Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 Dec 1962, p. 37

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Thursday, December 6. 1362 THE McHENBY FLAINDEALER Page Thiriy Seven Ringwood DEATH OF LONG TIME RESIDENT MOURNED IN AREA Lor Brennaii - W.L. KHS . Our little community was very sad with the news of the .passing away of one of our beloved residents, Mrs. Katie Harrison, who suffered a fatal heart ° attack last Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Harrison was very active in many social affairs. She was a very friendly person who enjoyed being with her family and her many, many friends. All who knew her loved her and will surely miss the pleasure of her warm company. Mrs. Harrison is survived by her husband, Roy, a son, Loren, at home, Clarence of Greenwood, and a daughter, Mrs. Boyd (Edith) Dowell. Also Cecil Harrison of Elgin and several grandchildren. Services were held on Tuesday at 2 p.m. from the Peter M. Justen funeral hbme at Mc- Henry and burial at the Carr- Harrison cemetery at Ringwood. . Our sympathy is extended to the family upon the loss of their beloved one and our wonderful friend, Mrs. Katie Harrison. Civil Defense Course On Monday nights for the next four weeks Duane Andreas will conduct classes for "Education For Survival" in case of a nuclear attack. You will be shown how to protect against radiation and given survival inst ructions. TTiese classes are held every Monday night at 7:15 p.m. in the Ringwood school. Any persons wishing to attend should come to these meetings. In case additional information is wanted, you may contact Duane Andreas. We do hope these instructions need never be used, but with the world upset and these powerful weapons on hand for moments notice of the countries it is best to be prepared for the worst. If people have an idea of what can happen and what to do in case of a nuclear attack, there will b* people to carry on the cleanup after the all clear. Plan on attending these sessions .on Mondays. Sick List Mrs. Clara Tonyan is a patient at Memorial hospital for McHenry county at Woodstock where she is undergoing surgery. A speedy recovery is wished for Clara. Card ©tab The Card Club met on Thursday at the Mae Wiedrich home. High score went to Mrs. Ruby Shepard, with Mrs. Belva Sebastian having low. They held their annual Christmas party also. Christmas Party Just a reminder to keep Dec. 21 open for the annual community club Christmas party for the school children as well as pre-school and the public. The little man with the white whiskers will be on hand to pass out goodies to all the youngsters. Mrs. Ritt will conduct the school children with a musical program. This program is always superb and should be attended by the whole community. These youngsters are quite talented and do a wonderful job. The date .is Dec. 21 at 8 at the Ringwood school. SkMmorcs Welcome N«w Grandson Mr. and Mrs. Ron Creutz of Lakeland Park became proud parents of a 7 lb., 6 oz. boy born on Friday, Nov, 30, at the Memorial hospital for McHenry county at Woodstock. He has been named Thomas William. The maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. John Skidmore and paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. William Creutz of McCul 1 o m Lake. . Congratulations go to the parents and grandparents. . Pink and Bine Shower Mrs. Richard Kunz was guest of honor at a baby shower held at Lake-In-The-Hills witn her sister-in-law as hostess, Mrs. Roger Kan?, at her home on Nov. 18. Donna received many beautiful gifts for her baby-to-be, after which Carol served a luncheon. Mary Ann and Pat Klapperich, Emily Ortlieb and Mrs. Gerry Kunz of Ringwood, Mrs. John Kunz, Mrs. Shirley Mead and Mrs. Lillian Kunz of Chicago. Mrs. Ann Haerle of Fox Lake and Mi's. Mary Bruno ot Lake-In-The-Hills were among those who attended. Donna was thrilled during the shower by a call from her mother, Mrs. Eva Ackerman from Prentis, Wis., who was unable to attend. Mrs. Kunz was the former Donna Ackerman. The Ackermans were residents of Ringwood before moving to Prentis. Dairy Princess Busy Miss Pat Hogan, the American dairy association dairy princess, is quite a busy gal these days. Last Saturday she was the guest at th^ WGN Barn dance in Chicago. Pat was interviewed on the air during the program. Her mother, Mrs. John Hogan, also attended the program. On Wednesday and Thursday of this week, Pat and her mother are in Peoria. Miss Pat is to be the hostess at a convention. Additional Thanksgiving News Mrs. Ruby Shepard spent Thanksgiving with her daughter and family, the Allen Aingers, at Hebron. She spent from Thursday' to Monday with the family. