Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 18 Oct 1962, p. 2

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fage Two : ' S THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Thursday, October 18, 1962 Teachers Meet Board At District 15 Tea A tea was held Sunday afternoon at Edgebrook school, when members of the board of District 15 had an opportunity to meet new faculty members of the various schools in the district and to become better acquainted with those who have been in the staff. It was estimated that between seventy-five and eighty attended. Community Club Will Sponsor Halloween Dance As Halloween nears, g are getting ready to enjoy tivities again at Johnsl where the Community club is planning its annual Halloween dance. This year it will be held Saturday, Oct. 27, at Memorial Jiall. The committee has provided 'for all types of entertainment. Prizes will be given for the best group and also for the best individual costumes. Judging tvill take place at 10 o'clock isharp. Refreshments will be served of the fine quality usually available at these parties. Bridal Couple Moehling Baby Is Christened The second 'soil of. Mr. and M r s . G l e n n M o e h l i n g w a s christened Johft Henry at St. Mary's church by Rev. Eugene Baunrihofer recently. Sponsors for the baby, who was born Sept. 20, were Bernard A. Freund and Betsy Moehling. John Henry weighed 9 lbs. and measured 21 inches at birth. Following the christening, dinner was served at the home of the grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard A. Freund, to the following: John Schaefer, great-grandfather; Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Moehling, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard A. Freund, Mr. and Mrs. .Roger Moehling and sons; Mr. and Mrs. Arnold ^reaad," Neil Freund, William Leetzow, the parents, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Moehling; and John Benin's brother, lti-month-old Glenn Bernard Moehling. - Fifty New Homemakers Attend Membership Tea . Recently, all new members Of the Homemakers Extension a s s o c i a t i o n w e r e h o n o r e d guests at the annual membership tea held at the new Farm •Bureau building. Mrs. James Gtaig of Crystal Lake, second vjce-qhainnah, was the official hostess for- the day. ;jWore than fifty new members and their sponsors gathered- to hear Mrs. Raymond La ^asseuer, district director of the Illinois Homemakers Extension federation, to tell of the work of the H.E.A. The program was in charge of Mrs. Dorothy McEachren, with Gordon Fossum of Woncdsp Lake* playing organ select tions and his five talented d a u g h t e r s s i n g i n g s e v e r a l songs. On the refreshment committee were Mrs. Reuben Hesselgrave and Mrs. Earl Smith, county president. Mrs. E. Plote assisted in pouring tea. Shower Honors Mrs. Gail Brod A surprise pink and blue Shower was given for Gail Matchen Brod on Sunday, Oct. 14, with twenty-five guests present. Hostesses were Linda Rae Larson and Marlene Viita. Mrs. Brod was presented With many lovely gifts. Kotalik Studio Photo THE JOHN TONYANS Miss Joan O'Brien and John J. Tonyan exchanged nuptial vows in a pretty wedding solemnized Oct. 6 in St. Patrick's Catholic church. Following a trip to Miami, Fla., they will take up residence in Cooney Heights. WED IN SEPTEMBER Kotalik Studio Photo THE JOHN VIERKES Spring Grove's St. Peter's Catholic church was the setting for a beautiful wedding on Sept. 29 in which Miss Jeannette Busch of Spring Grove became the bride of John R. Vierke of Richmond. The newlyweds will live in Richmond. MARRIAGE LICENSES John Lindquist, McHenry, and Esther Motucka, Cary. Residence Change Mr. and Mrs. Ray West have moved from the Fred Bienapfl place in Edgebrook to Bushnell, 111. The place they have vacated is being occupied by the Myron Glyzenski family, who have moved from the Huemann subdivision. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Penikat of Oak Park are now making their home in the George Kane place on Center street, where they moved Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Axel Schwanke moved recently from 1328 A N. Riverside Drive to the lower apartment in the Mrs. Nick M. Justen house on Green street. