Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 21 Nov 1962, p. 16

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?age Sixteen THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Wednesday, November 21. 1 96^ Twice Told Tales FIFTY YEARS AGO Taken from the Files " of Nov. 14, 1912 The McHenry newspaper route, which until a short time ago, was the property of John R. Knox and of la,te in the hands of J. C. Hoily, has been purchased by Alfred Krause who will take possession Dec. 1. William Spencer has purchased two lots in the Hanly addition to McHenry where he plans to build next spring. Ex cavation for a new home tor P o s t m a s t e r Mead h a s b e e n started nearby. August Wachtel, tenant on the Dr. H. H. Vaupel farm, met with a serious accident Tuesday morning when he losi the tips of his fingers in a corn sheller. Mrs. Anna Marie Buhr, one of McHenry's early settlers, passed away at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Andrew Miller, Saturday at the ag&, of 77 years. A. J. Kamholz, who has been conducting a blacksmith shop at Cary for some time has rented the Laures shop, here, where he will conduct his business. Prices at L. F. Block's include flannel petticoats, $1; extra fine black sateen petticoats. $1.15; full length full cut flannel kimonos, $1.50; men's sheep pelt mittens, 50 cents and $1; boy's leather mittiens, 25 and 50 cents; Men fu'l cut underwear, $1; Men's lace or button shoes, $2.50; good size bed blankets per pair, 75 cents. Mrs. Mary K. Adams was. the victim of a surprise at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Math Adams, on John stieer, Thursday afternoon honoring h e r f i f t y r s e v e n t h b i r t h d a y . Guests were Mesdames N. J. Justen, John Justen, Michaei Justen, William Stoffel, Peter J. Freund, John Pint, Peter Schoewer, Jacob B o n s 1 e 11, Math Freund, John Freund, F. J. Herbes, Hubert Weber, Mikt S c h a e f e r , G i l b e r t H a r r i s a n a Miss Christina Adams. FORTY YEARS AGO Taken from the Files of Nov. 16, 1922 Nicholas A. Huemann, who for more than a quarter of a century has been ciassed among McHenry's successful business men, passed away at his late home on the corner ol Elm and Court. streets Saturday evening following a three months illness. With the exception of the Closing of a few business houses there was no special observance of Armistice Day in McHenry. Taps were blown oh our streets at 11 o'clock by J E. Hauswirth who was accompanied by two ex-service men. Members of the Just Us cluu of this village enjoyed a theatr? pnrly in Chicago last Friday night when they saw p;a Wynn in "The Perfect Fool' at the Illinois theatre. Thos«.- who made up the party were Mesdames George H. Johnson. F. J. Aicher, Robert Tnompson, Misses Lenp and Clara Sloffel. Bertha Wolff and Anna Frisby. Members of the Thirteen club were rn'ertainerl by Mrs. A. J. Schneider at her home on Mill street Friday afternoon, when prices in 500 went to Mrs. J. C. Hollv. Mrs. C. V/ Coodell and Mrs. George Lindsay. The McHenry band, made un of eighteen nieces, is planning a concert for the evening of Dec. 6. Besides several bana members there will be selections by Tom Brown's saxophone sextette, Tom Brown in songs, Eddy Coe, trombonesoloist, Miss Mane Moritz in selections of ballads and Miss Eleanor Phalin in readings. Sidney Smith, who with his family has been spending the summers at hfe home at Howell's Villa, has purchased a new home at Lake Geneva, Wis., where the family will spend their summers in the future. Mr. Smith will be greatly missed here where he hr>s been an active member of the Chapel Hill Country club and also a member of the McHenry Country club. F. W. Ackerman, Crystal Lake chiropractor, will open an office in the home of Mrs. C. N. Culver on Waukegan street in the near future. