Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 25 Oct 1962, p. 9

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ursday, October 25, 1962 THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Sunnyside Estates SUSAN MARIE COMES TO LIVE WITH EICHHORNS Joan Walczynskl 385-3105 -- Joanne and Andy Eichhorn Dennis "Boulevard became the proud parents of a darling baby girl. The little lady arrived on Oct. 13 at 10:52 p.m. at a hospital in Libertyville and she weighed in at 5 lbs. 12 oz. They decided to name her Susan Marie. Susan and Mommy were welcomed home this week by Daddy and Andy, Jr. who is almost two years old. Congratulations to you both. Darling Couple Karen and Alan Kennebeck were flower girl and ring bearer at the marriage of Carol's cousin, Barbara Chessare to, William Mayer. The ceremony took place on Saturday, Oct. 13 at the 11 o'clock Mass at St. Ethelreda church in Chicago. Needless to say, it was a JoveJy autumn wedding. The Ceremony was followed by a breakfast for approximately one hundred people at a local restaurant. That evening there was a dinner and reception for five hundred. The orchestra was great and when they played the popular twist music, I'm told Karen and Alan had the floor to themselves with their terrific twisting ability. Bet it ^was a mighty long and full day *or those young folks, and I'll bet Carol and Bud were. the proudest parents there. Johnshurg P.T.A. The regular monthly meeting of the' Johnsburg P.T.A. was held in the multi-purpose room on Tuesday, Oct. 16. President James Long, presided. After the regular business meeting, ^/ice-president, Mr* Wiley, explained the Illinois Congress of Parents and Teachers scholarship fund. The guest speaker, Howard T. Markey, commander of the 126th Air Refueling Wing, Illinois Air National Guard, gave a evry inspiring "speech. The many who attended will agree on this. As usual, the evening ended with the refreshment committee serving ^delicious goodies. Also, don't forget the membership drive and contest which ends Nov. 20. Awards will be presented at the November meeting. lowed by all the announcements. Badges and work on same were then discussed. Also further plans were made for their over-night trip, scheduled for Nov. 23. And plans were also begun for a hike in the near future. Cookie hostesses were Doreen Patterson and Nancy Roggenbuck, who proved to be good bakers. The treat was followed by their recreation period, which is also planned by the girls themselves. The committee women of Troop 88 held their meeting at the home of Pat Brennan, following the troop meeting. All unfinished business was taken care of and much was done in regard to future plans. It was a long, but fruitful, meeting. HURRAH!!! Three cheers for the new cheerleaders. The competition was keen,. the girls were all good sports and the girls from dur subdivision who will serve as cheerleaders fdr the varsity and junior-varsity basketball teams of St. John's school are: Mary Anderson, Kathy Palmer and Judy Walczynski. Congratulations! Sick List I truly regret to report that Mr. Kimbro is still sick in bed. Guess the doctor feels that he is coming along nicely though and we hope it won't be long before he is up and about again. Our baby Paul was a sick little fellow this past \veek. It's sort of gone the rounds in our house and it settled in Paul, I guess. The doctor took good care of him though and with his medicine he's snapped back as only the little ones can. Back to the doctor next week, though, for a final check. Girl Scoutd Troop 295 held its weekly meeting at the Palmer residence. After the usual business at hand was taken care of, the girls started working on the 4ltable decorations for the Mother - Daughter dinner. While working on these the girls made all the plans for their Hallowe'en party, which was held on Saturday, Oct. 20. It was sort of early for this party but since the mother-daughter dinner is Oct. 27, the party naturally had to be moved up a week. 41 Girl Scouts Troop 88 now boasts thirtyfive girls and has closed their registration, Their weekly meeting started with their usual procedure and this was fol- Happy Occasions Birthday greetings go this week to the following: Today, Oct. 25, tc Dolores Bierchen who will be nine years old and to Mary Davis; tomorrow, Oct. 26, to Mary Anderson who will be twelve years old; on the twenty-seventh t o Dorothy \ Siepman and Pat Kuntz; on the tweny-eighth to Dick Janicki: on the thirtieth to Johnny Lakowske who will be nine years old and on Oct. 31, Hallowe'en, to Johnny Fiedler who \vill become a teenager. Happy birthday to each and every one and many more to follow. Anniversary greetings are in order for the following:: Today