^urfday^December^ THE McRENRY PLAINDEALER Pag* Fiv« M-c HENRY PL AINDEALER Established 1875 8812 West Elm Phone 383-0170 I How Can I ?| by Anne Ashley Persons who wish to have help with- specific problems may write to Anne Ashley In are of W. II Gordon Feaures, 9th floor, Resor buildng, 37 W. Seventh street^ incinnati 2, Ohio, sending Jong a stamped self-addressed nvelope.) ruuuoiicu n,ik.Ty liiui'aday at McHenry, Illinois by McHENRY* PUBLISHING COMPANY. NATIONAi EDITORIAL minus \ f» ESS R s s a c i i T i a i Subscription Rates In McHenry County Outside McHenry County |l Year .$4.00 1 Year $4.50 6 Mos. $2.25 6 Mos. .-$2.50 3 Mos. - $1.50 3 Mos $1.75 Larry E. Lund -- Publisher Ade^e Froehlich, Editoi Second Cass Postage Paid at McHenry, Illinois News About Our Servicemen A note from Stan Wilson of Wonder Lake this week urged folks to remember relatives and friends in service who are unable to be home this Christ-, mas. He asks everyone to semi a card, letter or package "to the;.e men and women so they will know they are wished a Merry Christmas even though far from home. Mr. Wilson is certainly endowed with the proper spirit, and we join hm in hoping McHenry folks will follow his suggestion. from the artillery. As Co "D" advanced toward their objective, artillery shells burst several hundred feet above the attacking armored vehicles. In actual combat, the fire would only be 60 feet above. Although the fire was not directly over the heads of the aggressors, it provided a training device to acquaint the Q. What is a goo^idea fot lcntifying my phonograph reords easily when thev're t ed with others at a party? A. With a t h i n b r u s h .ipped sparingly Into some ;uiek-drying enamel, brush a doable stripe down the edge» of your stacked-up records, being very careful tliat no paint seeps through in between the records. It's then a simple matter to pick out your records with their identifying dots. Q. How can I sharpen my 'citchen food gr'nder? A. A dull grinder can often be sharpened merely by put- 'in? a piece of scouring powder through it as you would ground combat soldier with the devastating effect of overhead artillery fire. Chuck is expected to return home next year early Novem- ! er. Since he receives the McHenry Plaindealer, this is a rine time to wish him a Merry Christmas from his family. His address is Co. "D", 1st Bg. 18th Inf., AP.O. 28, New York, N. Y. $5s^i»eE)Sjasgc»3]8^sag(}Si3»a58^5s^»3]8$3(»s»ajs^(»i(}agE5ssssss»sn? CHUCK" MAJEIICIK PFC Joseph Charles "Chuck" ! Majercik has just completed \ his first year in the Array, with one more to go. Recently the 18th infantry and Co. "D" presented an overhead artillery fire demonstration at Baumholder, Germany, in which Chuck participated: The infantry units received overhead timed fire support for Christmas 1WJrA. StevenA a ocoiated Hard Candies Christmas Cards by Hallmark & Rustcraft Large Gift Department | Linens, Glassware Jewelry, Stationery Use Our Mailing Service --; Candy Shipped Anywhere AGATHA Gifts & Candies 1242 N. Green Formerly Candy Box S85-0097 with Every 8-gal. Gasoline Purchase (Plus FREE Bonus Stamps) Start Your Set Today! or Dinnerware Cocktail Glasses ( 5 Sizes) Comet Cleanser -- Tide Detergent -- Kleenex Tissues Dial Soap cr Ash Trays "Drive with c • II Savings R-gulir SPECIAL Bcnus Stamp Offer Your choice of 1 Cannon Towel or Hurricane or Boudoir Lamp with each 90 Free Bonus Stamps. "Save while you Drive" Ethyl 32' KEAN BROS. Route 120 and River Road SERVICE STATION Just East of New Bridge food. Then wash in hot soapsuds and rinse thoroughly Deore using it again. Q. How can x prepare some .ough, hard-to-burst soap buboes for my children? A. Dissolve an ounce Of inofabric soap flakes in eight uncjis of water, add about our ounces, of 'glycerin, and nix thoroughly. Q. Some of my plastic need- ?s are bent into all sorts of •eird shapes. Do you hav* any orrective suggestions? A. You can keep these eedles straight by storing hem in a "wallet" of corrtta t e d c a r d b o a r d . I n s e r t i n g hem into the edge of the board through the little holes. Needles that are already bent out be straightened by dipping hem into hot water, then slidng then into the cardboard o straighten. O. How can 1 pack watches, jewelry, and other such delicate items for safe mailing? A. One good idea is to pack them into a rubber sponge that has been split almost in half cngthwise. «'. now ran I extract more ice from lemons? A. Try putting them under V hot-water faucct before -licing. Q. What can I do if, while -xittin^ on a dress, I have goten some lipstick on it? A. I'm a little rubbing al- -ohol on the stain, going over It gently with a bit of dean elotn. And in the fulure avoid such trouble by holding a cleaning tissue between the lips as you