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Homo have returned from their honeymoon and gone to housekeeping in one of the Johnson apartments at 1006 Front street. Mrs. Emma King has moved from the Joe P. Miller place on N. Green street, to the apartment in the home of Mrs. Irene Guffey on Washington street, vacated by the George T. Barber family, who moved to Kent Acres. Observe Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Otto Klemm, long time residents of Volo, recently celebrated their fortieth wedding anniversary when a family dinner was given by their daughters and husbands, Mr. and Mrs. George Cross and Mr. and Mrs. James McNally. The table was decorated with a beautiful wedding cake. A guest at the dinner was Chuck Abel of Lakemoor. Besides their daughters, they have eight grandchildren, Karen, Patricia, Candee, Jamie, and twins, Joy and Jill McNally, and Carrie and Donna Cross. Otto Klemm and Rose Jankovich were married in 1922 at St. Paul's Lutheran church, Chicago, and came to the McHenry area in 1923. They have been in business here since that time. Several Attend PTA Conference Mrs. John Boehm, president of the McHenry High School P.T.A., reports that on Oct. 10 she attended the conference of District 26 of the Illinois Congress of Parents and Teachers, which was held at Grant Township high school, district 26 is made up of all P.T.A. local units in Lake, McHenry and Boone counties, and was attended by many persons. Attending from our area along with Mrs. Boehm were Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Buch, copresidents of the Community P.T.A.; Mrs. Lester Klotz, Secretary of the McHenry County Council; and Mr. Reckenthaler, president of the McHenry County council. One of the highlights was meeting Mrs. Ruby Collins, new president of the Illinois conference. Also of interest to the many persons present was a talk by Virginia F. Matson, teacher and director of the Grove school, Inc., of Libertyville, which is a school especially set up to educate braindamaged children. Mrs. Matson would like to have any interested persons from McHenry and Boone counties to work with her on a three-county committee which will try to get additional state support for the education of these chil- % Terrific - Fabulous - Marvelous Orchard Heights Subdivision Halloween Costume DANCE OCT. 27lh. 9:00 P.M. - ? ? ? Dance to -- The Starlite Orchestra CLARENCE'S SHOP SPECIALS Alum, Comb Storm Doors $23.95 as low as •. Alum. Comb. Storm Windows as low as •. *11.95 (can fit any size) Pre-Finished Paneling 4x8 Sheets .... <5.75 Also All Other Types of Plywood, Etc. Clarence J. Smith Johnsburg, III. PHONE 385-4372 dren with a perceptual handicap. If there are any interested persons available, Mrs. Matson can be reached at the Grove school. Mrs. Boehm reminds parents and teachers alike that the first meeting of the year of the McHenry County council will be held at the Huntley school on Oct. 18 at 8 p.m. She would like to have a good attendance out of McHenry, and urges that P.T.A. members give the council a try. The subject to be discussed on the program will be "Combating Juvenile Delinquency" and certainly this is something of interest to all parents. MARIAN PARENTS' NIGHT Tuesday, Oct. 23, at 8 p.m. will be Marian Central Father's club parents night. This is a yearly affair at which the wives of the members are invited. Speaker for the evening will be Joseph Ziel, special agent whose subject will be "Overall Activities of t he F.B.I." The meeting will take place at the school cafeteria, and refresh m e n t s will be served. i CARD OF THANKS My sincere thanks and appreciation to everyone for their good wishes, cards and thoughtfulness during my recent hospital stay. Delores Piotrowski 10-18-62 NOTiCE Christian Science services are held every Sunday at 10:30 a.m. and the 3rd Wednesday of each month at 8 p.m. in the Masonic Building, 1309 N. Court St., McHenry. All interested are welcome to attend. PRESSLER'S HALL -- BURTONS BRIDGE C^iaire A HAIR STYLISTS 385-0010 1220 N. GREEN ST. MON. thru SAT. 8 aan. to ' 6 p.m. Closed Wed. Claire # Maty Ann 9 Eieanore § Marlene JLL Let our staff of professional experts help you with your hair problems. Phone 385-0927 For RUG CLEANING SERVICE Free Pickup and Delivery Standard Prices RAINBOW CLEANERS 1304 N. Front St* McHenry The Oldest, Largest, Most Modern Cleaning Plant In McHenry Area KATHLEEN MURPHY BECOMES BRIDE IN ATLANTA NUPTIAL Miss Kathleen