Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 18 Oct 1962, p. 6

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;*»*» S«» Thursday,October IB. 1962 •Am ifixst Insertion -- v 6c per word -- $1.20 minimum No ads counted less than 20 words. 4 >p<Hit Insertions -- 5c per word $1.00 minimum Jk: Service Charge On All Blind Ads. ? Situations Wanted, Wanted to Rent and £ard of Thanks must be paid in advance. 0 '*m*T -mm CLASSIFIED COLUMNS OF OPPORTUNITIES FOR QUICK RESULTS -- PIJONE 385-0170 TO PLACE A CLASSIFIED AD ; • BATIBS f ?**. Display Classified First Insertion -- $1.25 per Col. Inch 2 Inch Minimum Repeat Insertions •-- $1.10 per CoL Ineh . - --. 4 Unes 8 pt. Type Per In. with IB pt*. Signature. COW DEADUNB • WeAnetftqr, 1®:00 ia OWCB HOURS -- Daily 8:30 a.m. • 5 p.m. Saturday 8:30 a.m. - Noon Automotive ' est -- '59 Ford cus. | V8, AT-H ...... ook t-- '61 Plymouth V8 #Sed. R-H-AT-PB . $1445 Attractive -- '57 Ford Fair- I lane 2 dr. R-H-AT $645 'leen -- '59 Plymouth 6 . 2-dr.j»tick shift H $775 xcellent Amer. -- '60 Rambler 4 dr. H-A $945 jOver 25 others to choose from. Route 120 East McHenry 385-3102 Open 9-9 10-18-62 AUTO • For Sale, Engine - 1956 Chevy V8 power pack with 4 barrel carb. Complete $85 Chevy V8 trans, with O.D. $60 • Chevy V8 bell housing, fly wh^el, complete clutch assembly $25 I960 Chevy V8, 283 pistons .060 over. Complete .... $30 ^.19J>6 Ctevy V8 heads. Complete $20 1-1356 Chevy V8 block, bored to 283 $30 Complete Boring i Service Available BILL'S SAW & MACHINE PHONE 385-2039 or 385-4238 10-18-62 Automotive 1956 Call DODGE, 4 door wagon, nwer. $750. Call 385- 10-18-62 •onvertible, $325. lifter 6 p.m. 10-18-62 Buy With Confidence! 100 Boats - Motors ED WENDT BOAT CO. "Complete Marine Center" CLEARANCE SALE On All Inboards, Outboards & Johnson Motors BUY NOW - IT PAYS! Indoor Boat Storage Expert Boat & Motor Repair On Highway 12, Richmond, HI. 3 blks. North of Stop-light. Hours Daily 9-6 -- Sun. 10-6 9-13-62-tf 22 FT. FIBERGLASS cruiser with new 100 h.p. inboard outboard. New tandem trailer. $3,000 or best offer. 385-3949. 10-18-25-62 1953 FORD 4 door sedan. Good brakes, new carburetor and shocks. Call 385-5191 after 6 p.m. *10-18-62 ASK tar what you want with "Wanted to Buy" Classified ads. Dial EV. 5-0170 to place yours. ••• Septic Systems and Sewers Installed Trenching Water Lines Drain Fields Septic Tanks and Cesspools Pumped P.O. Box 331 -- McHenry, 111. Walter M. Garrelts Phone 385-2101 9-1-60-tf MIMEOGRAPHING ADDRESSING Elliott System McHenry County Area Mailing List Available PHOTOCOPY Complete Letter Service McHENRY COUNTY LETTER SERVICE 1212-A N. Green St. McHenry, Illinois PHONE 385-5064 5-18-61-tt A-l Oil Burner Service & Rite-Vac. Cleaning Furnace - Hot Water Boiler Prepare for Winter Now A-l 2624 NEW % TON International pickup. $1,750. Crystal Lake Truck Sales. Phone 459-1631. 10-18-62 LIMITED OFFER -- This unbelievable offer will not be repeated -- $1.00 -- We will give 4 lessons on the fabulous Estey organ and furnish an organ in your home, if you qualify, for only $1.00. You and your family must appear at our store in person. Midwest Academy of Music, 3911 W. Main Street, McHenry, 111. (No phone calls or letters - please) 10-18-62 .1953 FORD, 2 door hardtop. - Must sell. Owner in service. Asking $200. Call 385-6477. ... ~ 10-18-25-11-1-62 1961 CORVETTE -- Excellent condition. Will take in trade a 1957 or 1958. By owner, 385-6265 after 7 p.m. 10-18-25-62 LOCKSMITH -- Small appliance repair. Locks repaired or replaced. Keys made or duplicated. Master keying. A. W. Dolenski, 1409 N. Seminary, Woodstock. Phone 338-3465. •10-18-25-11-1-15-29-62 - 1958 FORD station wagon, 4 k door, radio, heater, automatic transmission. By owner, $700. Very clean. See 2311 W. Country Lane, Eastwood Manor. 