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Kunz, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kunz and son of Lilymoor and Mr. and Mrs. Bruno. Billy and Sharon of L k k e - I n - T h e - H i l l s s p e n t Thanksgiving at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roger Kunz of Lake-In-The-Hills, Algonquin. Father of Resident Dies Ernest Malsch, 71, of Sun Prairie, Wis., passed away last week. He was the father of MEYER AUCTION AUCTIONEERS: Gordon Stade & Wm. Stade, Jr.--BAldwin 3-5155 Having decided to discontinue farming, I will sell the following personal property, on premises located six miles South of Mundelein, 111., being on the Gilmer-Volo Blacktop, one mile West of Route 83 on SATURDAY. DECEMBER 8, 1962 Commencing at 11 UN) a.m. 18 HEAD OF HOLSTEIN & ANGUS CATTLE 5 Holstein Cows, milking good; Black cow, fresh; 1 Holstein heifer due to freshen in January; 6 Holstein heifers, 1 bred in June, balance open; Yearling black heifer; 3 Black calves; Charlais-Cross calf, 4 mos. old. FEED 1,400 bales first cutting alfalfa & timothy hay, good quality; 100 bales second cutting alfalfa; 1,000 bu. oats; 2,000 bu. ear corn. POULTRY 150 Leghorn & heavy hens; 25 Mallard ducks. 3 TRACTORS & FARM MACHINERY J. D. Model 50 Tractor; McC. "H" Tractor; 2 J. D. 2-row Quicktach cultivators; 2 J. D. 2-16 plows on RT; J. D. 116W PTO Hay Baler; J. D. 12A 7 ft. PTO combine, in good shape; McC. Side Rake; McC. 7 ft. disc; J. D. snow plow; grain blower; J. D. 490 corn planter with fert.; RT wagon & box; J. D. stalk lifter; cultipacker; Rosenthal corn shredder; J. D. 10' hammermill; buzz saw; milk cans; 6 can open-front subzero cooler; barb wire; steel posts; pile of iron; bob sled; , chicken wire; J. D. "B" tractor; J. D. 101 corn picker, like new J. D. 7 ft. tractor mower; J. D. tractor spreader; J. D. trail-type 8 row sprayer; J. D. 7 ft. disc; McC. PTO binder; McC. 13x7 grain drill on RT, grass seed & fert.; Kelly Ryan elevator; RT wagon & rack; 3 sec. wood harrow; horse mower; hay rake; power corn sheller; 100x6 drive belt; Surge pump 6 pipeline; strainer; cream separator; electric fencers; hard wood lumber; Surg.e milk machine; wash tanks; many other items. HOUSEHOLD ARTICLES Antique butter churn; dressers; kitchen sets; Victrola; flower plants; other items. GEORGE A. MEYER, Owner McHENRY STATE BANK. CLERK TERMS: All sums of $25 and under cash. Over thto nu>^ one-fourth down and tike balance in six montfaiy payments, with interest at 6%. Make arrangements for credit with clerk before sale. Not Responsible for Accidents Zoellner Lunch Wagon on Grmmds Richard Malsch. He is survived by his wife, three sons, two daughters and thirteen grandc h i l d r e n . D i c k a n d D o l l y Malsch were in Wisconsin for several days for the funeral of his father. Sincere sympathy go£s to Dick on the loss of his father. Here and There » On Friday, Mr. iind Mrs. John Skidmore, Mr. and Mrs. John Ehlert and Mabol Ehlerr of Ringwood and Mrs. Fi-ed Bowman of Wonder Lake attended the birthdays of Duane and Dean Ehlert at Burlington. The gathering was held in the home of Mr. and Mi's. Duane Ehlert at Burlington. Wis. Mrs. Ruby Shepard attended the Allen-Jackson nuptials at Marengo last Saturday. Sunday evening Miss Pat Hogan was a guest at the football banquet held at Marian Central high school at Woodstock. John Skidmore attended the Bears football game in Chicago on Sunday Hie Women of the Moose had a style show held at the Moose hall in McHenry. Bobby Thompson was one of the models. Bobby is the grandson of Mr. and Mrs. John Hogan and son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Thompson of Greenwood. On Thursday, Mrs. Gunnard Carlson and Mrs. Henry Pelerson of Chicago were caller.? in the L. E. Hawley home. Mrs. Ruby Shepard spent Tuesday and Wednesday'in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Anderson of Twin Lakes, Wis. The Andersons were former Ringwood residents. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hawley of Crystal Lake spent Sunday at the L. E. Hawley home. Sunday dinner guests in the Ruby Shepard home were Mr. and Mrs. Allen Ainger and family, and Mr. and Mrs. George Ainger of Hebron, also. Will Claxton and John Dreymiller of McHenry. Mrs. Nellie Hepburn has returned home after spending the past week visiting relatives at Perrysville and Toledo, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Hawley were dinner guests in the home of their daughter, Mr. and Sttnnysida Estates ANNEXATION MAJOR TOPIC AT ASSOCIATION MEET Joan WalcEynski 885-8165 The Sunnyside Estates Home Owners association meeting tonight at the Johnsburg school, beginning at 8 p.m., will be an important, one to