"*-Thur«d»y, November M. 1982 THX McHENRY PLAINDZALER Pag* Nln* PisJtakee Highlands SIXTEEN WIN BOBCAT PINS AT SCOUT PROGRAM Pack Officials Make Plans For Chrislmas 1 Meeting On Dec. 12 Hazel Morley HYatt 7-S320 Kay Slellsch HYatt 7-3414 The regular monthly pack meeting of Cub Scout Pack 452 was held Nov. 14. The induc- ^ tion ceremony was held for the ** sixteen new boys who have passed the requirements entitling them to Bobcat pins. The boys receive these pins upside down and upon the performance of a good deed they are turned over. Congratulations to the new Bobcats: Mark Keller, Ed. Tuft, Bernard Kennebeck, Robert Sallaz, John Lakowske. Steve Murgatroyd, jg Mike O'Malley, Ray Thelen, ™ Richard Jablonski, Scott Wiggerman. Jim Philips. John Metzger, Jeff Lehman, Mark Fredrick. Scott Stull and Nor- Ibert Lewandowski. The theme (this month was: "Buckskin •ioneers" and every den participated in study and crafts pertaining to it. - Application for renewal of - the charter has been sent to the Blackhawk Area council. The pack officials for 452 are: Henry Zenner, cubmaster; Ray Thelen, committee chairman; and Jeanne Hillstrom, treasurer. Den mothers are: Chris Williams and Betty Lehman of Sunnyside; Joan Stull and Marilyn Wiggerman of Pistakee Teri'ace; Rosemary Lutz, Joan Megley, Bev. Lewandow- A ski and Barb Sisk of the High- ~ lands. We are happy to welcome Mrs. Lewandowski, Mrs. Lehman and. Mrs. Sisk as new Den mothers\Any boys interested in joining the Scouts may contact Henry^ Zenner at HYatt 7-3397. Everyone is welcome to attend the December pack meeting to be held Dec. 12, 8 p.m., at the Mount Hope church w hall. Christmas entertainment and refreshments will be provided. Christmas Carol "Sing Along" is guaranteed to create a warm seasonal atmosphere. In previous years, the Cubs Scouts have donated and distributed gifts to the Children's home in Woodstock. This year there will be a change and every Scout and each parent attending the De- 9 cember meeting is asked to bring one can of food, vegetables, fruit, meat, etc. These items will be given to Pastor Smith to dispense at his discretion. If everyone attending will bring one can as their admittance the Cub Pledge "Give Good Will", shall truly be in evidence. In conncction with Presink dent Kennedy's youth physical v fitness program, the Cub Scouts are working on a fitness progress chart, under the guidance of the den mothers. Th» bays practice sit ups, pull ups, running, and broad jumps. News of Tour Friends and Neighbors Dec. 5, Norbert and Beverly Lewandowski celebrate their wedding anniversary; Dec. 15 the Langs will add another milestone to their happy marriage. We wish the two couples many happy returrfs of the day. Nov. 18, Jane Malek and family were most happy to have Jane's father spend the day with them. He is on his way to Memphis, Tenn., to spend Thanksgiving with his son. He took all the Christmas gifts for the son and family. Mabel and Joe Gregg spent l a s t F r i d a y v i s i t i n g w i t h friends in Park Ridge. Frank and Judy Krumwiede and family spent the weekend in their home in the Highlands and returned to Park Ridge Sunday evening. Jack and Connie Zanin of Fox Lake and Gene and Joyce Heir were supper guests of Richie and Dorothy Orlowski last Sunday evening. Jack brought his films of their recent trip to Las Vegas and Legion convention and showed them. The Dick Zilligen family spent Thanksgiving daj^ with Joan's parents, the Shorts of Forest Park. The kiddies enjoyed Uhe day with the grandparents and the rest of the Short^family. Our deepest sympathy goes to Dick Zillieen, whose grandf a t h e r , T h o m a s C o r c o r a n , passed away Nov. 16 in Hot Springs, Ark. Tom and his wife had lived in the Highlands and moved to Arkansas two years ago. After the wake in Arkansas, his body was shipped to Chicago. Burial was from St. Angelus church Nov. 20. He was laid to rest in Mount Carmel cemetery. Tom was 83 years old and his friends here in the Highlands will be sorry to learn of his death. Tom had a great sense of humor and it was a pleasure to be around with him. Jack and Mary Seldon and family spent Thanksgiving day with Mary's family in Chicago for a big family get-together. Dick Morley surprised his "ever loving" Nov. 17 on their eleventh anniversary with a beautiful diamond ring. It was something