Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 1 Nov 1962, p. 2

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m- Page Two THE McHENI*Y PLAINBEALER Thursday, November 1, 196# K. ef C. Members To Knjoy Turkey Dinner The regular meeting of the Knights of Columbus will be held Thursday, Nov. 8, when a fine turkey dinner, with all the trimmings, will be served, under supervision of Chef Frank Pitzen. There will also be a party held in connection with the evening's entertainment. Sweet Sixteen Party For Sharon Stoller Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stoller arranged a "sweet sixteen" party and dance for their daughter, Sharon, held at the McHenry V.F.W. hall Sunday evening, Oct. 28. About thirty-five were in attendance to enjoy the social evening. WED IN OCTOBER Farewell Party For Mrs. Robert Zahn A surprise bridge party was enjoyed Friday at the home of Mrs. E r v 1 n Loeffelholz of Edgebrook Heights, honoring Mrs. Robert Zahn, who is moving to Florida. The luncheon was prepared by Mrs. Loeffelholz, Mrs. Eugene Nye and Mrs. Jerome Steinbach. Others attending the gathering were Mrs. Bud Uttich, Mrs. Robert Burns, Mrs. Herman Mass, Mrs. Harriet Burghardt and Mrs. Roy Nye. McHenry Man Will Wed Algonquin Girl Announce m e n t has been made of the engagement of Diane Vee, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ebel of 14 N. Harrison street, Algonquin, to Louie Stowel, son of Albert Stowel of McHenry and the late Mrs. Stowel. June 1 has been set as the wedding date. Community Club Will Meet Nov. 5 The next meeting of the J o h n s b u r g C o m m u n i t y c l u b will be held Monday, Nov. 5, at 8 o'clock. Due to the importance of the meeting, all members are urged to attend. Refreshments will be served by a committee which includes Otto Adams, Richard Adams, Tom Adams, Vince Adams, Donald Blake, Gerard Brennan and Marvin Bauer* Rev. Bergeson Win Speak Before P.T.A. Big Hollow School P.T.A. will hold its next meeting on Wednesday, Nov. 7 at 8 p.m. Guest speaker for the evening will be Rev. Roger Bergeson, pastor of the Fox Lake Baptist church. His topic for ^the^evening will be 'Tor Better Parenthood." Hostesses will be the seventh grade mothers. White Infant ts Christened The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. White was c h r i s t e n e d C h r i s B e n n e t t White in a baptismal ceremony performed in St. Mary's Catholic church last Sunday, Oct. 28. The baby was born Oct. 8. Sponsors were Terrance Schmitt of McHenry and Barbara White of Los Angeles, Calif., with Joyce Schwanke acting as proxy. Guests in the White home aftfer the baptism- were Mr. anty Mrs. Charles White atid Anton J. Schmitts, grandparents; Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Schmitt and family, Valerie White and Mr. and Mrs. Axel Schwanke, all of McHenry; Mr. and Mrs. Edward Schumacher and son of Dundee and Mr. and Mrs. James Duggan and family of Crystal Lake. The baby has two brothers, Michael and Bryan, and a sister, Tammy. Card Party Proceeds To Benefit School On Friday, Nov. 9, at 7:30 o'clock1 at the Spring Grove public school, a card party will be held to raise funds for the basketball equipment needed at the school. Refreshments will be served. Garden Club Enjoys Luncheon Meeting The October meeting of the McHenry Garden club was held Friday at Honey Bear Farm, with Mrs. Estelle Beatty as hostess for the day. The weather- cooperated, and the trip will long be remembered by all who attended as one of the most enjoyable of the year. Seventeen members and three guests. Mrs. Clinton Martin. Mrs. George Collette and Mrs. Robert Stoller, were present. A demonstration of holiday decorations for the home -- inside and out -- was given by Mrs. Dorothea Parkee, national judge from Skokie. Since it was United States of America Week, red, white and blue articles were displayed; sheaves of wheat with fruits and velvet ribbons were shown suggesting the fall colorings; and several holiday decorations were in green and red. All who attended were in agreement that Mrs. Beatty was a charming hostess at a very interesting and enjoyable meeting. 