Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 21 Nov 1962, p. 15

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Wednesday, November 21, 1962 THE McHENBY PLAIKDEALER Village of Sxmnyslde FRITZ FAMILY TO MAKE HOME IN FLORIDA Betty Lehman 885-6366 Eight years ago A1 Fritz and vamily moved to Sunnyside w h e r e m a n y f r i e n d s w e r e made. We are now very sorry to see the Fritz family move away from us. When Sunnyside first incorporated A1 served on our volunteer policc force. While serving on the force A1 was afflicted with polio and is now confined to a wheelchair. A1 and family are Joing to reside in St. Petersurg, Fla.. where he hopes to finish a course in accounting while his wife, Nora, keeps h o u s e & n ( i , h i s c h i l d r e n , Chuckie, Nancy and Mike, finish their education. Good luck to the Fritz family, you will sure be missed. spending a week at her auntie's in Milwaukee. Birthday Wishes To Cammy Gaylord on Nov. 21, Ted Prell on Nov. 26 and to my dear mother-in-law, Gertrude Lehman, on Nov. 28. Many more lo you all. lonski for Nov. 7 and Scott Wigeerman for Nov. 13. Demonstration About twenty ladies were ^resent Thursday morning for " demonstration at the home of Roberta Roggenbuch. Coffee and rolls were served. Reminder Chief Siebert wants to remind everyone that from Nov. 1 to March 31 any automobiles parked on the street from 9 p.m. to 9 a.m. will be issued a citation after a one inch IOW fall. Cub Scout News Pack 452 visited the Mc- Henry fire department on Sunday, Nov. 4, the chief showed the boys all the equipment and how the phone system works. The boys asked different questions about fires. They enjoyed themselves very much. _ On Tuesday. Nov. 13, the Wioys had their usual meeting and also went on a hike to the little chapel. When they returned they made autograph books for their projects. Parents Visit Gaylords Spending a week with Donald and Cammy Gaylord were her parents, Mr. and Mrs. X*. Robinson, from Mauston, Wis. jkThey enjoyed playing with "heir grandchildren as they do not get to see thpm too often. Donald's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Gaylord of Hebron, stopped in Saturday to help celebrate little Donna's .second birthday. Anniversary, Wishes To Gertrude and Ed Lehman on their ? anniversary Nov. 21. May you both have many more happy years together. Signing Off That's it for this week, I would like to wish everyone a very happy Thanksgiving, and don't eat so much turkey, (that's a laugh). Girl Foresters The girl Foresters held theii meeting on Monday, Nov. 12. The second dance contest was £held and the winners of thp twist were Kathleen Brennan, Marie Carsten, Jeanne Hettermann, Jo Ann Schmitt and Joyce Pitzen. Jitterbug winners were Marilyn Michaels, Kibby Weingart, Carol Lima and Elaine Schmitt. Polka winners were Karen Hettermann. Rosemary Thelen. Judy Storgil, Mary Anderson, Mary Farley and Mary Lynn Meyers. ^Plans for a Christmas party were discussed and it will be held Dec. 16. PISTAKEE TERRACE Joyce Toepper 385-3044 Civil Defense The Pistakee Terrace association held its Nov. 5 meeting at the home of Ron Wiggerman. Much of the meeting was spent discussing the civil defense meetings held in Johnsburg rescue squad building which President Ron Wiggerman, along with other subdivision leaders in the immediate area, has been attending. There is to be a meeting on Nov. 20 with two or three speakers and a movie for all citizens intetested in their future. We urge your attendance. Christmas Parties Planned The Pistakee Terrace association auxiliary met Thursday, Nov. 8, at the home of Pat M e r h a u t . A r l e n e C o n n e r t y gave a report on the children's Halloween party and Dorothy Packer read 1 he Christmas card report m .he absence ot Bernie Cisewski. The December meeting will be held Tuesday, Dec. 11, at the home of Dorothy Parker. This will be our Christmas party and everyone attending is asked to bring a one dollar grab bag gift. Grace Vyduna will provide the punch, with Eleanor Moore, Pat Merhaut, Arlene Connerty and Dorothy Parker providing sandwich loafs to add to the party touch. Mark your calendar now, the meeting will be on the second Tuesday instead of Thursday lor this time onlv. Visitors and Visiting Ma and Pa Tello had their children over on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. Kunkel