he had wanted to eive her for years. Hazel was thrilled to tears with the unexpected gift. To climax the evening he took her out for a bite to eat. All in all, it was the most wonderful anniversary Hazel ever had. Dick and Mary Lou Sabielny and children spent Thanksgiving with Mary Lou's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Peters, of Tomahawk, Wis. The Sabielnys left Wednesday evening and returned home Sunday. While they were in Wisconsin they attended a wedding of an old friend. Ludwig and Edith Woelfl and three children of Chicago visited Joe and Liesl Hanisch Nov. 18. Liesl had lived with them when she came t "> America. It was a very pleasant surprise for Liesl. Forrest and Grace Reinhardt and family attended the funeral of the 16-year-old son of Grace's cousin in Clinton, Iowa. The funeral was held Nov. 21. This was a very tragic blow to the family. Jamie Malek was home from school a couple of days last week with a cold and stomach flu. The flu is rapidly making the rounds in the Highlands. Rosemary Lutz just recovered from it. Tommy Warczak was also the victim of the flubug. We are happy to report that Stanley Darmody is home after his long stay in the hospital. He has lost much weight but looks very good. He hopes to be able to return to work in the very near future. Ray Cunningham is feeling much better after his stay in the hospital and returned to work this week. Last reminder to the members of thfe Blessed Virgin sodality of Saint John's the annual pot-luck dinner will be held Dec. 12, 6:30 p.m. This will be a pantry shower for the nuns, with a grab bag gift. Monnt Hope Church News ^ A Christmas program is being planned by the Sunday School classes for Dec. 16 at the church. The program is un-j der the direction of Shirley] Dyson, Sally VonBruenchen, hein and junior choir director, Mrs. Weick. Harold Wiley is forming a discussion group consisting of high school 'teens. The first meeting was on Nov. 28. On Dec. 15, the I.M.Y.F. will visit the Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago. Johnsburg P.T.A. There will be no December meeting of the P.T.A. The next regular monthly meeting will be on Jan. 15. Brownie News The Brownies are busy making banks out of old plastic bleach bottles. Next on the agenda will be their Christmas project. The girls meet every Tuesday at the barn. More Brownies could join if a few mothers would assist Mrs. Wilson each Tuesday. She is handling twenty-one girls by herself and it. is impossible to take more without regular help. Teen News The 'teens had a social at the barn and thirty young people attended. Their next meeting will be on Dec. 3 at the barn. New Fear** Party A New Year's eve party is being planned by a very active committee and it -ill b-i held at the barn. With all the new paneling and improvements made, the old barn is a place to be proud of. For information you can call any of the following: Lee Conway, Harriette Wilson, Lois Mason, Mrs. Sluga, Vi Johnson, Marge Waldin, Irene Kolan, Eleanor Wroblewski, Betty Warczak and Mrs. Rapp. Only fifty reservations will be sold. Around the Highlands The kindergarten classes from Johnsburg school visited a turkey farm on Nov. 19. I'm sure glad it didn't rain because there would have been a lot of disappointed kiddies. Dick and Lee Conway and family spent Thanksgiving day at Dick's folks in Chicago. It was a combination Thanksgiving and birthday celebration. Michael's birthday was Nov. 25 and brother, Jon's was Nov. 17. Herb and Lorraine Lindemann spent several days in Lansing, 111., at the home of t h e i r d a u g h t e r , ^ J t f a r i l y n , a n d family. They were there for the Thanksgivujg holiday. Happy birthday to Shari Lynn Anderson, 1-year-oldi niece of Audrey Morin. She was 1 on Nov. 21 and is the only little ^grrl in the whole family. Happyybirthday to Kip Novotny, who was 6 years old on Nov. 28. Jo and Herb Snively of Meadow Hill have soid their home and will be moving to Chicago on Dec. 1. It will be loser to their jobs. The new 'owners will take immediate possession. Ted and Eleanor Wroblewski had Ted's mother, father and brother in for the holiday. Floyd, Vi and Mary Lynn Johnson spent their holiday in Chicago. A speedy recovery is wished for David Heir, who is laid up with the chicken pox. Happy birthday to Skip Wilson, who celebrates