mpmmm Thursday October 1962 THE McBEtfBY PUONDE AXCT ROBERT CASET NAMED TO FINE NOTRE DAME BAND OSRITAl flotUs Wed Recently ROBERT CASEY Robert F. Casey, at 18, has entered his third year of preprofessional studies at the University of Notre Dame in South Bend, Ind. He has also been selected a member of the most active and colorful student organization on campus, the University of Notre Dame, 119-piece marching band. In addition to their appearances at the many home games, the Notre Dame band will accompany the, football team to the Northwestern game at Evanston Oct. 27 and to the Navy game at Philadelphia on Nov. 3. Robert, son of the J'. F. Caseys of Country Club drive, is a graduate of St. Patrick's elementary school in McHenry and Leo high school in Chicago. McHenry Hospital Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Murray are parents of a daughter born Oct. 14. A son was born Oct. 14 to Mr. and Mrs. "Dennis Sundberg. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Hausman, Wauconda, announce the birth of a daughter Oct. 14. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wimmer became parents of a daughter born Oct. 10. On Oct. 11 a daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Carmelo Burrasato* Mr. and Mrs. James Vickers welcomed twins, a boy and a girl, born Oct. 8. Other Births Mr. and Mrs. Russell Rhoton of Johnsburg are parents of a son born at St. Therese hospital, Waukegan, Oct. 11. Mr. and Mrs. Mathias Zachari of 5313 W. Cleveland Drive, McHenry, announce the arrival of a daughter at St. Joseph's hospital, Elgin, Oct. 14. Memorial Hospital A son was born Oct. 9 to Mr. and Mrs. William Pierce. A Wonder Lake couple, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Lindgren, are parents of a daughter born Oct. 11. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Bassi announce the 'birth of a son Oct. 14. .. Harvard Hospital Mr. and Mrs. William Stinacker became parents of a daughter Oct. 14. McHenry Hospital During the past week p a tients admitted to McHeniy hospital included Joseph Tothfalusi, Hammond, Ind.; Richard Girlando, Sophie Bartlett and Pearl Barnard, Round Lake; Baby .Marvin Winderly, Twin Lakes, Wis.; Thomas Dernetz and Craig Hoiden, Crystal Lake; Pauline Bedford and Bernard Plunkett, Wauconda; Albert Frank, Ingleside; Duane Andreas, Ringwood; Timothy Latham, Woodstock; Llondalyn Holman and Lillian Maguire, Island Lake; Julia Koon, Wonder Lake; Norman Schmaling, Cindy Adams, Lovie Mrotz, Irene Lauber, Angle Sass, Virginia Karls, Irdne Godina, Thomas J. Aylward, Earline Mattelka, Gladys Slipiec and Mary Phillips, McHenry. •Memorial Hospital During the past week patients admitted to Memorial hospital, Woodstock, included Geoffrey Walkington, Cavin and David Beglin, Ringwood; Florence Cavins, Mark Wyatt, Charlene Hansen, James Gillette and John Ferris, Wonder Lake; John Tiliison, Jr., and Carol Aissen, McHenry; and Master Jeffrey Retzert, Solon Mills. Harvard Hospital Elmer Borcovan and Susan Shinn of McHenry; Mrs. Arthur Wicke, Spring Grove; R i c h a r d V a n L a n D u y t , R i n g wood and Mrs. William Kober, Wonder Lake; were admitted to the Harvard hospital during the past week. PERSONALS CARD OF THANKS We would like to take this ^opportunity to thank our daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and .Mrs. Ben Gates, for the memorable open house given in honor of our golden wedding anniversary Sunday, Oct. 14. We also want to thank Virginia Aalto and two daughters for assisting in the serving. Our thanks to the more •than 100 friends who called to extend best wishes; also to those who sent cards, gifts and flowers, and remembered us in other ways. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Stuhlfeier 10-18-62 Mrs. Gertrude Casey and daughters, Madonna and Alicia, will attend the Notre Dame-Michigan State football fcame at South Bend, Ind., on Oct. 20. Mr. and Mrs. Gregory (Butch) Nowak and daughter, Mary Beth, were dinner guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Smith last Tuesday evening. John Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Smith visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Smith in Berwyn Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wagner and family and Mrs. Eleanor Young visited the Wagners' son, Ronald, who is a student at the seminary at St. Nazianz, Wis., Sunday. _ Mrs. Framj^Me^y e r and granddaughlfer, Debbie Meyer, attended a reunion of the Harry Grantham, Jr., family held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Becknell in Hebron, Sunday. Mrs. Ernest Schroeder and Miss Bert ilia Freund spent the weekend at Effingham where they attended the Catholic Daughters of America workshop. Mrs. Mary Buch was a Sunday visitor in the home of her daughter, Mrs. Ernest Loher, in Evansville, Wis. CARD OF THANKS It is with sincere appreciation that we wish to thank each and every one of our many friends and good neighbors for the many expressions of sympathy due to the death of our beloved wife and mother. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald D. DuPont Donald D. DuPont Lawrence D. DuPont 1 10-18-62 Kotalik Studio Photo THE KENNETH HOMOS St. Mary's Catholic church was the setting for a pretty fall wedding on Oct. 6 when Miss Suzanne Thompson became the bride of Kenneth Homo. They are residing on Front street in McHenry. October 18 C. D. of A. Public Card Party -- K. of C. Hall. October 23 St. Paul's Episcopal Church Bazaar and Luncheon -- 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. -- Luncheon 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. -- Legion Home. October 25 American Field Service Meeting High School Auditorium -- 8 p.m. October 27 Annual Community P.T.A. Carnival -- Junior High School. Orchard Heights Subdivision Halloween Costume Dance -- 9 p.m. -- Pressler's Hall, Burton's Bridge. November 7 C o m munity Meth odist Church Smorgasbord -- 5 to 7:30 p.m. November 8 "College Night" at High School P.T.A. Meeting -- 8 p.m. -- McHenry High School. November 10 Roaring 'Twenties Dance -- Club Lilymoor -- Sponsored by Lilymoor Association. November 14 Public Card Party •-- Sponsored by R.N.A. -- 1 p.m. -- K. of C. Hall -- Dessert Lunch. • November 15 "Hol i d a y F a i r " -- L u n c h Available from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. -- Social Hall of Zion Lutheran Church -- Sponsored by Ladies' Aid. TOYS SOUGHT FOR ANNUAL PTA AUTUMN CARNIVAL It's carnival time again and donations are sought for the PTA toy fair. Everyone is asked to please look through their children's toys and try to find at least one toy that they have outgrown to donate. They may be left at the Toddler shop. Listed below are names of neighbors in the various subdivisions who will accept toy donations in their home: Mrs. Gerald Hill, Worthmore Estates; Mrs. Dolores Leonard, Pistakee Bay; Mrs. F/ecTliacr mel, Lilymoor; Mrl Sylvia Whynot, Lakemoor; Mrs. Donald Brusso, Kent Acres ;^Hrs. Mary Cook, Oakhurst; Mrs. Walt Meyer, Indian Ridge; Mrs. Nore Domoto, Fair Oaks; Mrs. Louise Winters, McHenry Shores; Mrs. Betty Davidson and Mrs. Nielson, Hunterville Park; Mrs. Betty Hammerstein, Cooney Heights; Mrs. Alan Olson, Edgebrook; Mrs. B e t t y B o c k m a n , L a k e l a n d Park; Mrs. Harold Smith and Mrs. Verna Schlofner, McCullom Lake; Mrs. Ann Wohnrade, Lakeland Shores. In addition to any toys you may be able to donate, the PTA could also use any small items such as men's cuff links, tie clips, ladies' jewelry, odd shaped glassware, serving dishes, trays, etc. These items will be used for the Christmas shopping center for the children. OBITUARIES JANICE JAZRYNKA ^•Janice Ann Jarzynka of Wood River, 111., age 18, died this week. She was the daughof John and Eleanor Jarzynka, and the granddaughter of Joseph Michals of McHenry. Services were held Saturday morning from SS. Cyril and Methodius church, Lemont, with interment in the parish cemetery. HERE AND THERE IN BUSINESS OPEN FURNITURE SECTION County TV, Furniture and Appliance Center at 3413 W. Elm street announce the opening this week of a new furniture department which will occupy the entire second floor and basement of the large store. Furniture to suit the taste of all can be seen in this new section. Grand opening of the firm is planned for sometime in November. WOMEN'S CLUB MEETING Mrs. Ralph Erlansen of Aurora, vice-president of the northern region of the eleventh district of the Illinois Federation of Women's clubs, has announced that an all-day meeting will be held Oct. 23 in St. Paul's United Church