10-18-62 JACK HAMMER Service -- Call us for the hard work. Arnold N. May Bldrs., Inc., Richmond, III. Ph. Richmond 4381. 6-14-62-tf FOR SALE -- 1954 Mercury -JMonterey hardtop. Body fine, * Tuns good, snow tires. A clean ;j&r< $250, Call 385-3491. . 10-18-62 FOR SALE -- '57 black Olds- "mobile 88; 2-door, J2; power steering; power brakes; white walls; sharp. Best offer. After ' '6 p.m., 1511 N. Park, McvHenry. 385-0415. 10-18-62 Septic Systems Sewer Rodding Root Cutting Equipment Sewers Installed PHONE: 385-1950 Elmer Glosson 3809 W. John St. McHenry, Illinois 3-1-62-tf „ Replacement Parts ^ - For All Cars Accessories and Seat Covers COMMUNITY AUTO SUPPLY .. Route 120 I Blk- East of the River Bridge I )pen weekdays: 8 a on. to 6 p.m. Sundays: 9 449. tg 1 p.m. 9-1-60-tf 104T STUD£34KER land cruiser, very clean interior, rel ~ atively new paint job, runs . good, $125. Call 385-0548 after - € p.m. 8-23-62-tf Complete ; Mechanical Service * Sear Wheel Alignment Automatic Transmission Strvfoe & Overhaul PHILLIPS AUTO REPAIR ' 4303 N. Wilraot Rd. flunnyside, McHenry, HL Phone 385-2030 13-7-01-tf GET CASH for your car CcnjBtiy Motor*. ... South of McHenry. fhone 385- 4U6 5-JWJ2-tf FURNACE CLEANING & REPAIRING B. J. Schall, Owner Thomas - McHenry, 111. Phone 385-3122 9-27-62-<tf f (ictrofuv Cleaners -- Polishers Sales -- Service -- Supplies -- James Van Fleet McHenry, Illinois CALL 385-6027 5-17-62*tf ELECTRIC MOTORS repaired Industrial, commercial and domestic. Rickert Electric. 480 Center St., Grayslake, 111. Ph BAldwin 3-8491. 9-1-60-tf ELECTRIC MOTORS and automotive generators and starters, all types repaired, rebuilt and rewound. Phone 385-0183 Seaco Sales & Service, Lilymoor. 5-3-62-tf North & West General Contractors • Industrial • Residential • Additions # Remodelling • Repairing FREE ESTIMATES PHONE Wonder Lake 653-5638 10-18-62-tf Permanents MON., TUES. & WED. $5.00 Complete with Cut, Shampoo and Set. BETTER PERMANENTS $6.50 to $10.00 Work Done Exclusively By Students McHENRY SCHOOL of BEAUTY CULTURE 385-9850 10-4-62-tf I PUMP CESSPOOLS And SEPTIC TANKS G. A, Douglas Lakeland Park Subdivision Phones: r> 385-1480 * or 385-2711 Station Box 38 12-28-61-tf McHenry Disposal Service Phone 385-2221 for DEPENDABLE GARBAGE DISPOSAL SERVICE RADIO DISPATCHED WM. DE VRIES 3402 W. Third Ave. 9-1-60-tf FREE ESTIMATES ON . . . Aluminum Combination Windows and Doors Railings -- Gutters Roofing -- Siding Wall and Floor Tile Call FRANK GANS Representative 1502 N, Riverside Drive 388-1878 -- McHenry EASY PAYMENT PLAN 4-5«-62-tf Attention Home Owners Before the heating season starts we suggest you have your equipment cleaned, oiled and serviced. This will save you expensive repairs later. Call us for fast dependable service on either gas or oil burning furnaces, space or wall heaters. Our men are factory trained and reliable. ALTHOFF'S Heating & Air Cond. 903 Front Street McHenry, 111. 