on Nov. 29. iMany happy returns of the day, Skip. ' David Schimpf, son of Mr. and Mrs. Schimpf and brother of Jocelyn Staudenmaier, will be wed to Miss Lori Kokoszka on Dec. 1 at Our Lady Of G r a c e c h u r c h i n C h i c a g o . About 400 guests are expected to attend. Congratulations. Tom, Betty and Tommy Warczak spent Thanksgiving at the home of Betty's aunt in Lombard. Belated happy birthday to Milt Sandelin on Nov. 18. Thai's It For another week. We hope you all had a nice Thanksgiving and now we can all turn our thoughts to Christmas shopping, addressing cards and try and figure out where all the loot is coming from to finance all these ideas. 'Bye now, see you next week. OFF TO WASHINGTON Congressman-Elect and Mrs. Robert McClory will be In Washington, D. C., next week making preparations for the opening of Congress on Jan. 9. Mr. McClory and the. other newly elected members of Congress will meet Wednesday to select their office space in the House office building. Several days have been set aside for the new Congressman of the 12th district to interview applicants for staff positions in his Washington office. Johnsburg WELCOME NEW PRbFESSIONAL MAN IN COMMUNITY Betty Hettermann We would all like to join in welcoming a new businessman to our community. John T. Kiggins, attorney-at-law opens his office at 2309 Johnsburg Road next Monday. Mr. Kiggins and his family reside in Barrington. We hope he enjoys working in our town and that his stay will be a permanent one. Hayride Party Den 9 Pack 454 which consists of six Cub Scouts along with their parents enjoyed a hayride party last Sunday. Norb Hiller drove the wagon on which the group rode. The participants returned to the Peterson home following the outing. Christmas Tre^s Again this year as in the past, the Foresters will be selling Christmas trees. The sale will be held in Bill May's yard beginning around the first w eek in December. Congratulations Corner Belated birthday wishes to Ed. Hettermann on Nov. 17 and Dick Marshall on Nov. 19 Also best wishes to Gloria and Roger Pechous who celebrated another wedding anniversary on Thanksgiving Day. Girl Scout and Brownie - News On Nov. 14, mothers of Scouts in troop 408 were present to lend a helping hand in their current sewing project. Susan Oefflint was refreshment hostess for this meeting. Following the close of this meeting the girls and the leader, attended the wake of Mr. Oglesby, father of their sister Scout, Barbara Oglesby. No meeting was held on Nov. 21. Troop 389 held its last meeting on Nov. 20 at which time they read the Brownie story. A discussion followed as the girls gave an individual list of the good deeds performed by the Brownies. This troop began to learn the proper flag Big Selection Of GIFTS & TOYS Now On Display IAYAWAY CHRISTMAS GlttS O-WtV... TALS Hardware 1228 N. Green St. STARLITE'S MAI-LING Ri for QUALITY and VALUE NOW OPEN 7 Days a Week Specialists in Cantonese and American Foods Luncheons Served Daily 11:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. Dinners Served Daily 5 p.m. - 10 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays 5 p.m. - 1 a.m. Sundays 12 noon - 10 p.ni. Orders Prepared to Take-Out PL... # Lowest Prices # Complete Selection # Open Display Shopping # Quick Self-Service Prescription department approved by American Apothecaries Assn. We give S & H Green Stamps with Prescriptions Entertainment on Friday and Saturday Nights JEANEE RANDOLPH at the Organ RESTAURANT and LOUNGE Ph. S85-98S4 McHenry, 111. Midstream STARLITE 3924 W. Main St. 3720 W. Elm St. Walgreen Agency Jewel Shopping Plaza 41/2% Per Annum On Investment Accounts 41/4% Per Annum On Regular Savings Accounts MtMmty fairings and LOAN ASSOCIATION 3611 Wast Elm Phone 385-3000 McHenry. III. Our Services To You . . • 1. Traveler's Checks 2. Money Orders 3. Regular Savings Accounts 4. Investment Savings Accounts 5. X-Mas Savings Accounts 6. Home Mortgages 7. Home Improvement Loans 8. U. S. Government Savings Bonds 9. Night Depository Savings Availability Your Savings Have ALWAYS Been ACCESSIBLE -- WITHDRAWABLE At ONCE -- Upon Your Request. ' ceremony and chose flag bearers and color guards. Chosen to participate as flag bearers for this meeting were Linda Adams and Marguerite Brennan. Color guards were Jill Smith and Cindy Roberts. Cookie hostess was