Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 25 Oct 1962, p. 2

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-Page Two THE McftENHY PLAlNfiEAiaeft Thursday, October 25* 196$ fatmfly Reunion At Bresnahan Home A family reunion was held last Sunday at the home of Dr. and Mrs. J. L. Bresnahan in Holiday Hills. Present to enjoy the day were Mr. and Mrs. John D. Bresnahan and family of Akron, Ohio, Mr. and Mrs. L. Knytych and family of Chicago, Dr. and Mrs. Ralph Bresnahan and family of Amarillo, Texas, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Janettas of Summitt and Mrs. John Maneson, a college class* mate of Mrs. Bresnahan of Iowa City, Iowa. Cheryl Wolf Weds Roy Beranek Miss Cheryl Wolf, daughter of Mrs. Helen Wolf of McHenry, was united in marriage to Mr. Roy Beranek, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Beranek of McHenry, Oct. 19 in Woodstock. They are making their home in McHenry. Announce Marriage Of Daughter Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Beranek, 505 N. Maplewood drive, McHenry, announce the marriage of their daughter, Marie, to Mr. William Booth, McHenry, on Sept. 1 in Chicago at St. Procopius church. Mr. and Mrs. Booth are living at 414 Lily Lake road. Lola Peterson Is Engaged , Mrs. Emmy Peterson of Beverly Hills announces the engagement of her daughter, Lola, to Mr. Joseph Beranek, son of the Senior Joseph Beraneks of McHenry. They have set Feb. 23, 1963 as their wedding date. Moore Infant Is Christened The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Moore, Sr., of Wonder Lake was christened David Jonathan in a baptismal service which took place at St John's Lutheran church, Missouri Synod, Woodstock, at 2:30 o'clock Sunday afternoon, Oct. 21. Pastor Harold Theiss officiated at the baptism of the Moores' third son, who was four months old on Monday. The baby wore the same christening outfit worn by Gregory more than three years ago. Present at the Moore home later in the day were the grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry J. Becker, of Pistakee Highlands; the godparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Foote of Elmhurst and their daughter, Patty, and the Moores' son, Gregory. Another son. Jack Moore, Jr., is serving with the Army in Germany arid was unable to be present but a tape of the festivities in the home was made and will be sent to him. Jack observed his nineteenth birthday last week. Nancy Jo Kuhlman Christened Sunday Nancy Jo, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Warren Kuhlman, was christened Sunday, Oct. 21, by Rev. Carl Lobitz at the 10:30 service at Zion Lutheran church. Sponsors were Mrs. Harvey Gossell of Libertyville and Deborah Kuhlman, sister of the baby. Following the service dinner was served to fourteen relatives at the Kuhlman home. Those present were the maternal grandf a t he r, Chester Randby, the paternal grandmother, Mrs. Emma Kuhlman, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Gossell and children, Peter, Mark, Randy, Jonathan and Lisa and the Kuhlman children, Deborah, Jennifer and Jeffrey. Herman Browns Wed 25 Years Mr. and Mrs. Herman Brown of Edgebrook subdivision celebrated their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary earlier this month by entertaining thirty guests at a buffet supper. A highlight of the festivities was a mock wedding conducted by members of the couple's card club. jp. After the celebration, the Browns left on a short trip through western Illinois, Iowa and Wisconsin. When they arrived home on the actual date of the anniversary, Oct. 16, twenty friends greeted them with a charivari. Marie Etten and Herman Brown were married in St. Peter's church, Volo, and farmed in that area until moving to McHenry about five years ago. They have five children, Donna Lindberg of Oceanside, Calif., Bill! attending Rockford School of Business, Richard, Patricia and Mary at home; also a granddaughter, Linda Marie Lindberg. SANDRA LAURENCE BECOMES BRIDE OF H. E. JUSTEN Norman: RossJI Lecture Guedi Bridal Couple * THE KEITH NOBLES Rudi J. Photo Miss Peggy Clardy of Waukegan became the bride of Mr. Keith Noble of Wonder Lake in a wedding solemnized Saturday, Oct. 20, at 10:30 o'clock at Christ the King Catholic church, Wonder Lake. They will reside in Wonder Woods. St. Patrick's