slip the dress over Ur head. Q. What can I do when a freshly-baked cake sticks to the bottom of the pah and .hrealens to break to pieccs hen removed? A. Turn the pan upside down and lay a cloth wrung out of water on the bottom of it. After a few minutes, the cake should come out without rumbling. then be long enough for practical u.e. Q. What can 1 do for my •.onds when they feel puckered ip oi have that parboiled ap carnnce after long immersion n soapsuds? v Kulnmig them with lemon u'.:e will give relief, or use :n"i;ar. Lither will make tlieui jolt and white, and prevent happing. O IIow can I remedy some u.'Tar that has become hard ::d lump> ? A. Yon can often do wond- renovate the soles of rubber ^rs just by trimming it bacK '. overshoes or boots. .that. have into shape. By holding a razor i worn emooth and- are dangerblade against a small pocket! ous to wear on show or ice? L-nnib, and gently pushing the [ A. You can retread those iMimb through the bristles of soles with :i hot soldering iron, the brush, you can remove Simply burn shallow diagonal stray hairs and perform a verj ! leat job of trimming and re- ! shaping. | Q. How can I r e n o v a t e i satin material? A. Rub over the soiled ; nr!s with a cake composed of | magnesia and prepared chalk. Q. How can I-shrink thread when using it for drawn work? A. IJ.v placing the thread in a vf-sel of boiling water for i '.rush? about an hour. This will not ' ----- destroy the gloss of the thread. Q. IIow can I give my suede shoot and pui-s.es a good •leaning? A. After sandpapering thtso if ems lightly, wipe th« m off With- a cloth moistened with vinegar. Q. Is there anything I can 'o to remedy a blanket that'. no phort for a bed, or for Hit "rcupant therein? A. You can m a k e th's blanket usable by sewing a 15- ineh piece of flannel or flannelette to the bottom of the blanket. Nobody will no'ice it if you tuck the flannel part under the foot of the bed --and ' the rest of the blanket wiil ' • A. Put the sugar into a [ Follow the grain of the goods. nvered receptacle and place hi the refrigerator for a few 'avs. This will soften It. O. How can I renovate a worn or .nrsfhapen pairtlines in crisscross fashion for .ion-skid t reads that wilf" proade good traction. Q. What can I do with a number of mateiess stockings shat vary in hue?" A. They will achieve a common color and be matched if yuu boil them slowly for about Let it remain for several hours, , 15 niirutes In enough water to then rub off with a soft cloth. | <over. Alir.w to cool »u the pa«, Q. Is there any way I can then rinse, and hang to dry. OPENS CLOGGED SEWERS without digging ROOT DESTROYER dissolves Roots, Paper Grease, Sludge easily. R!TrK'S IIAKIWARF ^ WE'VE GOT THE BLUES! Beaiitiful Pastel Blue Knit Co-ordinates Lined Slims $3.98 Tops $1.98 - $2.98 - $3.98 (This Group is a Sneak-Prevue of our Cruise Wear Sports Clothes) MORE TO COME! Rutfukle IfcWt Out t/o HIGH pfiessuki EYS-5900 suprise boom Z RAGGEDY FOOD CENTERS CANDIED 00 OSCAR MAYER SKINLESS f? 49* CHOICE LEG O' LAMB Fully Cooked ARMOUR STAR HAMS Butt Portion . 49* Shank Portion . . 39* lT. S. CHOICE TENDER ROUND STEAKS 795, JvW1 OUNCAN HINES #1 Front* ®r 1000 Island Dressing . RICELAND ^ ^ 0% |.ik nQc Long Grain Rice • • . +> ***• / T BREAST-O -CHICKEN l/rS!.« ^Pe| Tuna tit* Ti" IMPERIAL Margarine KING OSCAR Sardines GOOD LUCK Margarine *9*- THREE DIAMOND Fancy Whole Oysters NEW MILL O l-Lb. Z.CC Noodles L fV OO Chop Suey '^49 Your Choice 11 oz. Birdseye Dinners . • Pks- • ' IW D.poi# j Pepsi-Cola fa* OtTR CHRISTMAS GIFT CERTIFICATE $ TO YOU Towards the Purchase of the XMAS TREE Of Your Choice With with a FROM CERTIFIED a % $5.00 AX 1266 GREEN STREET ^5 00 ?: Grooj'ry Grocery (n EXPIRE? DEC. 17, 1962 Purchase^ BOLOGNA, Pieces or Slices 39c SMALL SIZE Smoked Butts 69* PtlfeE FRESH Ground Beef 2 ib, 98' TOWN & COUNTRY lz Gallons $ 100 ^Purchase ICE CREAM 2'«$100 *•" 87 Wfcite. Fudq« '17^' OO Sund«e, Cr. L«m©n » Mm m 7:$i.oo COUNTRY DELIGHT PILlSBURY Cake Mix Otoe. Futile. Double Outck. Y«IU>w or AppleMuce Spice '/2-Gal. PILLSBURY Frosting Mix. Crw. l:.. C_F.Jl uffy Carnation rLAVORS BAKER'S Chocolate Chips • . ^ HOFFMAN HOUSE Tartar Sauce e«. HOFFMAN HOUSE 8.0l Blue Cheese B^- LIBBY'S Beet Stew. Wirt, 5c 12-Or. 39 2 for 43* .69* WMI1MUM SARA LEE PfcCAN COFFEE CAKE 24-Oi. Niblet MRS. GRASS Noodles •'*r CR*^ Fine. Madiw* • t • or Broad KARO Red Label Syrup . . • I 9 IZOZ 00 I FARM FRESH PRODUCE CELLO PACK CAULIFLOWER GREEN ONIONS RADISHES Applesauce RAGGEDY RAGGEDY ANM Bartlett Pears JUICE f RAGGEDY ANN Fre*k Psck Icici6 Plain Dill Pickles RAGGEDY ANN F-ejn Pad !c:c:e Kosher Dill Pickles 26-0«. RAGGEDY ANN CUCUMBER Preserves f"«cpkp l«A opr, !"Chf vrry 303 Tins GREEN'GIANT Peas si.oo Milnot A for 55< Corner of Greeir A Elm Streets