Try using rubbing alcohal on them. First rub with a well saturated cloth, then polish off with some paper toweling. Russell A. Woods of Harvard and Richard L. Nelson of Princeton, III., were each fined $10 on speeding charges. A $15 fine was imposed on Harold Gluff of Woodstock for operating a vehicle with no brakes. In the court of Judge James Cooney last Thursday, Donald McGowan of McHenry was fined $100 and costs for driving while his driver's license was revoked. In the court of Police Magistrate Donald Howard on Thursday evening, Richard Lowney of LaGrange Park was fined $15 for a stop sign violation. Bert Knobbe of Ch'cago was fined $10 for following ,too closely. Edward Loniiro of Melrose Park paid a $25 fine on a speeding charge. Any man who gives in whenhe's right is weak, spineless, and married. Men, like pencils, need two things--somebody 1) to sharpen 'em up, and 2) to push 'alon^. Nothing increases the size of fish as much as fishing alone. RELAX . . . Get the Hairstyle of Your Choice. Plenty of Free Parking BEAUTY J SHOP (Formerly Jen's Beauty Shop) East, Route 120 385-0322 (Closed on Mondays) Evenings -- By Appointment Only WE GOOFED! Watch for Our Warehouse Clearance Sale Ad Next Week. KOEHR, Inc. 4123 W. Crystal Lake Rd. AGATHA GIFTS & CANDIES 1242 No. Green St. Halloween Party Goods Gifts & Candies HALLMARK HALLOWEEN CARDS NORCROSS Halloween Cards are the "CAT'S MEOW // Halloween, Wednesday, Oct. 3 Look for them at BOLGER'S 1259 N. Green St. McHenry high school's Future Teachers of America, now with over ninety members, met recently in the high school auditorium. Tfye business discussed included the forthcoming teachers' appreciation-day, after-meeting programs, and naturally, our float entry for the homecoming parade. Recently four of our members, accompanied by our, sponsor, Mrs. Bolger, were guests of Franklin Park's East Leyden high school. The occasion Vas the annual F. T. A. workshop. Those who attended were 'Sue Nowak, president; Pam Von Obstfelder, secretary; Kathy , Smith, treasurer; and Jackie Hansen, a very active member. After some very interesting discussion groups in the morning, the banquet and some impromptu entertainment provided by the Leyden Players, this group returned home excited with many unique idea', for the club. Pam Von Obstfelder Reporter PRESENTS PROGRAM HEBE AND THERE IN BUSINESS ANN VARESE The McHenry chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star will benefit from a performance of "Fiorella," to be presented by Ann Varese in the McHenry high school auditorium at 8:15 o'clock Wednesday, Oct. 17. Use The Classifieds BECOMES C.P.A. M. David Cain was one of 150 lrom the state of Illinois who was presented his C.P.A. c e r t i f i c a t e a t t h e b a n q u e t lor their honor, held in Chicago last Thursday. He had passed the exam which is a requirement of all certified public accountants before they are allowed to practice. The culmination occurred with his admission into partnership with Norman S. Jedele under the firm name of Jedele and Cain in Antioch. Mr. Cain resides at 579 Highland avenue, Antioch, with his wife, the former Sue Stinespring of McHenry. and their \wo sons, M. David, Jr. and Gregory Pierce. •H--* at- the concluding session of he forty-fourth annual. coii- 'ention of the natibnal trade issociation of the gas indusry. He will serve a one-year term. TTie A.G.A. officer, whe itS 1 |?J$n EUyn, .jgs§ytpen president;^»<lirector ^ahd chiel execut iv*e" - office df Nl-das s'nefe.'1954.';' •;* NYE •41' « A** • -J9C v r'&S .vt-taeeoa AMERICAN GAS OFFICER Marvin Chandler, president >f Northern Illinois Gas company, has been elected first vice-president of the American Gas association. He was elected I1 SALE is continuing thru Sunday - Oct. t4 BUY 1 - ADD A PENNY & GET 2 OlJulqfHxn 1325 N. Riverside Drive 385-4420 6 0 § »«. i * .v : ft? i-- i i < Mon.. Tues. Wed. Watch For TO SEE * ' SPECIAL SHIPSTADS { Next Week & JOHNSON'S1- --- Sales Dates October We Reserve Right to Limit Quantities Del Monte Pineapple Juice or Pineapple No.2II Tin Grapefruit Drink . . .10* Del Monte Crushed, Tidbits or No. 211 Tin Pineapple Chunks.. 5 for $1.00 Campells No. 1 Tall Tin Tomato Soup . . 10' ea. Libbys - Vegetation, Molasses - Tomato Saucc 14 ox. Tin Deep Brown Beans .10* FRESH MEATY 7:30 P.M.-THURS. NOVEMBER 1,1962 Frozen Food Specials TURKEY LEGS & THIGHS WRAP IN TIN FOIL AND BAKE 100% PURE GROUND BEEF 49 7b. 3 lbs. -- $1.39 BONELESS ROLLED PORK ROAST 55 C lb. U. S. CHOIC E CLUB, PORTERHOUSE T-B0NE STEAKS 98 fb. U. S. Choice Sirloin Steaks • • 89c lb. LEAN MEATY COUNTRY STYLE SPARE RIBS 49 C lb. NO STORE CAN OFFER LOW PRICES AND STAMPS CHECK OUR LOW PRICES SWANSDOWN CAKE MIXES Asst'd Flavors 4f „ * BEEF, CHICKEN, TURKEY li oz.- Pkg. SWANS0N DINNERS 4? While Supplies Last -- Nationally Advertised 59c Ea. BEEF, CHICKEN, TURKEY 8 oz. Pkg. BIRDSEYE MEAT PIES 16< ea. While Supplies Last COUNTRY'S DELIGHT BREADED SHRIMP 20 oz. Pkg. $1 19 ICELANDIC OCEAft PERCH FILLETS 45* Full Pound KRAFTS PARKAY MARGARINE . 5 lbs. $1.00 PILLSBURY OR BALLARD ' Reg. l»kg. Sweetmilk or Buttermilk BISCUITS. 8* ea. KRAFT VELVETTA CHEESE SPREAD KRAFT AMERICAN SLICED CHEESE . . . . 2 lb. Loaf .79* • • • - - - - -- ~»'-OTSr-"l*kjr.-- «• 7Qc • . . . COUNTRY FRESH • F R E S H P R O D U C E D A I L Y * FRESH PULLET EGGS |00 PASCAL, CELERY 10' ea. Asst'd Flavors t k7 49' TASG Reg. Price -- 98c ORANGE DRINK 21 oz. qpm Jar Jonathan School APPLES v» U. S. NO. 1 OUR PRICE MFTNINI Swt POTATOES 2 it>15' Nationally Advertised 10c lb. GOLDEN YELLOW--No Coupons Necessary BANANAS 10l lSi3 3-Lb. Tin Dozen DEL MONTE Asparagus Spears . « Ti" 3 / |pEL MONTE ^ Sliced Beets-* * *'2 33° DEL MONTE W nCc Pumpkin » x. 3s> ZO DEL MONTE - -- ^3 APC •*" Zucchini • • • -* * * • ZD DEL MONTE PEELEO _ 30J * Tomatoes 2 *•"* tO DEL MONTE Oi. nftc Prune Juice • , • • • J7 Tt o- mMOa?toTE J.u .ic e. . . *ar Tim |*|oc .; DEL MONTE SLiCED OR HALVES peaches 2 35C PURINA DOG CHOW 5 lb* CO* Bag D 51 COFFEE 2T,Lb- 99' 2 lb. Limit w r " ! ~