Club To Hold Bake Sale St. Patrick's Mothers club will hold its annual bake sale next Saturday between 4 and 5 p.m. and Sunday between 7:30 a.m. and 1 p.m. There will be a large selection of home-made goodies on hand for those desiring to make a purchase. The sale will take place in the church basement. > McHenry Hospital Patients admitted to McHenry hospital during the past week included Julia Koon, Estelle Herman, Carl Johnson, William Silk, Maybelle Nelson, Marquette Healless and Valerie Bivona, Wonder Lake; Joseph Jahnke, Barrington; Geraldine Franz and Harns Gorecki, Crystal Lake; Lee Doggett, Cary; Agnes Boden, Island Lake; Dorothy Keating and John Redding, Lake Villa; Joanne Sutton, Spring Grove; Bertha Vogts and Marjorie Goodson, Woodstock; Edward K e n n a , W i n n e t k a ; W a l t e r Dziedzic, Richmond; William Urbansik, Chicago; John Mc- Farland, Cedar Lake, Ind.; Mary Phillips, Edna Krupinski, Violet Abbink, John Swengel, Robert Bykowslti, Elizabeth Tomlinson, A n g e 1 i n e Sass, Mary Miceli, Estelle Siviter, Harry Lundy, Joan McCracken, Elsie Whitney, Rita Zimny, Rose Schmitt, Judy Palmbach, Scott Stilling, James Walker, Lillian Cox, Helen Callender and Darlene Miller, McHenry. Memorial Hospital During the past week patients admitted to Memorial hospital, Woodstock, included Frieda Freels, Vera Purvey, Armond Merillat and Leona V a n d e r m a r k , M c H e n r y ; a n d James Stahl, Wonder Lake. MON. 6 p.m. DIVORCES GRANTED Connie Nelson of McHenry has been awarded a divorce from William Nelson by Judge William M. Carroll in circuit court last Friday. Diane Singer of Wonder Lake was awarded a divorce from Anthony Singer. St. Mary's Catholic church was the setting for a beautiful fall wedding on Saturday, Oct. 20, when Miss Sandra Laurence, daughter of Mrs. Mary Laurence of 1912 N. Lakewood, Lakeland Park, became tha bride of Mr. Harold E. Justen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold M. Justen of 3609 W. Main street, McHenry. Rev. Eugene Baumhofer officiated at the 11:30 o'clock nuptial rite. The children's choir sang for the ceremony, performed in a church decorated for the occasion with mums on the main altar. " Pretty, dark-h aired Miss Laurence walked down the aisle wearing an imported chantilly lace dress, styled with fitted bodice and scoop neckline embroidered with seed pearls. The full gored skirt featured two back panels of taffeta, extending into a lace train. Her three-tiered, imported silk veil fell from a pearl crown and she carried a cascade of white roses. She was given in marriage by her grandfather, Martin Nimeth of Chicago. Attending the bride were Miss Sue Laurence, her sister, Miss Chris Szczupak, Miss Dorothy Kerr and Miss Marie Justen. the latter a sister of the groom. All wore gold taffeta, street length dresses with scoop necklines, three-quarter sleeves set with midriff tucks, and pillbox hats of gold taffeta with back ribbons. They carried bronze and yellow mums and wore as their only jewelry, pearl necklaces. Katy Uttich of Lakeland Park was the pretty flower girl. She wore a white lace dress with gold ribbon sash, and daisies attached to her pony tail, and carried a basket of yellow roses. Harold Diedrich, cousin of the groom, served as best man and groomsmen were John Baumgartner, Gary Baseley and Kenneth Laurence, the latter a brother of the bride. Mrs. Laurence wore a beige lace dress, matching accessories and a cymbidium corsage. Mrs. Justen was attired in a light green brocade dress, matching accessories and a white gardenia corsage. Breakfast was served at 1:30 o'clock at the V.F.W. clubhouse for fifty-three guests, and in the evening 350 relatives and friends gathered there for a reception. Katherine Schustik was in charge of the guest registrar. The couple left on a wedding trip to California for two weeks, the bride travelling in a gray suit, black accessories and a rose corsage. They will make their Home at 3012 W. Rt. 120, McHenry. The bride is a 1961 graduate of the local high school. The groom graduated from M.C.H. S. in 1960 and is employed by Community Auto Supply in McHenry. IIALLOWEEN DANCE A Halloween dance will be held at the Johnsburg Community club on Saturday, Oct. 27, with judging of costumes to be held at 10 p.m. The event is sponsored by the Community club. CARD OF