\ v> Thursday, January 10, 1963 Y V THE McHENBY PLAINDEALER Pag* Nina McCullom Lake LOCAL WOMAN FILES FOR OFFICE . IN TOWNSHIP RACE Eve Levesque Mrs. Theresa J. Schultz has "thrown her powder puff" in the political ring and will file for the office of assistant supervisor of the township. She v/ill be the first woman to cainthe Plaindealer. The results of the April election will determine whether she will join the ranks of only one other woman elected to office in the county. The other is Mrs. Audrey Walgenbaeh, county treasurer. Mrs. Schult/i's position is unique in that she is the only woman who holds the elected office of precinct Committeeman in the Democratic party. Currently, she is employed by the state and serves in the revenue department. Navy Boy John Vycital Takes Bride in East A rather harrowing experience enliveneu the Trip home for Henrietta Vycital and daughter, Elaine Kuper. They had been in Beach Haven, N. J. for ^he wedding of son and brother, John Vycital, Engineman 3-c, to Miss Nancy Cranmcr of that eastern city. The couple was wed at the Kyuett Methodist Church, Beach Haven. Details and picture appear on the society page of the Plaindealer. After an uneventful trip east which was ..most'enjoyable, the two women were unprepared for their "trial by fue". Mr. and Mrs. John Vycital of Washington, D.C. (Harold's brother and wife) drove the gals back to Philadelphia' zie and D. G. to meet their new sister-in-law? ine iirst campaign for this office. appear on the front page uf ^hiarch for the reason that once Cerebral Palsy fund Drive Jan. IS Mr. and Mrs. Allen McKim have been appointed co-chairmen for the cerebral palsy fund drive which will be held next Sunday afternoon, Jan. 13. Women from the area will be calling door to door, and your co-oi>eration is most earnestly requested. This is called the "53 minute' every 53 minutes, a baby is born with this disease. It is unfortunate that at this time, there is NO cure for this dread malady, but the victims enn be helped. For this reason, it i s e x t r e m e l y u r g e n t t h a t enough funds be collected for research and to help those afflicted. Last year, the village collections totalled $136. Wouldn't it be spectacular if we could top $150 this year! WE CAN DC IT! ! Names In The News The plane crash which occupied a great deal of newspaper space and received wide TV coverage struck the heme of Dr. James Menella who is known to many people in the village. He, his wife Blanche, and two boys spent one oi more summers here several years ago, renting the home on W. Orchard Drive owned In Mrs. Gertrude Makofske Loeschel. Dr. Menella was the Willard Schultz family doctor for many years and gave them the happy news of Lynne's birth! teen age lad, Michael was duly impressed. During their leisure moments, the young people - Karen and Joanne, 13; Michael^ 14; and Pvicky. 9, went to th't movies, attended a dance, ant! did more sightseeing. The Reids returned home in the afternoon of New Year's Evetd taking two days for tiie honjeward jog. F^earl and Pete send regards to everyone in the area. Although they are delighted with their new environment, they miss many things about the "ol' home town". They both eagerly await the arrival of the Plaindealer and news ci' old friends. Here's hoping you enjoy happy reading, Pearl and Pete! "Stork-o-gram" Received The government employs a unique method of notifying relatives of births which occur to /f-servicemen overseas. The recipients of one of these "storkwhere they boarded a waiting ^o-igrams" was the Tom Mcjjett.. They taxied arouna--jEjjC "Carthy l what seemed an interminable time. Finally the pilot prepared to take off and was ready to do so, when the plane shuddered and came to a stop. Fortunately, they were not aii-ljonio or it might ha\e been catastrophic. They were transferred to another plane and flew via Detroit and landed at O'Hare, where a friend of Elaine's, onet them for the homeward journey. Darned if they didn't get lo_,t on the tollway! According to Henrietta, it took longer to get home from the city than to fly from Philadelphia. How about that? They finally got kerne at 5:30 a.m. It will be a thrill to si*e John and meet his stunuir.g new bride. They are due to arrive about Saturday from a honeymoon jaunl to Florida. John is in his seventh year with the U. S. Navy. He has been stationed aboard the U. S. S. Hoist, but after the termination of his leave, he will be transferred to shore duty in B a i n b r i d g c , M a r y l a n d . - T h e jounysters will be making their home in the bride's home town of Beach Haven. We couldn't be hapi>irr f<<i this handsome couple and hope their unity will be blessed with everything good. Won't it be exciting for Sufamily of 4701 W. Lake Shore Drive. Their son and daughter-in-law, Lt. j.g. and Mrs. Eugene McCarthy, became the parents of a girl, Christine Ann, on Dec. 29. Her total weight was 5 lbs., 8 o/.. She was born in Atsugi, Japan, where her daddy is stationed with the Navy. It kthe first child for