Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 27 Dec 1962, p. 2

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Page Two THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER FRED SVOBODA CLAIMS IOWA GIRL AS BRIDE GARDEN CLUB CHRISTMAS PARTY AT PEPPING, HOME - ^ v . . . r * v\* ft v ^ * - ~~ Posthu nra-H opp Bethrottial Told Mr. and Mrs.George Posthuma of McHenry announce the engagement of their daughter, Georgiann, to Russell Hopp, son of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Hopp of Jchnsburg. Both young people are graduates of McHenry high school and both are employed locally. Mo immediate plans have been made for the wedding. The home of Mrs. Fred Peppine was bedecked in Christinas splendor for the December meet in??, of the McHenry Garden club. As customary for several years at this holiday season, Christmas stockings weiv filled for the Valley Hi home and Shan-gra-la. Tliis was followed by the pot-luck luncheon enjoyed by all. A short business meeting was held, with Mrs. Alex Duncan, president, presiding. Several Christmas poems were read by Mrs. Herbert Kngdahl. Miss Marv Burdahl has been appointed chairman of the Arbor Day program, assisted by Mrs. Marion Ritter and Mrs. Helen Pepping. The state chairman, Mrs. W, F. Bailer, is very anxious for all clubs to participate in this project because of the many trees being destroyed by disease in the area. Pians were made for members to attend the Chicago World Flower and Garden show to be held at McCormick Place March 16 through 24. Mrs. Snively held the interest of all with her demonstration on making several Christmas decorations, which gave many new ideas to members. The brilliant peacock wall arrangement was beautiful in its glistening color and won the praise of all. Miss Glos To Marry Jan. 26 Mr. and Mrs. Glen Glos announce the engagement and approaching marriage of thpir daughter, June Glos, to Gene LeChien of Belleville, III. *The wedding will take place Jan. 26 at Normal, 111., where bbth are attending college. 05*RIT AI Memorial Hospital Patients admitted to Mem o r i a l h o s p i t a l , Wood s t o c k , during the past week included William Brown, Sr., Master Lamar Schiller and Norton Mc* Daniels, Wonder Lake; and Mrs. Walberg Hansen, McHenry. HAPPY REUNION Friends will be happy to learn that Jeannette Whitney was able to spend Christmas day with her husband, Ed., and three children, Jackie, Brad and Corky, in the lobby of Au- Tustana hospital, Chicago. It was the first time she had seen the children since the auto accident on Oct. 18 in which she was seriously injured. Also present to help her celebrate was her mother, Pauline Brennecke, and her Uncle Wally. TEEN DANCE A 'teen dance will be held at the Legion home from 7:30 to 11 p.m. on Friday, Dec. 28, sponsored "by the Parents association of the Viscounts. It will be adult chaperoned and there ;vyill "be an auxiliary policeman on duty. - -m- S^iWHMia Memorial Hospital Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fladek are parents of a daughter born Dec. 2G. A daughter was born Dec. 18 to Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Bauer. December 28 - 30 Tenth Annual Parish Basketball Tournament -- High School Gymna s i u m -- Sponsored by McHenry Council, Knights of Columbus, No. 1288. December 28 Viscount Dance 7:30 to 11 p.m. -- Legion Home. January 12 Card and Bunco Party -- Club Lilymoor -- 8 p.m. -- Proceeds go to Cerebral Palsy Dirive. In a pre-Christmas wedding solemnized in the First Methodist church of Iowa City, Iowa, last Saturday, Dec. 22, Miss Anne Klaine Fenton of .'•5707 W. Locust, Davenport, Iowa, became the bride of Mr. Fred Charles Svoboda. Miss Fenton is the daughter of Mrs. Ruth Fenum of 1126 E. College, Iowa City, Iowa, arid the late Dr. Ralph A. Fenton. The groom's parents are Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Svoboda of 725 VV. Friendly avenue, Lakemoor. Rev. Eugene Hancock officiated at the 11 o'clock nuptial service. The altars of the church were decorated for the rite with poinsettias. The attractive bride walked down the aisle wearing a white sheath of imported re-embroidered alencon lace, with portrait neckline. Her bridal orown of orange blossoms ringed in seed pearls held a shoulder length veil, and she carried a bouquet of gardenias encircled by white stephanotis dotted with garnet roses. Attending her was Mrs. Robert D. Smith of Davenport, Iown. She was attired in a flame red satin sheath with open crown red net headdress and carried a bouquet of variegated white and red carnations. Robert D. S>mith of Davenport served as best man and ushers were Roger W. Svoboda, a brother of the groom, Forest Evashevski and Michael Lorenz, all of Iowa City. Mrs. Fenton wore a light blue dress with matching accessories and a gardenia corsage. The groom's mother was attired in a beige sheath dress with gold brocade and gold accessories and a similar corsage. • A reception followed the ceremony in Wesley hall of the church, after which the bride and groom left on a wedding trip to Ochos Rias, Jamaica, British West Indies. They will make their home in Davenport, Iowa. The bride is a graduate of Iowa