attended a wedding in Northlakc Saturday night. Going along with them was grandson, Jer- -ry Ripley. ® Fran and Cass Kasperski attended a dance at the Johnsburg community hall on Saturday night. Visiting with Elizabeth Metzger last Tuesday were her Aunt Lena Herdrich and a friend, Mrs. Amanda Brown, both of McHenry. Little Donna Gaylord is Brownies Brownie Troop 150 met Tuesday afternoon and began the meeting with the flag ceremony. They continued with the inspection of uniforms with those having completed uniforms beine awarded stars. All girls reported their good deeds after which knot tying instruction was given. Songs, including a circle song by the name of the "Girl Scout Twist ' ended their afiernoon. Debbie Jourdan was cookie hoste»s and mother helper was Connie Thomas. Cub Scouts Cub Den 4, Pack 452, spent the last two meetings and a s p e c i a l m e e t i n g S a t u r d a y morning to comolete their proiect foj* the November pack meeting. The November theme was "Pioneers" and the boys, recognizing the first Cub Scouts as Pioneers, centered their project around their promise to do their best, to do their duty for God and their country, etc. On a platform of a wooded cross which represented God, they wrote the promise. Off to the side of the cross they placed a 12" circle resembling a globe on which America was painted to represent country. After this was completed on Wednesday, they used the rest of their meeting to begin drawing silhouettes of each other. Cookie hosts were Dick Jab- Here and There Saturday evening guests at ; the Mickey and Pat Ferrell ! home were Jim and Birdie i Deppmeier, Eola and Williard Hillman, George and Mary Mecko and James Walters, of the Terrace, Bill and Irnia Gunther, Sunnyside, and Gus and Lucille Trampas of Chicago. « Betty Zamastil is spending Sunday through Friday visiting her grandparents, the Edward Zamastils, in Wheaton. The Meckos helped Mary's sister a|nd family, the Bob Blanks, move from Aurora to their new home in Bartlett on Sunday. « Noel Gregg accompanied his father-in-law, A1 Harris of Pistakee Highlands, and five fellows from Chicago on a pheasant hunting trip to Iowa over the weekend. Sunday visitors at the Ferrell home were his parent:.-. Walter and Emily Ferrell of Skokie. George and Mary Mecko drove to Roselle on Sunday where Mary attended a bridal shower for her nephew, Donald Mecko's fiancee, Pat Reiser of Roselle. The shower took place in the home of the bride s sister, Mr. and Mrs. Zik. Hospitalized for sureery is Corinne Grege of Chicago, mother of Noel Gregg. The doctors have advised a nine day sta> at the Presbyterian- St. Luke's hospital in Chicago which will keep the Gregg household busy. Birthday Parties Audrev Seliea entertained eight of her Brownie friends on Saturday. Nov. 10. in celebration of her eighth birthday. David Zamastil attended the six!h birthday party of Marta Colandrea in Riverdale on Sunday. Also present were Ricky, Jean and Jennifer Wadecki and Mandlvne Maselter of Riverdale besides Maria's three brothers. The Kurowski home was full to the brim with children as Karen became eight on Tuesday, Nov. 13. Besides her brother and three sisters she was hostess to Debbie Cisewski, Linda Kettner, Barb and Lori Parker. Denise Pradelski. Jeannette Rachuj, Audrey and Darrell Seliga. all of the Terrace and Debbie Shastil of the Highlands. Lakeland Park WOMEN'S CLUB SPONSORS ANNUAL SNOWBALL DANCE Gloria Flannigan - 385-4710 Barbara Meurer - 385-4356 Well, here it is only one week from this Saturday for the Women's club seventh annual Snowball dance. The date is Dec. 1 and the place for the dance is Johnsburg community house and the time is 9 p.m. Tickets may be purchased from any club member or at the door. Anyone wanting more tickets can contact Toots Geistad at 385-4043. So come ou out and have a ball for yourselves. Dues Due This is another reminder to all who have not as yet paid their garbage and road fund dues. It is due and must be in by the end of this month so please get it to your block captains as soon as possible. (The road fund is for Lakeland Park only.) Community House Schedule Monday, Nov. 26 --8 p.m. Regular Board meeting; Tuesday, Nov. 27 --7:30 Boy Scout meeting; Wednesday, Nov. 28 -- 7:30 Little League Open meeting. Please contact Jo Rizzo for any reservations at 385-2728. Page Fifteen Birthdays Many happy returns of the day to Mary Mecko, Nov. 21; R o b e r t M o o r e , N o v . 