ThuraiJiy; 1962 THE McHENRY PLJUHbEALER PagelhrM sore yow holiday mail is signid, sealed and delivered with Christmas Seals TO FIGHT TUBERCULOSIS YOUR WIT THANKS 1111 MIC> uii p«r coatribvtloii T09AY Holiday Hills HOLD HOLIDAY HILLS HOLLY HOP AT WAUCONDA HALL Inez Young They've decked the hall with lots of holly -- for it's now the season to be jolly -- Now if you'll don your gay apparel you'll be all set -for the Holly Hop on Saturday. Put on your dancing slippers and we'll see you at the annual Holiday Hills Christmas dance, the Holly Hop, at the Wauconda American Legion Jaall. If, for some reason you "aven't purchased your ticket yet, don't miss out on all the fun -- get your ticket at the door. I The boys' current job is to get i things all set for the visit of j Santa Claus here on River road | on Sunday, Dec. 23. Watch for the signs for the exact location. And, boys and girls, I hope you're all behaving. I hear Santa Claus asked the members of the Athletic Club to check on the boys and girls araund here to see who's been good or bad. Threo Cheers for Hank Haui'e I'm sure you've all seen and admired that beautiful new sign at the entrance to our subdivision. We have needed a new sign for several months ^jince the last one was knocked uown. The new sign, made by Hank Haufe, sure does add a great deal to the entrance. Many thanks for a job weH done, Hank. Foreman Birthdays The Foremans had a double birthday celebration to celebrate Wally's third birthday on Dec. 6 and Rosemary's birthday. Athletic Club Meeting The Griswold Lake Athletic Club will hold its next meeting at the heme of Con Kasprzyk on Wednesday, Dec. 19. Wendy is 3 My Wendy celebrated her third birthday on Dec. 3 with three parties. She started on Sunday. Dec. 2, with dinner and a party with her Godparents, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. F^riekson. and their children, Mark and Karen, her grandparents, Mi\ and Mrs. E. Wilier, and her neighbors, Mr. and Mrs. J. Dowhin. and Jim. On Monday she celebrated during the day with her little friends, Judy Abbink, Gigi Smith, Nancy Harper and Leslie Jende. In- the evening still another party with our friends and neighbors,, Vi and Bill Abbink. Judy, Connie and Linda. Last P. 4. Party weekend was end for p>a«rmtiie s at our house. Gail had a group of her friend? in for a pa jama party with lots of chatter and very little sleep. Among those present were Jane and Joan Joosten, Sharon Hoffman, Mnry Kay Freund, Maryanne Stepanovic. Nancy Ziol, Marian Stnnno, Karon Karls, Lynn Hartmnnn and Kathy Smith. •Vim Dnivhlii, 'Jr. Wrestling at Wright Jim Dowhin, who was captain of last years wrestling team at McHreny high, is now on the squad at Wright Junior college. Last week he wrestled against Joliet Junior college and won his match 4-0. His wrestling weight this year is 177. PUBLIC PULSE (The Plalndealer invites the public to use this column as an expression of tbeir views on subjects of general interest in our community. Our only request is that writers limit themselves to 300 words or less and that all letters have signature, full address and phone number. We ask, too, that one individual not write on the same subject more than once epch month. We reserve the right to delete any material which we consider libelous or in objectionable taste.) "Dear Editor:: "My letter, printed in this column Nov. 15, was also sent to the broadcasting company and a reply was received, regretting that the program of Nov. li; dealing with the political career of R. Richard Nixon dio pot meet with my favor. "Freedom is a wonderful thing. [The interpretation of what freedom means in govern ment and our American way of life, is what is important to the happiness and progress of our Republic anrt what n stands for. Our constitution was established on the basis of the constructive concept of freedom for mankind. "The press, one of our strongest psychological manipulators of thought, can deveiope destructive conceptions of freedom, the very heart which established this American way ot life, and is known in no other government in the world. Misuse of that freedom brings f o r t h i n d i g n a t i o n t h a t t h e privilege should be outraged in such a manner as it recently has been, with its destructive forces used against one who has proven his loyalty to his nation. "My contention, and reason for this second letter, is, that the press should be more concerned with