of Christ, 220 Division street, Elgin. Registration will be at 9 a.m., with Mrs. Carolyn M. Haag of Lombard as registrar. Luncheon reservations must be made by Oct. 18 with Mrs. Clarence A. Reber, 2144 Park street, Elgin. COLLEGE ALUMNI MEET Alumni and friends of Cornell college will gather at a dinner party in the Fox River area Tuesday. Oct. 23, to hear Cornell President Arland F. Christ-Janer discuss present and future activities at the college. The meeting has been arranged by the Fox River Alumni club officers. President of the local group is Mrs. Helen Poe of 725 E. Illinois, Wheaton. Bill Dumalski, proprietor of the Chain-O'Lakes Travel Service, has completed a week long course in world air travel given by Pan American World Airways in Chicago. Miss Joan Kelmak, office manager, recently completed a course in air transportation, ticketing and reservation techniques at American Airlines in Chicago. ALEX ZOLTZ Alex Zoltz, 73, of 8416 Shady Lane, Highland Shores, Wonder Lake, died early Monday. Oct. 15, at Memorial hospital, Woodstock. He had been confined to the hospital for ten days and was ill for several months. Mr. Zoltz was born in Germany Dec. 4, 1888. He came to this country at the age of 13, and lived in Chicago before coming to Wonder Lake five years ago. He was a machine setter for the Crane Co. Survivprs are the wife, Anna; a son, Alex, Jr., stationed with the U. S. Air Force in Italy; two daughters, Maryann Kotula of Hinsdale and Barbara Leard of Harvard; one brother, Peter Zoltz, of Pittsburg, Pa.; and eight grandchildren. The body rests at the Peter M. Justen & Son funeral home until 10 o'clock Thursday morning, when Mass will be sung in Christ the King Catholic church, Wonder Lake, with burial in the church cemetery. WM. VAN OEYAN, JR. William Van Oeyan, Jr., 58, died unexpectedly of a heart attack at 5 o'clock last Thursday, Oct. 11, at his home at 2011 S. Fernwood drive, Fernwood subdivision. He had lived in this community for many years. Survivors are the wife, Maybelle; and a daughter, Barbara Cwynar, of Chicago. Mr. Van Oeyan operated a lumber yard and was engaged in the contracting business. Services were held Saturday at the Matz funeral home, with interment in Elmwood cemetery. FRANK GORE Frank M. Gore of 4315 Dennis blvd., Sunnyside Estates, died Oct. 10 at his home following an illness of two weeks. He was 69 years of age. The deceased was born in Chicago Sept. 3, 1893. A retired printer, he had lived in Chicago until seven years ago, when he moved to this area. He is survived by his wife, Lillian; two sons, Chester of B e n s e n v i l l e and E r v i n o f Franklin Park; two sisters, notkeopydur FURNACE r In shape, too? Jtasfc as people .can get ring* {psih? listitesi and put on £$ •-fio can your fornaee! Let tzs replace the filter, dean the burner, lubricate the motors and adjust the coh« trola for smooth, economical operation. ALTHOFF'S HEATING & AIR COND. 908 N. Front St 385-0321 • Sprays oq wftfa ffiefc of finger Windshield De-leer with any purchase of 2 NEW GOODYEAR WINTER TIRES C Value OFFER GOOD LIMITED TIME ONLYI MARTICKE & NIXON, INC. VISIT STARLITE'S NEW MAI-LING RESTAURANT Cantonese & American Cuisine Luncheons -- 11:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. (Businessmen's Luncheons 85c up) Dinners -- 5 p.m. - 10 p.m. Sundays -- 12 a.m. - 10 p.m. (Closed on Mondays) For Reservations or "Take-Out" Orders Phone 385-9834 Private Dining Room for Banquets, Weddings & Parties Entertainment on Friday and Saturday Nights JEANEE RANDOLPH at the Organ STARLITE RESTAURANT and LOUNGE 3924 W. Main St. Ph. 386-9834 McHenry, III. Chop Suey t«v10 ou» PHONE 385-9834 GOODYEAR DISTRIBUTORS Riverside Drive & Elm St. Phone 885-04JS4 National Tire Dealers & Retreaders Association Member No. 90 MACHINISTS Tired of Commuting? Work in Nearby Crystal Lake. Immediate Openings For • TURRET LATHE • ENGINE LATHE • TOOL ROOM MACHINE OPERATORS First and Second Shifts Should be able to do set-up work and have own tools. Good Pay -- Fine Fringe Benefits Contact Mr. Speith F and H Division Harnischfeger Corporation 500 South Main Street Crystal Lake, Illinois PHONE 4594700 PageTbm COURT BRIEFS In the qourt pf Police Magistrate Donald Howard last Thursday evening, oharges of drunk and