2 2 ; a n d Frank Moller, Nov. 27. Anniversary Congratulations to Norb and Bernie Cisewski who celebrate their anniversary on Nov. 23. The gal who is looking for a husband, usually finds him after the dishes are done. Women's Club to Meet A special Women's club meeting will be held Nov. 29 at 8:30 p.m. at the community house. All members are to bring their monies for the snowball tickets. Also December dues must be paid too in order to attend the Christmas party next month. So be sure to mark this date on your calendar, so you won't forget. Get-well Wishes To Bill Herzog (our LPPOA president v who is recuperating in Harvard hospital after sutfering from a stroke last Monday evening. We all hope you recover very quickly Bill and that you will be up and around in no time at all. "Happy Birthday" Wishes To Bobby Minor who will be ten years old on Nov. 23, to Don Humann who chalks up another year on Nov. 27, to Clark Bierman who will be eight years old on Nov. 28 and to Billy Chadwick who will celebrate his fourteenth birthday on Nov. 28. And belated wishes to BeuJah Hoard who had a birthday on Nov. 18. May you all have a grand day. Anniversary Wishes Happy anniversary to Clarence and Eleanore Hearle on Nov. 24. Birthday Doings Nancy Kane had a birthday POLE BUILDINGS MACHINERY, CROP ANIMAL, STORAGE 1. DOANE DESIGN 2. IMMEDIATE ERECTION 3. LOW COST 4. EASY FINANCING 5. CONSTRUCTED BY EXPERIENCE® CREWS RICHMOND 4381 BUY IT FOR VALUE! Just put an Oldamobiie Dynamic 88 on the road and watch it win you over! Graceful lines . . . elegant appointments . . . full-size comfort . . . 280-h.p. Rocket V-8 performance. And with all that, Dynamic 88 is Oldsmobile's lowest-priced full-size series . . . smartest buy in the medium-price field! New 6tyle to delight you! Rocket actipn to excite you I • LDSMOBILE Thertfs "Something Extra" about owning an OLDSMOBILEt 586 YOUR LOCAL AUTHORIZED OLDSMOBILE QUALITY DEALER ------ R. J. OVERTON MOTOR SALES, 1109 N. From SUM* party last Wednesday, Nov. 14, for her fourth birthday. Her guests were Patty Laursen, Nancy Christie, Karye Krug, Darlene Licastro, Danny Heliou6, Richard Nowell and her two brothers, Herby and Timmy. This group devoured every bit of the cake and ice cream her mom reports and they all had a sweil time. Nancy's mom, Joan, also wa^ celebrating her birthday on that day and she had quite a time preparing for the party. Cindy Casey also had a birthday party last week for her birthday. It was her eighth birthday and it was held on Nov. 13 but her day actually was on Nov. 11. Her guests were Cathy Humann, Gail Cheeehin, Patti Rogers, Janice Pike, Veronica Biermann and Terry Brooks. The girls had a swell time playing games and eating all the cake and ice cream. Marge repoits that they ate every bit of it too. Wonder Lake JUDY DOLCE HONORED AT BRIDAL SHOWERS Mary Lon Hartog - Miss Judy Dolce has been guest of honor at two miscellaneous showers recently. On Nov. 2 Eloise O'Brien was hostess at a shower held in her home for twelve friends and relatives of Judy. On Sunday a shower was held at the home of Yvonne Kohler in Waukeean with fifteen school chums present. Yvonne will be maid of honor for Judy when she is married to Thomas Mattingly at Christ the King church on Nov. 24. Khvanis News Nov. 12 Meeting President-elect Bob Myers opened the meeting by introducing the guest for the evening, Dick Pickrum. Dick, n Wonder Laker, is in the printing business in McHenry. In the old business department, Fred Gutzmacher reported on the Kiwanis snonsored boys' basketball on Wednesday nights at the school. Fred, it appears, was the onlv one present. The club agreed that more shouM bp done to publicize the night. Woe to the publicity chairman. A motion was made for the club to partiei'taf? attain this year in the Chri-.Jma< basket prneram here at the lake and through Hie area. T'i the absence of a scheduled program Bob Myers vrnve the c'uh an insierht into the trout tannine ~ 1 business. lie exnl.iinol some of Visiting the problems that confront all The Gerstads made a trip to j in his field and related snvne Darien. Wis., last Sunday. Nov. 11. for dinner and lots of conversation with the Don Coon family. Sorry the column is so short this week but we had an earlier , deadline to meet due to the i don't eat