385-0324 9-27-62-tf ACOUSTICON HEARING AIDS Glasses, ear level & cord styles. Batteries & cords for all makes. FREE HEARING TEST We also address circulars. Up to date mailing list for city & mounted routes. CALL 385-0125 ARTS • r UPHOLSTERY 1635 N. Park St McHenry, 111. Recovering Restyling All Kinds of Furniture Phone 3854725 8-30-62-tf RUSSELL RHOTON Septic Tanks "and Cesspools Cleaned and Pumped Septic Systems & Sewers Installed 24 Hour Service 385-6445 Residence - Johnsburg 3-29-62-tf Storm Windows OF ALL TYPES REPAIRED RUCK'S HARDWARE 3902 Main St. McHenry, 111. PHONE: 385-0334 10-4-11-18-62 Rena Schaid- -1407 N. Green St. 8-16-30-62 e.o.w. McHenry Window & Awning Co. ALUMINUM & FIBERGLASS AWNINGS ROLL UPS & STATIONARY WIDE RANGE OF STYLES AND COLORS ALUMINUM COMB. WINDOWS & DOORS • JALOUSIES -- WINDOWS -- DOORS • MALCO ALUM. AWNING TYPE WINDOWS I-XL Kitchen Cabinets ALSCO Aluminum Siding and Gutters PHONE 385-1180 WO CARRYING CHARGE -- CONVENIENT TERMS MIS W. Waukegan Road McHenry, HI. 4-19-62-tf A & J JANITOR Service. Housecleaning, Restaurants, Commercial Buildings, 414 Spring Ave., DeKalb, 111. Tony Wegener. Phone Collect DeKalb 6-7871. 8-2-62-tf FLOOR SANDING and finish, ing. Free estimates. Old or new floors. Years of experience. Distance no object Hartwig Floor Sanding, Barrington. DUnkirk 1-2638. > 9-1-60-t! AVON CALLING -- Insure your Merry Christmas, earn your Christmas money selling Avon's nationally advertised gift sets. Write Avon manager, P.O. Box 84, Harvard, 111. *1018-62 McHenry Glass & Mirror Company Glass for Any Purpose • CUSTOM MADE STORMS • AUTO GLASS • COMBINATION WINDOWS Prompt Service 3322 W. Elm St. PHONE: 385-4949 10-18-62-tf REXAIR 'THE CLEANER OF TOMORROW" Sail s -- Ser\ ice Supnlies. Repairs Rebuilt Cleaners ALL MAKES McHenry, I". CALL 385-4765 10-18-62 Private Instruction in 3 BEDROOM furnished house, Lilymoor Subdivision. Preferably a teacher. Call 439-6207 evenings. 8-16-62-tf ROOMS -- uas heat, 1st floor, 1 block east of Edgewater Subdivision Beach on Fox street. Call 312, CApitol 7-0761 evenings. 8-30-62-tf ROOM MODERN house for rent. Have to see to appreciate. Water rights. 1906 Woodlawn Park. 385-1972. 9-27-62-tf AL OTTO Formerly Peter A. Freund SEPTIC TANK and CESSPOOL PUMPING Prompt -- Reasonable Service Ph. 385-1819 Residence Ringwood Rd. & Rt. 120 12-28-61-tf Piers - Seawalls Boat Hoists New and Repairing Work Guaranteed « Free Estimates Phone: 385-4929 MeHENRY WELDING SERVICE 10-4-11-18-25-62 PIANO & VOICE Celia (Page) Vecchi Bachelor of Music from Illinois Wesleyan University Phone: 385-0804 10-18-62 BEDROOM apartment, located at 3324 W. Elm St. Inquire 385-0269 or 385-3800. 9-27-62-tf STORAGE ONLY -- Building approximately 5,000 square feet. 508 North Green Street. Call 385-1074. 9-6-62-tf MODERN OFFICE space available. Air conditioned. 3620 W. Elm St., McHenry. Phone 385-5200. 6-21-62-tf 5 ROOM HOUSE -- Gas heat, water front. $75 Near Sunnyside. Call Chicago, AV. 3-1857 or 385-6125. 10-11-62-tf NEWLY BUILT 2 bedroom apartments in Genoa City, Wisconsin. Utilities, heating, stove, refrigerator furnished. $75 per month. Phone Genoa City, BRowning 9-6482. 10-18-25-62 For Bent BUILD FOR lease industrial and commercial building^/ on our site for qualified tenants to lease. See or call Arnold N. May Builders, Inc., Richmond 4381. 6-14-62-tf FOR RENT with option to buy. Beautiful 2 bedroom brick and crab orchard house. 2 car garage. Call 385-0074. 10-4-11-18-62 3 ROOMS with utility room and garage. Can be seen after October 20th. Call 385-2515. 10-18-62 LAKELAND SHORES -- 3 bedroom house, IV% car garage, 12x16 patio, wall to wall carpeting. $110 per month. 