Gloria Kunzeb. News Tidbits Mr. and Mrs. Edward O'Grady of Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Hiller and daughter were recent guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Smith. Carol Ann Stilling and Susan Pitzen spent several days over Thanksgiving visiting at their respective homes. Spending two weeks in Hollywood, Fla., at the home of Jim and Betty Freund are Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Freund and Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Freum The foursome arrived there plenty of time to enjoy the cent holiday with Jim and Betty. The families of Ed and Jim Hettermann and John Herdrich, Mrs. Helen Hettermann, Carol Ann Stilling, Don and Betty Lou Dowe, Gerry Stilling, Nancy Buckner, and Eleanor Wirfs were Thanksgiving Day guests in the Gerry Hettermann home. The Harry Freund family spent the holiday at the Perry Walker home in McHenry. ctuu und. •e ih a car overturned. The occupant was taken to the McHenry hospital by the squad ambulance. The firemen of station 2 were called out on a brush fire near Sunnyside last Friday evening. Attends Funeral Mr. and Mrs. Ben Schmitt, Joe N. Schmitt, Mrs. Fred J. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. John Thelen, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Adams, Mrs. Frank Freund, Mrs. Matt Schmitt, Mrs. Dorothy Himplemann and Vern Thelen attended the funeral s e r v i c e s o n W e d n e s d a y i n Aurora of Mrs. Emma Bertrang. Mrs. Bertrang passed away at her home on Nov. 19 at the age of 79. She is survived , by her husband, Nicholas, one son and three daughters, two sisters and four brothers, Our sympathies are /extended to the family. Troop 878 Notes Last Tuesday afternoon, troop 378, were joined by their mothers for the annual Mother- Daughter tea. The multipurpose room was decorated in all. 4-H News Ringwood Sunshine Girls - The last meeting of the Ringwood Sunshine Girls club wa» held Nov. 17 at the home of Donna Schmelzer, with eight members and two guests present. " Members discussed the- "share the fun" skits and are urged to find-something-.-fo£ the club to work out Domur S c h m e l z e r s h o w e d m e m b e r s what kind of material to ob» tain and what was not useful. Members who attended the officers' meeting told the club what they had learned. Sandy Benson led the recreation and we played two games. The next meeting will be at the home of Terri Etten on Dec. 15. the holiday theme. The Girl Scouts put on a play titled "Gregory the Gremlin" for their guests entertainment. Refreshments were enjoyed by Hospital Patient Bill Peterson came horrre on Thanksgiving Day after spending a week in the McHenry hospital fighting a bout with pneumonia. He is still at home recuperating. Rescue Squad and Fire The Johnsburg rescue was called to MoCullom recently to lend their tance. They also were to a scene on Route 31 of the Johnsburg road Christmas Sh MON. DEC. MON. 9:00 - 9:00 TUES. 9:00 - 9:00 WED. 9:00 - 9:00 THURS. 9:00 - 9:00 opping Hours 3 - DEC. 23 FRI. 9:00 . 9:00 SAT. 9:00 - 6:00 SUN. 9:00 - 5:00 MON., Dec. 24 9*6:00 SUPRISE ROOM EV55900 Millstream Drugs 3720 W. ELM ST. JEWEL SHOPPING PLAZA Invites you and your family to their 2nd Annual Expense-Free Month LIVE FREE ON US FOR A FULL MONTH WE WILL PAY ALL THE FOLLOWING BILLS FOR A LUCKY FAMILY IN DECEMBER Rent (Mortgage) up to $100 per month FREE Food up to $100 per month FREE Heating Fuel up to $25 per month FREE Electricity up to $10 per month F R E E Telephone up to $10 per month F R E E Movies up to $10 per month FREE Barbar and Beauty Shoppe up to $10 per month FREE Baby Sitter up to $10 per month FREE Laundry and Dry Cleaning up to $10 per month FREE And . . . up to $ 4 0 . 0 0 in D r u g s . M e d i c i n e s . Toys f o r t h e Kids, or other merchandise of your choice from our c •% e C store r K t t Get Free Entry Blanks at our Store Nothing to buy . . . nothing to write. Pick up a free entry blank at our store, fill in your name and address, and drop it in the box at our store. You do not have to be present to win. 1 "Your trouble is that you worry too much. One way to ease your mind is by saving at McHenry Savings and Loan Assn., where your money is insured up to $10,000 by a permanent agency of the Federal Government and earns the highest rate of dividend consistent with safety."