too much turkey and holiday. May you all have a ' "stuffin". Demonstrations Attending a demonstration at Carol Humann's Tuesday afternoon were the following girls. Nancy Moses, Mickey Gladman. Gert Selefki. Lorraine "Arient, Wilma Atkinson, Barbara Dixon. Helga Mici. J u n e G i l b e r t s e n . B a r b a r a Meurer, and Sue Funk plus nine children which made for a lively conversation. Vickey Bottari and Gloria Flannigan were joint hostesses to a demonstration last Wednesday morning at Vicky's home. There were about sixteen guests present. Pizza, cake cookies and coffee were served to all. nf his experiences in the fish industrv. Rob noted the care with which tl-r Fodcal Government (Pure Food and Drue wonderful "Thanksgiving" anrt FOR THAT OLD FASHIONED FLAVOR COME TO WILLI KOENEMANN • COUNTRY MADE SAUSAGES • DELICIOUS HICKORY SMOKED HAMS ' • LEAN HICKORY SMOKED BACON • 22 VARIETIES OP SAUSAGES • TRUE GERMAN STYLE FLAVQRS Root* 180 • Jtnt EMt of Route 12 - Voio, 111 Phone EVergrena 5*6260 BET MAS! BET THAT ELECTRIC DRYER NOW Administration) controls the breeding of trout. Next week our speaker will be Rev. Redding from the Woodstock Children's Home. Returns from Rome Rev. James Var.uerpool of Christ the King church arrived back home from trip to Rome where he attended he Ecumenical Council. He arrived back on Saturday.. Wr have no news as yet about the trip. Silver Anniversary Our best congratulations to Jack and Ruth Russell of Highland Shores who celebrate years of togetherness on Nov 21. More on this next week. Hospitalize,1 On the hospital list last week were Ralph White, Harvard hospital, Beverly Griswold and .Tulia Koon, McHenry hospital and Baby Donna Ohlrieh. Woodstock hospital. Inaugurate Program for Retarded Children The Exceptional Children's. social organization of -Wonder - Lake is planning to inaugurate, a program for retarded boys and girls. There will be Wood- •raft and minor repair jobs for. he boys and crafts for the iris. O. Unholz of Wonder Lake will instruct the boys tnd Mrs. N. Woods will instruct the girls with Mrs. Unholz assisting. The program will begin Dec. 1. P.eeistratiori may be made any day from 10 a m. - 3 p.m. or bv calling 653-5252. Note: I'm sorry to be so lacking in news this week but with a Friday deadline instead .'f Sunday ni:rht -- it is difficult. Nothing happens during the week and if it does I don't find out about it until Sunday. I had a nice notation to be inserted in last week's column about the early deadline and to get the news in by Thursday, etc.. etc.. and found •t among the debris on my desk along about Wednesday. So we'll .Hist have to stuff the. ballot box for next week. BACK-SAVER CDCPIAI MONEY-SAVER Of Li/l/iL •v"^Vy Ft SELF PROPELLED Modal SN-18P only *14098 Get rid of that shovel! Avoid heart strain. Clear walks and driveways in a jiffy ... make snow-clearing fun • • • keep permises cleaner, safer. • Heavy duty, auger type • Clears 18-inch path • 3 H.P. 4 cycle Lauson winterized engine • Chute has five position setting • Chain drive with tension adjustment and many Other top features to make it an outstanding Snow Thrower value* VYCITALS Hardware 1228 N. Green St. Phone 385-0098 fiiif iMiti mmim Save enough on a new electric dryer to dry up to lOOO loads free LIMITED TIME OFFER--SEE YOUR DEALER NOW Right now--and for a limited time only --Commonwealth Edison and Public Service Company, in cooperation with your dealer, is offering you a chance to save $20 more than you ever could before on any new 240-volt Flameless Electric Dryer. And this $20 is on top of the $20 to $40 you normally save by buying an Electric Dryer instead of a Gas Dryer. So you can actually save up to $60, depending on the make and model. .. or enough to dry 1000 loads free! For the average family this is better than 3 years of free drying. And Flameless Electric Dryers dry clothes sweeter amd eleaasr because there are no fumes, flames or products of combustion. Besides which, nothing dries clothes faster than today's Electric Dryers. (Only 26 to 30 minutes for a full load of wash!) Ask your dealer for the $20 Savings Certificate shown here. Satisfaction guaranteed on any Flameless Electric Dryer, of course. (J Public Service Company © Commonwealth Edison Company luauisi. ASK YOUR DEALER FOR THIS *20 SAVINGS CERTIFICATE

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