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO Taken from the Files of Nov. 18, 19S7 Residents ot the Johnsburg- McHenrv community were shocked to learn that the life of John A. Miller of Johnsburg suddenly came to a close last Wednesday, death being caused by a premature explosion of dynamite while he was blasting rocks on the Martin Schmitt farm he had purchased a year ago. Byron Poe of Ostend formerly of McHenry was accidentally shot and killed by a companion's gun while hunting in Bull Valley Saturday morning. There was little study at the Ostend schoolhouse Moriday when the teachers and Dupils discovered that school books valued at $150 and a wall clock had b?en stolen during the weekend. Robbers entered 1he Schwerman Chevrolet garage Monday night and helped themselves to a new Master Town Chevrolet sedan from the display room and several kits of expensi\e tools. Mrs. William Bacon* was surprised by a group of friends at her home Friday afternoon honoring her birthday. Bunco was played with prizes awarded Mesdames Josephine Pouse, Fannie Chamberlin, Alice Lindsay and Etta Wattles. Other quests were Mesdames Louist Nickels, Jennie Eddy, Cora Bassett, Mabel Newman, Bertha Kamholz, Mayme Harrison. Ella Gans, Katie Howard, Signa Miller, Pearl Peterson, Rose Miller, Carrie Ensign, Ida Fisher, Ony Wheeler and Leota Granger. Miss Eva Williams who will be the bride of Mr. Mike De- ^en. this month, was eiven u shower by her sister, Louise, at the home of their parents, Sunday. Nov. 14. William Ames. 66, formerly of Terra Cotta. died at his home in Grayslake Tuesday, after a few davs illness and Tay Ccmpfon. 54. of Woodstock, brother of Mrs. Albert Purvey of this city, passed away at his home Wednesday after two months illness. Legals NOTICE The finance committee of the Board of Supervisors of McHenry County, 111., will receive bids for auditing the books of the following officers for a period beginning Dec. 1, 1961, and ending Nov. 30, 1962; the county treasurer and collector; sheriff; building and zoning; county clerk; circuit clerk; superintendent of schools and Valley-Hi nursing home and farm account. Sealed bids to be in the County Clerk's office, Woodstock, 111., on or before 10 o'clock a.m. on Nov. 27, 1962. Signed: ELBERT KINGSLEY Chairman of Finance Committee (Pub. Nov. 15-22, 1962) NOTICE OF CLAIM DATE ESTATE OF LAWRENCE B. STILLING, DECEASED. Notice is hereby given to all persons that Monday, January 7, 1963, is the claim date in the estate of Lawrence B. Stilling, Deceased, pending in the County Court of McHenry County, Illinois, and that claims may be filed against the said estate on or before said date without issuance of summons. Theodore N. Pitzen, Administrator Looze & Kinne, Attorney 3431 W. Elm St. McHenry, Illinois 385-1580 (Pub. Nov. 8-15-22) BE WISE USE THE CLASSIFIED NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING A public hearing concerning the construction of Federalaid Route 201 from a point on the Illinois-Wisconsin State line approximately IV4. miles northwest of Richmond to a point on the McHenry-Lake County line approximately 3% miles northeast of McHenry, a distance of approximately 15 miles, will be held on November 30, 1962 at 2:00 p.m. in the McHenry American Legion Hall in McHenry. The public is invited to attend the hearing, which will be conducted by representatives of the Illinois Division of Highways. R. H. GOLTERMAN District Engineer Division of Highways (Pub. Nov. 15-21, 1962) STATE OF ILLINOIS > COUNTY OF McHENRY) BEFORE THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS OF THE CITY OF McHENRY, ILLINOIS IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION OF H. WALTER ANDERSON and EUGENE P. NYE. FOR ZONING VARIATION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that in compliance with the provisions of the City of McHenry Zoning Ordinance, a public hearing will be held by the City of McHenry Zoning Board of Appeals relative to a variation of certain premises now classified as "B-l" Business, to permit the use of the following described premises for Technical Research facilit ies: Lot Three. (3) in Mdtt Baur's Addition to the City of McHenry, according to the Plat thereof recorded in the Recorder's Office in Book 7 of Plats, page 42, in the South West quarter of Secton 26, Township 45, CANDY TREATS Top off Thanksgiving dinner with candy. It's everyone's favorite treat, and a perfect gift for your holiday hostess. FANNIE MAY or WHITMAN'S Attractively Packaged and Heady to Give at BOLGER'S Drug Store North, Range 8 East of the Third Principal Meridian, (excepting