Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 Dec 1962, p. 19

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: Thursday, December 20. 1862 THE McHENBY PLAINT5EALER J Village of Sunnyside DISCUSS SEWERAGE PROBLEMS DURING VILLAGE MEETINGS Betty Lehman 385-6360 9T This article is to let the Q people cf Sunnyside know that meetings are being held ifa regard to sewerage. A meeting was held Dec. 12, at Mr. Sargent's home, (our village engineer) with our village president, trustees, and some representatives from surrounding 0 com inanities. To find out the 1 results of these meetings we f urge you. the people of Sunnyside, to attend our regular ^ monthly village meetings to express your views on the sewerage problem at hand. Let your village officials know how you feci about this undertaking, as you will have the final say whether to go ahead or to let things as they are. Again, please attend these meetings and speak your mind. were served to many relatives and friends. Vandalism It's too bad that I have to write something like this in our column, but it seems that someone is stealing Christmas bulbs from our decorated homes. Those who have done this terrible thing at this joyous time of year should be ashamed of themselves. Let's all hope that this is the first and last time something like this happens here in Sunnyside. ' . No Dumping Please! f It seems that somebody has been using Pearl and Bayview for a garbage dump. Having free garbage pickup, this seems very ignorant. Will the person or persons doing this plensc have consideration for others, and please ston making n proctice of this childhh hiihtt (excuse me kids) lis ynu Will hnvi* r to suffer the in o the encl- (->ur iwllce * has been notified of thin prob* lem. Two Trip* In Om» Phil nnd Eleanor Mangold journeyed 10 Minneapolis to attend '\ convention and Christmas party Inst week. On the way home they stopped at Ce- _ dar Kapids, Iowa, where they E helped celebrate the fiftieth wedding anniversary of their aunt and uncle. It was a wonderful three day trip. Girl Scout News A Christmas party was held for the Girl Scout leaders on Dec. 12 at the McHenry Country club. Luncheon of turkey with all the trimmings was enjoyed by about fifty women. There was also an exchange of gifts. A most enjoyable time was had by all. Visitors and Visiting •Spending a few days with the Kunkels is Mrs. L. Frillman here from San Pablo, Brazil. Mrs. Frillmart is a dear friend of the Kunkels. There " was so much to talk about and not enough time to do it * in. Former ne'ghbor Glen da Weick visited with Lu Schultz on Tuesday. The Joe Harrer family of Bull Valley visited with the Metzcrer family Sunday night. Grandparents G a r 1 i n s k,i s were weekend visitors at the home of our new neighbors, ^ Jean and Rich Garlinski. Louis and Gloria Scholz attended a birthday celebration in honor of Gloria's mother, Mrs. J. Konnpn in Pistaqua Heights, Sunday. The Ernie LaBay family and brother, Mike LaBay, artd family enjoyed a Christmas dinner together in Elgin Sunday. The Kennebeck family attended the christening of their new nephew. Scott Anthony Kennebeck, Sunday. B e r n i e was godfather for this new little angel. Dinner and supper Cub Scouts At the December P?ck 452 meeting the Cub Scouts displayed all the projects they had worked on all month. Everyone there agreed that the boys did a wonderful job. After the usual business, each Scout marched to the tree and placed an ornament that had lx>en made by them on the tree. Den 4 put on a very good skit. Cubmaster Henry Zenner was pleased at the response he got for canned goods. These will be distributed to the needy families. Parents were asked to keep in mind the Sunday of Fob, 10. That will be the day for the Blue and Gold dinner. More on this will appear later. Sick List Cheryl Kinder is recuperat- 'ng from the mumps, mom hopes the other girls don't get them. Mary Jo Kennebeck was home with a bad cold. Jean Garlinski had the