disorderly conduct were made against three Mo Henry men, each "of whom paid $10. They were Robert Latkowske, Santiago Hernandez and Juan Barrientes. Chester Hauri of Woodstock paid a $10 fine for disobeying a stop sign when the light turned red. • J " In the court of Justice of the Peace Charles M. Adams last Saturday, James G. Simon of 3901 Main street, McHenry, was fined $25 on a speeding, charge. Simon also paid a $50 fine for speeding which had previously been suspended for sijc months, the first date of conviction having been May 28 of this year. Simon was given a $100 suspended fine for having open liquor in his vehicle and was required to pay $18.60 costs for this offense. Richard Radner of 1?9 Man* or Lane, McHenry, and IJow. ard Dolce of fonder l«ake paid $15 and $7 fines, respectively, on speeding charges. Michael Sands of 123 Sunset Lakemoor, was fined $20^ for improper lane usage. Donald Dillon of Richmond paid a $10 fine for the same type of offense. A $7 fine was imposed on Thomas Petersen of Clearwater, Fla., for failure to yield the right-of-way. Barbara Sartin, 21, Shirley Moore, 24, and Russell Smith, all of Fritzsche's Estates, near Lakemoor, were each given $100 suspended fines on a Charge of disorderly conduct and required to pay costs of $14.40 each. The three Were arrested Saturday morning after a call to the sheriff's office from a neighbor complaining that unknown persons were having a party in a house nearby. Deputy Sheriff Doug- Mrs. Anna Wunnicke and Mrs. Mamie Ochwat of Chicago; and five grandchildren. The body rested at the Peter M. Justen &' Son funeral home until Saturday, when Mass was read at 9:30 o'clock at St. John's church, Johnsburg, with burial in the church cemetery. _ WORN 1Y MORI RUPTURE SUFFERERS: Amazing comfort for reducible inguinal hernia. Strong, washable, form-fitting, adjustable. Soft, <la{ Kolnpad. NO FITTING REQUIRED I For men, women, children. MM right or left Bid*; f8J» double. Look for it on display BOLGER'S Drug Store 1259 N. Green SL Approve ZoUing Requests Two zoning requests were approved by the county board at the October meeting. One permitted re-classification of property at' Johnsburg for a conditional.--'ptermit to allow erection of a V>ne-story brick building for a fire station. The other was a request from the trustees of theXFirst Baptist church of McHenry for a con-< ditional use permit to allow construction of a new church building. The property, previously zoned for farming, is located west of Rt. 31, south of McHenry. ranks m citt Dr. William "J. Matjhis is new to McHenry's professional ranks. With offices jilfejady established in Crystal Lake and Woodstock, Dr. Marinis will now practice . in McHenry in association with Dr. -A. - Lee Haydary, with a practice limited to" pediatrics. He was educated in the Assumption college -of University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada, and in Heidelberg college, Tiffiny, Ohio. In 1951 <he received his M.D. from the medical school of Stritch School of Medicine, Loyola university. He served his internship at Mercy hospital, Toledo^ Ohio, and had one year of jpediatric residence at the same hospital. He entered general practice in Toledo, and later completed his residency training in pediatrics at Cook coufity hospital^ children's division, Chicago. In April, 1960, he was ap-1 pointed clinical director of Lu-I cas County Diagnostic and' Evaluation Clinic for the Mentally Retarded, a position he resigned to come to this county. Model BW 2317 pins Normal. Installation | $20.00 COMPLETELY AUTOMATIC WATER SOFTENER Call for our 26th Anniversary Special mm Phone JA 6-2081 SHIRTS Men's long sleeve flannel sport shirts. Big selection of colorful plaids. Sanforized, 100% cotton. Some wash & wear. Men's S-M-L. $166^ 1 Reg. $1.98 Bag Household SPONGES! 58c Reg. $1.79 Women's Corduroy OXFORDS! $|00 Reg. $1.99 Women's PLUSH BOOTIES! Asst. Colors, SiM 4-9 *1 00 RUG SALE! Size 20"\31" -- Foam Rubber Back Buy One (1) Reg. 99c 2nd for only lc SPECIAL PURCHASES! Reg. $16.95 Transistor Radio $12.88 Reg. $22.50 Schick Elec. Razor $11.88 Reg. $15.95 Electric Blanket $12.88 Reg. 59c LADIES PANTIES! White, Size 5-6-7-8 37 Reg. $1.Q0 Bag HAIR ROLLERS! 66* Reg. $1.79 Yd. HALL RUNNER! Candy Stripe 27" $1" Yd. t Ms for