and reserving therefrom that portion thereof conveyed by the aforesaid Warranty Deed from Clara Fitzpatrick and James Fitzpatrick to the City of McHenry, dated August 9, 1949 and recorded in the Recorder's Office of McHenry County, Illinois August 22, 1949 in Book 347 of Records on page 490, described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at a stone at the most westerly corner of said Matt Baur's Addition; thence Northeasterly alogg the Northwesterly line of said Lot 1, a distance of 24.5 feet to the most Southerly corner of Lot 5 in Block 4 of A. P. Freund's Mill Stream Park Addition, Unit No. 1 to the City of McHenry, in accordance with the Plat thereof recorded in the aforesaid Recorder's Office in Book 10 of Plats, page 111; thence Southwesterly in a straight line 23.65 feet to a point on the Southwesterly line of said Lot 1, that is 7.85 feet easterly from the aforesaid place of beginning; thence Westerly along said Lot line 7.85 feet to the place of beginning), The above described premises are located at 3814 West Elm Street, in McHenry, Illinois. Said hearing will be held in the City of McHenry, Illinois at the City Hall at the hour of 3:00 P.M. on the 7th day of December, 1962. All persons interested may attend. CITY OF McHENRY ZONING BOARD . OF APPEALS By Donald E. Johnson Cnairman Petitioners' Attorney Roland A. Herrmann 3412 West Elm Street McHenry, Illinois 385-3832 (Pub. Nov. 21, 1962) NOTICE OF NEW CLAIM DATE Estate of MATH N. SCHMITT Deceased i.otice is hereby given to all persons that Monday, January 7th, 1963, is the claim date in the estate of MATH N. Women of the Moose Women of the Moose McHenry's green cap girl, Ethel Bruce, attended Antioch's Green Cap Night honoring Alice Young on "Thursday, Nov. 15. Ethel was very honored to be guest junior graduate regent for the entire evening. Only two of McHenry's co-workers were able to go along to this meeting with Ethel. They were Marjorie Fernstrom, recorder, and Mabel Thomas, College of Regents member. Mabel, along with the other College of Regents members present, was honorary escort for the special speakers for the evening. Ruth Martin, a member of the Grand Council, was the first speaker and as always Ruth's talk was highly enjoyed by everyone present. Ruth is from the Batavia chapter. Imogene Ruckstuhl of Crystal Lake, a former deputy grand regent, was the second speaker. Imogene's talk was interesting to everyone. There were six green cap girls present. They were from Antioch, McHenry, Fox Lake, Batavia, Barrington -aficl Crystal Lake. Ethel and the other green cap girls were presented with a very attractive gift by Alice Young. A total of eighty-one people were present at this open meeting. There were three, from McHenry. Following the close of the meeting which was held in a neighboring church, Antioch senior regent extended an invitation to all the green cap girls and other guests to join them at. their Moose home for SCHMITT, Deceased, pending in the County Court of McHenry County, Illinois, and that claims may be filed against the said estate on or before said date without issuance of summons. AGATHA BREFELD Administratrix with the Will annexed. James M. Mclntee Attorney 3516 West Elm Street McHenry, Illinois Tel: 385-2440 (Pub. Nov. 15-21-29, 1962) refreshments and a social hour. It was nice to see that almost every chapter took home a prize. As usual at Antioch, the food was plentiful and delicious. Ethel Bruce has received another invitation for Green Cap Night at Harvard chapter on Dec. 6. She plans to attend and fill the chair as junior regent as they requested. Any co-workers who can attend will be in for a good time. Our next meeting which will be Dec. 4 will be social service chapter night program. Everyone please try to attend. McHenry Women of the Moose chapter wishes to extend sympathy to the families of our deceased members, Olga Lishamer and Myrtle Kinsey. We shall miss these coworkers very much. Marcella Strossner, Publicity Chairman Stock Show Opens In Amphitheatre Friday Pedigreed livestock from the farms and ranches of thirty-six states and Canada, representing thousands of top specimens from the continent's leading herds and flocks, will be