City high school and the University of Iowa, where she was a member of Kappa Alpha Thetu sorority. She also belongs to P.E.O. American Association of University Women and American Business Women's association. Mr. Svoboda is a graduate of McHenry high school and Lake Forest college, where he belonged to Alpha Sigma Kappa fraternity. He is a member of the Veterans of Foreign Wax's, former vice-president of the state of Illinois Junior Chamber of Commerce and member of the board of directors of the Rock Island County Life Underwriters' association. The bride is a teacher in the Davenport school system and the groom is a life underwriter with Occidental Life of California Insurance company, Moline. IN MEMOR1AM In loving memory of our beloved mother* Christine Stilling, who passed away ten years ago on Jan. 1, 1953. A precious one from us is gone I A voice we loved is stilled A place is vacant in our midst "T Which never can be filled. Children and Grandchildren • *12-27-62 Miss Schoenholtz Engaged To Wed Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Schoenholty. announce the engagement of their daughter, Ruth Ann, to Mr. Jerry Hogan, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Hogan of Ringwood. A dinner party was given in her honor Sunday evening, when the announcement was made. Present were Jack Schoenholtz, Mr. and Mrs. John Ho- ^an and Jerry, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Freund and Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Freund and son, Dale. R u t h Ann i s i n h e r s e n i o r year at. St. Charles hospital school of nursing in Aurora. Her fiance is a sophomore at Northern Illinois university. No definite d«te has been t for the wedding. MARRIAGE LICENSES Edward L. Kriegel, Crystal Lake, and Patricia A. Greene, McHenry. Open House For M. P. Dtedrichs Open house in celebration of the golden wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob P. Diedrich of Volo will be held Saturday, Jan. 5. at 8 o'clock in the evening at the Legion home in McHenry. Mass in the couple's honor will be sung at 9 a.m. that day in St. Peter's Catholic church, Volo. Follow* ing Mass, the family will gather at the parents' home for breakfast. Jacob Diedrich and Barbara Brown were married Jan. 8, 1912, at St. Peter's. Attendants foi- their wedding were Frank Blake, Clara Regner and Mr. and Mrs. Nick Diedrich, all living. The couple farmed near Volo until retirement fifteen years ago. Both remain in good health and enjoy their hobbies, Mr. Diedrich with fishing and his wife with crocheting. The Diedrichs have eight children, George of Johnsburg, Rosina Heil of Marathon, Wis., Alfred of Wonder Lake, Stanley of McHenry, Anna Tonyan of Gi-ayslake, John of McHenry, Joseph of Long Lake and Barbara Miller of McHenry; and thirty-six grandchildren., Mrs. Diedrich's brothers and sisters are John Brown, - Mrs. Lena. Dowe, Mrs. Margaret Wegener and Mrs. Elizabeth Diedrich. Mr. Diedrich's brothers and sisters are Mrs. Kate' Brown and Mrs. Anna Brown of McHenry, Mrs. Leo R&gner of Volo, Fred of McHenry and Nick of Volo. LYNN WILKINSON WED SATURDAY TO ENSIGN J. E. LANE STARTS TEACHING DITTIES Anita Beckonbrugh, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Beckenbaugh of McHenry, is one of 178 Northern Illinois university students from eightysix communities now doing student teaching in various public schools in this part of the state. She is teaching in the Aurora West district. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wilkinson of LaGrange Park, formerly of Wonder Lake, have announced the wedding of their daughter, Margaret Lynn, to Ensign John E. Lane, which took place last Saturday, Dec. 12. at 11 o'clock in the morning at St. Francis Xavier church, LaGrange. A reception for 150 followed the ceremony at the Drake hotel in Oakbrook. after which the couple left on a short wedding trip. Ensign Lane will return to his Navy duties in California, and his bride will complete her senior year at Northern Illinois university. The former Miss Wilkinson is a graduate of McHenry high school. Her husband graduated from the University of Illinois. NEW RESIDENT Joseph Melka, a retired tailor who has been visiting McHenry for the past thirty years, has decided to make the community his permanent home ind will reside at 5118 W. Greenwood. CAPACITY CROWD ENJOYS HILLTOP HOLIDAY PROGRAM A capacity crowd gathered at Hilltop school last Thursday evening for the third annual Christmas program. Miss Shirley Ross was in charge of the program, which was greatly enjoyed. In addition to musical selections sung by the various grades, solos were sung by Kurt Smith, "Mistletoe"; David Yardas, "Christmas Roundelay": Lisa Curry, "Santa Clans is Coming to Town"; and Candy Yardas, "Jing-a- Ling". Other solos were sung by Larry Tucker, Dane Farmer, Ricky Stepanovic, Danny Humphres, David Garrelts, Tim Etemick, Raymond Cook, D a v i d W a t k i n s , M i c h a e l Schmidt, Scott Curry, Debbie Stepanovic, Susan Kelsey, Debbie Garrelts, Kenny Shuler, Rick Glos and Beverly Eggert. The choruses were attractively attired, their outfits featuring choir collars and red and green bows. ATTEND FUNERAL Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fowles attended the funeral of his niece's husband, Howard Johnson of Waukegan, at Christ church, Waukegan, last Saturday. vdlAt IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE Married Fifty Years WM4. Thursday. December 27. 