stomach flu, and her two children came down with pink eye. Wayne Heitz also had the flu. Let's hope everyone is feeling better now. Birthday Wishes To Bud Von Obstfelder on Dec. 17, Lawrence Butler on Dec. 18, and to Leona Witt on Dec. 20. Happy birthday one and all. Anniversary Wishes To Wayne and Angie Smith on Dec. 21. May you both have many more. Signing Off It's beginning to look like Christmas throughout our village. The fever is upon us once more as you can see by all the decorated houses up and down the streets. With all the cookie baking and Christmas planning there should be plenty of news which vo»i could pass on o this reporter. That's it for this week. See you next week. PISTAKEE TERRACE Joyce Toepper 385-3044 No January Association Meeting The December meeting of the Pistakee Terrace association centered around discussion of the proposed sewerage treat- ,ment plant. Many questions were raised and President Ron Wiggerman is attending area meetings in order to find answers for these questions. More information will be given as soon as it is available. Due to the fact that past winter meetings have proved lo have low attendance, it was decided not to have a January meeting. It is hoped to have a arge crowd at the February meeting which is to be held at Jalvin Vyduna's and already has important business on the agenda. for their basketball game. Aithiugh they lost 36 to 24 I understand they played a good ame especially since Oakland is considered the best team of all they play. The junior varsity also lost but only by four points. Better luck next week. Women's Auxiliary Party The Women s auxiliary held their Christmas party Tuesday evening at the home of Dorothy Parker, with fourteen ladies in attendance. Preceding the party was the December bus!ness meeting. Committee reports were followed by general discussion on future fund raising affairs. Any ideas would bo appreciated -- just contact our President. Eleanor Moore Social events were talked about with Arlene Connerty left to investigate the possibility of a hay ride in the neai future. After enjoying the punch, grab bag ^ifts were opened. The remainder of the evening was spent playing password before delicious sandwiches and bakery was served Brownies Brownie Troop 150 spent their meeting time working on •he door decorations with the help of Cindy Kettner. Cookie hostess wr.s Mary Beth Williams with Marty Pritchard as mother helper. They held their Christmas party on Friday, Dec. 14. a« which time they finished the decorations before enjoying the grab ba<r oxch-in^p followed by songs and refreshments. Leader Irene Seliea accompanied by Cindy Kettner attended the Scout luncheon held at the Country Club on Wednesday. Dec. 13. Following the luncheon was a brief meeting and the grab bag exchange. Cub Scouts Cub Den 4. Pack 452 presented the skit for the PncV meeting held Wednesday evening. The boys spoke pieces pretain^fr to their costume ;»nrsang Jingle Bells and Rudolph, the red nosed reindeer. Scotty Wiggerman was Rudolph and had a nose that lit up, Scotty Stull was Christmas present Jimmy Phillips was Jincrle Pells, Dick .Tablonski was Christmas Carol, and Bute'- Kennebeck was an Elf, Santa's helper. Santa Claus arrived with a Christmas storv bon'iand a box cf candy for each Cub and all the o'her little children who attended. Their regular Wednesday meeting had been spent preparing for the skit and making their Christmas present for their parents. This was a piggy bank made from plastic bleach bottles. Cookie host was Dick Jablonski. Basketball Game Johnsburg grade school varsity d'dn't fare too well this week as they travelled to the Oakland school near Antioch 0 with Every 8-gaI. Gasoline Purchase (Plus FREE Bonus Stamps) 14 K. Gold Dinnerware Start Your Set Today! or Comet Cleanser -- Tide Detergent Cocktail Glasses ( 5 Sizes) Kleenex Tissues Dial Soap or Ash Trays "Drive with Savings" Regular 30' SPECIAL Bcnus Stamp Offer t Your choice of 1 Cannon