on exhibit at the forthcoming sixty-third International Live Stock Exposition and Horse show. It will be held in Chicago Nov. 23 to Dec. 1 in the International Amphitheatre -- the country's largest exhibition building consisting of thirteen acres under roof -- and will also occupy a large area of the adjacent Chicago Stock Yards. Prize farm animals will soon be enroute to Chicago for this event from such distant parts of the continent as Texas ard Ontario, California and Maine. Iowa leads in the number of counties from which entries have, been received with sixtytwo counties of the state represented, followed by sixty Illinois counties, fifty-six in Indiana and forty-nine counties in Ohio. The best way to destroy an enemy is to make him your friend. j When you really want to get away from it all, try 80 on a curving road. OFFER NEW GIFT ENVELOPES FOR SAVINGS BONDS A familiar and popular gift item -- United States Savings Bonds -- will be available in an attractive new "package" this Christmas, according to Harold J. Bacon of Crystal L a k e , v o l u n t e e r M c H e n r y county bond chairman. The package consists of a handsome new gift envelope which will be available free at local banks and savings and loan association offices to purchasers of Savings Bonds to be used as gifts. The envelope is faced in blue with a drawing of the American eagle holding a red, white and blue streamer. It is backed in white and flapped with the blue inscription, "^^Gift for You . . . A Share In America". Space for address and signature is also provided along with another inscription of "Keep Freedom in Your Future -- with U.S. Savings Bonds". "Coming at this time of year," Mr. Bacon said, "the new gift folder is an attractive bonus to Christmas givers. Throughout the year, however, these folders will be available for all types of gift occasions and will be kept in stock by the banks and sayings and loan associations for this purpose. "The folders are easy to mail, and can be slipped into a Christmas card envelope or tucked into a child's Christmas stocking. However they are given, they are certainly easy to receive:'" GIVE! belong •CJflyTf or AMBHIOA An alibi is what proves guy wasn't where he was, an couldn't possibly ^have done what he did. h SHOP IN McHENRY NOTICE Christian Science services are held every Sunday at 10:30 a.m. and the 3rd Wednesday of each month at 8 p.m. in the Masonic Building, 1309 N. Court St., Mc-j Henry. All interested are welcome to attend. RjLgJU 1 a r check-ups and maintenance by our experts, means lower car costs for you. Call us today and find out for yourself. Brake Service All Mechanical Repairs Complete Motor Overhauling BUTCH'S Auto Service "24-HOUR TOWING SERVICE 1002 N. Front St. EV 5-0811 McHenry, TO. 1259 N. Green Street mZim Phone 385-4500 Pf "'V4 '$>4 xsV - v v-VMR- :¥s::K?S3S lirlil; iini ill § HpHll iMa mm MM M iiiyiiN mmm ' ' ' f t ? x «iil§5 ¥\* ^y^/vTTTi >53*5 f ' * m, .£.v.Ns AT % , XI PAA ...ON THE MOVE WITH A 5-YEAR WARRANTY* What does this mean to you? Plenty. If you're an average car owner, this 5-year or 50,000-mile warranty will be in effect for as long as you own your new Plymouth! That's Plymouth's quality story for '63. You can get the rest of the details on Plymouth's new styling, smooth handling, hot performance and low, low price by stopping by our showroom for a test drive. Discover the reason why you have to own one to catch one--the new '63 Plymouth! * Your Authorized Plymouth-Valiant Dealer's Warranty against defects in material and workmanship on 1963 cars has been expanded to include parts replacement or repair, without charge for required parts or labor, for 5 years or 50,000 miles, whichever comes first, on the engine block, head and internal parts: transmission case and internal parts (excluding manual clutch); torque converter, drive shaft, universal joints (excluding dust covers), rear axle and differential, and rear wheel bearings, provided the vehicle has been serviced at reasonable intervals according to the Plymouth- Valiant Certified Car Care schedules. SEE PLYMOUTH 63 TODAY AT: A. S. BLAKE MOTOR SALES, Inc. 2508 West Route 120 McHenry

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