1962 PUBLIC AID CASELOAD IN COUNTY TOLD Commemoiating fifty years of married life oh Dec. 19 were Mr. and Mrs. Samuel J. Spratt of 5117 Willow drive. Wonder Lake. They celebrated with an open house Dec. l.i at the home of their daughter? Mrs. Robert Haberkorn, 211 S. Euclid avenue, Villa Park. Among invited guests were Mrs. Spratt's brother, William Dunkman, of St. Louis, Mo., her sister, Mrs'. E. Derouen, of Hot Springs, Ark., her sister, Mrs. Ed. Enstrom, of Elm wood Park, their son, John, of Kalamazoo, Mich., their son, Samuel, Jr., of Winston Park and their families. The Sprat ts have four grandchildren. The couple exchanged vows in St. Louis, Mo., and have resided in Wonder Lake for the past fifteen years. Mi. Spratt is retired from the Hall Printing company of Chicago. The state public aid rolls fell in October for the seventh consecutive month this time by 4 , 0 5 9 p e r s o n s , H a r o l d O. Swank, executive secretary of the Illinois Public Aid commission, has reported. According to Swank, the October public aid load totalled 425,385 recipients as compared. with 429,444 the previous month and 426,773 in October, 1961. Swank also reported assistance payments of $23,970,744 for October; $24,003,751 for September; and $23,739,665 for October, 1961. These totals include payments for burials, foster care for ADC children r e m o v e d f r o m u n s u i t a b l e homes, and care for the medically indigent in Chicago ant\ Cicero. The chief cause for the drop in the October caseload was the decline of 3,896 persons In the General Assistance load bringing the number of recipients for the month to 65,849, which is 41 per cent below that of a year ago when, General Assistance recipients numbered 112,196. ;The caseload for McHenry county was as follows: Total, all persons, 551, $26,341; eid age assistance, 194, $13,lQJJ; aid to dependent children, 1§0, $7,102; blind assistance, '3, $198; disability assistance, 15, $694; general assistance, 1'59, $5,239. 60 per cent of the first-clsfss mail is typewriter-addressed. CAKD OF THANKS We w i s h t o e x p r e s s o u r heartfelt appreciation for the many acts of kindness, cards, spiritual a n d floral bouquets and donation of cars during the long illness and death of our loved one. We are especially grateful to the Reverend Fathers Baumhofer and Holmgren and residents of Edgewater subdiv ision. Many thanks to all and may God bless you. The family of Eva Pitzen *12-27-62 SHOP IN McHftrNtvY SLEIGH VERSUS CAR The one horse open sleigh was made for the express purpose of dashing through the snow, and in this respect it far surpasses the modern family automobile. The Institute for Safer Living urges holiday motorists to treat bad driving weather with the utmost respect. I may be disappointing, but much better to cancel that trip home for Christmas rather than risk the uncertainties of getting stalled in a bad storm. If planning a trip, listen and heed weather forecasts. NOTICE Christian Science services are held every Sunday at 10:30 a.m. and the 3rd Wednesday of each month at 8 p.m. in the Masonic Building, 1309 N. Court St., McHenry. All Interested are ; welcome to attend. We greet you at the year's dawning with our best wishes and warm thanks for your patronage, your confidence and cooperation. It has been a pleasure to serve you! CARD OF THANKS I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who sent cards, performed favors for me and offered prayers in my' behalf at the time of my falL These many kindnesses were greatly ap Mrs. Frank Blake* •12-27-62 prgciated. WORN BY MORI RUPTURE SUFFERERS: Amazing comfort for reducible inguinal nernia. Strong, washable, form-fiUing, adjustable. Soft, flat groin pad. NO FITTING REQUIRED! For men, women, children a right or left side: $5.85 double. Look tor it on H'tplay BOLGER'S Drug Store 1259 N. Green St. William M. Carroll Robert L. Weber James E. Larkin Donna Anderson William Anderson Anita Barger Joan Bauer Sharon Berkley Nancy Blake Dolores Fish Roberta Francisco Joan Freund Lenora Frisby Miriam Gieti DIRECTORS and OFFICERS Gerald J. Carey Thomas F. Bolger Donald Wattles EMPLOYEES Rose Hertel Patti Hiller Janice Huff Viola Jurgens John Kerechek Victoria Kerechek Lucille Knox Lillian Larson Bonnie Lechner Ruth Leska Frances Mayfield Alan Meyer Ulrike Mueller Shirley Nye Andrea Oeffling Lona Patzke Ann Peschke Grace Reinhardt Donna Schaefer Joyce Schwanke Janet Smith Ronald Smith William A. Nye, M.D. Richard J. Zieman Lillian Cairns Dorothy Stoffel George Tussey Katherine Tussey Ronald Vacula Albert Vales Jean Vogel Janice Wagner Nancy Weber Mary Weisenburger McHENRY STATE BANK Established 1906 We will be open Wednesday, Jan. 2 -- 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. X37" CLAIRE'S HAIR STYLISTS 1220 N. Green 885-0010 # Claire • Mary Aim # Eleanor© # Marlene

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