the young McCarthys and we couldn't be happier for grandparents, Loretta and Tom, two mighty fine people. Under the Surgeon's Scalpel With the holidays safely tucked away lor her family, Mrs. Berniee Bjork entered Memorial Hospital for McHenry County and underwent surgery last Wednesday, Jan. 2. Her hospital stay was to be of 7-10 days duration so she will undoubtedly be released by this weekend. As of Monday morning, she was rei>orted to be in fine condition and we hope her recovery is a rapid one. She will be convalescing for quite some time and it would be nice to remember her with cheery greetings. During her hospitalization, Whitney has been minding the "store" and the girls are doing K.P. and other household chores. Stork Hovers Over Denver The thrill of looking forward to becoming grandparents has Helen and George Meyer in a happy trance. /Their daughter. Roberta, and husband, Richard Sims, flew in for Christmas dinner looking radiant and ecstatically happy. The blessed event will take place in March sometime and Helen will travel west at that time to aid and give motherly advice! We'll run that story when it happens. Young George was home from Milton, College, Milton, Wis., and took part in the gaity which prevailed. "Eln, Swei" Mwt - "Drei" Missing Those genial gentlemen arc at it again - cooking, playing "66" and inhaling a f^ "suds". We mean Dewey Frieke and Bill Pickett, of course. It seems as though the third side of the triangle, Wally (?) of Wonder Lake is vacationing in fohnsburg LOCAL WOMEN JOIN FORCES TO SOLICIT FUNDS Betty Iletternmna The annual "53 minute march" to collect funds for the curient Cerebral Palsy campaign will get underway on Jan:6 13. Gracious ladies who willingly offered their time for this job from this area are Ethel Heim, Chailene Tonyan, Shirley Leiser, Dorothy Adams and Dorothy* Stinebliss Please be courteous as well as generous when these ladies come to call. Lady Foresters to Mri-t The regular monthly meeting of the larly Foresters will be held next Tuesday evening. Jan. 15 in the community cluL. hall. Helen Deeker is chairman for this meeting *md she Will )>e\assisted by Letfore Miller, Cyimila Knox, Regina Michels, VernaVSchmitt. Mig Joyce and ances Miller. Pete Ncrsted and their progeny. Earlier, the Reids had Christmas dinner with the senior Reids. Marge and Dave, when gilts between the two families were exchanged. Jean and Bill made the 650 mile jaunt in record time, arriving about 2 p.m. cn the twenty-sixth where they were greeted with open arms. During their visit, the two couples and four children visited the Wilson Dam which is located in Florence. A guide explained the intricate mechanism of the generators which fu'-nish the power. Being a. Holiday Hiatus Modern day pioneers, the Bill Reids and kids, packed their "covered" (station) wagon and departed for Florence, sunny south. Dew and Bill Ala., to reunite with Pearl aTnf pprr<o rnjse to have his last name for me when he returns! Rill Pickett of MacArthur Drive is preparing his own sauer kraut for the event anc has the ' brew" chilling to the proper temperature. His Kids and Her Kids Met for a wonderful New Year's Day party at the Saliy and Theodor Olsen home on W. Fount tin Lane. Present were Mr. and Mrs. A1 Nelson; their married daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Roger Scimaca and baby, Tommy; and the girls - Eileen and Chris; Marge and Mel Tichy of Broadview and lads - Jimmy and Bobby. That takes care of Sally's side of the fanfily except that eldest daughter, Gert Temple, called with well wishes from herself and husband, Charley, who is still a patient at St. Luke's hospital. Pa's side or the family was represented by the Ole and Art Olsen families with their married daughter and husband, Kaaren and Chuck Gies. All the Olsen kids were ps sent, too. The tribe of Levesques was very much in evidence and we were wined and dined in a "feastly" manner. Doric and Ted Olsen called L.D. from California with .greetings. "Under the..;Weather" Sad way to spend New Year's but Otto Pyritz was bedded with the flu for one week right through the new year. He was up and about this past weekend and returned to dispensing male attire on Monday. Emma's cousins - Frieda and Ray Marshall of Edison Park stopped by with cheery greetings last Sunday on their way to Johnsburg to visit their offspring in that "neck of the woods". Natal "Daze" Lee Sawdo deserves the very lrest on his birthday, tomorrow, Jan. 11 . . . No doubt it will be a cozy family gathering ai the Gene Frost home on Jan. 12 for his birthday. . . The happiest of greetings to Liz Ingersol on Jan. 13. . . Attractive teener - Carolynne Taylor (Gibson) turns 17 on -Tan. 14. . .Be st w^;hes to Lauretta Frye, as of Jan. 15. Best wishes to all. Tired of typing and out of news so we'll say "a bientot" ne\f Thursday. Association to Sponsor Dance [ The theme of the annual j Jak-Ana Heights association dance wiil be the "Last Roundup" when it stans its lystisities on Jan. 19. This evcm^wili be held as usual in the community club hall. Tickets are limited and will not be on sale at the door oh this evening. Those attending may come In costume if they wish. I P.T.A. to Hold Demonstration 1 When the members of the Johnsburg Public School P.T.A. meets next Tuesday evening in the multi-purpose room a demonstration will be held. This will prove to be most enlightening to all. The Fo:; Lake power squadron will demonstrate "safe boating through education". . Congratulations Corner Young Cindy La Fontaine was the center of attraction on Dec. 30 when her third birthday was celebrated. In the afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jung and Patty of Elkli.