125 ATTEND ANNUAL ROOM MOTHERS' TEA Approximately 125 mothers, teachers and principals gathered in the cafeteria of the high school on Wednesday, Oct. 24, for the annual room mothers' tea, sponsored by the McHenry Community P.T.A. The purpose of the social is to give an opportunity for teachers and mothers who will be working together throughout the school year to become acquainted. The interior of the cafeteria was attractively decorated in a fall motif, with colorful pumpkins, leaves, and appropriate floral pieces. Arrangements for the affair were handled by Mrs. Morris C. Crouch and Mrs. Warren Kuhlman. The room mothers give invaluable aid to the teachers during the parties held for the children. The kindergarten has four parties during the year, while the grade schools, first through fifth, have only two. The cost of the parties is shared equally by the children. On occasion, the mothers offer their services to the teachers for other duties also. Mrs. Jerome Buch, president of the Community P.T.A., was introduced to the gathering. C o m m u n i t y M e t h o d l s t Church Smorgasbord, Wednesday, November 7, 5 to 7:30 p.m. Miss Drochner Becomes Bride Kotalik Studio Photo THE H. E. JUSTEN Miss Sandra Laurence f>of Lakeland Park became the bride of Harold E. Justen of McHenry in a beautiful fall nuptial ceremony performed in St. Mary's Catholic church on Saturday, Oct. 20. WILMETTE MAN BRINGS MUSIC TO RETARDED IN AREA "Mrs. Royal Bernier of McHenry was in attendance when Gene Chloupek of Wilmette entertained at the McHenry County Training Center for Retarded Children on Tuesday, Oct. 23. A retired person, Mr. Chloupek is devoting himself to bringing music and laughter into the lives of others. During a break in the workshop for parents and volunteers, the adults were able to view the exotic instruments, at least thirty in number, that were used in this one-man band. The children participated with ear attachments and enjoyed themselves immensely. Serving the center as replacements for the regular volunteers were Harrison School P.T.A. members, Mrs. Ardelle Bell, Mrs. Maxine Bixby, Mrs. Jerre Sullivan and Mrs. Jane Ducey. The panel for the workshop consisted of Miss Belle Webster from the regional office of the Children's Bureau, who spoke on parent counseling services; Mrs. Harriet Koehler of Wonder Lake, who dealt with "The Development and Functions of the Mind"; Mrs. Douglas Boyd, discussing the c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s o f r e t a r d e d children; and Mrs. Lillian Forsberg, reporting on methods and curriculum presented at the four-day convention of A pretly, late fall wedding was solemnized at St. Paul's Lutheran church in Round Lake Park on Saturday, Oct. 27, when Miss Gertrude Drochner of McHenry, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eric Drochner, became the bride of Mr. Thomas A. Tatro, son of Mr. and Mrs. Orval L. Tatro of Round Lake. The nuptial ceremony was performed at 5:30 o'clock in the afternoon. The lovely young bride chose a white iace dress of peau de sofe, styled with long sleeves, coop neckline and skirt extending into a chapel train. Her double inverted crown of aurora borealis crystals held a fingertip veil, and she carried a bouquet^eF"'.vhite roses and stephanotis. Acting as her maid of honor was Miss Carol Goffo of Antioch, and her bridesmaid was Miss Pat Hegele of DesPlaines. They wore two-tone green, i s t r e e t l e n g t h d r e s s e s a n d ; m a t c h i n g r o s e h e a d p i e c e s . Their flowers were white pom poms touched with green. Both young women are close friends of the bride. Little Suzanne Jones of Ingleside was the flower girl. Jerome Tatro served his brother as best man, and groomsman was John Miller of McHenry. For her daughter's wedding, Mrs. Drochner chose a dress of medium blue embroidered silk, with which she wore oldrose colored accessories and a rose carnation corsage. Mrs. Tatro was attired in a cocoa embroidered silk dress and had a gold carnation corsage. Following the ceremony, a reception for about 140 guests was held at the Renwood Country club. The newlywects left later on a trip to Wisconsin. The bride is a 1961 graduate of the local high school and the groom graduated in 1957 from Waukegan high school. 0SRITAI McHenry Hospital Patients admitted to McHenry hospital during the past week included Mark Herich and Earl Covington, Round L a k e ; H o w a r d M a r t i n , Mary Sliwinski .and William Arnold, Chicago; Mae Mc C o r m i c k, Milwaukee, Wis.; Alice ^inert, Alma Kirchberg, Rose Marie Rathbone and Richard Juers, Crystal Lake; Roy S c h r o e d e r , Frank Kalmes, Tishie Flink and Martha Norris, Ingleside; William Jacobs and Mary Ann McDermott, Waucomla; Elmer Becknell and Helen Searfoss, Island Lake; Ila Hogan, Ringwood, David Slagle, Fox Lake; Julia Barber and William Austin, R i c h m o n d ; D a v i d R o b e r t s , Woodstock; Elmer Anderson, Deerfield; William Martinez, Mundelein; Joseph H o u c ky Cedar Falls, Iowa; Anna Garcia, Vicki Johnson, Timothy Foran,. Fay Bar!ry,. Kenneth Gaylord, Harry Carlson, John McGue, Dr. Richard Norton, Dave Coleman, Lovie Mrotz, Otto Koehn, Susan Johnson^ Anna Marschall and John Benson, McHenry. Memorial Hospital During the past week patients admitted to