all of our residents. William Cowlin, lawyer from Crystal Lake, will begin the meeting with a talk on annexation which was discussed briefly at the last meeting^ At that time a motion was made to invite a speaker to give us more information on annexation. The second major topic will b e t h e p r o p o s e d s e w e r a g e treatment plant for this area. All the available information will be presented, then discussed, and finally a decision will be made, the majority will rule. Last but not least will be 'discussion of the association finances. Today has been set as the deadline for dues for «he year 1962-1963 (until July That's the column for this week. I would appreciate all news for the column. Just call and I'll be happy to put any items in. Bye. see you next week. COMMUNITY AUTO SUPPLY Auto Parts & Accessories 3021 W. Rte. 120 McHenry, I1L Phone 385-0778 presents a TREASURAMA of FREE Prizes Register Your Name Today 2 Complete Outfits Camera & Projector Bell & Howell SUN - DIAL 220 8 mm Movie Camera $39.95 Value and a Bell & Howell "Monterey" 8 mm Projector $79.95 Value -- A1SO -- 2 SCHICK DELUXE TRAVEL-ALL SETS Beautiful Genuine Leather Carrying Case, Shick Electric Razor, Before & After Shaving Lotions,$ Comb, Nail File & Clippers, etc. 2995 Value Drawing will be held on SATURDAY, DEC. 22nd (No Purchase Necessary) Mrs. Bill Reinwall and boys, at McHenry on Friday. I Mr. and Mrs. Earl Kunz, | visited n the home of Mr. and \ Mrs. Richard Kunz at Lilymoor on Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Swanson of Park Ridge spent Monday at the L. E. Hawley home. Mrs. Marion Reinwall, Mark and Gary, of McHenry visited in the home of her parents, the L. E. Hawleys. James Wegener. Bobby and Patty Wegener, attended the Choral concert at McHenry last Saturday. Mi's. Wegener took part in the concert. Mrs. Joe Schmitt of McHenry, Mrs. Tony Appet and children of Wadsworth visited in the home of Mr. and Mi's. Bob Brennan on Sunday afternoon. 1, 1963) and will not be extended further. With the possibility of snow at any time, dues must be paid promptly in order to carry out our responsibilities. At least one member of each family should attend tonight's meeting. Lack of attendance will indicate disinterest, which could have very serious consequences in the very near future. Bundles of Joy Two darling little bundles of joy delivered from heaven have brought untold happiness to two of our local families. First, Carol and Bud Kennebeck became the proud parents of an 8 lb, 4 oz; baby boy horn Saturday, Nov. 24, at Woodstock Memorial hospital. The Kennebecks have named their new arrival Scdtt Anthony. On the very .same day, Saturday, Nov. 34, {Catherine and Paul (L£gs) Bute became the proud grandparents of a sweet little 7 lb, l£ oz baby girl born to their son and daughter-inlaw, Ken and Lydia Bute. The happy parents have named her | Jennifer Kay. < Congratulations to all of you happy people. May you [ have many rewarding years of happiness from the precious little ones. school: one dollar. Remember girls, Sunday, Dc. 16 at 5 p.m. Christmas Trees The Boy Foresters will sell Christmas trees again this year, but at the William May residence at 2207 West Johnsburg road, Johnsburg. Therefore, if you haven't already bought yours, please keep this item in mind, when looking. Girl Foresters The girl juvenile Foresters' Christmas party will be held this year on Dec. 16 at the J o h n s b u r g C o m m u n i t y h a l l from 5 to 7:30 p.m. It will start with supper, followed by Santa Claus and the exchange of gifts. Grab bag gifts will be as follows: pre-school through f o u r t h g r a d e : t w e n t y - f i v e cents: fifth through seventh grade: seventy-five cents; and eighth grade through high Girl Scouts j Troop 88 had an overnight- j er, as they are called, Nov.; 23 and 24. Thirty-five Girl | Scouts and leaders left on Fri- I day morning and returned j S a t u r d a y a f t e r n o o n , d u r i n g which time they spent the hours doing any number of interesting, happy things and enjoying the fun of camping and Scouting. Those at tending from our subdivision were Mary Jane Lokowske and her mother, Betty: Joanne Matthews and Alice Bieschke and her little, Tammy. On Thursday, Nov. 29, the! girls of Troop 88 held their regular weekly meeting at the Johnsburg school and spent the time working on ranks until the last half hour at which time they made plans for their Christmas party. Cookie hostesses for this meeting were Kathy Brennan and Marie Karstens. While having their treat, the girls sang "Happy Birthday" to Marie Karstens. Troop 295 had no meeting this week, but next week their leader, Marge Palmer, is hosting