to two couples, Helen and Keith Wegner, who will celebrate their eleventh anniversary and to Mary and Joe De Francisco who will celebrate their seventeenth; on Oct. 29, to Rita and James O'Brien, who will celebrate their seventh: and on Oct. 30 to Jean and John Barrar, who will celebrate their second. Congratulations one and all, ana may you share many more togetner. Signing Off Well, the column is somewhat short, but then I was short on news. This is all I know of and if you don't call and tell me about it, I can't write about it. Until next week then, when I hope the news will be more plentiful, I'll say "Bye Now!" Holiday Hill* SPOOKS. GOBLINS WITCHES TO HOLD COLORFUL PARADE Inez Young Calling all spooks, goblins and witches! The spook parade will take place in Hallowe'en night, that's Wednesday, Oct. 31 at 6:30 p.m. The parade will begin at the entrance of the subdivision and proceed down Sunset Drive to Lilac, picking up goblins and witches along the way, they will continue down Lilac to Tower Drive, Tower to Hickory and Hickory down to the Lake Beach. Down at the beach there will be a big ben fire and refreshments will be served to all who come in costume. Prizes will be awarded for costumes. Each witch, goblin and spook is asked to carry a light and or a noisemaker. Please do not carry candles. You gals who have volunteered to make doughnuts and cupcakes. please don't forget to bring them down to the beach. Twillte Bowl A Success The twilite bowl held on Saturday, Oct. 13, proved to be an enjoyable night out for some thirty-eight people who attended. The lights were turned down, the score sheet was lighted by candlelite and all that remained were the lights over the pins. After bowling a room upstairs was set up so that all could dance and refreshments were served. Credit for the enjoyable evening goes to Vi Abbink and Mary Mahon who planned the evening and helped prepare most of the food. There have been many requests to do this again. How about it? P.S. I understand some of the league bowlers do better by candlelight. Hospital Notes Holiday Hills was well represented at McHenry Hospital this past week. Mary Jungwirth is coming along nicely and is reported to have put on a few pounds. Earline Mettelka and Vi Abbink both underwent surgery. All are reported to be improving. It is the hope of all their friends that the cheerful greeting sent will speed their recovery. Woman's Club The next Woman's club meeting. will be held on Nov. 14. This will be our annual Christmas bazaar. How about gals-- do you have your contribution made?Im not -- you'd better start. The day will be here before you know it. Birthday Greetings Belated but most sincere birthday wishes to Rene Jende. Four big candles will be pn a cake for Tommy Lundelius today, Oct. 25. Happy birthday and many more to Tommy and to all who have birthdays which I might have missed. Two Blue Bundles Two more baby boys have + For Lowest Prices + For Complete Selections + For Open Display Shopping + For Quick Self-Service Prescription department approved by American Apothecaries Assn. We give S & H Green Stamps with Prescriptions. oiva ORB EN STAMPS^ Millstream Drugs Walgreen Agency 3720 W. Elm St. Jewel Shopping Plata been born, to families in Holiday Hills, both of them born at Sherman hospital on the same day. Lux and Dick Hallberg welcomed a baby boy, 8 lbs., 10 ozs., who will be named Kurt. He has two brothers and one sister, Karl, 5, Ken, 3, and Kathy who is almost 2. Dot and Don Gebriel added another male to their household whom they will call Douglas. He weighed 4 lbs., 8 ozs.. at birth ajid had to stay at the hospital a little bit longer than his mommie did. He has one sister and one brother at home, Debbie, aged 4, and Don, 2. Lilymoor HOLD COSTUME DANCE IN ROARING TWENTIES THEME Shirley Schuerr Girl Scout and Brownie Elections Our Girl Scout and Brownie troops have started their meetings with new leaders and voted for their new officers. The Girl Scouts meet under the direction of Mrs. Roberta D u n n e a t 2 4 0 4 D r i f t y o o d Drive. At the first . meeting there were thirteen girls, seven of whom were fly-ups. Six from last year. Their officers are as follows: Kathy Weyland, president; Bonnie Exline, vice-president; Patty Schmidt, secretary, and Elizabeth Krueger. treasurer. This troop needs a co-leader in order to continue their meetings. Anyone who is interested please call Gerry Breede. Brownie troop 278 held its first meeting on Oct. 16 at the home of their new leader, Mrs. Nancy Ohlson at 2408 S. Lilac with Marge Schmidt as coleader. Their officers are: Janet Harper, president; Rita Mettelka, vice-president; Detira Ohlson, secretary; Pam Schmidt, treasurer; American