Memorial hospital. Woodstock, included Elizabeth Bird, Laura Bakalla, Melvin Hudecek and Ralph Schwall, Wonder Lake; Carl Siegrist, Nancy Carlsop, Doris Moffett, Helen McMahon and Doris Anderson, McHenry. Harvard Hospital Ronald Fisher was a patient during the past weel: in the hospital at Harvard. SERVE STEAK DINNER The Women of the Moose will serve a steak dinner at the lodge from noon to 6 p.m. on Sunday, Nov. 11. The public is invited. Tickets are avail* able at the Moose lodge, at various business places or at the door. Woman's Club To View Slides On Mexico At November Meeting SPONSOR DANCE Highland Shores will have its sixth annual dance at the V.F.W. hall in McHenry Saturday, Nov. 10, at 9 p.m., given by the Property Owners association as a fund raising project. the National Association of Retarded Children, held in Chicago last week. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Koberstine of Spring Grove have made six trips into Mexico from 1947 to 1962 and on Friday, Nov. 9, at the Community Methodist church social hall, they will be guests of the McHenry Woman's club to show the best of their six trips. Their favorite way into Mexico is clown the Pacific Highway. When the road on the west coast was first opened, they d#sve 1.575 miles with their car loaded with toys and picture books for the Mexican children who at that time had rarely seen a car or an American. When the Koberstines first began to go into little known parts of Mexico, they found the Mexicans shy and somewhat unfriendly but on succeeding trips they have. found them quite friendly and easy to talk to. * During June and July of 1962, the Koberstines made a trip during the rainy season to the western part of Mexico and found it an unusual experience. The Koberstines are a very charming couple and club members will find their explanation and description of their slides as entertaining as the slides themselves. In addition to the Koberstines, Adele Froehlich and Mary Ann Wegener will sing several numbers. They will be accompanied by Mrs. Dorothy Weber. The meeting begins at 1 p.m. with Mrs. Alex K. Duncan and her committee in charge of the social hour. Plan For Convention Shown above are Mrs. Clarence Niesen, Mrs. Maurice Clark, Mrs. Charles Cuda and Mrs. Leonard Pawlikowski as they visited with Rev. Fr. Eugene Baumhofer, pastor of St. Mary's Catholic church, McHenry, regarding plans for the ladies trip to Detroit, Mich., where they will attend the convention of the National Council of Catholic Women from Nov. 3' through 7. Others making the trip will be Mrs. Albert Wipper, diocesan president, and Mrs. L. L. Kagan, diocesan director of spiritual development, both from St. Peter's parish, Spring Grove. Mrs. Niesen, Mrs. Clark (Catholic woman of the year in the Rockford diocese), and Mrs. Pawlikowski are from St. Mary's parish and Mrs. Cuda (diocesan chairman of world affairs) is a member of St. Patrick's church. Wagic SLcls, Jnc. 4001 W. Main St. McHenry, Illinois FEMALE HELP WANTED • Experienced Sewing Machine Operators • Full And Part Time • Inexperienced -- Will Train • Vacation Pay • Holiday Pay • Bonus Pay Washable Poplin All-Weather JACKETS ... $14.95 Casual Coats From $22.95 up 3717 W. Elm HOURS m 9:30 - 5:00 IncL Wed. -- Fri. 9-9 For The Best in l '* ' r < l' INSIST ON BANK FINANCING The Best in Rates and Service Also Available on Late Model Used Cars McHenry State Bank COMPLETE BANKING SERVICE SINCE 1906 TELEPHONE 385-1040 aired HAIR STYLISTS 885-0010 1220 N. GREEN ST. MON. thro SAT. 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Closed Wed. HOLIDAYS ARE COMING . . . Let us give you a natural looking permanent to help you thru the busy holiday season. § Claire # Mary Ann t Eleanors • Mnrlene Now RAINBOW helps you Set The Stage for the ROMANCE in your LIFE! We have made a remarkable buy in netted glass cylinder candles (3 sizes, shapes and colors) -- the kind you see on tables only in the finer restaurants. Just what you've always wanted to help make BIG occassions out of little occassions. Perfect for parties, gifts, and dressing-up family dinner settings. f ' These candles are regular retailers up to $1.98 ea. WHILE THEY LAST we will give ONE FREE with each $5.00 Drycleaning Order YOU MUST SEE THESE - Come in T O D A Y! We warn you in advance that when you see them you'll want one or a pair. So bring your cleaning with you. Offer good ONLY on Professional Cleaning and Pressing (not good on Coin-Type cleaning orders) RAINBOW CLEANERS 1304 N. Front St. McHenry Across From A. P. Freund Ball Park Open Daily 7:80 a.m. to 6 p.m., Fri. to 9 p.m. There's Always Plenty Free Parking at RAINBOW'S DRIVE-IN 1 i

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