Towel or Hurricane or Boudoir Lamp with each 90 Free Bonus Stamps. KEAN BROS. "Save while you Drive" Ethyl 32* SERVICE STATION Route 120 and River Rpad Just East of New Bridge Honor Roll We are always pleased to »:ear that the children of the _ubdi vision are doing well in ^chool so were delighted to -ind freshman Cheryl Stahlman on the "B" plus roil at McHenry high. On the "B" onor roll was senior Janice Bush and sophomore Jeannie Benoche. iiie johnsburg grade school also has an honor roll of the op five in both seventh and ,rhth grades. Bobby Moore held the fifth place on the .0iun grade list with Jim Coandrea of Riverside a close i\th. Here and There Caught in that snow storm >ut east this week were Jeorge Mecko who was strandd eleven horn's in Ohio, Jim Deppmeior who found his truck suddenly in the ditch in Michigan, and Don Kern who on naking a usually quick one lour pius trip by plane to Cleveland spent all but one Uour of his 24 hour trip traveling there and back. Joining the Phillips' family n celebration of Steve's elevnth birthday on Friday, Dec. , were his grandparents, Mr. :nd Mrs. Art Rohar of River Terrace. Wilma Stnder accompanied iiisband GeorgcT^onWe^Mesday • i n d T h u r s d a y when he w e n t pheasant hunting at Green liver Ordinance at Amboy, 1 1 1 . She s p e n t t h e t i m e w i t h his uncle. Fred Stader at Paw Paw, while George was in the field. Spending a few days with the Howard Secords is his mother, Mrs. Secord of Milwaukee. Chester, Audrey and Darrell Seliga, accompanied by Chester's sirter. Irene Seliga of Chicago, spent the weekend at ihe South Haven, Mich., home of his .parent's Mr. and Mrs. Mike Seliga. Attending the Christ mas party sponsored by Don's comp a n y S a t u r d a y e v e n i n g w e r e Den and Barb Zamastil. It was held at the banquet room of he Harrington bowling alley. Also attending a Christmas party were Lcretta and Don Kom on Saturday evening. This one, sponsored by the Yedit Men's association from arious C h i c a g o companies, was held in one of the big hotels in Chicago. Following a inner of breast of capon and 'laming baked Alaska with berry jubiie for dessert there \.as tr.p entertainment and dancing. Rernie Cisewski and her mother. Agnes Sedall, were coming home Monday evening from the VFW Christmas pnry when the car started to smoke. Leaving it in Johns- 'iurg they managed to get a ride from a passing car. as it was near midnight and all homos in the immediate area were dark. Along the line of sadder news was the death of Mary Mrcko's aunt, Mary Kordik of Chicago, who passed away Wednesday morning from pneumonia. Mary and Mike went ;nlr> Chicago Thursday evening ind stayed at the home of her cousin, Mrs. Elsie Kirsch, in order to attend the Saturday funeral at which Mike was a nail bearer. The Toepners visited Len's mother, Esther Toepper, at the Condell Memorial hos p i t a 1. I.ibertvville. on Sunday evening She is recuperating from a bad bout with the flu. Birthday Celebrations Birdie TVppmcier was guest of honor at a birthday luncheon on Dec. 10, given by her mother, Eola Hillman. Attend- <n,T were Mare Kern, Loretta t Christmas Blessings feeler Wf. ^uiten & Son 3807 W. ELM ST. I Phone 385-0063 Kern, Bernice Froehlig, Mary Mecko and Pat Ferrell. Carolyn Mierzwa became eight years old on Dec. 6 and celebrated on Saturday by entertaining seven of her friends at a peppermint twist party. Using paper plates with red crepe paper fringe to resemble records, the girls wore them like hats and twisted to peppermint twist records. Still wearing the hats following the dance were Pamela Perrewe, Debbie Jourdan and Caryoln. Other girls enjoying the peppermint ice cream, cake with peppermint candles and the peppermint candy decorated room were April and Donna Pritchard. Denise Pradelski, and Lcri and Barb Parker. The Mierzwas entertained relatives on Sundav in honor ot Carolyn's birthday. Golden Wedding Anniversary Fred a n d Carrie Woerner, 77 and 72 