flag bearer, Linda Uhlman; American flag guard, Debbie Sawisch; Brownie flag bearer, Joan Perkins; Brownie flag guard, Linda Carlson. Dance Tickets to go on Sale The tickets for our annu^ Christmas dance to be held on Dec. 15 will go on sale this week. Get yours early. CONSIDER NEW BOARD Gov. Otto Kerner has announced that he is considering the establishment of an office of the Illinois Board of Economic Development in Washington, D. C., to help Illinois manufacturers obtain defense contracts. The governor pointed out that New York, California and Michigan already h a v e W a s h i n g t o n o f f i c e s a n d that Michigan recently established an office in Detroit for the same purpose. Petes Have you been thinking of what kind of costume you are go|ng to wear at the annual dance? It will be a Roaring Twenties dance Saturday, Nov. 10, at Club Lilymoor, starting at 9 p.m. Come on out and have a good time and see the different costumes worn. Who knows you might be the one who will win a prize for the best one. It's only three weeks away. Tickets will be available at the door the night of the dance. Association News The next monthly meeting of the Lilymoor association will be held Tuesday, Nov. 13, in the large hall of Club Lilymoor. A reminder at this November meeting election of officers will take place. Those who are elected will hold office for two years, 1963-'64. Time, 8 p.m. Will you be elected to an office? Come out and see who will be .your officers and get to know your officers and the other members of the association. You are always welcome at the association meetings. Auxiliary News The next monthly meeting of the Woman's auxiliary will be held Monday, Nov. 5, in the large hall of Club Lilymoor. The new officers for the coming year will be installed at this meeting. Hostesses for the November meeting are Helen Rodde, Eunice Tobey and Ruth Young. Rummage Sale There will be a rummage sale Saturday, Nov. 3, from 10 a.m. till?? The sale will be held in the home of Mrs. Zundel at 504 S. Highland drive., Lakemoor. Proceeds of the sale will go to the library. If you have any articles for the sale you may drop them off at Mrs. Zundel's home. Please, clothing must be clean. Welcome On behalf of the residents of Lilymoor we would like to at this time, welcome Mr. and M r s . T h o m a s G e r a m b r i o a n d their daughter, Betty Ann. They are former residents of Lakeland Park. They now reside at 802 S. Friendly in good old Lilymoor. Birthday Greetings go to Chris Wijas who celebrated his big day Wednesday, Oct. 17. Greetings also go to Diana Belford who is celebrating her tenth birthday today, Thursday, Oct. 25. And still more greetings go to Dolores Schiavone who celebrated her 18M>?? birthday Monday, Oct. 22. Belated Birthday greetings go to Earel Belford. Earel celebrated his big day Sunday, Oct. 14. The Belford family celebrated the day by making a day of it in Chicago. Birthday Parties Birthday parties were held for several of our residents here in Lilymoor. A birthday party was held for Val Schiavone Thursday, Oct. 11. Fourteen young ladies helped Val celebrate her tenth birthday (which was Friday, Oct. 12). The girls enjoyed a w i e n e r a n d m a r s h m a l l o ' w roast. Granps Rat like become 80 years young on Sunday, Oct. 21. His children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren were all out to help Gramps celebrate his big day. Little Miss Betty Ann Gerambrio became a great big two years old Sunday, Oct. 21. To help her celebrate her big day with her were her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gerambrio, her parental- grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gerambrio of Lakeland Park, maternal grandp arents, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Studebaker cf Round Lake, great-grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Vito Gerambrio of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Gardner also greatgrandparents, uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. James Studebaker of Round Lake. Also friends, Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Krotz. Girl Scouts The Girl Scout troops 309 and 267 of Lilymoor enjoyed an overnight camping trip to Hawthorne Hill Girl Scout Camp in Elgin the weekend of Oct. 19. The girls who had so much fun at the camp-out were Judy Fantus, Debbie Fuhler, Karen Schiavone, Sharon Meyers. Debbie Seman, Susan and Jackie Bitterman, Diana Belford, Nancy Wright, Roseanne Wojtanek, Linda Goss and Pauline Starzyk.s^ The girls were accompanied^ by their leaders Leona Fantus and Diane Fuhler, also Mrs. Janet Starzyk a committee member. Last Thursday at the Scout meeting the girls talked over the outing. They also