-rn and the Richard Radtke family stopi*ed in to see Cind^. per guests later in tn&^uay were: Carl and Pat Bugner of Alvada, Ohio, the Arnold Michels family and Jean Degan. Belated birthday wishes to Cindy Roberts who turned eight earlier this month and to her dad Emitt who celebrated his natal day on Dee. 29. Special wishes are in order for Ruth and Bill Mariinee who will observe their silver wedding anniversary on Jan. 15. A second reason for celebration will be the tenth birthday of .their, son, Bobby. Sharing their fifth birthduy on Jan. 21 is the young »on of Bud and Leuna Meyer's and Joel Wakitsch. Congratulations to Dick and Dorothy Hliler who will be married one year on Jan. 20. Best wishes also to Johnny Dehn when he turns eleven on the twenty - eighth of this mon i h. Sick List Ricky Smith and/Mike IieW termann are the recent victims of Mr. Mumps. We hope their troubles will soon be Over and they can go outdoors. Here We Go Again! The topic of dogs on the loose has hit this column onec again. I know you hate to read about this again but I received another phone call frorri *in irate resident. This lady has no dogs of her own and yet she is bothered by several of ! them. They came looking for | food and continually knock I over her garbage can looking I for some. If * is continues she | is afraid rats, may infest her j backyard. I'm sure we can all appreciate her concern. So please dog owners, keep your pets at home where they btlong. Around the Town Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bugner of Alvada, Ohio, recently sj)ent several days in the Arnold Michels hoiflc. They mw+le, the trip especially to help X!Iara celebrate her birthday on iVe. 29. While here they also visited quite a few friends and relatives. Arriving here by plane last Saturday morning was Mrs. Jack Keenan of Pompano I Beach, Fla. Ollie is here for a I time; to visit her mother, Mrs. j Helen Hettermann, who is a j patient In the Mellenry bos- I pital. Ollie is also enjoying sortie time with her daughter, Mrs. . Don Dowe, and her daughter, Debbie,, of Urbana. Best wishes to the n^w Mr. and Mrs. Rolj^rt Albreth who have taken I up residence near Wonder Lake. The former Joan Young and Robert were married in a beautiful ceremony performed in St. John's church on Dec. 29. The bride is the daughter of Leo and Rosemary Young and the groom is thi son of Mrs. Gwen Albivth of Union. That's about it for this week. Remember to keep the calls coming and also please remember my, deadline is noon on Mondays. See you' 4dl again next week! IT r*YS TO ADVERTISE HOSPITAL OFFERS PARENTS' COURSE DURING JANUARY Movies, demonstrations an<i a tour of Memorial Hospital for McHenry County's maternity department are among' ways staff members of the county-wide hospital help fathers-' and mothers-to-be prepare for parenthood in a,twosession course. . Called "Preparation for parenthood," the first of'jthe two classes will be held at 8 p.m. Monday, Jan. 14 at Memorial hospital in Woodstock. Both prospective fathers and mothers are invited to attend both classes. The brow n bear, often weighi ing 1,600 pounds, is thought to-; | be the world's largest fie#*! I eater, excepting, of course, the I w hales. V North" C-irolina has two optimistic villages --Trust an^ Luck --located only 3 miloa apart. REVERE SEWING MACHINES '4495 r. s11275 TRADE-IN ALLOWANCES ACCEPTED EASY TERMS CAN HE ARRANGED SUPRISE ROOM EY55900 Dollar-Saving Value in a Breathtaking Package! SPEAKS TO YOU New Radio Series 9.30 a.m. Sunday, WCLM-FM, 101.9 mc WAIT, 820 kc Christian Seienef NEW STYLE TO DELIGHT YOU! ROCKET ACTION TO EXCITE YOU I Crisp new styling is only a clue to the appeal of the Oldsmobile Dynamic 88. Oldsmobile's lowest-priced full-size seridi, it boasts a 280-h.p. Rocket V-8 . . . four-coil-spring comfort . . . plus the quality you look for in a car labeled "Oldsmobile '! Check a Dynamic 88 for size (and value) at your Oldsmobile Dealer's today! OLDSMOBILE Tktf 't 'SOMtTHING tXTKA" OlDSMOBIlll Sunday, January 13 "WHAT IS THE GREATEST POWER? SEi YOUR LOCAL AUTHORIZED OLDSMOBILE QUALITY DEAUK R. j. OVERTON MOTOR SALES, 1109 N. Front Stpefci Our Services To You ... 1. Traveler's Checks 2. Money Orders 3. Regular Savings Accounts 4. Investment Savings Accounts 5. Christmas Savings Accounts 6. 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