385- 2090 after 6 p.m. 10-18-62 4 ROOM HOUSE in Wonder Lake. Gas heat, newly decorated. $75 a month. Call area code 312, GLadstone 3-7906. 10-18-62 3 BEDROOM ranch, basement and garage. Call BAldwin 3- 5363. 10-18-25-11-1-8-62 HOUSE ON Riverside drive, 2% blocks from shopping. Gas heat. Phone 385-1196. 10-8-62 2 BEDROOM apartment for rent November 1st. May be seen anytime by calling 385- 6479. 10-18-62 2 BEDROOM house with utility room. $90 per month. Gas heat. Lake privileges. LaVilla Vaupell Subdivision, Griswold Lake. 385-5728. 10-18-25-11-1-62 3 BEDROOM practically new home, full basement, att. garage, big yard. Kent Acres. Call 385-3681 after. 7:30 p.m. Thursday. 10-18-62 HOLIDAY HILLS -- 3 bedroom house with garage. $100 per month. Call OLiver 8-5112 or OLiver 8-7887. 10-18-62 $85 -- 2 BEDROOM, well insulated year round house in Wonder Lake with 2 car garage, for retired couple or newly weds. Will decorate for stable tenants. Call Cary, 111. 639-7929. 10-18-62 3 BEDROOM homes. Ranches and bi-levels. Rents start at $90. Call 385-4253. 10-18-62 2 BEDROOM house, completely furnished. $100 per month includes electricity. Call 385- 3710 or 385-5954. 10-18-62 2 BEDROOM home -- $55 per month. Gas heat, Newly decorated. Call 385-5930 after 5 p.m. *10-18-62 3 BEDROOM house with garage and breezeway. All appliances furnished including washer and dryer. Call Tom Bolger c/o Bank, 385-1040. 10-18-62 COZY 2 Bedroom Home 2913 N. Shorewood Dr. (2 mi. N. of McHenry) Enclosed porch, gas heat, water softener, stove refrigerator, rug curtains & drapes furnished. Cleaned & decorated. Immediate occupancy. Call 385-1733 after 6 p.m. or weekends. *10-18-62 For Sale SOD FOR SALE (also installation) . Evergreens, shrubs, trees etc. Leo's Landscaping & Tree Service, 4105 E. Wonder Lake Drive, Wonder Lake. Tel: 653-7176 or 653-7366. 8-9-62-tf PULVERIZED black dirt, gravel and fill. Call 385-1786. 9-13 thru 11-15-62 FOR RENT FOR RENT With OPTION To BUY 3 BEDROOM RANCHES. 3 BEDROOM BI-LEVEL. ATTACHED GARAGE. LARGE LOT. GAS HEAT. CARPETED. Immediate Possession Financing Available Call Chicago BI 2-2646 or TO 3-6700 or write: Mid America Federal Savings & Loan 5900 W. Cermak ATTN: MR. COOK Cicero 50, Illinois 9-20-62-tf For Salt HOME COOKED meals served daily. Ice cubes free with purchase. SpoRtsmanV Jnn, 3914 W. Main. 9-27-62-tf AKC REGISTERED German Shepherd puppies. Black & tans, black & silvers and pure white. Champion bloodlines. Call Wonder Lake 653-7207 before 8:00 a.m. or after 6:00 p.m. *10-11-18-62 DON'T STOP eating but lose weight safely with Dex-a-Diet Tablets. Only 98c for a full weeks supply at Bolger's Drugs. •8-30 thru 10-18-62 FOR SALE -- Humus soil, 6 yard load for $10.00 delivered. Gravel fill, 5 yards, $6.00. Call 385-1823. 7-12-62-tf PRESCOTT ANTIQUE spinet electric reed organ, $125.00 or best offer. 385-1613. 10-18-62 CHROME TABLE, oval shape and 3 chairs. Upright mangle. T h o r w a s h e r ; F u r n i t u r e ; matching step tables and cocktail table; gas range; round table and 4 chairs; small buffet; double roll-away; beginners new accordion; tank type vacuum cleaner; large picture original etching of the Boatman in polor, 30x32. Call 385- 0433. 10-18-62 9" RADIAL wood working saw. Complete with stand. 1 year old. Little used. $95. Original cost $200. 385-4586. *10-18-25-62 36" UNIVERSAL gas range, large oven, like new, $100; maple hutch, $10; dressing table & chair, $10. Other miscellaneous items. 