respectively, parents •if t.vo and grandparents of three, of -1511 X. Klmleaf Drive, mark a milestone in t heir life as they complete • 50 ' ears of marriage Dec. 26. H a v i n g met w l v l e s h e ' w a s a senior in high school at Marshalltown, Iowa, they courted three years before tying the knot in 1912. With Fred working as a pattern maker for "the past 50 odd years they lived in Rudd and Cedar Falls, Iowa, b e f o r e m o v i n g t o C h i c a g o where they were blessed with a son, Fredrick, in 1918 and daughter, Barbara, in 1928. Having retired and moved to the Terrace two years ago they are known for their interest in the association and support all association doings. Except in the worst weather you can tind Fred and maybe Carrie too outside inspecting their g a r d e n i n g a n d l a n d s c a n i n q . They love the neighborhood children and the feeling is mutual. Coming up from Dallas, Texas, for the holidays and to help celebrate are Fredrick, his wife, Jean, and their eischt year old son, Ro^- er. Joining in will be Barbara, her husband. Chuck Runyon, an J their sons, David 5, and Ross 3, of Elk Grove. We wan1 to wish them the best of everying and tell you on their behalf that they plan to be here to celebrate ano'her anniversary next December. Illnesses Denisc Pradelski is home from school with the mumps. Hope she recovers quickly. Birthdays Many happy returns of the dav to Rill Sthalman, Dec. 20 and Hazel StahJman, Dec. 21. Also on Dec. 21 is Anthony Kurowski, Jr., and Pamela Perrewe. Loretta Kem celebrates •inr day, Dec. 22. WISHING ALL THE JOYS OF THE SEASON TO OUR MANY FRIENDS. a BEAUTY SALON J MeHENRY, ILL. Limited Time Only EMPLOY HANDICAPPED Alfred Slicer, state supervisor of the Illinois Division* of Vocational Rehabilitation 3>as announced that the Credit Bueuu of Cook county- ha9"established 3 record by hiring its 100th handicapped person. The' firm employs a total of 387 persons and has been hiring handicapped persons since 1 Man. Ninety per cent of the handicapped persons hired had never been employed before and were completely dependent on families, friends or private and public agencies. Out of the record 100 employed, ipproximately ^5 are still with the Tirm. the remainder having gained the experience necessary to obtain upgraded emp l o y m e n t e l s e w h e r e , S l i c e r said. PLAN MUSEUM OPENING The new Illinois State Museum building probably will be open to the public late in January. Dr. Thome Deuel, museum chief, said. Moving is over 60 per cent complete at this time, he said. A formal dedication under direction of Gov. Otto Kerner will be held on opening day. This will include laying of the cornerstone. Pete's Auto by Pete Peters We thought that we'd like to take the opportunity Christmas gives us to tell you Just how we value friendship. You've heard some people sa>, "Business is one thing, but friendship is another." But, this isn't true at all. There certainly would be no pleasure in the filHns station business without friendship. We are mighty happy to have so many business friendships and it is our sincere wish at PETES SINCLAIR to continue building our friendship for many years to come. May the joys of this Happy Season be yours in fullest measure. A Merry Christmas and a Happv New Year to all from the fellows at PETE'S SINCI. AIR at 4416 W. Rte. 120, Lakeland Park. Ask About Our Free Wash or Lube Service P'an. good/vear We're Overstocked Your gain is our Loss. We must reduce our Inventory TIRE CLEARANCE SALE!! New Goodyear Hres at the Lowest Prices Ever Positively the Best Value in Town Check Our Deal On New Goodyear BATTERIES PRICES TOO LOW TO PRINT Regular Tires Snow Tires We Hove Your Size FREE INSTALLATION SKELLY Service Station 4002 W. Waukegan Rd. ||f MrHpnrv. 111. mmmwrnrnmmmmmmm, 14-oz. Spray Can of Windshield De-icer With Purchase of Snow Tires 385-978P FREE Potatoes or Gravsalt with $3.00 Gasoline Purchase # i

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