news presentation of a constructive, not destructive, nature. It should never take the opportunity for publicity and personal promotional ambition, at the expense of reflecting unfavorably on the integrity of individuals without cause, no matter who they are. The press is known to have affected reputations of individuals to the extent that they have been ruined career-wise. Some reporters, with vulturelike tactics, seem to forget that they are dealing with human beings. A story is so important to them that anything is worth the sacrifice. "With such display ot misinterpretation, misuse, and misleading tactics, all in the name of freedom, it is no wonder that our young men and women are affected in their conception of the meaniug and proper use of our freedom. "A positive attitude toward life and its problems, with proper consideration of one's fellow man, and a knowledge that a job well done is as Ged gives one the wisdom and grace to do it, will promote our true and basic conception of freedom for mankind, as our fathers before us honestiy intended it. Erroneous tactics will only "result in breaking down that basic concept of our beloved- freedom for all mankind. Most Sincerely, "Ruth E. Radtk'e "5217 W. Fountain Lane "McCullom Lake" COURT BRIEFS Charles Carmody of Wonder Lake was sentenced to ten d$ys in jail this past week by Magistrate Norman LeGrand in Harv ard on a charge of driving while his license was revoked. In the court of Police Magistrate Donald Howard last Thursday evening. Marjory Thompson of Marengo was fined $20 for speeding. Betsy Smith of 3605 N. Stubby, McHenry, paid a^,$6~-fine for speeding. The safne„ charge was made against Richard J. Bassing of Burlington, Wis^ who paid $10. In th court of Justice of the Peace Charles M. Adams last Saturday, Charles W. Brunswick of Mundelein was fined $6 for not having trailer lights.- < A $6 fine was imposed on Grovert W. Wiekline of Wondex O Lake for improper lane usage. Patricia O'Malley of 501 S. Emerald. McHenry, was fined $12 for failure to yield the right-of-way. McHenry Sand & Gravel of McHenry paid a $35 fine being over-weight on a truck. REMEMBER - CARD OF THANKS We take this means to show our gratitude, to thank each one for their thoughtfulness and help during the illness of Sam Deskis. Especially to the Johns burg Rescue Squad, ambulance service, doctors, nurses, neighbors and friends; also to our priest of our parish and all those who offered prayers for him. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Deskis 12-13-62 RAZOR MADNESS -- Compare Our Prices "Free String^ & BulBs -- We Won't be Undersold Be Wise - SHOP AT NYE'S Made Fresh Daily and Being Served at THE DOGHOUSE INN 2405 W. Johns burp Rd. In Johnshurg Also -- ITALIAN SANDWICHES Roast Beef or Sausage Call 385-9896 for Carry-Out Orders (Kitchen Closed on Mondays) m CHRISTMAS See Our Complete Line of G. E. WEATHERPROOF FLOODLIGHT HOLDER 98 15 LITE MULTIPLE Young Include* vtantr* proof h o I d • r and ground spilt* equipped with all weather G. E. projector b u l b . B u l b c o l o r * red, blue, green yellow. Complete with bulb Od Clip base for easy attaching to tree. Each lamp burn* in depend •ntly. American string. with imported bullpSf KALAMAZOO SLED JUNIOR KING SHOVEL 66 Look* and works exactly like the larger size shovel*. 9"* 11" blade. Smooth hara' wood finished handle. The first and basic power tool in any workshop. Capacity V steel, W in hardwood. Geared chuck and key. Smart design in solid strucrion. Grooved runnet curved at the ends. Hand lomely finished of finest hardwood and heavy gauged steel COUPON HARD ROLLED ALUMINUM COOKIE SHEET 40 COUPON m 16" GREEN & RED PLASTIC HOLLY WREATH •»». Af%c With 7§c "WUCospaa Rim on three side*, hole for haiging. Six* ISh'xUW. Complete with lovely yellow berries. n REG. $2.00 WITH THIS 94 COUPON ONLY 1 COUPON m COUPON Dollars in McHenry . . . DO YOUR SHOPPING LOCALLY Selections Are Complete . . . Stocks Are New.. And Money Spent Locally Helps You and McHenry! BE SURE YOU GET ONE IN Join our Christmas Club now . . . look forward to a check in '63, just when you need it for all your Christmas shopping. m Open Evenings "til Xmas -- Sundays 9 to 5 VYCITAL'S Hardware 1228 N. Green St. Phone 385-0098 McHenry, 111. Free Parking at Rear of Store SHOP IN McHENRY BANK IN McHENRY McHENRY STATE BANK Established 1906 "McHenry County's Largest and Finest Financial Institution" PHONE 385-1040