385-4748. 10-18-62 SEWING MACHINES, $6 & up; electric range, $40; dinette set, $30; gas range, $45; stuffed chairs, $5 & up; folding bed, $10; twin beds, $10; desk, $20; new cornet, $75; reducing machine, $50; drum table, $12; occasional tables; baby furniture; lamps; cooking utensils; hot plates and many other useful items. Trading Post, 2 blocks east of river on route 120, Phone 385-0430. 10-18-62 GREY WOOL frieze 3 piece sectional sofa, 1 green wool frieze sofa bed (Simmons); 9 cu. ft. refrig., 7 piece walnut Jr. dining set with pads, 2 occasional chairs and box spring & mattress. 385-1471. 10-18-62 2 SADDLE horses; 1 automatic gas heater, like new. Call 385-3208 after 6 p.m. *10-4-11-18-25-62 Ranger Bicycles Famous Since 1889 It's time to think ahead. Take advantage of our Christmas lay-away on all bicycles, Tricycles, HO trains and hobbies CHRISTMAS SPECIAL 20% OFF on all TYCO - HO TRAIN SETS Prices start at $10.38 D andH BICYCLES & HOBBIES 147 E. Grand Ave. Fox Lake, Illinois JUstice 7-5732 5 blocks E. of Towne Theatre 10-11 thru 12-20-62 Wmr Sale OVER 500 Wooden Storm windows, assorted sizes. Reasonable. 1215 W. Bay Rd. Phone 385-3685. *10-11-18-62 FOR SALE -- Drop leaf table and chairs; dinette set; refrigerator, lawn mower and miscellaneous items. Phone 385- 2263. 10-18-62# % BED with spring and mattress; also folding cot with innerspring mattress; 3 kitchen chairs; odd chair. Call 385- 4167. 10-18-62 9x12 AMERICAN oriental rug. Perfect condition, $30. 385-1181. 10-18-62 2 DANISH modern chairs, $35; 2 piece sectional, $55; automa-';^0; tic washer, like new, $85; 3 piece bedroom set, $100; stereo hi-fi with records, $80. 809 Center St., McHenry. 10-18-62 DAVENPORT AND matching chair, aqua color, like new; 1 twin size bed. Can be seen by appointment, 385-1589. *10-18-62 12 FT. ALUMINUM boat and adjustable trailer. 1958 Chev-W rolet 6 cylinder. Hide-away bed. All reasonable. Call 653- 7257. *10-18-62 PRACTICALLY new gas heater. Will heat 3 or 4 rooms. A very good buy. Call 385-0054. 10-18-62 12TH ANNIVERSARY Sale. Final clearance of all 1962 stock. Rolls, remnants, used ^ rugs. All must >;o. Prices too* low to advertise. Lees, Mohawk, Alexander Smith, Bigelow, and others. Tidy Rug, June. Routes 120 & city 14, Woodstock. 10-18 thru 11-22-62 JNEVV AND USED FURNITURE AND APPLIANCES ROYAL OAK SALES Hwy. 14 & 176 Crystal Lake, Illinois 6-15-61-tf e.ow. Guns For Sale 12 Ga. Rem. Pump $351 12 Ga. Stevens Double .. $33" 12 Ga. Stevens Pump .. $35 410 Ga. Single $12.50 12 Ga. Win. Pump $35 16 Ga. Browning Auto .. $85 16 Ga. Bolt Action - ... $17.50 12 Ga'. Win. Double .... $75 And Others Phone UNion 923-2261 Evenings after 6:00 p.m. All day Saturday & Sunday 10-18-62 * Rummage Sale SATURDAY OCTOBER 20th STARTING 9 A.M. At A-OK Instrument Repair Shop , 1 913 North Front St. x" McHenry, Illinois (Across from Roller Rink) Sponsored by WONDERVIEW WOMEN'S CLUB 10-18-62 FREE POTATOES WISCONSIN BURBANK AT SKELLY SERVICE STATION With $2.00 Purchase Route 120 West Chi. & N.W. Tracks 10-18-25-62. NOW IS THE TIME TO PLANT LAWNS - EVERGREENS FRUIT & SHADE TREES Japanese Yews, Colorado Spruce, Norway Spruce, Australian and White Pine, & Spreading Junipers^ Of Lawn Food -- Weed Killers -- Peat Moss Garden Supplies and Landscaping PETERSON FARM NURSERY Richmond, Illinois Phone; Richmond 4492 (fcocated on Robte 12 1% miles east of junctions 31 & 12) 9-20-6 J-tf (>

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