THANKS Dear friends, relatives, neighbors, Altar and Rosary sodality, VFW Auxiliary Post 4600 of McHenry, W. L. Firemen's auxiliary, and others too numerous to mention: Grateful thanks for all the beautiful cards, prayers, etc., during my stay in Holy Family hospital i n D e s P l a i n e s . A s p e c i a l thanks to Uncle Fred and Aunt Peg Kusch for the wonderful care they gave my daughter, Susan Mary. Mrs. Mary Remy 10-25-62 LOCAL ARTISTS EXHIBIT, THIS MONTH IN COONTT The committee artists, of the Annual McHenry Country Art Fair sponsored by the woman's auxiliary to the -McHenry hospital are now exhibiting a group of twenty-nine paintings at the Shady Lane restaurant and theatre in Marengo. The show will remain on display until Nov. 13. Exhibitors are Hazel EWell and James Pearson. of Ringwood ; Gertrude Glastone, Mary Klein, Eleanor Locker, Jerry Olson and Lori Wilheim of McHenry, Bob Gray, John Greene, Jack Hobbs and Barbara Tade of Crystal Lake and Irene Phelps of Woodstock. The widely known TV and radio star, author and lecturer, Norman Ross, will be guest o f t h e M c H e n r y L e c t u r e Luncheon club when members meet Wednesday, Oct. 31, at Shady Lane in Marengo. His topic will be "Three Worlds". Members may invite a guest to the meeting. Ross, 40, is a graduate of Stanford university, entered the Army as an enlisted man and was discharged as a first lieutenant. He was sent to a highly selective school to study Mandarin Chinese as a basis for later conducting training courses for Chinese soldiers, and later he was sent to India. In 1950 he took a 30,000 mile trip around the world, visiting twenty-five countries, and two years later conducted tours throughout Europe for a travel organization. When his famous father died in June of 1953, he returned to this country from England, where he had been studying, and began his radfo-television career. Among his TV shows which proved particularly success were "This Is The Day", "V.I.P.", Norman Ross --Commentary" and "Countdown". He makes frequent trips for government agencies, as well as private trips. When Ross returned from his CARE trip, he made a speech in 1958 to 500 members of the Chicago Council on Foreign Relations. VOITUBE DANCE BENEFITS NURSE SCHOLARSHIP FUND This Saturday evening, Oct. 27, Voiture 578 of La Societe 40 Hommes et 8 Cheveaux (An honor society of veterans) extends to all a most cordial welcome to attend their first annual Old Fashioned Barn Dance. The dance will be held in the Circle 6 barn, which is located west of McHenry on Route 120, to Ringwood road (at the bottom of Sherman Hill) 1 mile north and one-half m i l e e a s t ( S p o j n i a P o l i s h Camp). There will be signs, road markers and flares for those who are unfamiliar with the area. ^|| Continuous entertai n m e n t will be featured for the young and old alike, with two types of music. The entire proceeds of this gala affair will be used by Voiture 578 to award nurses scholarships to deserving residents of McHenry county. To date the Voiture has twentyone graduate nurses. One of the latest is Miss Connie Jayko, who is serving at the McHenry hospital as a nurse, with an additional four students in training at the present time. The Voiture^has an outstanding nurse training program and was very instrumental in the Grande Voiture d' Illinois being awarded the Simpson award at the national convention in Detroit this year. Voiture 578 has a membership of . thirty-four voyageurs. This gala affair will start about.8 p.m. McHenry Hospital Mayor and Mrs. Donald Doherty announce the birth of a son, Joseph Donald, on Oct. 22. The young lad, weighing 8 lbs., 6 ozs., is the second son of the Dohertys and has five sisters, Colleen, 10, Celeste, 7, Cynthia, 6, Christine, 4, Carolyn, 2, and a brother, Jay, 9. The grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Williams on the maternal side and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Doherty the paternal ones. The infant son born Oct. 10 at McHenry hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wimmer has been named Richard. Mr. and Mrs. George Uyttebrocek of Long Lake are parents of a son born Oct. 17. A son was bora Oct. 19 to Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Grover. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Robbins announce the birth of a son Oct. 20. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bodenheim became parents of a daughter born Oct. 20. A Crystal Lake couple, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Meier, are parents of a daughter born Oct. 20. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Balchunas announce the birth of a son Oct. 21. Harvard Hospital Mr. and Mrs. Caroll Reeder announce the birth of a daughter Oct. 17. Memorial Hospital A daughter, Deborah Lynn, weighing 6 lbs., 7*4 ozs., was born Oct. 16 at Memorial hospital, Woodstock, to Mr. and Mrs. Jaime Rivera. The baby's father is stationed in Greece with the United States Navy. Mrs. Rivera is the former Angela Parratore, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Parratore of Woodstock who were former residents of Lakemoor. This is their first grandchild ami also the first one for the paternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Jaime Rivera, Sr., of Central Romana Corp. La Romana, Dominican, Republic. On Oct. 16 a son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Conway. Mr. and1 Mrs. Don Bentz are parents of a daughter born Oct. 6. A son was born Oct. 18 to Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Maxson. Schrdeder-fiisHop Vows Are Exchanged Gal) Sehroeder and Dale G. Bishop, both of Chicago^ were married by Rev. Ernest C. Carder in the McHenry Community Methodist church on Sunday, Oct. 21, in a 2:30 o'clock nuptial rite. Attending the couple were Mrs. Elsie Mossman of McHenry, an aunt of the bride, and Robert E, Bishop o£ Chicago, brother of the groom. The couple will make their home at 4157 N. Sacramento, Chicago. Homemakers To Display Hobbies, Crafts At County Fair Oct. 29 RIVERVIEW CAMP HOSTESS TO RNA COUNTY MEETING C^icure 5 HAIR STYLISTS Closed Wed. 885-0010 1820 N. GREEN ST. Soft, Natural Looking Body Permanents are our Specialty. Let us individualize your hair fashion for you. Eleanore M*rlene FREE! Box of Fannie May BRIDGE MIX with every pound or more of FANNIE MAY CANDY PURCHASED (This Week Only) BOLGER'S DRUG STORE 1269 N. Green St. McHenry, 111. Over half of the boundaries of W. Va. are formed by streams or rivers. The forty-seventh Royal Neighbor of America convention in McHenry county was held at the K. of C. hall in McHenry last week, with Riverview Camp, No. 6818, as hostess. Members and gueists from neighboring Crystal Lake, Algonquin, Woodstock, Waukegan, Milwaukee, G u r n e e, North Chicago, Elgin and the two McHenry camps enjoyed the cVrtiliig. The address of welcome was given by Mayor. Donald P. Doherty, with Mary Jaschke responding for the organization. Special guests of the evening w e r e B e r n i c e N y s t r o m o f North Chicago, Deputy May K. Waidman of Hampshire and Deputy Clara Speath of Hales Corner, Wis., the latter a deputy of Racine and Kenosha counties; also Retired Deputy Gladys McCarthy of Gurnee and the musician for the evening, Elizabeth Schoewer of Waukegan. New county officers announced that evening were oracle, Lora Becker, Woodstock; past oracle, Mayme Freund, Riverview camp,' McHenry; vice-oracle, Florence Vopeleck, Huntley; recorder-receiver, Mabel Hesselgrave, Woodstock; marshal, Vera Rasmussen, Huntley; assistant marshal, Marion Sund, Crystal Lake; chancellor, Mabel Johnson, and flag bearer, Eva Bacon, both of Fox Valley camp. During the evening, talks were given by Bernice Nystrom, May Waidman, Clara Speath and Gladys McCarthy. Following an enjoyable convention meeting, lunch was served by Riverview camp members. The next county convention will be in Woodstock, with Huntley members as co-host- PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cormier erf Chicago were guests of Mrs. Catherine Low last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. George Hafner of Brechsville, Ohio, spent a few days last week with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Phil Thennes and Mr. and Mrs. John Thennes spent Monday with relatives in Janesville, Wis. Arthur McKerity has returned from a three weeks vacation in Florida. HALLOWE'EN PARTY Saturday, October 27 REFRESHMENTS SERVED NORSEMAN'S RESORT 4S18 Rlverdale Drive RIVERDALE SUBDIVISION All the Queen Bees are Buzzing About HONEY BEAR FARMS Book Review Luncheon A current best seller reviewed by the nationally known FLORENCE BURKE