a luncheon in honor ot their troop birthday. The girls are to arrive at 12:30 instead of 1:30 in the afternoon. Birthday Girl Our Judy turned twelve on Wednesday, Nov. 28, and celebrated this special day for a week before and a few days after. We celebrated it the first time at Grandma Walczynski's house Thanksgiving Day. On Sunday. Nov. 25, Dolly and Ken Strorigl took her out to dinner to celebrate. We had birthday cake on the actual day and then on Friday, Nov. 30. Judy invited nine guests to a pa jama party. The guests included Mary Anderson, Kathy Barth, Carol Ann Dehn, Mary Farley, Mary Ellen Freund, Diane Jenkins, Diane Hiller, and Judy's two cousins, Peg and Sue Zmudzki, from Chicago. There was very "little sleep but an awful lot of fun. Happy Occasions Birthday greetings go this week to the following: Today, Dec. 6, to David Senkerik, who will be fifteen years old; on Dec. 7 to little Maureen Davis who will be three years old; on Dec. 8 to little Cindy Bott, who will also be three years old: on Dec. 10 to Carol Kennebeck and Steve Major, Sr.; and on Dec. 12 to Mike Tillich, Jr.; to Kim Bute who will be six years old, and to our own darling little Paul Joseph who will be just one yearr old. Happy birthday everyone. THREE COUNTY DRIVERS HAVE LICENSES REVOKED There .is only one wedding anniversary this week. Happy anniversary to Audrey and Bob Pinkonsly who will celebrate three years of wedded life on Dec. 9. Congratulations! The office of" Secretary ol State Charles F. Carpentier has announced the revocation of the driver license of Richard A. Baumbeck of 5105 W. Fountain lane, McCullom Lake, for permitting fraudulent use of iicense. Suspensions were ordered for Kate W. Barnhart and Richard L. Gail of Algonquin for three violations. Probationary permits were i issued to Darryl V. Household- : er of Algonquin and James R. I Loyacono of Crystal Lake. Few people let the cat out of the bag--usually, it's kittens. Signing, Off Well, let me tell you, it has been one hectic week. We did some fantastic cleaning in the basement for Judy's party, because we knew the girls would want to dance and who can twist in a room full of furniture. So. believe you me I am pooped; but it was certainly worth all the effort. The girls all seemed to have a real good time and Stan and I enjoyed having them. However, there was a little sadness in our hearts. Stan buried his godmother, Mrs. Angeline Podra- TV came along in tirrte to advertise a lot of things we can't afford, anyway. zik, on Friday morning and this really took the edge off our happiness for Judy's big day. Please call me with your news. And please call no later than Friday morning. The deadline for my column is Friday afternoon, as you know. No news, no column. Bye now! Quality Radiator Repair by Factory-Trained Radiator Specialists 10 Years Experience Every Job FLO-TESTED for your added protection. ALT, WORK GUARANTEED -- PROMPT SEkVICB ADAMS BROS. REPAIR SERV. McHenry, IB. Phone 385-0783 8004 W. Ronte 1*0 -X hen t ^ j j-- -- » <9 (t x-. ;n<: - \y * \ s ^ \ V . . . . > \V with a new Gas appliance for Christmas A work-saving, time-saving modern gas appliance will make her life a lot easier all year long Make her cooking simpler and snore enjoyable than ever with a modem, automatic gas range. "Controlled cooking" ends oven-watching; cooks food perfectly, then keeps it warm and ready to serve for hours--automatically. Automatic top burners end potwatching; make any cooking vessel an automatic appliance. * Save her the chore of washing dishes. An automatic Preway dishwasher has a fast gas-fired water heater built right in to heat wash-cycle water to 160°. Then it super-heats * rinse water to 180°. Hottest water of all, plus unique water dispersal action, means cleanest dishes of all--hygienically clean. t Let her dry clothes the convenient modem way: hxgoors, with an automatic gas clothes dryer. She'll like the way clothes come out so soft and fluffy--and the saving in ^ ironing time. A modern gas dryer operates for one-fifth the cost of other types of dryers. See the many other wonderful gift items like the new gas refrigerators that never need defrosting... the new portable gas grills for easier barbecuing ... and the wide selection of charming and practical gas yardlights. See them at your nearby Northern Illinois Gas Company showroom. Low down payments and convenient budget * terms make it easy for you to play Santa Claus. NORTHERN A ILLINOIS Service nunwrf tkc dodf Free took booklet with gay holiday recipes to yaws far Ike art at all Northern minob Gas afaonrnxMB. Jatf caB. ar atop ifc Phcnt 385-2081

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