are planning their Halloween party for Thursday, Nov. 1. The girls are learning how to make lemmie sticks and other interesting things. \t Brownies (The Brownie Troop 299 of Lakemoor held its election of officers. Those girls elected to office were Susan Johnson, p r e s i d e n t ; J o a n n e B e c k e r , scribe: Debbie Wrublewski, treasurer; and Barbara Para, itess chairman. le young girls will hold the ill- Holloween costume party" Monday, Oct. 29,' from 6 to 8 p.m. Home Ann Naughton returned home after spending a week on business at Springfield. The finback whale can move easily at 30 mph--making it one of the fastest of the larger aquatic denizens. Paga Nln« JOS. ETTEN. JR. IS ACCEPTED FOB ROTC DRILL TEAM Joseph Etten, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Etten, Sr., a freshman at the University of Oklahoma, Norman, Okla., is a member of the Air Force R.O.T.C. unit and has been accepted on the drill team. He was a member of the Viscounts which, no doubt, helped him gain this position. He has made several trips with the team and later in the season he expects to appear at Las Vegas, Nev. On Nov. 3 the ROTC unit will be flown to Biloxi, Miss., for a special exhibition and Joe earned this trip through a competitive examination. IRIS GROWER TIPS Autumn garden and vegetation tips for iris growers have been issued by the Division of Plant Industry. Now is the time to protect against iris borers by cleaning out all leaves and other debris in the flower beds, William T. Larkin, superintendent of plant industry, Illinois Department of Agriculture, said adult moths, the mature state of the borer, now are laying eggs on the old iris leaves where they will remain u n t i l h a t c h i n g t i m e n e x t spring. He said that clean flower beds will tend to reduce the borer infestation for next year, and spraying should be done in the spring after ne\y growth is 4 to 6 inches high. BULLETIN! PARTY DRESSES ... FORMALS Slightly Soiled Samples 1000 ' Less Than Wholesale) WHILE THEY LAST! Rivewide Ketaii Out FVO HFGH PRESSURE EV55900 SUPRI SUN.9-5 THE NEW SHAPI OP QUALITY by Pet® Peters JUST A LITTLE MORE Many drivers will tell us to use a little more anti-freeze when we winterize their cars. This is a good idea to a point; but, did you know that too much permanent anti-freeze can have the same effect as too little? Ethylene Glycol which is the base for practically all permanent type anti-freeze reduces its freezing point down to a certain point as you mix it with water, and then, it begins to go up. For example, this chemical will freeze by itself at around zero F. That's why it's important to use the right amount for your particular car radiator and heater capacity. Drive over to PETE'S SINCLAIR for accurate services in this line. We'll check your car's hoses, plugs, clamps, water pump and radiator, too. You'll drive out of 4416 W. Rte. 120, Lakeland Park ready for the coldest weather. We'll guarantee it. 1963 Rambler Classic Six "770" Cross Country Station Wagofe Meet the most beautiful Rambler ever built SlassS&s fceatrty, t, easier entry Advanced Unit Construction--the yearsahead breakthrough in car building-- where massive uniside members formed from one piece of galvanized steel (shown in white) replace scores of small parts pieced together. BEST-SELLING RAMBLER, TOO. In all Rambler history, there's never been anything like the success of the new '63 Rammer--the New Shape of Quality. It's the most advanced Rambler ever built, with years-ahead Advanced Unit Construction that gives greater strength--lowers the roof without sacrificing full 6-footer headroom--makes the car look longer, though it isn't. And all-new Tri-Poised Power velvetsmooths the ride at all speeds. See the new '63 Ramblers today. AMERICAN MOTORS --DEDICATED TO EXCELLENCE RAMBLER 163 ALL NEW • ALL BEAUTIFUL • ALL RAMBLER Ask About Our Free Wash or Lube Service P'an. SEIBEL MOTOR SALES Route 120 West* McHenry, HL Savings Availability Your Savings have ALWAYS been ACCESSIBLE - WITHDRAWABLE at ONCE -- upon your request. Take A Good Look At Safer Savings Per Annum On Investment Accounts 1/4% Per Annum E On Regular Savings Accounts Who watches over your savings? At this association your savings are protected against loss up to $10,000 by a permanent agency of the U. S. Government . . . the Federal Savings And Loan Insurance Corporation. Your Savings are not only extra safe here, but they're growing all the time, too . . . earning liberal dividends twice yearly. The best place for your savings is here . . . open or add to your account now. ilrHtmry fairings and LOAN ASSOCIATION 3611 West Elm Phone 385-3000 McHsnr;. UL

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