Marie Mtirphy, daughter of Mrs. Evfclyh Karls Murphy of 830 Yorkshite road, N. E., Atlanta, Q*., became the bride of Mr. Anthony George Kehle, III, son of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony George Kehle, Jr., of Pompano Beach, Fla., in a beautiful marriage ceremony solemnized in Sacred Heart Catholic churchy Atlanta, Ga., last Saturday, Oct. 13, at 10 o'clock.1 The lovely, blonde bride, who is well known in McHenry, wore an ivory satin, princess style gown with ivory silk tulle hand embroidered veil. The latter was purchased in Venice, Italy, by the bride's mother many years ago in anticipation of her daughter's wedding in years to come. She was given in marriage by her brother, 13-year-old Master L a w r e n c e B e r n a r d M u r p h y , HL Miss Mary Lynn Murphy, sister of the bride, of Atlanta, Ga., acted as maid of honor Plan Fall Bazaar The woman's auxiliary of St. Paul's Episcopal church is planning a luncheon and bazaar to be held Tuesday, Oct. 23, with proceeds to be used tb help defray the cost of building a new church. The actual bazaar will start at 10 a.m. and continue until 4 o'clock in the afternoon. Luhcheon will be served from 11;30 to 1 p.m. at the Legion' home. Shown grouped at a table holding just a few of the many items which will be on sale at the bazaar are, from left to right, Polly Licastro, Louise Fowles, senior vice-president"of the auxiliary; Susan Brodie, Dagne Lunnis, Marge Hess, Jeanne Heinzelman, secretary; Daisy Smith, publicity; President Eleanor Sweeney and Edna Robel, chairman of the bazaar. and bridesmaids were Miss Sally Ann Murphy of Atlanta, another sister, and Miss Pamela Kehle of Pompano Beach, Fla., sister of the groom. They were attired in gowns of graduated shades of green. Frank Berg of Fort Lauderdale, Fla., friend of the groom, was best man and ushers were Gregory Kehle of Pompano, brother of the groom, and Neill Bridges of Columbia, S. C., a friend. Mrs. Murphy was attired in a kelly green, silk faille dress into which electric blue flowers had been woven. Her stole and accessories were in matching color. Mrs. Kehle wore an a u t u m n b r o w n d r e s s w i t h matching accessories. A reception was held in the Atlanta home of the bride, after which the young couple left for Fort Lauderdale, Fla., where they will make their home. NAMED CLASS OFFICER Lynn Buckie, daughter of Mrs. Mary Buckie of McHenry, has been elected secretary of the junior class at Clarke college ih Dubuque, Iowa. Emerson* RJk. Who at one time or anotheid hasn't had butter smeared on a slight burn to ease the pain and discomfort? A newer and equally available therapy involves the use of water and ice. This is excellent for emergency first-aid treatment where less than 20 percent of the body area is affected. According to a paper in the AMA, relief and good healing and perhaps less redfj ness and blistering can be expected if treatment is begun immediately with ice water or ice-cold compresses. This is a slightly different matter, but have you ever done a slow burn at a time when service was slow and indifferent? This is a problem you will not experience at MILLSTREAM DRUGS, INC. in the filling of prescriptions!) Service is quqick but careful and exacting at MILLSTREAM DRUGS, INC., Jewel Shopping Plaza. Phone 385-5057. We give S&H Green Stamps with prescriptions. If you have any questions regarding pharmacy or public health which you would like to have discussed in this columiL write to Russ Emerson, c/S this paper. OCTOBER \ NEW CAR SPECIAL RECEIVE AN Antique Auto Bank ft 99 with the financing of your New Car during October. Bank Rates ARE LOWER NEW CAB LOAN REPAYMENT SCHEDULE ANTIQUE AUTO e* 12 mos. 18 mos. 24 mos. 30 mos. 36 mos. $1,000 $ 87.50 $ 59.72 $ 45.83 $ 37.50 $31.94 $1,500 131.25 89.58 68.75 56.25 47.92 $2,000 175.00 119.44 91.67 75.00 63.89 $2,500 218.75 149.31 114.58 93.75 79.86 These are the exact amounts required to repay your New Car Loan! No Hidden Charges! Creditors Life Insurance Included! No requirement to buy "Certain Insurance" to Qualify! Buy your Auto Insurance from the "AGENT OF YOUR CHOICE" INSIST ON BANK FINANCING The Best In Rates and Service Also Available on Late Model Used Cars McHenry State Bank <1 COMPLETE BANKING SERVICE SINCE 1906 TELEPHONE 385-1040 BANK

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