ELLIS Wed., Nov. 7th at 2:00 p.m. Be Sure to Bun us Early To Make Your Luncheon Reservations We Begin Serving at 12:00 Noon Book Review at 2:0© p.m. Open Evenings for Private Parties P.S. -- Remember Our Card Luncheons Every Friday Table Prizes -- Compliments H.B.S. MONEY MA* FARM Use Our Cards and Score Pads Reservations Only MISS BERNDT IS MAIN WEST QUEEN' FOR HOMECOMING Jacquie Berndt of DesPlaines, -daughter of Mr. and M r s . W i l l i a m B e r n d t , was c r o w n e d h o m e c o m i n g q u e e n last Saturday at^Main West, high school in DesPlaines. Announcement was made at the football game Friday night. To receive her crown, the queen, a striking blonde, wore a gold brocade dress, and' matching accessories. \ The young lady's mother) is the • former Marie Freund of McHenry her grandmother is MrsJlfathryn L. Freund of this city, H. Stinespring Heads College Student Senate Harry P. Stinespring, a sophomore at MacMurray college, Jacksonville, 111., has been appointed president pro-tem of the Men's Student Association Senate. Harry, a history major, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stinespring, Sr., of 3329 No. Bayview Lane, McHenry. MacMurray, the first coordinate college in the midwest, has an enrollment of 928, with 452 students in the men's college, founded in 1955, and 476 in the 117 year-old women's college. CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank all. our friends for the lovely gifts, flowers, cards and good wishes received on the occasion of our twenty-fifth anniversary. You have helped make this one of the most memorable days of our lives. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Brown *10-25-62 The robin is the state bird of Wisconsin and Michigan. The Farm Bureau building auditorium in Woodstock will become a behive of activity Monday, Oct. 29. This is tte day set aside for the members of McHenry county H.E.A. to display their talents, hobbies and creative artistry, as they hold a county Hobby and Craft Fair which will start at 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Mrs. Fern Da hi and Mrs. Russell Beard, general chair* men, are in charge of this project with a craft chairman from each unit responsible for thejf* own table and crafts. A steering committee has been working for more than two months to insure the huge success of this huge display and have been shown great enthusiasm from the entire organization. Mrs. Katherine Neu man n, county home "adviser, has stated that she hopes to have ngapy organizations such as the hospital and other auxiliaries den and Brownie leaders, Girl Scouts, etc. Anyone interested in hobbies and craft may visit this large and interesting showing. ' Visitors will be able to see items such as Christmas ornaments, knitted and crochet items, dolls and stuffed animals, flowers, and a great variety of items too numerous to mention. Many of these itenn$ will be sold on orders, and patterns will also be obtainable. Out of this day will come a craft day in November sponsored by H.E.A., where many of these crafts will be taught by some of the exhibitors. Other things of interest will be the country kitchen booth where everyone will have an opportunity to buy home style baked and canned goods, prA serves, etc. A toy display will be of interest to many mothers and early Christmas shoppers. Refreshments will be served PMr m JuU^ &Scn OXYGEN EQUIPPED AMBULANCE SERVICE Phone EVergreen 5-0063 Our Customers Say, "YOU CAM see THE DIFFERENCE WITH owini" Genoa City, -Wis. RRownlng 9-S222 Closed Mondays INDEED YOU CAN . . . RAINBOW Dry Cleaning is that much hotter! Exaggeration? You may think so until you've tried Rainbow's Dry Cleaning. One trial will convince you, Rainbow really does get out ALL the dirt as nothing else can -- banishes spots, eliminates deep-down soil -- even perspiration, and leaves no cleaning odor. Most amazing of all, clothes come, back from cleaning after cleaning with the look and feel of newness restored! Why not call us today? WE GIVE PLAID STAMPS DIAL 385-0927 For PICKUP SERVICE or SAVE CASH and CARRY RAINBOW CLEANERS 1304 N. Front St. McHiory Across from A. P. Freund Ball Park Always Plenty FREE Parking at Rainbow's Drtve-Ito Open Daily 7 :S0 a-m. to 6 p-m. - Friday Evenings to 9 p.ra. 1

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